Religion & Spirituality – Latvia – Recommended podcasts

  • What makes you a heretic? Journalist Andrew Gold believes that, in an age of group-think and tribes, we need heretics - those who use unconventional wisdom to speak out against their own groups, from cancelled comedians and radical feminists to cult defectors and vigilantes hunting deviants.

    Learn from my guests how to rebel, think differently and resist social contagion. From Triggernometry's Francis Foster and the world's most cancelled man Graham Linehan to ex-Hasidic Jew Julia Haart and gender critical atheist Richard Dawkins. These are the people living with the weight of their own community's disappointment on their shoulders.

  • Be living proof of a loving God to a watching world.

  • ОФИЦИАЛЬНЫЙ ПОДКАСТ Ведьмa Ингa Хосроевa / OFFICIAL PODCAST Witch Inga Khosroeva

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    Уже много лет, Ведьма Инга Хосроева отличается очень ярко в сферы Магии, Истории, Философии и т. н. Ее официальный ЮТуб канал "ВЕДЬМИНА ИЗБА", встречает каждый день сотни тысячи людей со всех углах мира. Ее познавательные лекции и судьбу-меняющие ритуалы, помогли многим найти себе в жизни, помочь себе, переосмыслить свой жизненный путь и переправить его в необходимое и правильное направление. Также, ее ритуалы для Практиков, помогли многие Мастера улучшить свою колдовскую работу.
    Этот подкаст, представляет ритуальную часть ее работу и мастерства. Здесь представлены ритуалы ДЛЯ ВСЕХ и ритуалы ДЛЯ ПРАКТИКОВ.
    Вы можете научится как правильно обращаться к Богам, как приносить им Подношения, как делать Чистки себе, как призывать удаюу и денег в своей жизни, и мн. др.
    Желаем Вам приятного и полезного времени здесь, и Фортуна да будет с Вами!...

    * * *

    For many years, the Witch Inga Khosroeva has been distinguished very brightly in the spheres of Magic, History, Philosophy, etc.
    Her official YouTube channel "WITCH'S hut" meets hundreds of thousands of people every day from all over the world. Her informative lectures and fate-changing rituals helped many find themselves in life, help themselves, rethink their life path and forward it in the necessary and right direction. Also, her rituals for Practitioners have helped many Masters improve their witchcraft work.
    This podcast presents the ritual part of her work and craftsmanship. Here are rituals FOR ALL and rituals FOR PRACTITIONERS.
    You can learn how to address the Gods correctly, how to bring Offerings to them, how to cleanse yourself, how to invoke luck and money in your life, etc.
    We wish you a pleasant and useful time here, and may Fortune be with you!...

  • Фактами о том, что привыкли чувствовать

    Подкаст Таты Кальницкой об эзотерике, магии, религии без заговоров и динозавров из ящика. Культы, ритуалы и инструменты духовных практик с позиции истории, науки и авторского взгляда, который формировался более 12 лет. Будьте осторожны! Подкаст не содержит легких способов решить проблемы любым путём без усилий. Новые выпуски – каждый четверг.

    Автор и ведущая – Тата Кальницкая


  • Rabbi Shais Taub has delivered Torah lectures and classes to audiences on six continents. He writes a popular weekly column in Ami Magazine and is the author of the bestselling book, G-d of Our Understanding: Jewish Spirituality and Recovery from Addiction as well as several groundbreaking works on Tanya including: the Tanya Map teaching tool, the Soul Maps curriculum, and the audio series Mapping the Tanya. He currently serves as scholar-in-residence at Chabad of the Five Towns in Cedarhurst, NY. His lectures and classes may be found on

  • Septītās dienas adventistu Rīgas 7. draudzes dievkalpojumu uzrunas, raidījumi, ieraksti u.c.
    Mūsu dievkalpojumi notiek katru sestdienu plkst. 10.00 Rīgā, Ģimnastikas ielā 43. Esiet mīļi gaidīti!
    Dievkalpojuma tiešraides iespējams skatīties YouTube kanālā SDA Rīga7.

  • Rooted theology for the unwithered church.
    Visit for more resources.

  • Jelgavas Vasarsvētku draudzē sludina, ka katram cilvēkam nepieciešama atgriezšanās no grēkiem, jo visi ir grēkojuši, un visiem trūkst dievišķās godības. Bet Dievs Savā žēlastībā tos taisno bez nopelna, sagādājis tiem pestīšanu Jēzū Kristū. Viņš jūs kristīs ar Svēto Garu un ar uguni. Debesu valstība ir tuvu klāt pienākusi.

  • Classes, lectures and shiurim of Rabbi Aron Moss of Sydney Australia

  • Welcome to “That Girl”! My desire for creating this podcast is to empower women, through God’s word, to be the girl that God created you to be for every season in your life. We all know “that girl”, and we are all “that girl” in one way or another. I believe that God is calling us to rise up, and take our place in His kingdom, for His kingdom! I am excited to share God’s word, and truth, for all seasons and walks of life. I pray that while you’re here, you will be emboldened, empowered, and filled up, so you can be “That Girl” for yourself, and everyone around you!

  • Hosted by Justin Khoe, the Digital Missions Podcast aims to help pastors, evangelists, & digial misssionaries reach their first million people with the gospel. By interviewing digital missionaries from a variety of backgrounds, listeners will be encouraged, challenged, and equipped to effectively share their faith online. Who knows, you may just change the population of heaven with your next post.

  • Welcome to "Finding Your Heart," a podcast designed exclusively for the Christian woman seeking guidance on faith, love, life, and purpose. Join us as we explore the dynamic spectrum of experiences—whether you're single, married, engaged in ministry, or on a quest to uncover your deepest purpose. 

    Our discussions delve into the intricacies of cultivating Godly relationships and empower you to become the best version of yourself. Tune in for candid conversations that span the spectrum of life's seasons, offering insights and inspiration for your unique journey.

  • A discussion on Non Duality, Shadow Work, medicine work such as ayahuasca.

  • Welcome to Woo Woo 111.1 Podcast with your hosts Laurah-Lee and Tabitha.

    We invite you to join us weekly to here (and participate) in discussions on various healing modalities, mental health, life and all things weird and woo woo!

  • Revīzija prātā un sirdī. Sarunas par dzīvi, vērtībām, ģimeni, ticību un Dievu.

  • A podcast from Restore Small Groups about discovering the path of personal transformation in mind, body and spirit and finding inner peace on our life's journey.

  • Take your leadership to the next level with Bill Search. Looking at real world problems and offering practical solutions, Bill brings a biblical approach to leadership for a new generation.

    Leadership Journey is a Lumivoz podcast.

  • **Kas tas ir?**

    Krustace?š (Via Crucis) ir viens no svar?g?kajiem un iem??ot?kajiem tautas dievkalpojumiem Kato?u Bazn?c?, kur? tic?gie godina Kristu Vi?a s?pju ce?? uz Golg?tu. M?sdien?s tas g?st iev?r?bu ar? cit?s konfesij?s.

    Parasti bazn?c?s vai ar? br?v? dab? (Aglonas bazilikas sakr?laj? laukum?, pie Dievm?tes sv?tn?c?m Jasnogur?, Lihen? (Polij?), Krusta kaln? Medžugorj? u.c.) izvietoti 14 staciju jeb apst?šanos att?li, bareljefi vai skulpt?ras. Ofici?li nav apstiprin?ta vienota Krustace?a dievkalpojuma k?rt?ba. Publiski vai individu?li apstaig?jot Kunga ciešanu ce?u, var izmantot l?gšanu gr?mat?s ievietoto medit?ciju variantus, k? ar? l?gties saviem v?rdiem, saturu sme?oties Sv?tajos Rakstos un trad?ciju avotos.

    **Nedaudz no v?stures**

    P?c J?zus uzk?pšanas debes?s Jaunava Marija apstaig?ja sava d?la ciešanu vietas, p?rdom?jot un p?rdz?vojot Vi?a viss?p?g?kos š?szemes br?žus. V?l?k v?zij? sv. Brigitai Vi?a izskaidroja Krustace?a norisi.

    Jau bizantiešu laikos sv?tce?niekiem Jeruzalem? uz Kristus ciešanu viet?m r?koja procesijas, tur notika speci?li dievkalpojumi. Pirmajos gadsimtos ?paši godin?ja Kristus noties?šanas vietu (tagad Antonija cietoksni) un n?ves vietu (Golg?tu). V?l?kos laikos Sv?t?s zemes sargi francisk??i r?d?ja sv?tce?iniekiem Kristus Krustace?a trasi, kas tagad k?uvusi par Via Dolorosa — S?pju ce?u, kura p?d?j? — XIV stacija atrodas paš? Sv?taj? kap?.

    Eiropas bazn?c?s un klosteros par Krustace?u s?ka run?t XV gs., s?kum? Sp?nij?, It?lij? un V?cij?, XVII gs. to iepazina ar? Latvij? un Lietuv?. Staciju skaits sv?rst?j?s no daž?m l?dz pat 43 — atkar?b? no kristiešu dievbij?bas. XVIII gs. francisk??i noteica 14 Krustace?u stacijas, kuras past?v l?dz m?su dien?m. Pašlaik ir tendence ieviest 15. staciju — Kristus Augš?mcelšan?s piemi?ai.

    **Gav??a svar?g?kais dievkalpojums**

    Kristus s?pju ce?š nekad nav aizmirsts, tom?r ?paši iecien?ts tas ir Liel? Gav??a laik?. Galvenok?rt trešdien?s, piektdien?s un sv?tdien?s tic?gie m?su draudz?s ar dziesm?m, medit?cij?m un l?gšan?m visliel?k? gara sakopt?b? godina savu Pest?t?ju, p?rdom?jot Vi?a ciešanas no netaisn?g?s aps?dz?šanas ties? l?dz krusta n?vei.

    Kr?slav? jau k?uvis par trad?ciju Lielaj? Piektdien? r?kot ekumenisko Krustace?a procesiju ar 14 apst?šan?s viet?m pils?tas iel?s, uzs?kot to pie tautas nama un nosl?dzot kapli?as priekš? centr?lajos kapos. Starp apst?šan?s viet?m Ciešanu laika dzied?jumus dzied bazn?cas jauniešu koris un tic?g? tauta. Pl?nots, ka ar? šogad 6. apr?l? Krustace?a staciju apceres vad?s Kr?slavas un Priedaines draudžu kato?u priesteri E. Voro?eckis un J. Bulašs, pareiztic?go t?vs Aleksandrs (Dvor?ikovs) un luter??u m?c?t?js A. Gusevs. S?kums plkst. 20.00

    Godinot J?zus krustu un ciešanas, tic?gie sme?as sp?ku, lai pieceltos, kad esam pakrituši, kad nevaram past?v?t tic?b?, kad esam zaud?juši cer?bu, kad esam apmald?jušies, kad esam apspiesti un izsmelti. Krustace?a l?gšanas dod drosmi uzs?kt jaunu, Dieva ž?last?bas apgarotu dz?vi.

    *Sagatavoja Genovefa KALVIŠA*

    P?rpublic?ts no [****](

  • The podcast that focuses on a relationship with Christ and being a man for Him.