Kids & Family – Egypt – Recommended podcasts

  • What makes you a heretic? Journalist Andrew Gold believes that, in an age of group-think and tribes, we need heretics - those who use unconventional wisdom to speak out against their own groups, from cancelled comedians and radical feminists to cult defectors and vigilantes hunting deviants.

    Learn from my guests how to rebel, think differently and resist social contagion. From Triggernometry's Francis Foster and the world's most cancelled man Graham Linehan to ex-Hasidic Jew Julia Haart and gender critical atheist Richard Dawkins. These are the people living with the weight of their own community's disappointment on their shoulders.

  • بودكاست أسبوعي مع حنان عزالدين مؤسسة  ذا فاميلي هاب (@thefamilyhub__) بنتكلم فيه على كل المواضيع العائلية مثل التربية الإيجابية والدراسة والتعليم  وتنظيم الوقت وغيرها من المواضيع إلي بتشغلنا عشان نربي أولاد سوية في زمن مختلف وسريع ومحتاجنا نتعلم عشان صحة اولادنا.

  • You're just in time; Josh is about to read Blue a story! Listeners will skidoo with Josh and Blue into storybooks where sweet and silly sleepy-time adventures await. In this second season of the popular official Blue’s Clues & You! podcast, Josh will tell tales of Blue’s adventures, sing songs, and help Blue (and You!) wind-down for a snuggly, restful snooze.

  • بودكاست عالم القصص، من كتابة وتقديم مايا صارجي؛ خبيرة الالقاء والاداء الصوتي، وصوت الإعلانات الأشهر في العالم العربي.هذا البودكاست يقدم قصص قصيرة للأطفال باسلوبٍ فريد وجديد كلياً، يَعِدُ بالتسلية والإفادة في آنٍ واحد حيث يناسب جميع الأعمار، ويحمل الكثير من العِبَر. القصص مكتوبة ومقروءة بطريقة مميّزة لتعزيز المهارات السمعية واللغوية وتحسين طريقة التعبير والالقاء.

  • إحنا إسراء ولينا، أمهات من جيل التسعينات، وده بودكاست لكل الناس بنتكلم فيه عن كل حاجة تخص البيت، الأمهات، الأطفال، والآباء.

  • برنامج حياتنا ,يحمل لأسلتكم ؛ أجوبة آنية يقدمها لكم خبراء ومتخصصون في العلاقات الزوجية و في مجال الطفل..وإذا كنتم من عشاق الموضة و الجمال و الاتيكيت فلكم منهم يوميا نصيب يصيب اهتماماتكم ..

  • Longtime educators and lacrosse fanatics Marty Kupprion and Bill Leahy focus on engaging different perspectives from the world of youth sports. Coach Kupp (Former Delaware Blue Hen, Current Coach at Haverford School) and Coach Leahy (Pennsylvania‘s Winningest High School Coach at La Salle College High School) talk lacrosse, culture building and other topics related to coaching and parenting today‘s athletes. Learn more about NXT at

  • Vorstellung (m)eines LibriVox-Projekts. Hier finden Leseproben aus

    Wilkie Collins "Der Mondstein" Übersetzung der Erstauflage aus dem Englischen von Emil Lehmann

  • بودكاست مع حسام انتيكا و عبارة عن قعدة خفيفة بندردش فيها وبنسمع كواليس علاقة اتنين متجوزين وتفاصيل كتيرة عنهم من بداية معرفتهم ببعض لحد النهارده.ماتنسوش تتابعونا على جميع المنصات و تقترحوا علينا نجيب مين الحلقة الجايه ❤️بودكاست_المتزوجون

  • مشاركات لخبرات التربية من الآباء للآباء لدعمهم في عناء رحلة تربية الأبناء

  • Hello and welcome to Tootie’s Tales, a podcast brought to you by ToTalk Armenian. Tootie's Tales will take you on a wonderful Armenian adventure into the world of stories where we will listen to stories in Armenian, learn new words and make new friends!
    New episodes released on the 1st and 15th of each month.

  • Join Kim Cross (Rethink Parenting) and Jesse Maher (The Salty Pastor) as they help you on your parenting journey by educating, encouraging and entertaining you. With practical tips for each age group, years of personal experience, degrees in parent coaching, and biblical truths this is the place to rediscover The Lost Art of Parenting.

  • هنا نشدو بجميل اللغة العربية، نقرأ لكم قصصًا باللغة العربية الفصحى، وأعمالًا أدبية بين الشعر والنثر

  • بودكاست بيننا حكايات يقدم قصص من حولنا. نتحدث مع ضيوفنا عن حكايات وتجارب طبية، وعلمية، وتربوية، واجتماعية لنتعلم ونستفيد من مختلف التجارب.

    Podcast Stories Among Us introduces different beneficial experiences while we discuss medical, scientific, parenting, and social issues with our guests.

  • Are you a new postpartum mom struggling to find yourself amid extreme fatigue and sleep deprivation?

    Do you find yourself rocking your baby late at night, googling to see if your baby’s sleeping, eating, and pooping are “normal” - and finding yourself even more confused?

    Do you worry that you’re doing everything wrong as a new mom and wish you could trust that you are the best mom for your baby?

    You’re in the right place. Say goodbye to the late-night panic searches about sleep patterns and nursing questions, and welcome to the New Mom Naturopath podcast!
    In this podcast, we’ll explore how to find - and feel like - yourself again in the busy, beautiful world of being a new mom. I’ll answer your postpartum questions about sleep patterns, nursing and feeding, caring for your baby, yourself, and your needs.
    I am Dr. Kailyn Galloway, a mom and naturopath who loves everything postpartum. My son was diagnosed with clubfeet while I was pregnant. He was a healthy baby, but my postpartum experience was nothing like I thought it would be. Despite my education, I still felt anxious about whether I could be the mom my son needed me to be.
    To find peace, I tried everything - researching, meditating, and journaling. No matter what I did, I worried I wasn’t enough. But here’s the thing: postpartum anxiety is a reality for many, and it’s okay to feel overwhelmed. You’re not alone. Through focusing on my mental health, doing lots of research, and trial and error, I was able to create a practical plan for post-baby life that worked for me. And now I’m excited to share it with you!
    If you want to feel calmer, more patient, and confident as a mom...
    If you’re interested in practical stress-reduction techniques that fit your hectic schedule…
    If you want to understand your body’s changes in postpartum, use that to be more energetic and attentive…
    Then you’ve found your sanctuary in the New Mom Naturopath podcast.
    Grab a snack and lots of water—nursing cover optional—and let’s discover how to be the mom you’ve always wanted to be.

  • A new kind of Pregnancy & Motherhood Podcast! If you used to pop champagne in the clurrrrb and now you’re popping prenatal vitamins, well, you’ve come to the right place. From the writer and creator of the comedy Instagram and Podcast “Big Kid Problems” comes a brand new show about the roller coaster of Pregnancy and new Motherhood!

    For Pregnancy Episodes, scroll on down to the beginning of this podcast and you will find all 40 week-by-weeks of pregnancy with Sarah. Find your week OR start from the beginning and get ready to commiserate with your new preggo bestie!

  • عند غروب شمس كل يوم، تجتمع القلوب على الموائد، وكل طبق على السفرة يفتح آفاقًا لا حدود لها من الشهية. مهلاً! رمضان ليس شهر الطعام، لكن لا مانع أن نحلق في المذاق. وليس كل صائم كما الآخر.

  • Every week I will upload a new episode
    كل أسبوع سيكون هناك قصة جديدة

    Podcast link on all other platforms

  • Hey listener!Feeding your pet the right food can mean a longer, healthier, and better quality life. But how do you know which one is right? Is your vet an expert in pet food? Find the answers to these questions and so much more. You can become a pet food wizard today! Support this podcast:

  • The 5 to 8 Shift Podcast is hosted by Susannah and 3 times a month she invites guests to share their expertise with you. Episodes highlight the highs and lows of parenting, impart the latest research and tips to help families thrive, or provide a good laugh as we all commiserate together.

    Our mission is to encourage you and provide info without the overwhelm. Episodes come out on the 7s - the 7th, 17th, and 27th each month. We’re thrilled to cheer you on in your own 5 to 8 shift - it's your most important shift of the day!

    Connect: Instagram - @susannah.mcmonagle /