Education – China – Recommended podcasts

  • What makes you a heretic? Journalist Andrew Gold believes that, in an age of group-think and tribes, we need heretics - those who use unconventional wisdom to speak out against their own groups, from cancelled comedians and radical feminists to cult defectors and vigilantes hunting deviants.

    Learn from my guests how to rebel, think differently and resist social contagion. From Triggernometry's Francis Foster and the world's most cancelled man Graham Linehan to ex-Hasidic Jew Julia Haart and gender critical atheist Richard Dawkins. These are the people living with the weight of their own community's disappointment on their shoulders.

  • Using more than 99% target language, LCTS听故事说中文 creates authentic and immersive Chinese language podcast. It covers a wide range of topics and proficiency levels(Novice, Intermediate, Advanced). Every story has two parts: story (A) and story explanation (B), accompanied by annotated vocabulary and transcript. For example, an episode titled "2.3.12 A" means this episode is at the level of Intermediate High (2.3), is the 12th episode created for this level, and is the story, not story explanation. You can also read along with the stories and explanations by becoming our patrons.

  • It’s not just a school subject.
    It’s not just a tool of trade.
    No. It’s the language of Shakespeare, of Charles Darwin, of Andrew Lloyd Webber, of Steve Jobs, of Winston Churchill. It is the tongue shared by some of the most brilliant minds in the world. Learn it well, and your world will be a lot bigger. And you don’t even have to be born or raised in an English speaking country. With the right training, and a superhuman determination to excel, you too can speak English as expressively and eloquently as an educated native speaker. 蕭叔叔,逢星期一至五,香港電台第一台,同大家一齊學好英文。


  • 学地道英语、聊美国文化!公众号: 开言英语 有节目文本和更多内容!

  • 更多精彩内容点击





    1. 每日精选高频率实用句子(5-10条),帮助你脱口而出地道表达;

    2. 精简小对话,模拟生活场景,覆盖日常生活方方面面(餐饮、购物、看病、旅游、学习、工作等),聊天不尴尬;


    1. 词汇量小,口语表达不成句的英语学习者;

    2. 想要夯实自己听说能力的初级学习者;

    3. 想要提高发音和培养英语语感的英语爱好者;


    1. 1000+实用口语表达

    2. 3000+日常生活词汇,扩充词汇量

    3. 学会地道表达,应对日常生活各类场景

  • 听君一席话,胜读十年书。「一席」致力于有价值的传播,从2012年8月起,每月一期,邀请人文、科技领域有故事、有智识的嘉宾前来分享见解、体验和对未来的想象。

  • Welcome to Adult Bedtime Stories – Are you ready to experience Nocturnal Emissions. Join us in a Sex-Positive Awakening adventure to help create a sex-positive world. Become part of a movement and start living a sex-positive lifestyle free of sexual shame and guilt. Adult Bedtime Stories is A Raven’s Lair Production. Adult Bedtime Stories is a show dedicated to bringing sacredness back to our sexuality and to learn about everything sexual. Allow the beautiful sexy creature within you to emerge. Each week the focus of the show will be on different sexual topics designed to enlighten you so you develop more fully as a sexual being. This is the sex education that you didn’t receive in high school, but should have. Imagine for a moment that we could change the world and live a sex-positive lifestyle. In our sex-negative world the process of socialization teaches us to feel shame and guilt around sex. By adopting a new set of attitudes and values around sex, we can view sex with a new understanding which is accompanied with positive emotions and the attitude that sex is a sacred act.

  • 用语言和文字找回生活的附近性,与你一起见天地、见众生、见自己。



  • 以半专业的好奇心解读专业的数学知识,给您轻松愉快的收听体验,带来更多好玩有意思的数学内容。




  • 交流让思维更深入,分享使见识更广阔。纽约文化沙龙希望建立一个跨学科、跨背景的交流平台,唤醒你内心深处那份孩童般的好奇,让思维的火花互相碰撞,使认识的疆域互相拓展。

  • 世の中に明るい声を届けます!(≧∇≦)

  • Steve说是心理咨询师和心理学科普作者史秀雄(Steve Shi)的个人播客节目。这是一个通过深度交流,拓展意识边界,提升自我认知的谈话类节目,主要关注心理学科普、个人成长、亲密关系等话题。

  • 人类使用说明书。



  • Learning Mainland Mandarin Chinese by reading an article, explaining new words in Chinese, and repeating the sentences.  Some highlights of words and grammar are summarized at the end of the episode.
    The articles or stories are read at a slower pace, the content is beneficial for intermediate and advanced (B2, C1 or HSK4, HSK5) Chinese learners.
    All of the chosen essays contain various interesting aspects.  From culture to custom, from science to life meaning, from truth to emotions, and from animals to human beings.

    Leave a Message -
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  • Let’s learn both the Chinese language and Chinese culture through Slow Chinese Podcast.
    In this podcast, short stories/news/articles in different levels are told in very slow and clear Mandarin Chinese.
    Video and Script PDF with Pinyin/English/Chinese/Thai are available.
    Improving your Chinese reading, listening and speaking by practicing with it again and again!
    Instagram/Youtube/Wechat Channel/Facebook page: Chinesewithmei

  • 生命需要维生素e!

  • 一部《红楼梦》,让多少读者魂牵梦绕,百转千回。






