News – Japan – Recommended podcasts

  • What makes you a heretic? Journalist Andrew Gold believes that, in an age of group-think and tribes, we need heretics - those who use unconventional wisdom to speak out against their own groups, from cancelled comedians and radical feminists to cult defectors and vigilantes hunting deviants.

    Learn from my guests how to rebel, think differently and resist social contagion. From Triggernometry's Francis Foster and the world's most cancelled man Graham Linehan to ex-Hasidic Jew Julia Haart and gender critical atheist Richard Dawkins. These are the people living with the weight of their own community's disappointment on their shoulders.

  • 「ニッポンと世界の今が分かる朝のニュース番組」
    飯田浩司のOK!Cozy up!

    このPodcastはそんな「飯田浩司のOK!Cozy up!」の
    ON AIRを再編集して、世界中にお届けしています!

  • NHKラジオニュースを、いつでもどこでもお聞きになれるサービスです。

  • Veteran prosecutors Andrew Weissmann and Mary McCord discuss and dissect the cases against former President Donald Trump, including the historic indictments from the Manhattan D.A., Special Counsel Jack Smith and Fulton County D.A. Fani Willis.

  • This is the latest news in English from NHK WORLD RADIO JAPAN. This service is daily updated. For more information, please go to

  • 新しいウェブサイト




    Bilingual News is a free English and Japanese news podcast. Casual and unedited colloquial language learning experience through a weekly review of relevant news topics! Transcriptions for each episode are available via the Bilingual News: Transcripts app at

    Join us and improve your Japanese language ability!

  • The Pill Pod is hosted by a group of PhDs offering their irreverent (and unsolicited) takes on critical theory, philosophy, culture, and politics.

  • News, Music and Pop culture from a dumb actor, beat making rapper.

  • 留学経験なしのそーたが!アメリカ/イギリスのネイティブ講師と即興トーク☆視聴者さんから頂いた『お題』で台本なしのディスカッション&レッスンを行う新感覚英会話番組!留学はしなくても英語は絶対に話せる。

    EP1〜EP135はアメリカ文化、EP136〜EP192はイギリス文化、EP193〜アメリカ文化に着目! アメリカ英語とイギリス英語の違いも楽しんでくださいね☆



    ★英語のそーた 各種SNS

    ・Instagram →

    ・YouTube →

    ・まるでネイティブのような発音が身につく魔法の法則40 →



    ・Twitter →

  • A charismatic Russian woman arrives in the US on a mission to improve relations between the two countries, and she soon makes some powerful friends. But who is Maria Butina? And who is she working for? As Maria gets closer to the rich and connected she also attracts the attention of the FBI. In the politically charged world of US-Russia relations, everyone has secrets and almost nothing is what it seems. From Wondery, the makers of The Shrink Next Door and Dr. Death comes SPY AFFAIR a story about deception, appearances and betrayal. Hosted by Celia Aniskovich.

    Available exclusively on Wondery+ or on Amazon Music with a Prime membership or Amazon Music Unlimited subscription.

  • BNI Japan Official Podcastでは、ナショナルディレクター大野真徳が、BNIメンバーへのメッセージをお送りします。

  • CBS Radio 표준FM 98.1MHz
    뉴스쇼 라이브 방송 | 매주 월~금 오전 7:10~9:00
    댓꿀쇼 라이브 방송 | 월·금 주 2회, 본방송 이후 9시

  • Die tagesthemen als Audio-Podcast.

  • "The" Lance Jay Radio Network is a nationally syndicated program that has aired on ESPN and NBC Sports Radio focusing primarily on sports, hip-hop music and current events. Hosted by James Lewis III and D.J. Rampage the First Lieutenant of the Universal Flipmode Squad, "The" Lance Jay Radio Network airs M-F on The Mighty WVOL 1470AM in Nashville, TN at 12PM Central Time and M-F in podcast format on affiliates in Seattle, Philadelphia, Orlando, Phoenix & Huntsville, AL. Starting 12.13.21 Urban One is picking up the show in the D.C. market on WOL 1450AM and 95.9FM at 11AM Eastern. Video of the show is aired on RokuTV M-W from 5-6 Eastern Time. During the Covid Pandemic James also launched the #HealthCast which is a series of episodes dissecting the American healthcare system and promoting SDoH programs. Issac Palmer Jr. & David Meyer are featured on the #HealthCast

  • FM91.6MHz,AM1134kHz文化放送 毎週月曜~金曜13時から放送!「大竹まこと ゴールデンラジオ!」 今ある場所で起こっている現実を徹底追求! その筋の専門家にいろいろ聞いてみよう!

    (木)みうらじゅん(イラストレーターなど)/関口靖彦(株式会社KADOKAWA 文芸局 キトラ編集部 部長)/天久聖一/望月衣塑子(東京新聞社会部記者)/ガンバレルーヤ


    ■大竹まことゴールデンラジオ! プレイリスト一覧
    ・【NEW!!】大竹のもっと言いたい放題 - 大竹まこと ゴールデンラジオ!
    ・大竹メインディッシュ - 大竹まこと ゴールデンラジオ!
    ・大竹紳士交遊録 - 大竹まこと ゴールデンラジオ!
    ・オープニング - 大竹まこと ゴールデンラジオ!

  • The John Lothian Daily Update is a podcast turning the daily JLN hits and takes comments, our original content and the stories and quips in the top box of First Read into a daily podcast.

  • This unfiltered pop culture series delves into the hottest entertainment news stories with quick-witted, unexpected and hilarious commentary. Hosted by E!'s Morgan Stewart, Nina Parker and Hunter March.


    世界の最新ニュース「DAILY BRIEF」

    テックもスタートアップも、株式市場もカルチャーも。日々変化し続けるグローバルニュースを毎朝アップデート。「DAILY BRIEF」は、世界が見ている"世界の今"を伝えるポッドキャストです。アメリカ、ヨーロッパ、アジア、アフリカ、中東でその日報じられた最新ニュースをいち早く、そしてお手軽に、声でお届けします。

    Illustration by Unpis

    ■DAILY BRIEF+ Apple Podcasts

    ■DAILY BRIEFオフィシャルX





  • Freedom Under Fire with John Whitehead™, available free of charge, provides listeners and radio stations alike with insightful, relevant and provocative commentary on popular culture and constitutional issues.

  • Mac,iPod,iPhone,iPad,AppleWatchなどAppleにまつわるニュースをもとにリスナーと一緒に楽しむpodcast火・木・土の週3回早朝配信 30分の番組です

  • 一週間分のテック・ガジェットニュースを配信するポッドキャスト