Religion & Spirituality – Hong Kong SAR China – New podcasts

  • What makes you a heretic? Journalist Andrew Gold believes that, in an age of group-think and tribes, we need heretics - those who use unconventional wisdom to speak out against their own groups, from cancelled comedians and radical feminists to cult defectors and vigilantes hunting deviants.

    Learn from my guests how to rebel, think differently and resist social contagion. From Triggernometry's Francis Foster and the world's most cancelled man Graham Linehan to ex-Hasidic Jew Julia Haart and gender critical atheist Richard Dawkins. These are the people living with the weight of their own community's disappointment on their shoulders.

  • 【台灣基督長老教會高雄三一教會】

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  • We are all filling up with something everyday: social media, news, movies, tv, friends, family, all of which influence our decisions, our relationships, and even our walk with God. Refill is a podcast that helps you fill up with the most important thing: Gods word. Every Thursday, you will get a free refill of encouragement, love, and truth from the Bible to help you in your faith but also so that you can pour out His love on others.

    email us: [email protected]

  • Welcome to the home of Calvary Assembly Milpitas’ podcast. This podcast aims to encourage your faith so that you may experience every promise God has made in the Bible. Join us weekly for inspiring and faith-building messages.

  • St John Climacus, the sixth century abbot of the Holy Monastery of St Catherine, Sinai, compared the spiritual life to a ladder of thirty steps, and explained in detail the challenges presented by each of them. This spiritual classic has brought inspiration and edification to every generation since that time. Read every year during Great Lent in monastic refectories, this book has been treasured by both monastics and fervent Christians. Visit our podcast, THE ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN TEACHING PODCAST DIRECTORY on Apple Podcasts or Spotify for the titles and links for all our podcasts.

  • 大學生真難牧養,他們到底在想什麼?新時代傳福音還有哪些創意可以切入呢?趕進收聽《一團和契》,讓嘻嘻帶您從大學團契每個同工的生命故事中,看見神在新時代中工作的軌跡。
    University students are truly difficult to shepherd; what exactly are they thinking? What new creative approaches can be implemented in evangelism for the new era? Tune into "Fellowship Reunion" and let CC guide you through the life stories of every fellow worker in the university fellowship, to see the traces of God's work in the new era.

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  • 讓全台灣最資深的天國文化實習生-周巽光牧師跟你分享,上帝如何透過天國文化,瓦解我們生命中的謊言與限制,脱去律法主義的轄制!讓天國裡的各樣福份成為日常,一同領受門徒下網捕魚-滿載而歸的恩典!

    Hosting provided by SoundOn

  • 嗨,大家好,歡迎來到《楨的是夢話》!我是此頻道的夢行者燕子,一位深耕在保養品研發領域的創業家。除了日常工作,我更是一名熱愛當志工的助人工作者燕子。每天,我的夢境就像是一本預知書,時而提醒,時而考驗。在這裡,我將與大家分享我每天的奇幻夢境,探討夢的玄妙世界,以及在「少觀所」與「關愛之家」當志工的感人故事。雖然我每天深陷在化學的實驗室,但一場車禍的奇遇讓我踏上 Podcast 的旅程。期待與你們分享更多夢境的神秘,志工的點滴,以及現實生活中的共時性。本節目將引領你探索夢境背後的奧秘,並幫助你更好地理解夢境與現實之間的交換,以及夢境可能隱含的訊息。夢境是一種神秘而古老的通訊方式,它可能提醒我們、警示我們,甚至預示著未來的事件。然而,我們未必能夠完全理解老天爺給予的提示。因此,透過節目的探索,我們可以更深入地探討夢境的意義,並學會如何應對生活中的挑戰。最後,感謝你們的收聽,讓我們一同啟程,探索夢的未知領域。--Hosting provided by SoundOn

  • The Great Commission is A Youth Based Christian Platform Hosted by Donald Monyai that Seeks To Inspire Greatness through the Word of God. This is Where Divinity meets Humanity, Above All this Where Lives are Change through Word of God and the ever Present Power of The Holy Spirit, We pray that God will impart his Presence in Every Episode you tune into.

    At The Great Commission we live by
    Mathew 28:16 - 20. We are Commissioned, We are Inspired, We are Filled with God's Love and We are Alive and Able With God

  • Podcast de pregações, programações e devocionais da Primeira igreja batista em Iputinga.

  • Hello there. I'm Fr Rajiv, a priest of the Diocese of Westminster, UK. These are my Sunday homilies. They were originally published on my blog, started over the first lockdown. These are just my personal reflections (you might find echoes of the saints and great preachers, ancient and modern, from whom I've freely borrowed!). I also apologise, the posts are auto-converted, and somewhat rough around the edges. You can reach me at [email protected]. God bless.

  • Building church production teams that are driven by God’s Word and postured for technical growth & spiritual discipleship.

  • 我所分享的內容,不是偏向於娛樂性,大都是偏重在和自己的內在對話下,能啟發哪些新的維度視角,較適合屬於較高專注力的聽覺去感受,所以決定用podcast 會跟大家分享。








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  • This discussion comes from our Wednesday Night Church, the Pastoral Preaching notes, and the live large group discussion these notes prompted. Something we like to call : A Community Based Learning Experience

  • Satire of evangelical churches mixed with some practical, progressive theology! The Foul-Mouthed Preacher seeks to speak the language of the people, challenge the Church's views of Scripture & Tradition, and bring the Church back to the normal people.

  • 這個系列,講解有關聖經的問題。聖經真是神的話語? 聖靈怎樣默示聖經? 聖經有錯誤,謬誤嗎? 聖經和科學有沒有矛盾,等等。

  • The Faith Full Catholic Podcast tells true stories about the Catholic faith in today’s world through compelling, narrative audio journalism. Episodes include interviews, narrative storytelling, and a blend of high-quality production techniques.

    The independent, listener-supported project is hosted and produced by Tony Ganzer. He’s a long-time public media journalist and writer by trade, and a Catholic by choice and upbringing. Ganzer has reported on many things over 15 years in the US and Europe, from Swiss Parliament to the plight of refugees. Religion and faith have always held a special place.

    We were featured in Our Sunday Visitor’s article on quality Catholic podcasts. We’ve also won two Gabriel Awards from the Catholic Media Association in 2020 and 2021. (For Episode 6 and Episode 9!)

    ‘The best antidotes to falsehoods are not strategies, but people: people who are not greedy but ready to listen, people who make the effort to engage in sincere dialogue so that the truth can emerge; people who are attracted by goodness and take responsibility for how they use language..’

    Pope Francis, 24 January 2018

  • Weekly sermons from Cornerstone Church in St Andrews Scotland.