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    In today’s episode of the Grow My Accounting Practice Podcast, we welcome Brandy Derrick, a Certified Digital Bookkeeper and the owner of Legal Ease Bookkeeping. Brandy shares her insights on the concept of Masterminds, explaining what they are and how they can be a powerful tool for professional growth. A Mastermind is essentially a group of like-minded individuals who meet regularly to share knowledge, provide support, and hold each other accountable in achieving their goals. Brandy provides a comprehensive overview of how Masterminds function and the various formats they can take.

    Brandy delves into her personal experiences, highlighting how being part of Masterminds has significantly contributed to the growth of her business. She discusses specific examples of how the collective wisdom and encouragement from her Mastermind groups have helped her overcome challenges, implement new strategies, and expand her services. Brandy emphasizes the invaluable networking opportunities and the sense of community that Masterminds offer, which have played a crucial role in her professional development.

    Beyond business growth, Brandy also reflects on the personal benefits of participating in Masterminds. She shares how these groups have fostered her personal development, improved her leadership skills, and boosted her confidence. Additionally, Brandy provides practical advice on how to start a Mastermind, including tips on selecting the right members and setting clear objectives. She also candidly discusses some common problems with Masterminds, such as group dynamics and maintaining consistency, and offers solutions to navigate these challenges effectively. Tune in to learn how Masterminds can be a game-changer for both your business and personal growth.









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    In today's episode of the Grow My Accounting Practice Podcast, we are joined by Marcel Petitpas, CEO & Co-Founder of Parakeeto, and head strategic coach at SaaS Academy by Dan Martell. Marcel brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise in helping agencies measure and improve their profitability through streamlined operations and reporting systems. Tune in as he delves into the critical aspects of agency profitability and shares actionable insights that can transform your business.

    Marcel will guide us through the essential metrics every agency should track, including financial metrics like Revenue, AGI, Delivery Margin, Net Margin, and Overhead Spending. He will also cover operational levers such as Utilization Rates, Average Billable Rates, and Average Cost-Per-Hour. By understanding and calculating these key metrics accurately, agencies can set realistic targets and benchmark their performance against industry standards.

    Furthermore, Marcel will introduce a simple framework for connecting the dots between Finance, Operations, and Sales. He will reveal the three key levers for improving margins within an agency and provide practical advice on how to move them effectively. Whether you're struggling with profitability or looking to optimize your operations, this episode is packed with valuable strategies to help you take control of your agency's financial health.

    Join us for this insightful discussion and learn how to measure and enhance your agency's profitability with expert guidance from Marcel Petitpas.

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    In this episode, Geraldine Carter, an expert coach for CPAs, shares six common characteristics of successful clients. Firstly, they prioritize creating value for their services, ensuring profitability and client satisfaction. They also excel at pricing effectively, delivering services efficiently, and maintaining a clear mindset. Additionally, successful clients focus on decreasing production time and safeguarding quiet time for reflection and strategic planning. By embodying these traits, they transform their practices into thriving businesses.



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    Pumpkin Plan Your Biz - www.pumpkinplanyourbiz.com
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    In today's episode of the Grow My Accounting Practice Podcast, we were thrilled to welcome Billie Anne Grigg, Lead Technical Guide at Profit First Professionals. Billie Anne's journey with Profit First began as a business owner utilizing Profit First services before joining the team. Her dedication and impact have been instrumental in delivering Profit First principles to countless businesses. As we celebrate the 10th anniversary of Profit First Professionals, Billie Anne takes us on a trip down memory lane, sharing insights into the early days of the organization and how it has evolved over the years. Her integral role in the team's success truly shines through, making her a valuable asset to the organization. Tune in to hear more about Billie Anne's journey and the growth of Profit First Professionals over the years.





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    Officially Social - officiallysocial.com
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    In today's episode of the Grow My Accounting Practice Podcast, we had the pleasure of hosting Inna Korenzvit, an inspiring entrepreneur who embarked on a remarkable journey of returning to the workforce after 15 years of being a homemaker and raising a family. Inna shared her insightful experiences of founding and running her own business, KORE Accounting Solutions, which specializes in providing cutting-edge management accounting services to law firms across the United States.

    One of the key highlights of our conversation was Inna's strategic approach to picking a niche within the accounting industry. She discussed the importance of identifying a specific target market and tailoring services to meet their unique needs. Additionally, Inna provided valuable insights into the challenges and rewards of working with customers remotely, emphasizing the significance of effective communication and leveraging technology to bridge the distance.

    Furthermore, Inna shared her perspective on the dynamics of working with family members within the business. Drawing from her own experiences, she discussed the benefits of collaboration, as well as the importance of setting clear boundaries and maintaining professionalism. Overall, Inna's journey serves as a testament to the power of perseverance, adaptability, and strategic decision-making in achieving success as an entrepreneur in the accounting industry.





    Corporate Partner:

    Cash Flow Mike - https://cashflowmike.com/
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    In today's episode of the Grow My Accounting Practice Podcast, Tim Thompson delves into common misconceptions about taxes within Profit First Circles. He addresses the skepticism often heard from prospects, such as disbelief in their reported income or reluctance to accept their tax obligations. Tim offers insights on navigating these challenges and emphasizes the importance of professional support in implementing Profit First strategies, especially when accountants are resistant to the approach.

    Tim also tackles the perception of accounting services as commodities and explores strategies to differentiate and add value. He provides valuable perspectives on proving the naysayers wrong and establishing a unique position in the market. Additionally, Tim shares his "Nasty" approach to business and its effectiveness in driving growth and profitability.

    Looking ahead, Tim discusses the future direction of his business, highlighting upcoming initiatives and areas of focus. He offers glimpses into his vision for expansion and development, showcasing his commitment to continuous improvement and innovation in serving clients. Tune in to gain valuable insights from Tim's experiences and expertise in navigating the complexities of the accounting industry.









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    Impact Global Solutions - https://www.linkedin.com/in/laurencewhittam/
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    In today's episode of the Grow My Accounting Practice Podcast, we welcome Lori Hardtke, the owner and president of ByteWize, Inc. Lori shares her journey of building a successful MSP business while staying true to her vision and values. She reveals that her motivation stemmed from a clear understanding of what she didn't want in her business: she didn't want to have employees, drive all over town servicing clients, or chase down clients for payments. This awareness of her non-negotiables allowed her to focus on what truly mattered to her.

    By prioritizing her lifestyle, personal, and business goals, Lori was able to build a thriving business that aligned with her desires. She emphasizes the importance of knowing what you don't want as a guiding principle in business development. For Lori, this clarity served as a compass, directing her towards the right opportunities and decisions that supported her vision.

    Through Lori's story, listeners gain valuable insights into how defining what you don't want can lead to a more focused and purposeful approach to business growth. Her journey serves as an inspiring example of how staying true to oneself and one's values can pave the way for success and fulfillment in entrepreneurship.





    Corporate Partner:

    Clockwork AI - www.clockwork.ai
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    In today's episode of the Grow My Accounting Practice podcast, we had the pleasure of hosting Harley Liechty, the CEO and Founder of Get Better Bookkeeping. Harley shared valuable insights into the journey of his firm's growth and the key factors that have contributed to its success. He discussed the challenges faced during the initial stages of growth, highlighting the importance of overcoming obstacles and learning from mistakes to drive progress.

    Harley also elaborated on the strategies and approaches adopted by Get Better Bookkeeping that have propelled its rapid growth, positioning it as one of the fastest-growing firms in the industry. He emphasized the unique value propositions and distinctions that set Get Better Bookkeeping apart from competitors, underscoring the significance of providing exceptional service and value to clients. Additionally, Harley delved into the importance of clearly defining and communicating the value proposition of the firm, emphasizing the impact it has on attracting and retaining clients.

    Looking ahead, Harley provided insights into the future direction of Get Better Bookkeeping, outlining ambitious plans and goals for the company's growth and expansion in 2024. His expertise and experiences offered invaluable lessons for accounting professionals seeking to navigate challenges, differentiate their firms, and drive sustainable growth in the competitive landscape of the industry.



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    Jetpack Workflow - https://jetpackworkflow.com/
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    In today's episode of the Grow My Accounting Practice Podcast, we're thrilled to welcome Kathy Dise, the founder of BudgetEase, to share her insights on financial management strategies. Kathy emphasizes the critical importance of conducting monthly meetings with clients to ensure ongoing success. These regular check-ins provide an opportunity to review financial performance, address any concerns, and set goals for the future. By fostering open communication and collaboration, Kathy believes businesses can achieve greater clarity and control over their finances.

    Cash sustainability emerges as a central theme in Kathy's discussion, highlighting what it truly takes to maintain a healthy cash flow. With BudgetEase's expertise, businesses can develop effective budgeting strategies tailored to their unique needs and goals. Kathy emphasizes the significance of proactive cash management to mitigate risks and seize opportunities for growth. Through BudgetEase's comprehensive approach, businesses can achieve greater financial stability and resilience in today's dynamic market.

    Moreover, Kathy delves into the importance of efficient accounts receivable management, revealing how BudgetEase has streamlined processes to shorten payment cycles dramatically. By reducing days to pay to just seven, businesses can improve cash flow and liquidity, facilitating smoother operations and sustained growth. Additionally, Kathy touches on the significance of project management, sharing how BudgetEase has optimized workflows to enhance service delivery. By focusing on efficiency and quality, BudgetEase ensures clients receive superior support and value, setting them apart in the competitive landscape.





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    In today's episode of the Grow My Accounting Practice podcast, we have a special treat for our listeners. The hosts themselves, Mike Michalowicz, author of the renowned book Profit First and Co-Founder of Profit First Professionals, and Ron Saharyan, Managing Director and Co-Founder of Profit First Professionals, alongside our wonderful PFP Guide, Liz Szporn, will be leading the discussion. Join us as we celebrate Profit First's 10th anniversary this year and reflect on its remarkable journey over the past decade.

    During this episode, the hosts will provide exclusive insights into the inner workings of Profit First Professionals, offering listeners a unique glimpse into the world of Profit First. From insightful anecdotes to valuable lessons learned, this episode promises to be an engaging exploration of Profit First's evolution.

    Furthermore, the hosts will take us on a nostalgic journey back to the beginnings of Profit First Professionals. From humble origins to remarkable achievements, this episode offers a captivating narrative of growth and transformation. Join us as we commemorate a decade of Profit First and its profound impact on businesses worldwide.







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    Your Cyber Team - https://www.techiegurus.com/
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    In today's episode of the Grow My Accounting Practice Podcast, we're thrilled to welcome Maddie Craig, the founder of Blue Cypher Bookkeeping, as our special guest. Maddie shares invaluable insights on being the ultimate brand ambassador for your business, emphasizing the importance of exuding confidence and pride in what you do. She highlights the significance of knowing your own limits and strategically navigating networking opportunities to maximize impact when it matters most. Furthermore, Maddie stresses the importance of bringing value first, establishing trust as an expert rather than adopting a sales-centric approach. She encourages listeners not to settle for less than they deserve, urging them to be selective in their partnerships and clients, just as they would in dating. Lastly, Maddie offers empowering advice on embracing authenticity and resilience in the face of criticism or rejection, reminding us that staying true to ourselves is key to long-term success. Tune in for an episode packed with actionable strategies and inspiration!




    Corporate Partner:

    Very Very Video - www.veryveryvideo.com
  • Show Summary

    In today's episode of the Grow My Accounting Practice Podcast, we are joined by Jonathan Bello, the Founder/CEO and Principal Accountant of One 8 Solutions. Jonathan shares invaluable insights into building a successful team through effective hiring and onboarding strategies.

    Firstly, Jonathan delves into the hiring talent roadmap, emphasizing the importance of outlining clear objectives and expectations when bringing new talent on board. He discusses the significance of aligning hiring decisions with the company's long-term goals and culture, ensuring a cohesive and motivated team.

    Next, Jonathan highlights the crucial role of technology in their hiring process. He elaborates on how leveraging the right tools and systems streamlines recruitment efforts, enhances candidate experience, and ultimately contributes to building a high-performing team. Additionally, Jonathan underscores the importance of staying updated on emerging technologies to remain competitive in the recruitment landscape.

    Finally, Jonathan sheds light on their comprehensive approach to onboarding, going beyond mere tool familiarization. He emphasizes the importance of stretching comfort zones, providing ongoing training and coaching, and fostering a culture of growth and collaboration within the team. Jonathan's insights offer actionable strategies for firms looking to optimize their hiring and onboarding processes for sustained success.






    Corporate Partner:

    People Processes - https://peopleprocesses.com/
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    In today's episode of the Grow My Accounting Practice podcast, we have the privilege of hosting April Stroink, whose journey from what she describes as her worst year to possibly her best year in coaching is nothing short of inspiring. April's resilience and determination have shaped a compelling narrative that we believe holds valuable lessons for our audience.

    Throughout the episode, April delves into the challenges she faced, shedding light on the mental health toll on cash flow and self-worth during difficult times. She candidly discusses the importance of staying the course even when circumstances appear bleak and shares personal insights on taking her own advice. April highlights the significance of diversifying income sources and emphasizes the commitment to showing up, even on days when motivation is lacking.

    Listeners can expect to gain valuable insights into the strategies April employed to overcome challenges, providing a roadmap for those navigating their own entrepreneurial journeys. Her story serves as a beacon of hope, demonstrating that with determination and the right mindset, even the toughest times can lead to unprecedented success in the coaching field.

    Join us as we explore April's transformative journey and uncover the key elements that have contributed to her remarkable turnaround in today's episode.


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    Pumpkin Plan Your Biz - www.pumpkinplanyourbiz.com
  • Show Summary

    In today's insightful episode of the "Grow My Accounting Practice Podcast," we welcome Sarah Webb, who sheds light on strategic approaches to targeting licensed professionals. Sarah delves into her experience and expertise, addressing key questions like, "How did she successfully target licensed professionals?" Listeners can expect to gain valuable insights into the unique characteristics that set attorneys and doctors apart in the business landscape. Sarah explores the intricacies of working with private medical practices, sharing trends she has observed and offering practical advice on navigating this specialized sector.

    Sarah Webb doesn't stop there – she shares her wealth of knowledge on what truly makes licensed professionals, including doctors and attorneys, successful in their practices. Through engaging anecdotes and real-world examples, Sarah provides listeners with actionable strategies and a deeper understanding of the dynamics that contribute to the success of professionals in these specialized fields. Whether you're an accountant looking to expand your client base or a licensed professional seeking to enhance your business acumen, this episode is a must-listen for anyone aiming to thrive in the unique realm of licensed professions.

    Join us for an enriching conversation as Sarah Webb shares her expertise, providing listeners with practical takeaways and a fresh perspective on navigating the intricacies of accounting for licensed professionals. Don't miss out on the latest episode of the "Grow My Accounting Practice Podcast" – your go-to resource for insights into growing and optimizing accounting practices.


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    Officially Social - https://www.officiallysocial.com/
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    In today's episode of the Grow My Accounting Practice Podcast, we have the privilege of hosting Andrew Berg, CPA, the managing member of Berg Advisors and Lightyear Business Advisors. A trailblazer in the industry, Andrew shares valuable insights into the transformative decisions his firm made, notably abandoning the time-tracking model many years ago. Instead, Berg Advisors now operates on a 100% value billing system, coupled with a robust capacity and utilization management framework. Andrew delves into their innovative pricing model, designed for high profitability, and an efficiency plan that streamlines their operations.

    One key takeaway from the episode is Andrew's perspective on model clients – a concept applied at Berg Advisors despite not working within a specific niche. Andrew emphasizes the importance of creating free time and fostering the right mindset for change, shedding light on the technologies his firm utilizes to enhance efficiencies. Notably, Berg Advisors operates as a 100% virtual firm, boasting overseas employees. Andrew also discusses the firm's evolution into becoming advisors for their clients, sharing the journey of aligning their services with the evolving needs of their clientele.

    In the final segment, Andrew Berg provides a glimpse into the future of accounting practices, offering valuable insights for firms looking to stay ahead in the ever-changing landscape. Today's episode is a masterclass in strategic shifts, profitability models, and the mindset required to thrive as an accounting professional in the modern age. Tune in for a wealth of knowledge and actionable strategies to elevate your accounting practice.





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    Cash Flow Mike - https://cashflowmike.com/
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    Elaine Pofeldt takes center stage on the Grow My Accounting Practice Podcast, shedding light on the intriguing trend of individuals crafting million-dollar, one-person businesses. Throughout the episode, Pofeldt explores the diverse industries where these businesses thrive, offering insights into the unique challenges and opportunities within each sector. The conversation uncovers commonalities binding these successful ventures, highlighting key factors contributing to their financial milestones.

    The interview seamlessly transitions to the pivotal role of profitability in shaping the trajectory of million-dollar, one-person enterprises, emphasizing the strategic financial decisions driving their success. Pofeldt provides a sneak peek into her latest book, "Tiny Business, Big Money," offering listeners a glimpse into the world of employer businesses achieving seven-figure revenue with minimal staffing. The show notes promise an in-depth exploration of the efficiency and revenue-generating mechanisms of these unique businesses, leaving the audience eager to unravel the secrets behind their accomplishments.

    Elaine Pofeldt's engaging presence on the podcast ensures a captivating exploration of the unconventional landscape of solo entrepreneurship. Listeners can expect practical insights and anecdotes that illuminate the potential for substantial financial success in the realm of million-dollar, one-person businesses. The episode stands as a valuable resource for both aspiring and seasoned entrepreneurs, providing a rich tapestry of experiences and expertise in the evolving world of small-scale, high-impact enterprises.



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    Relay - https://relayfi.com/
  • Show Summary

    In today's episode of the Grow My Accounting Practice Podcast, we have a special guest, Deanna Zubrickas, from Relay, a dynamic platform dedicated to fostering effective relationships between small business owners and their advisors. Initially launched as a banking platform exclusively for accountants and bookkeepers, Relay has evolved significantly over time. Our guest, Deanna, will walk us through this transformation, shedding light on how Relay has expanded beyond its initial scope and become something much more impactful.

    One significant development in 2021 was the launch of Relay's Partner Program, aimed at providing robust support to firms, offering powerful tools, and delivering lasting incentives for those partnering with Relay. Today, Deanna will share exciting news about the relaunch of the Partner Program, highlighting the strengthened benefits and the reinvestment back into the financial advisor community. Additionally, Relay is unveiling a new directory of financial advisors on their platform, providing small and medium-sized businesses the ability to search for specific advisors based on industry, niche, or location.

    Join us as we delve into the evolution of Relay, the enhanced Partner Program, and the creation of a directory that will empower businesses to find the right financial advisor for their unique needs. Don't miss this insightful episode with Deanna Zubrickas, where we explore how Relay continues to innovate and support the growth of accounting practices.











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    Impact Global Solutions - https://www.linkedin.com/company/impactglobalsolutions/
  • Show Summary

    In this episode of the Grow My Accounting Practice Podcast, we have a special guest, Sue Fulmer, who currently serves as Ron Saharyan's assistant at the Profit First Professionals Homebase team. Sue delves into her professional background, sharing insights into her significant role during her 17-year tenure at Mars, Inc. As she reflects on her journey, Sue draws comparisons between the corporate culture at Mars and the distinctive environment at Profit First Professionals.

    Throughout the podcast, Sue provides valuable perspectives on her experiences, highlighting the contrasts between her initial career and her current role within the Profit First framework. Listeners gain unique insights into Sue's relationship with Ron Saharyan, exploring the dynamics of their professional collaboration and the special qualities that make working at Profit First truly stand out for her. Tune in to discover the secrets behind Sue Fulmer's journey and the distinctive aspects that define her experience at Profit First.



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    Clockwork AI - www.clockwork.ai
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    In today's episode of the Grow My Accounting Practice Podcast, we have the pleasure of hosting Hope Blankenship, the founder of To the Rescue Bookkeeping. Hope shares her insights on the age-old question for entrepreneurs – does work-life balance truly exist for bookkeepers? As a seasoned professional in the field, Hope dives into the intricacies of balancing the demands of entrepreneurship with a fulfilling personal life.

    One of the key highlights of our conversation centers around what makes To the Rescue Bookkeeping unique in the competitive landscape. Hope sheds light on the distinctive aspects of her business model, emphasizing the importance of ethical practices and how she became a certified fraud examiner to set her services apart. She also discusses the challenges and triumphs of moving her bookkeeping business across the country, sharing valuable lessons for those considering a similar leap.

    As a bookkeeping entrepreneur who started solo and evolved into a manager, Hope Blankenship reflects on the essential qualities needed to thrive in the field. From managing growth to overcoming challenges, she provides valuable insights for aspiring bookkeepers looking to build their own successful ventures. Tune in to this episode for a deep dive into the unique journey of Hope Blankenship and To the Rescue Bookkeeping.



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    Jetpack Workflow - https://jetpackworkflow.com/
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    In today's episode of the Grow My Accounting Practice podcast, we dive deep into the transformative journey of Stacey Seguin, a Mastery Certified Profit First Professional. Stacey shares her profound insights on discovering life's purpose and the pivotal role it plays in shaping a successful accounting practice. Through engaging anecdotes, she emphasizes that the choice to view struggle as an opportunity, rather than a hindrance, is key to unlocking personal and professional growth.

    The episode unfolds with Stacey unveiling crucial turning points in her life, urging listeners to abandon the quest for understanding why certain challenges arise and instead focus on defining what they truly want. She advocates for a mindset shift by encouraging entrepreneurs to change their rules and embrace the freedom that comes with choosing their path. Stacey also delves into the question of staying committed to one's chosen path, guiding listeners on how to make it work by aligning actions with aspirations.

    As the episode progresses, Stacey explores the intricacies of forging partnerships. Drawing parallels to a puzzle, she describes the harmonious locking of pieces into place, creating a clear and coherent picture. Listeners gain valuable insights into navigating the dynamics of partnerships, making informed decisions, and ensuring that each puzzle piece contributes seamlessly to the overall success of their accounting practices. Join us for this enriching conversation with Stacey Seguin as she shares her wisdom on purpose, resilience, and the art of building a thriving accounting practice.



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