Science – Croatia – Recommended podcasts

  • What makes you a heretic? Journalist Andrew Gold believes that, in an age of group-think and tribes, we need heretics - those who use unconventional wisdom to speak out against their own groups, from cancelled comedians and radical feminists to cult defectors and vigilantes hunting deviants.

    Learn from my guests how to rebel, think differently and resist social contagion. From Triggernometry's Francis Foster and the world's most cancelled man Graham Linehan to ex-Hasidic Jew Julia Haart and gender critical atheist Richard Dawkins. These are the people living with the weight of their own community's disappointment on their shoulders.

  • 'Le Scienze nella vita di tutti i giorni’ è il podcast di divulgazione scientifica di Geopop, curato da Andrea Moccia.
    Ogni settimana, attraverso episodi della durata media tra i 5 e i 10 minuti, parleremo di energia, geopolitica, ambiente, tecnologia, fenomeni naturali, curiosità, ricostruzione di disastri e approfondimenti sull’attualità. Tutti temi legati, in un modo o nell'altro, alla nostra quotidianità - perché sì, le scienze sono nella vita di tutti i giorni!
    Geopop è un progetto già presente sui social con circa 7 milioni di followers, il cui obiettivo principale è stimolare la curiosità e la passione per la conoscenza.
    Benvenuti a bordo!

  • Radio Galaksija je popularno naučni internet portal koji promoviše nauku i naučni metod, naučno obrazovanje, naučnu pismenost, filozofsku pismenost, kritičko mišljenje, kao i osvešćivanje javnosti o štetnosti pseudonauke, antinauke i loše nauke. Teme kojima se Radio Galaksija bavi su teme iz oblasti astronomije, fizike, biologije i svih srodnih nauka i tehnologije, ali i iz istorije i filozofije nauke, kao i konteksta u kom se nauka danas nalazi u društvu. Radio Galaksiju uređuje i vodi Dušan Pavlović. 

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  • On Psych Flow, we take a look at everyday phenomena and occurrences through a Psychological and Neuroscientific lense. Show host Sara; BSc Psychology, MSc Clinical Neuropsychiatry and special interests in social discussions will co-host with friends and opinionated guests who have experience in relevant fields in order to provide you with intriguing discussions in each episode!

  • There are technologies that decouple human well-being from its ecological impacts. There are politics that enable these technologies. Join me as I interview world experts to uncover hope in this time of planetary crisis.

  • Neville Lancelot Goddard, generally known as Neville, was an American author who wrote on the Bible, mysticism, and self-help.

  • Želite li naučiti kako biti organizirani i efikasniji? Brain Books podcast će vam predstaviti najbolje knjige koje će vam pomoći u tome.
    U ovom podcastu analiziramo knjige koje vam mogu pomoci da postanete najbolja verzija samog sebe.

  • Vjerojatno ste svi čuli, a mnogi i slušali, legendarnu radio emisiju Andromeda, koja više od dva desetljeća ide na Drugom programu Hrvatskoga radija, svakoga utorka od 20:00 - 22:00 sata uz stručne suradnike Antu Radonića i Korada Korlevića, a pod budnom paskom Dubravke Družinec Ricijaš.

  • Miloš i Nebojša su hemato-onkolozi u Vašingtonu koji pričaju o svemu osim o poslu. Davne 2020-e to je bio kovid, sada nauka, medicina, tehnologija, AI, život u Americi i posete Srbiji.
    Miloš: @miljko na X-u, na internetu
    Nebojša: @SkorupanMD na X-u
    Priključenija: @prikljucenija1 na X-u

  • A place for authors from the journal Forensic Anthropology to talk a little more in-depth about their articles and also to stimulate research ideas amongst the field at large. Hosted by Dr. Michael Kenyhercz.

  • Named “TOP 20 PHILOSOPHY PODCAST” for 2022!

    Brought to you by “After Dinner Conversation” publishing; thoughtful discussions about the philosophy and ethics found in the short fiction stories from our monthly magazine.

    Or, put another way, discussions about “what-if” examples, across literary genres, regarding ethics, metaphysics, epistemology, utilitarianism, aesthetics, moral relativism, and political and economic philosophy.

  • A podcast about linguistic fieldwork, where seasoned fieldworkers share their stories from the field.

  • We are a podcast about animals for animals. Created by 5 women who love the earth and all the animals who call it home! Join us in our conservation conversations!

  • Interviews with professional winemakers focused on how they developed their personal aesthetic; what were the mentors, fellow winemakers, great wines and vineyards that shaped their personal style. I also interview some of the innovators that are changing the way we make wine and grow grapes

  • How do we get people back to the office? How and when can AI be a powerful decision-making tool? How will digital currencies transform payment systems?

    On If/Then experts from Stanford Graduate School of Business share their research findings on a range of topics that intersect with business, leadership, and society. We’ll tackle practical, cutting-edge insights that will help you manage better, lead more confidently, and understand pressing issues affecting our lives.

    Join GSB senior editor and host Kevin Cool as we hear about the latest research in technology, economics, marketing, politics, and several other areas.

  • In this space, you will hear from a variety of distinguished Data Science educators and professionals. The individuals we’ll speak with are diverse in experience and perspective, but share the common goal of shaping the future of Data Science Education! Transcripts available at

  • The science of aging is moving rapidly and making progress at defeating age-related diseases and aging itself. Live Longer World takes you right where the action is happening! Through conversations with scientists, entrepreneurs, investors and other advocates revolutionizing the field of longevity science, we tell you how you can be disease-free, reverse aging, and maximize longevity in the future.

  • Climate news, culture and commentary from the team behind Drilled and Hot Take.

  • Maths is often dreaded as a subject by most of the students. Here is an attempt to simplify various topics in Mathematics and help reduce Maths Phobia.

  • Mit grenzenloser Neugier blicken die talentiertesten Forscher*innen aus Berlin und Oxford auf die großen Herausforderungen unserer Zeit. In diesem Podcast erzählen sie von ihrer Arbeit, von kleinen und großen Projekten, die Grenzen überschreiten und neue Einblicke in unsere Welt eröffnen. Nicht nur in Europa, sondern global. Was können Roboter von Papageien lernen? Wie bereiten wir uns auf die nächste Pandemie vor? Und vor allem: wie können wir all diese Fragen gemeinsam beantworten?  

    In BE:CURIOUS gehen wir auf eine Reise, in der Forscher*innen in Oxford und Berlin gemeinsam den Herausforderungen und Themen unserer Zeit begegnen. 

    BE:CURIOUS ist eine gemeinsame Produktion der Universität Oxford und der Berlin University Alliance. Tiefe Einblicke in komplexe Themen, gemacht für alle, die von ihrer Umwelt fasziniert sind und mehr über andere Welten erfahren möchten. 

    With boundless curiosity, the most talented researchers from Berlin and Oxford look at the great challenges of our time. In this podcast, they talk about their work, about small and large projects that cross borders and open up new insights into our world. Not only in Europe, but globally. What can robots learn from parrots? How do we prepare for the next pandemic? And, most importantly, how can we answer all these questions together?  

    In BE:CURIOUS, we go on a journey in which researchers in Oxford and Berlin jointly confront the challenges and issues of our time.  

    BE:CURIOUS is the joint podcast of the University of Oxford and the Berlin University Alliance. Insights and deep dives into complex topics, made for all who are fascinated by their environment and want to learn more about other worlds.