
  • How can living with purpose transform every aspect of our lives, from our daily routines to our deepest relationships?

    In this special Memorial Day episode of "The Art of Winning," Ashton delves into the concept of living with purpose. Reflecting on his military experience, Ashton shares profound insights on how intentionality in every action can lead to a more fulfilled and impactful life. From planning missions overseas to ensuring his family's well-being at home, he illustrates the power of purpose in shaping our lives and honoring those who have sacrificed for our freedom. This episode is a call to action to live passionately and deliberately, making every moment count.

    [00:01 - 05:22] Introduction to Purposeful Living

    The significance of having a purpose in life How purpose drives excitement and inspiration The connection between living purposefully and influencing others positively

    [05:23 - 10:20] Military Precision and Purpose

    Every action in the military is deliberate and well-thought-out The importance of preparation and practice Translating military discipline into everyday life

    [10:21 - 15:17] Memorial Day: More Than a Holiday

    Understanding the historical roots of Memorial Day The impact of intentional thoughts and actions on personal growth How to choose the right people and activities to align with your purpose

    [15:18 - 20:31] Living Without Regrets

    The importance of purposeful consumption of information and media Embracing Stoic philosophy for a meaningful life The role of gratitude and respect in living a fulfilled life

    Key Quotes:

    "Choose your thoughts, your speech, and your actions wisely, choose them as if they are or were your last." - Ashton Levarek

    "Choose the people you surround yourself with on purpose. Do not accidentally fall into a crowd that does not help you become the best version of yourself." - Ashton Levarek

    "There is no greater waste in this world than to waste this gift of life." - Ashton Levarek

    Connect with Ashton!

    Website: Valkere Investment Group

    LinkedIn: Valkere Investment Group

    Want to learn more about creating multiple streams of income, wealth protection, financial freedom, or real estate investing? Join our investor club, check out our blog, get our free ebook on investing, or join us for our monthly Real Estate Investing Made Simple virtual meetup. Take the first to your wins in life and head on to http://www.valkeregroup.com.

    Leave a REVIEW and SHARE this episode with someone who wants to unlock the secrets to success. Listen to other episodes on Apple, Spotify, Libsyn, or wherever you get your podcasts!

  • How different could your life be if you truly demanded the best for yourself?

    This week, Ashton explores the profound questions posed by philosophers like Epictetus and Viktor Frankl, urging listeners to strive for their highest potential. Through personal anecdotes, motivational quotes, and practical advice, Ashton delves into the importance of self-belief, commitment, and intentional living. This episode is a powerful call to action for anyone looking to elevate their life and unlock their full potential.

    [00:01 - 04:10] Embracing Your Potential

    Identify areas where you have settled for mediocrity Understand the importance of knowing where you are to grow Discover the artist within you, crafting your unique story

    [04:11 - 08:17] Unfolding Your Story

    Embrace unexpected inspirations and new desires Recognize the beauty in the process of personal development Learn the significance of committing to your growth

    [08:18 - 12:45] The Power of Commitment

    Understand the role of faith and perseverance in success Realize that commitment is key to nurturing your potential Build habits that align with your desired identity

    [12:46 - 15:31] Habits That Shape You

    Internal dialogue plays a crucial role in your transformation Small, consistent actions lead to significant personal growth Viktor Frankl's insights on the freedom of the mind

    Key Quotes:

    "Who you want to be and show up as will shape every experience in your life." - Ashton Levarek

    "First say to yourself what you would be and then do what you have to do." — Ashton Levarek

    Connect with Ashton!

    Website: Valkere Investment Group

    LinkedIn: Valkere Investment Group

    Want to learn more about creating multiple streams of income, wealth protection, financial freedom, or real estate investing? Join our investor club, check out our blog, get our free ebook on investing, or join us for our monthly Real Estate Investing Made Simple virtual meetup. Take the first to your wins in life and head on to http://www.valkeregroup.com.

    Leave a REVIEW and SHARE this episode with someone who wants to unlock the secrets to success. Listen to other episodes on Apple, Spotify, Libsyn, or wherever you get your podcasts!

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  • What limiting beliefs are holding you back from achieving your full potential?

    In this episode, Ashton Levarek explores the power of beliefs and their impact on our lives. Sharing personal stories and insightful reflections, Ashton challenges listeners to examine their own beliefs and consider how they might be holding themselves back. He recounts a pivotal conversation with a mentor that sparked a realization about the importance of surrounding oneself with people who inspire growth. Ashton emphasizes the need to break free from limiting beliefs and step into a life of possibility and achievement.

    [00:01 - 04:00] The Wake-Up Call

    The importance of examining your beliefs How beliefs shape our actions and outcomes Surrounding yourself with people who challenge and inspire you

    [04:01 - 08:00] A Personal Story of Transition

    Ashton's journey from military to entrepreneurship The significance of having a clear vision and plan Overcoming doubt and external negativity

    [08:01 - 12:00] The Power of an Examined Life

    Socrates' influence on personal growth The importance of questioning and reevaluating beliefs Examples of limiting beliefs and their impact

    [12:01 - 15:07] Breaking Free from the Crab Bucket

    The analogy of crabs in a bucket and its relevance The danger of adopting others' limiting beliefs The necessity of striving for personal and societal growth

    Key Quotes:

    "If you want to level up, then you need to get around people that are taking action towards that next level." - Ashton Levarek

    "If you find yourself stuck in a box, look at the people around you and then look at your beliefs. What beliefs are holding you back?" - Ashton Levarek

    Connect with Ashton!

    Website: Valkere Investment Group

    LinkedIn: Valkere Investment Group

    Want to learn more about creating multiple streams of income, wealth protection, financial freedom, or real estate investing? Join our investor club, check out our blog, get our free ebook on investing, or join us for our monthly Real Estate Investing Made Simple virtual meetup. Take the first to your wins in life and head on to http://www.valkeregroup.com.

    Leave a REVIEW and SHARE this episode with someone who wants to unlock the secrets to success. Listen to other episodes on Apple, Spotify, Libsyn, or wherever you get your podcasts!

  • Have you ever stopped to truly appreciate how far you've come, or are you too busy chasing what's next?

    Today, Ashton navigates into the essence of real happiness and fulfillment. Ashton challenges the perpetual cycle of desire and dissatisfaction that plagues our modern lives, advocating for a profound appreciation of our achievements and the journey that brought us here. Through personal anecdotes and reflective insights, this episode invites listeners to pause, reflect, and find joy in the present moment, shedding light on the often overlooked value of gratitude and contentment.

    [00:01 - 03:54] Chasing Shadows: The Endless Pursuit

    Realizing that achieving goals doesn’t guarantee lasting happiness The toxic cycle of moving from one goal to the next without pause The importance of shifting focus from attainment to appreciation

    [03:55 - 06:00] Lessons from a Builder

    Ashton’s father-in-law exemplifies true happiness through gratitude for his achievements The significance of reflecting on how far we've come rather than where we need to go How gratitude can be a sustaining force through life’s challenges

    [06:01 - 09:19] Material vs. Mindset

    Contrasting the joy from material gains with the fulfillment from creative endeavors How children can teach us to value creation and imagination over purchased pleasures The deeper satisfaction found in the process rather than the product

    [09:20 - 11:07] The Construction of Contentment

    The metaphor of building happiness, as seen through the eyes of Ashton’s daughters Importance of the journey in creating lasting satisfaction How expectations can cloud our appreciation of the present

    Key Quotes:

    "Where you are today is a testament to all the work, the attention and the progress you've made in life." - Ashton Levarek

    "We can't get caught up in the end goal. Otherwise we'll never be happy." - Ashton Levarek

    "If we don't stop and appreciate what we have, we miss everything. We miss it all." - Ashton Levarek

    Connect with Ashton!

    Website: Valkere Investment Group

    LinkedIn: Valkere Investment Group

    Want to learn more about creating multiple streams of income, wealth protection, financial freedom, or real estate investing? Join our investor club, check out our blog, get our free ebook on investing, or join us for our monthly Real Estate Investing Made Simple virtual meetup. Take the first to your wins in life and head on to http://www.valkeregroup.com.

    Leave a REVIEW and SHARE this episode with someone who wants to unlock the secrets to success. Listen to other episodes on Apple, Spotify, Libsyn, or wherever you get your podcasts!

  • What if the seed of your success is already planted, and all you need to do is nurture it? How are you cultivating your potential today?

    In this illuminating episode, we dive into the transformative journey of Declan Harley, a dedicated PJ and real estate investor. Declan shares his experiences from military life to mastering the art of real estate investing. His story is a compelling testament to the power of perseverance, education, and strategic investing, reflecting on the significant strides he's made towards financial freedom and a dream life for his family.

    [00:01 - 12:22] The Catalyst of Change

    Declan's background and initial draw to real estate The importance of mentorship in transitioning to real estate Introduction to Declan's current projects and aspirations

    [12:23 - 24:55] Leveraging Military Skills in Real Estate

    How military skills translate to business and investment strategies The impact of mindset on personal and professional growth Strategies Declan used to overcome challenges in real estate investment

    [24:56 - 36:16] Masterclass Insights and Investment Success

    The benefits of the real estate masterclass Declan's success stories from his investments How real estate investing can replace traditional employment

    [36:17 - 48:00] Financial Freedom and Future Plans

    Achieving financial independence through strategic investments Plans for future properties and the importance of location Declan’s approach to expanding his real estate portfolio

    [48:01- 58:42] Reflections and Advice for Aspiring Investors

    Declan shares advice for newcomers to real estate The importance of education in real estate success Reflecting on life lessons and future aspirations in investing

    Connect with Declan!

    Website: https://www.linkedin.com/in/decharley

    Email: [email protected]

    Connect with Ashton!

    Website: Valkere Investment Group

    LinkedIn: Valkere Investment Group

    Want to learn more about creating multiple streams of income, wealth protection, financial freedom, or real estate investing? Join our investor club, check out our blog, get our free ebook on investing, or join us for our monthly Real Estate Investing Made Simple virtual meetup. Take the first to your wins in life and head on to http://www.valkeregroup.com.

    Leave a REVIEW and SHARE this episode with someone who wants to unlock the secrets to success. Listen to other episodes on Apple, Spotify, Libsyn, or wherever you get your podcasts!

    Key Quotes:

    "If you're happy 90% of the time, then you're 100% winning." - Declan Harley

    "Figure out a way to build your dream. Otherwise, someone will hire you to build theirs." - Ashton Levarek

  • Are you prepared to look foolish if it means surpassing your limits and achieving something truly remarkable?

    In this thought-provoking episode, Ashton navigates the concept of embracing perceived foolishness as a stepping stone to success. Drawing from his own experiences in special operations and real estate investment, Ashton challenges listeners to reconsider who they take advice from and the importance of surrounding themselves with individuals who not only inspire but propel us towards our goals. Whether it's overcoming the fear of failure or the skepticism of peers, Ashton's insights encourage a radical rethinking of how we perceive advice and risks on our journey to personal and professional greatness.

    [00:01 - 03:46] Embracing Risks and Judgment

    Why it is key to have a willingness to appear foolish The societal judgment surrounding ambitious endeavors Ashton's experience with choosing challenging paths despite widespread skepticism

    [03:47 - 06:36] Special Operations and Real Estate Ventures

    Ashton's entry into special operations and the resistance he faced Ashton's first real estate investment and the doubts expressed by friends The importance of evaluating advice based on the advisor's experiences and success

    [06:37 - 09:10] Signs of Being on the Right Path

    How opposition can be a sign of pursuing something significant Criticism as guidance rather than deterrents Using skepticism as motivation to further research and reduce risks

    [09:11 - 13:47] Building Networks for Success

    The significance of surrounding oneself with successful individuals How the company one keeps can influence personal success Leveraging technology and resources to learn and grow

    [00:08:17 - 13:47] Taking Action and Overcoming Fear

    The essential step of taking action beyond planning and learning Personal anecdotes about overcoming fear of judgment Embrace challenges and seek environments that foster success

    Key Quotes:

    "If you want to be successful, you need to put yourself around successful people." - Ashton Levarek

    "People do not take action because they're so afraid of looking stupid." - Ashton Levarek

    Connect with Ashton!

    Website: Valkere Investment Group

    LinkedIn: Valkere Investment Group

    Want to learn more about creating multiple streams of income, wealth protection, financial freedom, or real estate investing? Join our investor club, check out our blog, get our free ebook on investing, or join us for our monthly Real Estate Investing Made Simple virtual meetup. Take the first to your wins in life and head on to http://www.valkeregroup.com.

    Leave a REVIEW and SHARE this episode with someone who wants to unlock the secrets to success. Listen to other episodes on Apple, Spotify, Libsyn, or wherever you get your podcasts!

  • Have you ever considered how your daily habits and the systems you create could be more influential in your success than your goals? How does this apply not just to individual success, but also to parenting and family dynamics?

    In this thought-provoking episode, Ashton navigates into the interplay between personal habits, systems, and familial relationships, and how these shape our lives and futures. Ashton explores the profound impact of our daily routines and systemic behaviors on our children's development and personal growth. Through personal anecdotes and historical context, he dissects the concept of 'falling to the level of our training' and its repercussions on our standards, worth, and ultimately, our success.

    [00:01 - 04:00] The Power of Systems Over Goals

    Individual habits shape our life outcomes more significantly than our aspirations Historical anecdotes underscore the enduring impact of rigorous training and habits Personal stories from war and parenting illustrate practical applications of these concepts

    [04:01 - 08:15] Self-Worth and Achieving Potential

    Self-worth is a crucial determinant in pursuing and achieving our desires Parental behavior and communication significantly influence a child's self-esteem The subconscious barriers we create can prevent us from realizing our full potential

    [08:16 - 12:25] The Role of Parenting in Shaping Futures

    Parental presence and the words we choose shape children's future behaviors and self-worth The average child's exposure to negative feedback and its psychological impact Alternatives to traditional parenting methods that foster more positive development

    [12:26 - 16:50] Historical Shifts in Family Dynamics

    The shift from agrarian family structures to industrialized contexts has diluted traditional family roles The impact of historical events like wars and the industrial revolution on family and gender roles Long-term consequences of these shifts on societal structure and individual identity

    [16:51 - 20:34] Levelling Up Personal and Family Life

    Practical steps for being physically and emotionally present for one's family The importance of creating lasting, positive memories with children Improving life quality through better parenting and business practices

    Connect with Ashton!

    Website: Valkere Investment Group

    LinkedIn: Valkere Investment Group

    Want to learn more about creating multiple streams of income, wealth protection, financial freedom, or real estate investing? Join our investor club, check out our blog, get our free ebook on investing, or join us for our monthly Real Estate Investing Made Simple virtual meetup. Take the first to your wins in life and head on to http://www.valkeregroup.com.

    Leave a REVIEW and SHARE this episode with someone who wants to unlock the secrets to success. Listen to other episodes on Apple, Spotify, Libsyn, or wherever you get your podcasts!

    Key Quotes:

    "You have to see the value in yourself internally before you can be worthy of it externally." - Ashton Levarek

    "We as humans, we will never pursue something in life that we do not believe we are worthy of." - Ashton Levarek

    "It's time to level up your kids, yourself, work harder on yourself than you do on your job. And you'll be able to show up for everyone else." - Ashton Levarek

  • What does it take to turn profound challenges into a source of strength? In this emotionally charged episode of "The Art of Winning," we dive deep into the remarkable journey of John Petrelli, a fitness trainer, coach, and author who has faced paralysis not just physically, but also emotionally, throughout his life. From battling severe health conditions to overcoming personal turmoil stemming from a violent past, John shares his transformative journey towards recovery and self-realization. This discussion dives deep into the themes of resilience, personal accountability, and the power of positive change through self-awareness and community support.

    [00:01 - 15:29] The Power of Overcoming Fear

    Transformation through adversity can lead to profound personal growth The importance of self-awareness and responsibility in personal development The impact of childhood experiences on adult behavior and coping mechanisms

    [15:30 - 28:10] The Role of Mentors and Changing Environments

    The influence of mentors and changing physical environments on personal growth How moving away can provide new perspectives and opportunities for change The significance of choosing a support system that encourages positive transformation

    [28:11 - 38:07] Confronting and Embracing One's Past

    The therapeutic effect of confronting and embracing one's past How acknowledging past mistakes is crucial for healing and moving forward The role of vulnerability in achieving genuine transformation

    [38:08 - 48:17] The Journey from Anger to Advocacy

    The transition from using anger as a shield to using experience as a tool for helping others How personal struggles can lead to advocacy and helping others facing similar issues The importance of channeling personal experiences into positive community impacts

    [48:18 - 01:00:22] Recovery and Realization

    The critical role of mindset in recovery from physical and emotional paralysis How gratitude and positive thinking can influence healing and recovery processes Insights into the power of writing and sharing one's story to aid personal and others' healing

    Connect with John!

    Website: www.JohnPetrelli.com

    Book: Confession of a Hollywood Trainer

    Connect with Ashton!

    Website: Valkere Investment Group

    LinkedIn: Valkere Investment Group

    Want to learn more about creating multiple streams of income, wealth protection, financial freedom, or real estate investing? Join our investor club, check out our blog, get our free ebook on investing, or join us for our monthly Real Estate Investing Made Simple virtual meetup. Take the first to your wins in life and head on to http://www.valkeregroup.com.

    Leave a REVIEW and SHARE this episode with someone who wants to unlock the secrets to success. Listen to other episodes on Apple, Spotify, Libsyn, or wherever you get your podcasts!

    Key Quotes:

    "I'm either all in or all out. And whatever I do in life, I'm going to be the best tough guy I can be or I'm going to change my life completely." - John Petrelli

    "Sometimes things are lined up in your life and we don't know why, but they're there to prepare you for something else that's coming down the line." - John Petrelli

    "We have to take care of ourselves before we can really give fully to other people." - John Petrelli

  • Can automating your business and reprogramming your mindset be the secret to building wealth and achieving financial independence?

    In this episode, Ashton converses with John Christopher about the importance of automation and systematization in business. They delve into the journey of entrepreneurship, the transition from traditional employment to business ownership, and the critical role of mindset in achieving success. He shares his experience in various fields, from teaching to real estate and digital product creation, emphasizing the need for automated systems to scale businesses and maintain a competitive edge.

    John has a Bachelors in Finance and a Masters in Business Administration. He is an Entrepreneur, Investor, Father, youth sports Coach and Social Media Influencer. John worked regular 9 to 5s for 20 years before he found the formula to be able walk away from them.

    [00:01 - 14:07] The Automation Imperative

    The importance of automating business processes Transition from traditional employment to entrepreneurship Introduction to John’s journey from teaching to business ownership

    [14:08 - 28:01] Pathways to Entrepreneurship

    Challenges and successes in John’s career transition The role of education and self-improvement in business success Insights into different business models and their scalability

    [28:02 - 38:15] Building Recession-Proof Businesses

    Strategies for creating businesses that withstand economic downturns The importance of continuous learning and adaptation The impact of inflation and economic changes on businesses

    [38:16 - 49:21] Societal Norms and Financial Independence

    Debate on traditional vs. modern roles in financial responsibilities The impact of societal norms on personal and financial relationships John's views on the 50/50 financial split in relationships

    [49:22 - 59:00] The Blueprint for Success

    John’s approach to setting and achieving business and personal goals The significance of goal-setting and planning for long-term success Wrap-up and reflections on the journey to success

    Connect with Ashton!

    Website: Valkere Investment Group

    LinkedIn: Valkere Investment Group

    Want to learn more about creating multiple streams of income, wealth protection, financial freedom, or real estate investing? Join our investor club, check out our blog, get our free ebook on investing, or join us for our monthly Real Estate Investing Made Simple virtual meetup. Take the first to your wins in life and head on to http://www.valkeregroup.com.

    Leave a REVIEW and SHARE this episode with someone who wants to unlock the secrets to success. Listen to other episodes on Apple, Spotify, Libsyn, or wherever you get your podcasts!

    Key Quotes:

    "Once I learned how to automate my business, I could earn income and then move on to something else." – John Christopher

    "Seeing other people successful brings me joy, especially if it was something that I shared with them." – John Christopher

  • How can the concept of 'flow state,' often experienced in high-stakes situations, be harnessed to achieve unparalleled success in everyday life?

    In this episode, Ashton delves into the power of intentionality and the 'flow state' to achieve success. Drawing from personal experiences and insights from the book "The Rise of Superman" by Steven Kotler, Ashton discusses how high-risk situations can lead to heightened awareness and peak performance. He connects these experiences to daily life, advocating for a proactive approach to each day to cultivate inspiration and achieve personal and professional goals. Through vivid storytelling and practical advice, he inspires listeners to harness their innate abilities for significant life transformations.

    [00:01 - 04:09] Harnessing Morning Intentions

    The importance of starting the day with intention Setting up for success with a clear morning routine The transformative power of proactive living

    [04:10 - 08:36] Risk and Reward: A Personal Account

    Ashton's experience in Afghanistan illustrating the 'flow state.' How high-stakes situations lead to instinctual actions and quick decisions Comparing flow state in extreme situations to everyday challenges

    [08:37 - 12:05] Flow State: From Battlefields to Daily Life

    The science behind flow state and its relation to peak performance Similarities between flow state and deep meditation Utilizing flow state for creativity and problem-solving in daily tasks

    [12:06 - 16:00] Cultivating Intention for Inspiration

    The role of intention in guiding daily actions and decisions How focused intention can lead to spotting opportunities and achieving goals The relationship between belief in possibilities and the realization of goals

    [16:01 - 19:15] Integrating Intention and Action

    The continuous practice of setting daily intentions for sustained success Real-life examples of how intentionality leads to serendipitous outcomes Encouragement to practice intentional living and witness its transformative impact

    Connect with Ashton!

    Website: Valkere Investment Group

    LinkedIn: Valkere Investment Group

    Want to learn more about creating multiple streams of income, wealth protection, financial freedom, or real estate investing? Join our investor club, check out our blog, get our free ebook on investing, or join us for our monthly Real Estate Investing Made Simple virtual meetup. Take the first to your wins in life and head on to http://www.valkeregroup.com.

    Leave a REVIEW and SHARE this episode with someone who wants to unlock the secrets to success. Listen to other episodes on Apple, Spotify, Libsyn, or wherever you get your podcasts!

    Key Quotes:

    "You do have to be intentional and begin to take action and allow the inspiration to come." – Ashton Levarek

    "One of the fascinating things I find about the human is that you can cultivate it. You can cultivate it through flow, but you can also cultivate it through intention." - Ashton Levarek

  • How can you uncover your true purpose and passion in life, and use that to drive you towards achieving your long-term goals? In this episode, Ashton dives deep into the process of setting and achieving long-term goals by first discovering your core values, purpose, and passion. He emphasizes the importance of understanding your "why" and using it as a driving force to overcome obstacles and stay committed to your goals. Ashton shares a step-by-step approach to mapping out your path to success and discusses the value of conducting a SWOT analysis and identifying potential roadblocks to better prepare for the journey ahead.

    [00:01 - 03:49] Discovering Your Core Values and Purpose

    Identify the top five feelings, values, and things you want your life to represent Dig deep to uncover your true purpose and passion using the "7 levels of why" technique Base all your life decisions on your core values and purpose

    [03:50 - 09:28] Setting Your 10-Year Target and Strategy

    Set a clear and ambitious 10-year target that aligns with your purpose Develop a strategy and process to reach your 10-year target Break down your strategy into actionable steps and measurable milestones

    [09:29 - 13:35] Identifying Your Strengths, Weaknesses, and Commitment

    Use the DISC profile to identify your strengths and weaknesses Conduct a SWOT analysis to recognize opportunities and threats Determine your level of commitment to achieving your goals (hours per day, week, etc.)

    [13:36 - 15:22] Breaking Down Your Goals: One-Year and Quarterly Targets

    Set specific and measurable one-year goals that align with your 10-year target Break down your one-year goals into quarterly targets Track your progress and adjust your strategy as needed

    [15:23 - 18:32] Overcoming Potential Roadblocks and Staying Committed

    Identify potential roadblocks that may hinder your progress Develop solutions to overcome these roadblocks Stay committed to your goals by regularly reviewing your "why" and progress

    Connect with Ashton!

    Website: Valkere Investment Group

    LinkedIn: Valkere Investment Group

    Want to learn more about creating multiple streams of income, wealth protection, financial freedom, or real estate investing? Join our investor club, check out our blog, get our free ebook on investing, or join us for our monthly Real Estate Investing Made Simple virtual meetup. Take the first to your wins in life and head on to http://www.valkeregroup.com.

    Leave a REVIEW and SHARE this episode with someone who wants to unlock the secrets to success. Listen to other episodes on Apple, Spotify, Libsyn, or wherever you get your podcasts!

    Key Quote:

    "It's not the what, it's not the how it's your why." - Ashton Levarek

  • Have you ever considered how the decision to leap or hesitate could be the defining moment between success and stagnation in your life?

    Today, Ashton explores the power of decisiveness, using vivid military metaphors and personal anecdotes to illustrate how making a committed decision can transform every aspect of your life. From the adrenaline-pumping moments of a parachute jump to the strategic shifts required in real estate investing, learn how cutting off all other options leads to unparalleled success, wealth, and happiness. Get ready to discover how every failure is merely a lesson in disguise, and why being half in means you're almost all out. This episode is not just about making decisions; it's about making the decision to win.

    [00:01 - 04:47] The Fatal Funnel of Indecision

    The military metaphor of the "fatal funnel" and the consequences of hesitation The importance of making a decision and committing to it How indecision can threaten the lives of others in high-stakes situations

    [04:48 - 11:03] Cutting Off All Other Options

    The etymology of the word "decision" and its true meaning How cutting off all other options can lead to success in health, wealth, and happiness The difference between saying you want something and truly committing to it

    [11:04 - 13:00] Adapting Strategies, Not Decisions

    Ashton's experience in creating financial freedom through real estate investing How Ashton adapted his strategies while staying committed to his goal The importance of learning from failures and adjusting strategies without changing the decision

    [13:01 - 16:23] The Power of a Committed Decision

    Ashton's experience in military dive school and the decision to remain calm under pressure How a committed decision can be motivating and empowering The importance of accepting nothing less than what you've decided to do

    [16:24 - 19:30] Deciding to Change Your Life

    How to live a life of health, wealth, and happiness The power of deciding to become financially free The importance of reaching out and seeking support in your journey

    Connect with Ashton!

    Website: Valkere Investment Group

    LinkedIn: Valkere Investment Group

    Want to learn more about creating multiple streams of income, wealth protection, financial freedom, or real estate investing? Join our investor club, check out our blog, get our free ebook on investing, or join us for our monthly Real Estate Investing Made Simple virtual meetup. Take the first to your wins in life and head on to http://www.valkeregroup.com.

    Leave a REVIEW and SHARE this episode with someone who wants to unlock the secrets to success. Listen to other episodes on Apple, Spotify, Libsyn, or wherever you get your podcasts!

    Key Quotes:

    "We have to get good at making decisions if we want to be successful." - Ashton Levarek

    "Health and wealth are so easy to create when you decide you want to do it." - Ashton Levarek

    "Once you've decided what you want, there's no other option, and you're getting it one way or another." - Ashton Levarek

  • Have you ever considered how your daily consumption of entertainment and social media might be hindering your ability to live fully in the present and pursue your dreams?

    In this thought-provoking episode of The Art of Winning, Ashton challenges listeners to reflect on their lives amidst the distractions of modern society. He delves into the stark contrast between consuming content passively and creating a life filled with purpose and passion. Through discussions on societal norms, personal health, and financial freedom, Ashton inspires a shift from mere existence to meaningful action. Discover how to break free from the chains of mediocrity by embracing discomfort, pursuing personal growth, and seizing the potential within every moment.

    [00:01 - 04:41] The Great Distraction

    Recognizing life's passivity in the digital age The illusion of fulfillment through others' lives The importance of living in the present

    [04:42 - 08:06] Mediocrity's Comfort Zone

    The societal trap of "good enough." The dangers of complacency in personal and professional growth. The power of discontent as a catalyst for change

    [08:07 - 12:19] Pursuing Your Dreams vs. Watching Others

    The societal obsession with celebrity lives The impact of choosing observation over action Encouragement to chase personal aspirations

    [12:20 - 16:22] Health and Wellness in Modern Society

    The decline of male health indicators The role of stress and lifestyle in health The importance of prioritizing physical and mental well-being

    [16:23 - 21:16] Building Towards Financial Freedom

    The transformative power of dedicating time to personal projects The journey from consumer to creator Strategies for achieving financial independence through real estate and entrepreneurship

    Connect with Ashton!

    Website: Valkere Investment Group

    LinkedIn: Valkere Investment Group

    Want to learn more about creating multiple streams of income, wealth protection, financial freedom, or real estate investing? Join our investor club, check out our blog, get our free ebook on investing, or join us for our monthly Real Estate Investing Made Simple virtual meetup. Take the first to your wins in life and head on to http://www.valkeregroup.com.

    Leave a REVIEW and SHARE this episode with someone who wants to unlock the secrets to success. Listen to other episodes on Apple, Spotify, Libsyn, or wherever you get your podcasts!

    Key Quotes:

    "We're so busy following other people and watching them pursue their dreams that we don't even pursue our own." - Asthon Levarek

    "If your life is not exciting enough that you need to go watch other people live exciting lives, now's the time to change." - Ashton Levarek

  • Have you ever considered how your daily consumption of entertainment and social media might be hindering your ability to live fully in the present and pursue your dreams?

    In this thought-provoking episode of The Art of Winning, Ashton challenges listeners to reflect on their lives amidst the distractions of modern society. He delves into the stark contrast between consuming content passively and creating a life filled with purpose and passion. Through discussions on societal norms, personal health, and financial freedom, Ashton inspires a shift from mere existence to meaningful action. Discover how to break free from the chains of mediocrity by embracing discomfort, pursuing personal growth, and seizing the potential within every moment.

    [00:01 - 04:41] The Great Distraction

    Recognizing life's passivity in the digital age The illusion of fulfillment through others' lives The importance of living in the present

    [04:42 - 08:06] Mediocrity's Comfort Zone

    The societal trap of "good enough." The dangers of complacency in personal and professional growth. The power of discontent as a catalyst for change

    [08:07 - 12:19] Pursuing Your Dreams vs. Watching Others

    The societal obsession with celebrity lives The impact of choosing observation over action Encouragement to chase personal aspirations

    [12:20 - 16:22] Health and Wellness in Modern Society

    The decline of male health indicators The role of stress and lifestyle in health The importance of prioritizing physical and mental well-being

    [16:23 - 21:16] Building Towards Financial Freedom

    The transformative power of dedicating time to personal projects The journey from consumer to creator Strategies for achieving financial independence through real estate and entrepreneurship

    Connect with Ashton!

    Website: Valkere Investment Group

    LinkedIn: Valkere Investment Group

    Want to learn more about creating multiple streams of income, wealth protection, financial freedom, or real estate investing? Join our investor club, check out our blog, get our free ebook on investing, or join us for our monthly Real Estate Investing Made Simple virtual meetup. Take the first to your wins in life and head on to http://www.valkeregroup.com.

    Leave a REVIEW and SHARE this episode with someone who wants to unlock the secrets to success. Listen to other episodes on Apple, Spotify, Libsyn, or wherever you get your podcasts!

    Key Quotes:

    "We're so busy following other people and watching them pursue their dreams that we don't even pursue our own." - Asthon Levarek

    "If your life is not exciting enough that you need to go watch other people live exciting lives, now's the time to change." - Ashton Levarek

  • How can understanding and rewiring our inner dialogue not only transform our personal and professional lives but also enable us to live in abundance and fulfillment right now? In this enlightening episode, host Ashton Levarek dives deep into the psyche with Joanna Kleinman, a licensed psychotherapist, best-selling author, and the CEO of Dethroning Your Inner Critic. Together, they explore the revolutionary MIND method, a blend of science, spirituality, and neuroscience designed to rewire our brains and align us with our highest potential. Joanna shares her insights on the automatic habits that control us, the power of intentional thinking, and the steps we can take toward rewiring our minds for a future filled with abundance, purpose, and joy.

    [00:01 - 09:20] Awakening the Mind

    The importance of understanding your inner critic How thoughts and beliefs shape emotions and actions The impact of rewiring on life's trajectory

    [09:21 - 19:57] The MIND Method Uncovered

    The architecture of the MIND method Combining various disciplines for holistic growth Empowering women towards fulfillment and purpose

    [19:58 - 29:02] Dethroning Your Inner Critic

    Identifying different types of inner critics The role of childhood experiences in shaping beliefs Practical steps for self-empowerment and growth

    [29:03 - 40:06] Living in Abundance

    The difference between living for the future and enjoying the present How gratitude changes your brain and life outlook Success stories and the impact of mindset shifts

    [40:07 - 51:44] Practical Applications and Takeaways

    Real-world examples of the method in action The significance of embracing discomfort for growth Joanna's personal journey and reflections

    Connect with Joanna!

    Website: https://dethroningyourinnercritic.com/

    Assessment: https://www.innercriticassessment.com/

    Book: https://www.amazon.com/Dethroning-Your-Inner-Critic-Self-Empowerment-ebook/dp/B08MZ6RHZQ

    Connect with Ashton!

    Website: Valkere Investment Group

    LinkedIn: Valkere Investment Group

    Want to learn more about creating multiple streams of income, wealth protection, financial freedom, or real estate investing? Join our investor club, check out our blog, get our free ebook on investing, or join us for our monthly Real Estate Investing Made Simple virtual meetup. Take the first to your wins in life and head on to http://www.valkeregroup.com.

    Leave a REVIEW and SHARE this episode with someone who wants to unlock the secrets to success. Listen to other episodes on Apple, Spotify, Libsyn, or wherever you get your podcasts!

    Key Quotes:

    "We need to understand how to think from a fundamentally different paradigm so that we can create our peace, joy, and fulfillment right now." - Joanna Kleinman

    "If you are somebody that is building your biggest dreams, your inner critic will scream louder than ever before." - Joanna Kleinman

    "I think it will literally change the landscape of our culture if we learn how to intentionally think instead of just following this automatic mind." - Joanna Kleinman

  • Can embracing the primal and empathetic aspects of masculinity forge a more balanced and fulfilling path for men today? In this episode, Ashton delves into the intricate evolution of modern masculinity, drawing parallels with ancient cultures and their rites of passage. He argues against the vilification of primal masculinity and advocates for a balanced approach that includes both strength and empathy. He emphasizes the importance of male roles in providing, protecting, and leading by example, using personal anecdotes, historical references, and a deep dive into psychological archetypes to explore how men can fulfill their potential in society, family, and personal growth.

    [00:01 - 05:34] The Primal Foundation

    The importance of physical and mental strength for personal and familial protection The role of masculinity in legacy building and wealth creation Real estate and physical training as tools for achieving personal sovereignty

    [05:35 - 10:20] Embracing the Full Spectrum

    The necessity of empathy and leadership alongside traditional masculine traits The concept of the divine masculine in reaching one's full potential The societal misconception of vilifying masculinity and its consequences

    [10:21 - 15:18] Cultural Reflections and Modern Challenges

    The comparison of ancient and modern male archetypes and their evolution The impact of lacking a coming-of-age ritual in modern society The psychological and environmental factors contributing to a crisis in masculinity

    [15:19 - 20:57] Leadership and Legacy

    The stages of masculine evolution: warrior, leader, and elder The importance of hardship and experience in developing effective leadership The role of men in passing down wisdom and guiding future generations

    [20:58 - 26:33] The Ultimate Masculine Journey

    The necessity for men to embrace both their capacity for violence and their ability to love deeply The impact of a strong masculine presence on allowing the feminine to flourish The importance of men stepping into their roles as providers, protectors, and leaders

    Connect with Ashton!

    Website: Valkere Investment Group

    LinkedIn: Valkere Investment Group

    Want to learn more about creating multiple streams of income, wealth protection, financial freedom, or real estate investing? Join our investor club, check out our blog, get our free ebook on investing, or join us for our monthly Real Estate Investing Made Simple virtual meetup. Take the first to your wins in life and head on to http://www.valkeregroup.com.

    Leave a REVIEW and SHARE this episode with someone who wants to unlock the secrets to success. Listen to other episodes on Apple, Spotify, Libsyn, or wherever you get your podcasts!

    Key Quotes:

    "As a man, you should be able to create a kingdom that will carry forth the wealth and the prosperity, even long after you're gone." - Ashton Levarek

    "Every man, deep in their gut, wants to be that [protector and provider]." - Ashton Levarek

    "Every man wants to walk into every situation fully capable of mastering it." - Ashton Levarek

  • Is timing everything in real estate investment, or is there a strategy to thrive regardless of market conditions? In this episode, Ashton dives deep into the dynamics of real estate investment, focusing on the current state of mortgage rates and the strategic approaches to buying properties. Ashton demystifies the fears surrounding market bubbles, high mortgage rates, and the timing of property investments. Through his expert analysis and actionable advice, listeners are guided on how to navigate the real estate market with confidence, emphasizing cash flow, strategic refinancing, and the importance of having cash reserves. This episode is a treasure trove for both seasoned and aspiring real estate investors.

    [00:01 - 04:26] Understanding Real Estate Investment Basics

    The significance of playing the real estate "game" to win The importance of buying in the best markets and for cash flow The strategy behind refinancing and maintaining cash reserves

    [04:27 - 09:51] Navigating Mortgage Rates and Market Timing

    Current trends in mortgage rates and predictions for the future The impact of mortgage rate fluctuations on the real estate market Debunking the myth of waiting for the "perfect" time to buy

    [09:52 - 13:51] Investment Strategies for Maximizing Returns

    The advantage of distressed properties for equity building Cash flow as the primary goal, with appreciation as a bonus Utilizing various loan types to facilitate property investments

    [13:52 - 18:44] Expanding Your Real Estate Portfolio

    The benefits of diversifying investment properties How to leverage different financing options The role of credit and shopping around for the best mortgage rates

    [18:45 - 22:12] Future Trends and Opportunities in Real Estate

    Predictions for mortgage rates and housing market trends Investing in tertiary markets for better returns Ashton's personal journey and lessons in real estate investment

    Resources Mentioned:

    Free case study "How we bought 42 rentals in 1.5 years, with just $25,000, a full-time job, and a family."

    Connect with Ashton!

    Website: Valkere Investment Group

    LinkedIn: Valkere Investment Group

    Want to learn more about creating multiple streams of income, wealth protection, financial freedom, or real estate investing? Join our investor club, check out our blog, get our free ebook on investing, or join us for our monthly Real Estate Investing Made Simple virtual meetup. Take the first to your wins in life and head on to http://www.valkeregroup.com.

    Leave a REVIEW and SHARE this episode with someone who wants to unlock the secrets to success. Listen to other episodes on Apple, Spotify, Libsyn, or wherever you get your podcasts!

    Key Quotes:

    "If you can learn how to play the game, you can learn how to win." - Ashton Levarek

    "We buy for cash flow, not appreciation; appreciation is just the cherry on top." - Ashton Levarek

  • What does it truly mean to be fully alive and truly wealthy, and how can shifting our focus from wealth accumulation to holistic well-being alter our approach to success?

    In this enlightening conversation with Bret Magpiong, we delve into the innovative framework known as the Delta Theorem, which challenges conventional notions of wealth and success. He shares insights from his extensive experience in wealth management and personal development, revealing how principles, priorities, and passion converge to define our powerful 'why.' This episode is not just about financial prosperity but about cultivating a life that is rich in meaning, fulfillment, and genuine happiness. Join us as we explore how to achieve true wealth by aligning our lives with our deepest values and aspirations.

    [00:01 – 12:32] The Essence of True Wealth

    True wealth extends beyond financial abundance to include relational, physical, mental, and spiritual well-being The importance of identifying one's purpose or 'alpha' to navigate life's challenges How principles, priorities, and passion interlink to reveal our powerful why

    [12:33 – 22:05] Unpacking the Delta Theorem

    Understanding the components of the Delta Theorem and their real-life applications The role of action and failure in personal growth and achievement Strategies for applying the theorem to achieve holistic success

    [22:06 – 32:10] Personal Stories of Transformation

    Real-life examples of the theorem's transformative power The importance of continuous learning and adaptation in personal development How to leverage personal experiences to guide others toward their true wealth

    [32:11 – 42:57] Challenges and Realizations:

    Overcoming skepticism and embracing change for personal growth The significance of generational perspectives in shaping our approaches to wealth and purpose Encouraging self-reflection and courage in the face of uncertainty

    [42:58 – 01:04:56] A Roadmap for the Future

    Steps to begin integrating the theorem's principles immediately The importance of a supportive community and mentorship in personal growth journeys Looking ahead: envisioning a future shaped by the principles of the Delta Theorem

    Connect with Bret!

    Website: http://www.connectwithbret.com/

    Book: https://www.amazon.com/Delta-Theorem-Innovative-Framework-Wealthy/dp/1952654734/

    Connect with Ashton!

    Website: Valkere Investment Group

    LinkedIn: Valkere Investment Group

    Want to learn more about creating multiple streams of income, wealth protection, financial freedom, or real estate investing? Join our investor club, check out our blog, get our free ebook on investing, or join us for our monthly Real Estate Investing Made Simple virtual meetup. Take the first to your wins in life and head on to http://www.valkeregroup.com.

    Leave a REVIEW and SHARE this episode with someone who wants to unlock the secrets to success. Listen to other episodes on Apple, Spotify, Libsyn, or wherever you get your podcasts!

    Key Quotes:

    "What the world really needs is more people who are fully alive." - Bret Magpion

    "The art of winning is trust that allows for conflict that leads to commitment that adds accountability that ultimately results in a win." - Bret Magpion

  • How does an ordinary individual harness the power of their 'why' to perform extraordinary feats, transcending limits in both personal and professional realms?

    In this compelling episode, Ashton Levarek takes us on a profound journey exploring the dynamics of transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary. Through personal anecdotes and reflections, Ashton, a seasoned veteran and entrepreneur, dissects the essential elements that empower individuals to exceed their perceived limits. From high-stakes military operations to scaling heights in business, Ashton's narrative is a testament to the human spirit's resilience, the significance of societal influence, and the undeniable power of finding one's 'why.'

    [00:01 - 04:00] Finding Your Why: The Fuel for Growth

    Discovering your 'why' empowers and enables extraordinary achievements Societal pressure can be harnessed as a positive force for growth The importance of priorities in driving personal and professional development

    [04:01 - 10:00] Overcoming Fear and Embracing Risk

    High-risk situations can catalyze personal growth and confidence Surrounding yourself with achievers can elevate your own aspirations The significance of small, consistent steps in overcoming fear

    [10:01 - 15:00] Exponential Growth Through Community and Networking

    The impact of meetups and masterminds on personal and business growth How interacting with those ahead can shape your success trajectory The balance between being inspired and overwhelmed by others' success

    [15:01 - 19:00] Building Faith in Oneself: The Gym Analogy

    Physical challenges as metaphors for mental and entrepreneurial resilience Incremental achievements bolster self-belief and capability The compounding effect of perseverance on success

    [19:01 - 25:40] Prioritizing Your Why: The Pathway to Extraordinary

    The power of a strong 'why' in overcoming obstacles Faith, in various forms, as a foundation for extraordinary actions The role of priorities in navigating fear and uncertainty

    Connect with Ashton!

    Website: Valkere Investment Group

    LinkedIn: Valkere Investment Group

    Want to learn more about creating multiple streams of income, wealth protection, financial freedom, or real estate investing? Join our investor club, check out our blog, get our free ebook on investing, or join us for our monthly Real Estate Investing Made Simple virtual meetup. Take the first to your wins in life and head on to http://www.valkeregroup.com.

    Leave a REVIEW and SHARE this episode with someone who wants to unlock the secrets to success. Listen to other episodes on Apple, Spotify, Libsyn, or wherever you get your podcasts!

    Key Quotes:

    "The more you step out of your comfort zone, the more you're allowing yourself the room to grow." - Ashton Levarek

    "If you can find a strong enough why and let that be your priority, it will drive you through growth." - Ashton Levarek

    "When you have so much faith in something, it allows you to do the extraordinary." - Ashton Levarek

  • What if the key to transforming your life and relationships could be found not in external achievements but in embracing stillness and inner peace? In this episode, we dive deep with Alessandra Veronesi, a remarkable author, meditation guide, and relationship educator. Alessandra shares her transformative journey from the corporate world to discovering meditation and inner peace amidst the chaos of COVID-19. This episode explores the profound impact of self-reflection, the power of meditation, and the importance of living authentically. Listeners will be inspired by Alessandra's insights into overcoming external pressures, finding joy in the present, and the revolutionary idea that embracing your true self can elevate every aspect of your life.

    After a 20-year career in the corporate world in New York City and Europe, Alessandra now resides in Italy. Her latest book, A New Banana: Unpeel Yourself and Elevate Your Relationships is one of many upcoming projects dedicated to helping others see the light within themselves.

    [00:01 - 12:02] Embracing Inner Transformation

    The importance of introspection in personal growth How crises can lead to self-discovery The transformative power of meditation

    [12:03 - 24:22] Challenging Societal Norms and Personal Identity

    The impact of societal expectations on self-perception Redefining success beyond corporate achievements The journey from external validation to self-acceptance

    [24:23 - 36:08] Discovering Authenticity Through Self-Exploration

    The role of self-awareness in personal development Overcoming self-doubt and embracing confidence The significance of being true to oneself

    [36:09 - 48:16] The Healing Power of Meditation and Mindfulness

    Techniques and benefits of meditation Mindfulness as a tool for stress reduction Incorporating meditation into daily life for better mental health

    [48:17 - 59:58] Integrating New Perspectives for a Fulfilled Life

    Balancing professional life with personal growth How new perspectives can lead to a more fulfilling life The role of plant-based medicine in spiritual growth

    Connect with Alessandra!

    Website: www.holyshiver.com

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/averonesi/?hl=en

    Book: A New Banana: Unpeel YourSelf and Elevate Your Relationships

    Connect with Ashton!

    Website: Valkere Investment Group

    LinkedIn: Valkere Investment Group

    Want to learn more about creating multiple streams of income, wealth protection, financial freedom, or real estate investing? Join our investor club, check out our blog, get our free ebook on investing, or join us for our monthly Real Estate Investing Made Simple virtual meetup. Take the first to your wins in life and head on to http://www.valkeregroup.com.

    Leave a REVIEW and SHARE this episode with someone who wants to unlock the secrets to success. Listen to other episodes on Apple, Spotify, Libsyn, or wherever you get your podcasts!

    Key Quotes:

    "Meditation gave me the most incredible gift of connecting to myself." - Alessandra Veronesi

    “You are your own best medicine. You have everything you need to solve this puzzle of life.” - Alessandra Veronesi

    "The world is actually a good place. Inherently, we all really mean well, for the most part. So it's nice to check in with other human beings who are doing their thing in a non-invasive way." - Alessandra Veronesi