How to Write a Scenario for an Educational Podcast

A podcast is a pre-recorded audio show about a specific topic, such as literature or travel, that can be streamed online or downloaded for listening. A typical podcast consists of several episodes.


Types of Podcasts 

If you are planning to create a podcast, there are several popular formats: 

  1. Interview: the host interviews famous personalities from various fields of activity. 
  2. Monologue: an expert in a particular field creates a solo podcast where they share their knowledge with listeners. 
  3. Conversational: a group of presenters conduct entertaining conversations on a given topic. This could be sports, science, history, and much more.
  4. Educational: they focus on educating about a specific topic, for example, growing a business or improving writing skills.

If you need to deal with the latter but don't know how to write a scenario for it, it is better to get help. On the writing service, you can not only ask a writer to "write an essay for me" but also request assistance with writing a scenario. It will be written professionally and delivered on time. 

How to write a scenario for an educational podcast

  1. Introduction (1-2 minutes) 

Make the introduction short, friendly, and with musical accompaniment. For example, "Welcome to [podcast name], where we discuss [podcast topic or tagline]. I am [name of host], and with me is [name of co-host]. Today, we will talk about [topic] with our special guest [guest name]. Let's start!" 


Listeners will appreciate a simple summary of what to expect in the episode. If you don't know how to start your podcast, you can ask an AI essay writer to help you. It will write you a perfect introduction to your educational podcast. 

  • Guest introduction (2-5 minutes) 

If the podcast is in the form of an interview, be sure to introduce the guests. It is important to remember this step because the guest expects that they will be treated properly. This is another reason why the scenario is a good idea. 


Be sure to include information about the guest that will help the audience understand why they should care what the guest thinks. This can range from a simple description of the profession to a detailed background that demonstrates their authority. 


A guest introduction might look something like this: "On today's episode, we're excited to have [guest's name], [insert profession, role, or title]. He/she/they will share [their experiences with ____, their story, some tips about ____, etc.]. Hello, [guest name], and welcome to [podcast name]!" 

  • Topic (5-20 minutes) 

The content depends on the format of the podcast; it can be an informational topic, an interview, or a story. Lay out a few key questions you want to ask or ideas you want to cover. 

  • Transition (1-2 minutes) 

Most likely, the podcast will consist of several topics. It's important to plan transitions so that your podcast sounds natural and cohesive. This can be done using a sound effect or a spoken phrase.

  • Conclusion and call to action (2-5 minutes) 

The conclusion is the end of the podcast. Think of it as a way to summarize what was discussed. Be sure to thank your guests for joining and the audience for listening. After that, present your audience with a teaser for your new podcast. 


The end of an episode is a great place to include some sort of call to action (CTA). For example: 

  • Rate and share the podcast 
  • Join the channel 
  • Call/contact us if you have questions or feedback 
  • Sign up for the weekly newsletter 

At the very end, give credit to everyone who had a hand in producing the podcast: "We've come to the end of this series! Thank you, [guest name], for joining us during [adjective] discussion of [topic]. We hope you found [the value of this episode to your audience] useful. As always, thanks for listening to [podcast title]."


"If you enjoyed our podcast, please rate us on [social media/website]. And be sure to return next week to discuss [next episode topic]. And don't forget: [podcast tagline/catchphrase]!"


"This podcast was created by [name]. It was prepared and recorded by [your name] and edited by [editor's name]. [Podcast name] is a product of [studio name]." 


A well-crafted scenario will give your podcast structure, direction, and conciseness. You will feel at ease and focus on the process. And also save time on editing.


The ideal release length is from 20 to 45 minutes. However, if you have one hour of valuable educational content, there is no need to cut it. Alternatively, you can always split the episode into two parts.