History – Brazil – New podcasts

  • What makes you a heretic? Journalist Andrew Gold believes that, in an age of group-think and tribes, we need heretics - those who use unconventional wisdom to speak out against their own groups, from cancelled comedians and radical feminists to cult defectors and vigilantes hunting deviants.

    Learn from my guests how to rebel, think differently and resist social contagion. From Triggernometry's Francis Foster and the world's most cancelled man Graham Linehan to ex-Hasidic Jew Julia Haart and gender critical atheist Richard Dawkins. These are the people living with the weight of their own community's disappointment on their shoulders.

  • Latin American is a mysterious part of the world rich in stories of myths, legends and unsolved mysteries, and most have never been heard in English, until now. Hear compelling stories about missing persons, UFO’s, paranormal phenomena, ancient mystical sites, witchcraft and more, with your host Andrew Colón.


    Unindo o conhecimento e o gosto pelo insólito com a psicanálise, Paula Febbe irá promover um papo singular e fora da curva com quem é estranho no sentido muito bom da coisa. O papo 1x1 com pessoas que tenham uma carreira que saia do comum segue um caminho insólito mostrando a singularidade de cada convidado.

  • Alice Munro: A Literary Luminary's Life and Legacy
    Alice Munro, the celebrated Canadian writer renowned for her exquisite short stories and mastery of the form, passed away on Monday night in Port Hope, Ontario, east of Toronto. She was 92 years old. Her death marks the end of an extraordinary literary journey that spanned over six decades, during which she captivated readers worldwide with her profound insights into the human condition and her ability to capture the complexities of everyday life with unparalleled precision and depth.
    Early Life and Beginnings as a Writer
    Alice Munro was born Alice Ann Laidlaw on July 10, 1931, in Wingham, Ontario, a small town in the southwestern part of the province. Raised on a fox farm, her formative years were shaped by the rural landscapes and tight-knit communities that would later become the backdrops for many of her acclaimed stories.
    From an early age, Munro displayed a talent for storytelling and a keen eye for detail. She devoured books voraciously, finding solace and inspiration in the works of literary giants like Anton Chekhov and Flannery O'Connor. After completing her university studies at the University of Western Ontario, Munro embarked on her writing career while raising her family in Vancouver, British Columbia.
    Rise to Literary Prominence
    Munro's first collection of short stories, "Dance of the Happy Shades," was published in 1968 and immediately garnered critical acclaim. This early success paved the way for a prolific and celebrated writing career that saw her publish numerous other collections, including "Lives of Girls and Women" (1971), "Who Do You Think You Are?" (1978), and "The Progress of Love" (1986).
    Munro's stories often centered on the lives of ordinary people, particularly women, living in rural Canada. With a profound understanding of human nature and a gift for capturing the nuances of relationships and emotions, she elevated the seemingly mundane to the realm of the extraordinary. Her characters were richly drawn, their inner lives explored with depth and compassion, revealing universal truths about love, loss, and the complexities of the human experience.
    Literary Accolades and Legacy
    Throughout her illustrious career, Alice Munro received numerous accolades and honors, solidifying her place as one of the most revered and influential writers of her time. In 2013, she was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, a crowning achievement that recognized her exceptional body of work and her contributions to the short story form.
    Munro's impact on the literary world extends far beyond her individual works. Her writing has inspired generations of writers and served as a testament to the power of storytelling to illuminate the human condition. Her ability to capture the intricacies of everyday life with such precision and depth has left an indelible mark on the literary landscape, cementing her status as a true master of the craft.
    Personal Life and Later Years
    Despite her immense literary success, Alice Munro remained grounded in her rural roots and maintained a relatively private life. She resided in Clinton, Ontario, and later in Port Hope, where she continued to write and nurture her love for literature until her final days.
    In her later years, Munro's health began to decline, prompting her to announce her retirement from writing in 2013. However, her legacy as one of the most influential and celebrated writers of her generation was already firmly established, her impact on the literary world indelible.
    The news of Alice Munro's passing on Monday night in Port Hope, Ontario, at the age of 92, has sent ripples of sadness and reverence throughout the literary community and beyond. Her absence leaves a profound void, but her remarkable body of work will continue to inspire, challenge, and captivate readers for generations to come.
    As the world mourns the loss of this literary giant, Alice Munro's stories remain as a testament to her extraordinary talent and her ability to illuminate the depths of the human experience with unparalleled clarity and compassion. Her legacy as a master storyteller and a revered voice in Canadian and world literature will endure, serving as a beacon for aspiring writers and a source of solace and inspiration for readers seeking to understand the complexities of the world around them. Thanks for listening remember to like and share wherever you get your podcasts.

  • Relatos em formas de poesias e causos da Historia de Amambai

  • Quem nunca se pegou com umas ideias malucas? Umas coisas que você pensa "como assim"? Este podcast vai te trazer curiosidades sobre temas que provavelmente não te ajudará em provas, mas que vai te entreter sobre alguns Pensamentos Aleatórios.

  • Um podcast que celebra as datas e eventos importantes do ano, sempre com muita informação e boa música.

    O projeto é do Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da 23ª Região - Mato Grosso. Para falar com a gente, nosso e-mail é [email protected]

  • Um pouco de mim, pelo muito da vida! Cristão, advogado, professor de direito, especialista e mestre em direito, teólogo, radialista, sem vícios, solteiro, e, principal e especialmente, SER HUMANO.

  • Um lugar onde o terror não está apenas no imaginário, ele é real.

  • O comunicador Roger Cipó entrevista pessoas pessoas que mais pessoas precisam conhecer.
    A cada dia, uma história para inspirar, celebrar, potencializar e impulsionar.
    Esse é o podcast onde pessoas negras contam suas histórias em primeira pessoa.

    Versão em vídeo no IG Todo Dia História Negra.

  • Neste Podcast, Falarei um pouco sobre a Ditadura Militar no Brasil,as praticas de tortura em detalhes e tambem sobre mulheres que foram torturadas e ou mortas.

  • Sobre seus acontecimentos citados no podcast

  • Resumo rápido do Regime Militar na história do Brasil

  • Em 1973 o estudante Alexandre Vannucchi Leme foi preso pela ditadura militar e levado à sede do DOI-CODI. Em 2024, o retrato de Alexandre estampa os muros da USP e os jornais do movimento estudantil.
    O que aconteceu entre a prisão de Alexandre e hoje? Como um estudante franzino de Sorocaba se tornou o símbolo de um dos piores momentos dos anos de chumbo e apontou o caminho da luta pela redemocratização?
    Uma iniciativa do Instituto Vladimir Herzog produzida pela NAV Reportagens e apresentada por Camilo Vannucchi.

  • Interviews with authors about new books in Turkish and Ottoman Studies.

  • "A Ditadura Recontadaโ€ traz รกudios inรฉditos que revelam os principais bastidores da ditadura militar brasileira, a partir do acervo de quase 300 horas de gravaรงรตes histรณricas do jornalista Elio Gaspari. Um dos pontos altos รฉ a gravaรงรฃo em que o general Ernesto Geisel admite que os presos da luta armada eram eliminados depois de capturados.

  • Emicida abre a rica biblioteca do Samba e convida o público para ouvir as mais curiosas histórias sobre o mais popular dos ritmos brasileiros, é o Samba Contado. O podcast, através de histórias, irá ampliar o olhar da contemporaneidade que o ritmo Samba possui. Afinal, o samba é um movimento modernista.

    Idealização: Evandro & Emicida
    Direção Criativa e Roteiro: Emicida
    Assistente de Roteiro: Jess Correa
    Pesquisa: Felipe Choco e Guilherme Botelho
    Direção executiva: Evandro Fióti & Raissa Fumagalli
    Gerente de Produção: Raissa Fumagalli
    Coordenação de Produção: Vanildo Ricardo (Dinho)
    Produção Executiva: Raissa Fumagalli, Evandro Fióti, Lucas Morgado, Julio Benedito e Laura Freitas
    Produção Emicida: Julio Benedito
    Gerente de marketing: Grégori Palavre
    Coordenação de marketing: Ana Pascoaletto
    Analista de estratégia e mídias sociais: Caio Camilo
    Relações com Imprensa: Carol Pascoal (Trovoa), Stephanie Durante (Trovoa), Thais Huguenin (Trovoa), Isabela D’Avila (Trovoa)
    Equipe jurídica: Guta Braga, Guilherme Nunes, Tiago Barbosa e Carolina Cardoso
    Equipe financeira: Kleber Almeida, Nayara Filadoro, Tainara Nkiruka, Tiago Freire e Wanderley Pires
    Equipe comercial: Carlos Pereira (Cabé), Ste Jambo e Luan Granello
    Edição: Felipe Dantas
    Produção musical trilha e sound design: Damien Seth
    Trilha original: Prettos
    Mix/Master: Damien Seth

    Shooting Divulgação
    Identidade visual e Fotos: b+ca
    Direção de Arte: Vi Ehmke
    Make: Regiane Alexandre - Juba Trançadeiras
    Barba: Erick Vintecinco
    Stylist: Henrique Reis

    Gravado no Lab Estúdio por André Xerife e Tofu

    Uma produção Laboratório Fantasma em parceria com globoplay