• Štiri četrtine življenja skozi oči in besede Gorana.

  • Pogovori o zavesti, vesolju, drogah, naši kulturi, tehnologiji in prihodnosti človeštva ...

    Pogovori o idejah. Vodi Klemen Selakovič.

  • This is not your typical parenting podcast. It is a podcast about raising the parent as much as it is about raising our children. 
    Join Dr. Shefali, the pioneer of conscious parenting, New York Times bestselling author, clinical psychologist, and Oprah’s favorite parenting expert, as she engages in raw and heartfelt conversations with parents in real time. Dr. Shefali tackles everyday parenting challenges by offering conscious tools and strategies to raise empowered and resilient children. She helps parents overcome obstacles that get in the way of creating authentic connections with their kids. 
    No matter what struggles you have, you will receive profound wisdom that will resonate deeply with your own life experiences.
    If you would like to be a guest on this podcast and receive parenting advice from Dr. Shefali, please go to http://www.drshefali.com/podcast. You can also email us at [email protected].

  • A few years ago I was a broke, university dropout, at 18 I built an industry leading social media marketing company, and at 27 I resigned as CEO. At 28 I co-founded Flight Story – a marketing and communications company, and thirdweb - a software platform, making it easy to build web3 applications. I then launched private equity fund, Flight Fund, to accelerate the next generation of European unicorns. During this time I decided to launch 'The Diary Of A CEO' podcast with the simple mission of providing an unfiltered journey into the remarkable stories and untold dimensions of the world’s most influential people, experts and thinkers. Thank you for listening.
    My New Book: https://g2ul0.app.link/DOAC
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/steven
    LI: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stevenbartlett-123

  • Priduži se mi na poti odkrivanja skrivnosti do sreče.

  • Mihilizem je pogovorni podkast, ki mu nikakor ne smete verjeti, saj je žlahtni nejeveri pravzaprav namenjen. S pametnimi ljudmi govori o tistih neumnostih sveta, ki se jim preudarni, servilni in zato popularni vzdrževalci obstoječe religije neskončne gospodarske rasti, ki krasijo naslovnice in ekrane, z razlogom izogibajo.

  • Ciril, Jure, Saša in Seba. Verjamemo v svobodo odprte ceste in v večni navdih sveta zobnikov, ognja v valjih, električnega udara, moči jekla in karbona. To je misija v jedro vrtinca mobilnosti.

  • Radio Ga Ga – nova generacija vsak petek dopoldan razkriva aktualno družbeno-politično dogajanje pri nas in v svetu ter vam postreže s pestrim naborom unikatnih imitacij. S svojo duhovitostjo in ostrim pogledom prinaša zabavo, smeh in razmislek o dogodkih poslušalcem vseh generacij. Bodite del petkove zabave na Prvem.

  • Know-How osebnih financ. Podcast o upravljanju denarja. Finančne novosti. Borza. Nepremičnine. Trendi. Pogovore vodi Marja Milič, avtorica več kot tisoč člankov o osebnih financah, dolgoletna urednica finančni vsebin.

  • O tem in onem, predvsem pa o NBA ligi in košarki. Trije športni komentatorji se dvakrat na mesec podajajo v globine najlepše moštvene igre na svetu. Pa še Dončić in Dragić jo igrata.

  • Lovim ravnotežje, najbolj poslušan slovenski podjetniški podcast, od leta 2019 vodi Nina Gaspari, podjetnica, kolumnistka in avtorica knjige Lovim svoje ravnotežje. Skozi sproščene in nefiltrirane pogovore z gostjami in gosti, ki presegajo ustaljene okvirje, boste doživeli smeh, solze in vse vmes. Vsak petek vas v podcast aplikaciji pričaka sveža epizoda, zato si s prijavo zagotovite, da jo boste hitro ujeli. Želite več? Spremljajte @ninagaspari in pokukajte v zakulisje ustvarjanja svojega najljubšega podcast kanala.

  • Jure Godler in Anže Tomić opazujeta. Življenje.

  • LD;GD je podkast, ki nikogar ne podcenjuje in ničesar ne jemlje preveč resno. Še posebej ne politike. Vaši gostitelji smo Aljaž Pengov Bitenc (Radio Kaos), Nataša Briški (Metina lista), privatnik Antiša Korljan in Andraž Zorko (Valicon).

  • Kolesarski podkast Vala 202 ustvarjamo športni novinarji, ki zlato dobo slovenskega kolesarstva spremljamo iz prve vrste, na terenu. Prisotni smo na vseh pomembnejših klasikah, spomenikih, tritedenskih dirkah, tudi na svetovnih prvenstvih in olimpijskih igrah. Zato vam lahko ponudimo preverjene informacije, relevantne analize, gostimo ključne kolesarske akterje. Zanimivo, zabavno, tudi poučno. V zlati dobi slovenskega kolesarstva je to športni podkast, ki ne razočara.

  • Pravljice iz domače in svetovne literature za vsako noč. Ena najstarejših oddaj otroškega in mladinskega programa Radia Slovenija. Na videz obrobna oddaja opravlja veliko kulturno poslanstvo. Najmlajše poslušalce vodi v svet domišljije v izbrani govorici gledaliških igralcev in igralk.

  • Podkast o aktualnem dogajanju v svetu tehnologije in tehnična podpora za slehernika.

  • Huberman Lab discusses neuroscience — how our brain and its connections with the organs of our body control our perceptions, our behaviors, and our health. We also discuss existing and emerging tools for measuring and changing how our nervous system works.
    Andrew Huberman, Ph.D., is a neuroscientist and tenured professor in the department of neurobiology, and by courtesy, psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford School of Medicine. He has made numerous significant contributions to the fields of brain development, brain function and neural plasticity, which is the ability of our nervous system to rewire and learn new behaviors, skills and cognitive functioning. 
    Huberman is a McKnight Foundation and Pew Foundation Fellow and was awarded the Cogan Award, given to the scientist making the most significant discoveries in the study of vision, in 2017. His lab’s most recent work focuses on the influence of vision and respiration on human performance and brain states such as fear and courage. He also works on neural regeneration and directs a clinical trial to promote visual restoration in diseases that cause blindness. Huberman is also actively involved in developing tools now in use by the elite military in the U.S. and Canada, athletes, and technology industries to optimize performance in high stress environments, enhance neural plasticity, mitigate stress and optimize sleep.  
    Work from the Huberman Laboratory at Stanford School of Medicine has been published in top journals including Nature, Science and Cell and has been featured in TIME, BBC, Scientific American, Discover and other top media outlets. 
    In 2021, Dr. Huberman launched the Huberman Lab podcast. The podcast is frequently ranked in the top 5 of all podcasts globally and is often ranked #1 in the categories of Science, Education, and Health & Fitness.

  • Informativna oddaja o športu, ki je podkrepljena s statistiko.

  • Metropolitan je mesto odličnih zgodb in njegov podkast ni nič drugačen! Za vas smo pripravili sproščene in zanimive pogovore #obskodelicikave, preko katerih boste spoznali raznolike življenjske sloge. Vse to v čisto novi seriji Metropolitan podkastov.

  • Ne boste verjeli, kje vse uspevajo Slovenci.

  • This is your year-round cycling feed!
    Geraint Thomas has started the world's biggest cycling club. And you’re all invited. Follow the Tour de France winner and amateur rider Tom Fordyce as they take you on a fascinating ride round some of the biggest stories and guests throughout the off-season.
    And once racing gets under way, join INEOS team-mates and best friends Luke Rowe and Geraint as they bring you banter, guests and inside information from their Monaco-base, training camps and all the biggest races on the pro-tour.

  • Najnovejše in natančne neodvisne novice iz Slovenije in sveta. Ekskluzivni partner CNN.

  • Kaj nam o spreminjajočem se svetu povedo tisti, ki se z njim soočajo skozi posel? Kakšen je njihov uvid v razvoj Slovenije? Kako razmišljajo o gospodarskih, družbenih in tehnoloških trendih? Pogovori, ki odstirajo zanimive plati vodenja, razvoja podjetja, izzivov, predvsem pa razmišljanja in osebnosti menedžerjev.

  • Podkast o aktualnih političnih vprašanjih, kjer Delovi novinarki sprašujeta kompetentne analitike in politične voditelje. Gre za pogovorno oddajo, kjer novinarki z gostom soočata različna mnenja, ugotovitve ali informacije in na podlagi tega gostov ter gledalcem in poslušalcem ponudimo kredibilne informacije na podlagi katerih si izoblikujejo mnenje.

    Voditeljici: Suzana Kos in Barbara Eržen

  • Veš unu, ka greš u kevdr s kolegi, pa se menš kr neki, k nasledno jutro use pozabs?
    Podcast o 2,5 dolenjca (1 prženjen), ki v kevdru ene od dolenjski zidanic ob narezku in kozarčku rujnega rdečega debatirajo o raznovrstnih temah in dogodkih... sami ali v družbi imenitnih gostov...

  • VSE JE V REDU je podkast o duševnem zdravju, iskanju navdiha in notranjega miru, o premagovanju strahov in grajenju zaupanja vase in v življenje. Vodi ga Vida Igličar, grafična oblikovalka, ilustratorka in avtorica knjig, ki skozi izzive, ki ji jih življenje prinese na pot, aktivno in kreativno išče pot naprej. Razkriva svojo ranljivost in deli na lastni koži preizkušene rešitve in spoznanja. Podkast podira tabuje, pripomore k zmanjševanju stigme na področju duševnega zdravja, ponuja uvid, da v stiski nisi sam/a in da ne le da bo vse v redu, ampak da je vse v redu že zdaj, točno tako, kot je.

  • HBO and The Ringer's Bill Simmons hosts the most downloaded sports podcast of all time, with a rotating crew of celebrities, athletes, and media staples, as well as mainstays like Cousin Sal, Joe House, and a slew of other friends and family members who always happen to be suspiciously available.

  • Podkast Vala 202 z dodano vrednostjo. Poglobljeno in angažirano pripovedujemo zgodbe. Originalnih junakov, izjemnih dogodkov, drobnih in velikih zapletov. Zgodbe nekega časa, življenja in družbe.

  • Pogovori in razmišljanja o duševnem zdravju in destigmatizaciji, o izzivih, stresu in tesnobi. Obenem pa o lepotah življenja, o zdravju in bolezni in o vseh krasnih življenjskih naukih, ki nam pomagajo rasti, se razvijati in živeti. Podcast vodi zdravnik David Zupančič.

  • Poljudna oddaja, v kateri vas popeljemo med vznemirljiva vprašanja in odkritja moderne znanosti, s katerimi se raziskovalci v tem trenutku spopadajo v svojih glavah in laboratorijih.

  • Živimo v času, ko na internetu vsak ve vse … razen Sašo Stare in Aleš Novak … onadva ne vesta nič! V tem podkastu, se bosta z gostom pogovarjala o tem, česar ne vedo. No, eden ve, dva pa ne vesta. A veste? Če nas poslušate, boste v družbi ravno vi tisti, ki vedno reče: “A res, tega ne veš?”

  • The official podcast of comedian Joe Rogan.

  • Slikovita prispodoba v naslovu dolgoletne petkove oddaje na Valu 202 pove na kratko vse o njeni vsebini. Med kronističnim registriranjem dogodkov avtorji po pomembnosti in svoji presoji izločijo in ožamejo bistvo.

  • Skozi izkušnje najvidnejših Slovencev, junakov slovenskega posla, ki ga cenimo doma in po svetu, iščemo odgovor na vprašanje »kaj je supermoč«. Od kod izvira, od kod jo črpamo, zakaj jo nekateri uporabljajo in zakaj drugi ne. Podcast s svojimi zgodbami najboljših in najbolj uspešnih »poživlja«, motivira, inspirira in dokazuje, da »se da!«. A pogoj za to je, da vsakdo najde svoj »svoj zakaj«.

    Podcast s pomočjo osebno-izpovednih zgodb, polnih prevratov, frustracij, srečnih naključij, hoje po robu, hazardiranja, odpovedovanja, in trdega učenja ter dela, poživlja. Poslušalci boste ob poslušanju »čistil« miselne kanale, dobil inspiracije, ideje, pogum. Vigor! Ta serija je poklon slovenskemu gospodarstvu in ljudem, ki so stebri naše prihodnosti.

    Podkast vodi Petra Kovič.

  • Živjo, preklopili ste na Marketinško frekvenco, podcast ki ga za vas ustvarjamo člani Študentske Sekcije Društva za Marketing Slovenije. Pogovarjamo se o najnovejših trendih v marketingu,z vami delimo dragocene nasvete in gostimo najbolj zanimive in uspešne goste iz sveta marketinga & biznisa. V ospredje postavljamo predvsem posameznike, ki s svojimi zgodbami navdušujejo in nam dajejo možnost, da se učimo iz njihovih pristopov. Namen podcasta je, da mladim predstavimo, kako marketing zgleda na različnih področjih delovanja, ali je to šport, glasba, e-commerce, you name it, we got it!

  • Osrednja jutranja informativna oddaja Druga jutranja kronika prinaša analizo najbolj aktualnega nočnega dogajanja, predvsem pa napoveduje teme, ki bodo zaznamovale dan. Je strnjena, verodostojna, zmeraj aktualna – in najbolj poslušana radijska oddaja v Sloveniji. Vsak dan ob 7.00 na Radiu Slovenija.

    Kot podkast so na voljo tudi oddaje Danes do 13h, Dogodki in odmevi, Po Sloveniji Radijski dnevnik in Zrcalo dneva. Naročite se lahko tudi na kratka poročila v podkastu Novice Radia Slovenija.

  • I’m Jay Shetty host of On Purpose the worlds #1 Mental Health podcast and I’m so grateful you found us. I started this podcast 5 years ago to invite you into conversations and workshops that are designed to help make you happier, healthier and more healed. I believe that when you (yes you) feel seen, heard and understood you’re able to deal with relationship struggles, work challenges and life’s ups and downs with more ease and grace.

    I interview experts, celebrities, thought leaders and athletes so that we can grow our mindset, build better habits and uncover a side of them we’ve never seen before. New episodes every Monday and Friday. Your support means the world to me and I don’t take it for granted — click the follow button and leave a review to help us spread the love with On Purpose. I can’t wait for you to listen to your first or 500th episode!

  • V prenesenem pomenu lahko govorimo o svetu znanosti, tehnike, vesolja, jezika, vzgoje, prava, matematike, preteklosti itd. Oziramo se za tistimi vsebinami, ki so nam potrebne ali koristne v “realnem času”.

  • Želim, da bi čimveč žensk izkoristilo svoj potencial, se počutilo uspešne, zadovoljne in svobodne v svojem telesu.

    Če želiš srečo vzeti v svoje roke, si s klikom na ''play'' že korak bližje svojemu cilju.

  • Poslovne krivulje valovijo med povpraševanjem in ponudbo. Od ideje do uspeha je morda ključna prav prava informacija. Zato Poslovne krivulje opozarjajo na priložnosti, nove trge, investicije in razpise.

  • Jure Godler in David Urankar o vsem, kar je pomembno, predvsem pa o tistem, kar ni.

    [email protected]

  • Oddaja za legitimno preživljanje prostega časa, kjer Boštjan Gorenc Pižama in Anže Tomić uživata v klasičnih filmskih mojstrovinah, ki jih nikoli prej nista imela časa ali volje pogledati.

  • Torkovo dopoldne je rezervirano za soočenje različnih pogledov na aktualne dogodke, ki iz tedna v teden spreminjajo svet, pa tega velikokrat sploh ne opazimo. Gostje Intelekte so ugledni strokovnjaki iz gospodarstva, znanosti, kulture, politike in drugih področij. Oddaja skuša širokemu občinstvu ponuditi kritično mnenje o ključnih dejavnikih globalnega in lokalnega okolja.

  • Oddaja za tiste, ki to niste! Miha Šalehar se spopada s temami, ki nikogar ne pustijo mlačnega! Vse tisto, kar ste na drugih radijih iskali zaman! Ustvarjajte oddajo z nami – na 01/475 22 02 in na #toplovod

  • Kdo so ljudje, ki zaznamujejo družbo? Kakšen je človek za funkcijo, ki daje pečat sedanjosti? Kako premika meje prihodnosti? Oddaja Nedeljski gost na Valu 202. Funkciji nadene človeško podobo.

  • Locked On Mavericks podcast is your daily ticket to stay ahead of the game and the first to know the latest news, analysis, and insider info for the Dallas Mavericks and the NBA. Nick Angstadt, who also hosts Locked On NBA, provides your daily Mavs fix with expert, local analysis, and coverage of all aspects of the Mavericks’ franchise. Locked On Mavericks takes you beyond the scoreboard for the inside scoops on the biggest stories from within the Mavs locker room and all over the NBA. The Locked On Mavericks podcast is part of the Locked On Podcast Network. Your Team. Every Day.

  • Join clinical psychologist and mom of three Dr. Becky Kennedy on her weekly podcast, as she takes on tough parenting questions and delivers actionable guidance—all in short episodes, because we know time is hard to find as a parent. Her breakthrough approach has enabled thousands of people to get more comfortable in discomfort, make repairs after mistakes, and always see the good inside. You'll gain the tools to embody your authority while developing a stronger parent-child connection, helping you become the parent you want to be and helping your child develop the skills necessary for life success.

  • Na Sensa Slovenija Podcastu poslušate izbrane zgodbe za dušo, zgodbe, ki vam vlivajo pogum za spremembo ali korak naprej, osebne zgodbe, meditacije ter Sensa pogovore z zanimivimi ljudmi, ki ustvarjajo Sensa vsebino.

  • Vsakodnevna pogovorna radijska oddaja o aktualnih temah je zasnovana po načelu okrogle mize in edina tovrstna v slovenskem radiofonskem prostoru.

  • Slo Mo is a series of conversations hosted by bestselling author and former Chief Business Officer of Google X, Mo Gawdat. With stunning honesty, Mo and some of his wisest friends explore the profound questions we all face in the pursuit of purpose in our lives. Achieving happiness and fulfillment is a lifelong journey, but step one is simple: slow down, and listen.

  • Metin čaj je podkast o medijih, dobrih in slabih praksah, novih tehnologijah in trendih prihodnosti. Gostje v medijih delajo, z njimi živijo in o njih razmišljajo. Gostitelja sta Nataša Briški (Metina lista) in Aljaž Pengov Bitenc (Radio KAOS).

  • Ogrodje je sproščen, tehnično razvijalski podcast. Modrosti, zablode in izkušnje serijsko.

  • The world’s most popular history podcast, with Tom Holland and Dominic Sandbrook.

    Join The Rest Is History Club (www.restishistorypod.com) for ad-free listening to the full archive, weekly bonus episodes, live streamed shows and access to an exclusive chatroom community.

    Here are some of our favourite episodes to get you started:

    WATERGATE/NIXON apple.co/3JrVl5h

    ALEXANDER THE GREAT apple.co/3Q4FaNk


    PUTIN & RUSSIA apple.co/3zMtLfX

  • Na svoji strani z Ajdo Rotar Urankar so lifestyle pogovori z zanimivimi gosti z različnih področij. ✨

  • Dobrodošli med gledalci in poslušalci prvega slovenskega tekaškega podcasta - Zagret za tek!

    Vaš gostitelj Marko Roblek skupaj z gosti poskušam biti informativen, zanimiv, zabaven in provokativen.

    Naročite se zdaj! Lahko po mili volji tudi všečkate in delite. Celo donirate!
    Hvaležen iz srca, drage tekačice in dragi tekači.

  • Follow along Alex Cooper and the Daddy Gang as they exploit the details of their lives, making you feel a hell of a lot better about yours. Relationships, sex, social scenes, embarrassing moments, and more are all addressed here on CALL HER DADDY. See you f****** Wednesday.

  • CHLANI. Prebrano »člani«, ne pa klani. Ampak člani česa? Ne, ne … Tukaj ne gre za članstvo v klubu ali organizaciji, niti v klanu. »Član« je slengovska beseda, ki jo predvsem mladi zelo pogosto uporabljajo na najlepšem delu Slovenije – na Obali. Torej, ker ste tukaj, naj vam izrečeva dobrodošlico: »Kje ste, člani!« Ogrodje novega slovenskega podcasta sestavljamo 2 mlada ustvarjalca. Zaradi bližine, ki smo jo med seboj ustvarili s pogostim druženjem in delom, podcastu zagotovimo avtentičnost in poskrbimo za sproščeno dinamiko. Na pocastih se nam pogosto pridružijo še zanimivi gosti, – znani in manj znani – ki popestrijo epizode s svojim unikatnim pogledom na življenje in atraktivno osebnostjo. Teme, ki jih obravnavamo, so lahko absurdne in nenavadne, vsekakor pa se dotaknemo tudi življenjskih tem.

  • Industry veterans, degenerate gamblers & besties Chamath Palihapitiya, Jason Calacanis, David Sacks & David Friedberg cover all things economic, tech, political, social & poker.

  • Podkasti ekipe 24ur z najbolj vročimi gosti s sveta zabave, športa, novic in aktualnih zgodb

  • BRSTOLOGIJA je podcast, ki ga vodi KAJA STRNIŠA. Namenjen je predvsem raziskovanju psihologije, duševnega zdravja in dobrega počutja.

    Hkrati pa občasno zakoraka tudi na druga področja delovanja človeka, narave, družbe in sveta na sploh.

  • Z gosti se podajamo na različne plezalne in gorske pustolovščine. Podoživljamo in delimo pristne ter avtentične zgodbe alpinistov, športnih, balvanskih in lednih plezalcev, alpinističnih smučarjev, gornikov in vse ostalih, ki so tako ali drugače povezani z gorami, s plezanjem v vseh oblikah ter vsem, kar sodi zraven. Pogovore o gorniški modrosti vodi Miha Habjan.

  • O čem razmišljajo mladi? Kako živijo? Kako preživijo? Kdo jih nagovarja in kdo ignorira? S študenti in dijaki razpravljamo o življenju v rožnati dolini.

  • Life lessons from the greatest thinkers on the planet with Chris Williamson. Including guests like David Goggins, Dr Jordan Peterson, Sam Harris, Jocko Willink, Dr Andrew Huberman, Dr Julie Smith, Steven Bartlett, Ryan Holiday, James Clear, Robert Greene, Balaji Srinivasan, Steven Pinker, Alex Hormozi, Douglas Murray, Chris Bumstead, James Smith, Dr David Sinclair, Mark Manson and more. Understanding the world is hard. This podcast will help.

  • Lepo pozdravljeni v podkastu Potovanja in delo v tujini. Moje ime je Maja Novak, zadnjih 18 let sem potovala in delala v tujini, med drugim kot interior manager na privatnih jahtah in živela v več kot 10 deželah sveta. Preko podkasta želim svoje izkušnje in nasvete deliti z vsemi vami, ki vas take tematike privlačijo. V družbi navdihujočih gostov se razvijajo pogovori o osebni rasti skozi potovanja, različnih možnostih dela v tujini za mlade, o digitalnem nomadstvu, retreatih in o skrbi zase. Welcome aboard! www.mayita.si

  • Conversations about science, technology, history, philosophy and the nature of intelligence, consciousness, love, and power. Lex is an AI researcher at MIT and beyond.

  • Podcast z gostitelji Miha Krajnc, Tomaž Ornik in Martin Tirš, kjer se pubeci sami ali z zanimivimi gosti pogovarjamo o kulturi, mladostniškem živlenju, karieri/faksu in aktualnih tematikah.

  • Novice in aktualne zgodbe z vsega sveta, ki jih pripravljajo naši dopisniki in sodelavci. 18. vzporednik je pogovor s poročevalci iz vseh večjih evropskih in nekaterih svetovnih prestolnic.

  • ACQ2 is Ben and David's conversations with expert founders and investors. Acquired the stories of great companies — and ACQ2 dives deeper into the lessons we can learn from them, often with the protagonists themselves.

  • Najstarija priča na svetu je mit o potrazi. Čovek otkako postoji, on traga. Traganje može da bude prostorno, ali traganje može da bude i unutrašnje. Tragamo za srećom, za identitetom, tragamo pokušavajući da odgovorimo na mnoga pitanja. Kroz razgovore i putovanja, ovo je moja potraga, moj pokušaj da pobegnem od besmisla.Agelast podcast je projekat Galeba Nikačevića.

  • Exploring an individual in football every Thursday. Hosted by Simon Kuper, a Financial Times columnist, and Mehreen Khan, Economics Editor of The Times, the podcast covers people such as Mbappé, Messi, Rapinoe and Abramovich.
    Simon Kuper, described by Time Magazine as "one of the world's leading writers on soccer," has been to the last nine World Cups and owns Europe's largest football library. Mehreen Khan started her career in sports journalism – and now she's back. Blending socio-political and pop-cultural narratives, she sees football as a brilliant shortcut to also understanding societies, economics, and politics.
    Follow @heroesandhumans everywhere.





    Visit our website for news and updates: heroesandhumans.com

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    Each week, we'll transport you back in time to witness history's most incredible moments and remarkable people.

    New episodes Mondays, or a week early for Noiser+ subscribers.

    With Noiser+ you'll also get ad-free listening and exclusive content. For more information, head to noiser.com/subscriptions

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    Hosted by John Hopkins. Production: Katrina Hughes, Kate Simants, Nicole Edmunds, Jacob Booth, Dorry Macaulay, Rob Plummer, Cody Reynolds-Shaw. Compositions by Oliver Baines, Dorry Macaulay, Tom Pink.

    We are sponsored by Indeed. Go to Indeed.com/shorthistory for £100 sponsored credit.

  • Zane and Heath: Unfiltered is a weekly podcast from YouTube sensations; Zane Hijazi and Heath Hussar, two uneducated Florida boys with strong opinions and nothing to back it. Join them for some raw, uncut, and unfiltered behind the scenes content as they discuss all that transpires in their group's crazy lives when the cameras stop rolling. Be sure to grab your coffee and tune in every Monday morning because your start to the week just got a whole lot better! And by better, we mean worse.

  • 100 milijard razlogov za radovednost. Tako bi lahko rekli, če bi šteli nevrone v naših možganih. Jutranja rubrika brska po svetu nevroznanosti, na poljuden način, s pomočjo domačih in tujih strokovnjakov, pojasnjuje fenomene, s katerimi se srečujemo vsak dan, sledi novostim v raziskovanju možganov, pojasnjuje delovanje in funkcije tega neverjetnega organa in skrbi tudi za možgansko jutranjo rekreacijo.

  • Izbor ljudskih pravljic in drugih zgodbic za lahko noč ali dolgočasno vožnjo z avtom.

  • A cycling podcast hosted by Patrick Broe and Benji Naesen.From in-depth race analysis to guest interviews and important events in the world of professional cycling, it will be discussed.The essential companion for long rides, indoor training and dreary work commutes filled to the brink with everything cycling.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Join intellectual phenomenon Dr. Jordan Peterson for enlightening discourse that will change the way you think. This podcast breaks down the dichotomy of life through interviews and lectures that explain how individuals and culture are shaped by values, music, religion, and beyond. It will give you a new perspective and a modern understanding of your creativity, competence, and personality.

  • Dan Harris is a fidgety, skeptical journalist who had a panic attack on live national television, which led him to try something he otherwise never would have considered: meditation. He went on to write the bestselling book, 10% Happier. On this show, Dan talks with eminent meditation teachers, top scientists, and even the odd celebrity. Guests include everyone from His Holiness the Dalai Lama to Brené Brown to Karamo from Queer Eye. On some episodes, Dan ventures into the deep end of the pool, covering subjects such as enlightenment and psychedelics. On other episodes, it’s science-based techniques for issues such as anxiety, productivity, and relationships. Dan's approach is seemingly modest, but secretly radical: happiness is a skill you can train, just like working your bicep in the gym. Your progress may be incremental at first, but like any good investment, it compounds over time.

    New episodes come out every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for free. Listen 1-week early and to all episodes ad-free with Wondery+ or Amazon Music with a Prime membership or Amazon Music Unlimited subscription.

  • In Season 1, The Girlfriends told the story of how a group of incredible women came together to bring down one bad ex-boyfriend and seek justice for the murder of Gail Katz.

    But there’s one part of that story that’s still a mystery.

    During the investigation into Gail’s case, a torso washed up on Staten Island and was misidentified as Gail. Nobody knows her name or what happened to her after she was ruled out from the case.

    In Season 2, the amateur ladies detective club are back with a new mission: to uncover the identity of this woman and finally find Our Lost Sister.

    The Girlfriends: Our Lost Sister is produced by Novel for iHeartPodcasts. For more from Novel visit Novel.Audio

  • If you've ever wanted to know about champagne, satanism, the Stonewall Uprising, chaos theory, LSD, El Nino, true crime and Rosa Parks, then look no further. Josh and Chuck have you covered.

  • Podkast Vidno polje širi misijo TAM-TAM Inštituta in gleda čez ramo oblikovalkam in oblikovalcem plakatov. Z izbranimi gosti opazujemo in razpravljamo o njihovih delih, kreativnih postopkih in o vlogi plakata v družbi ter smo pozorni na vizualne podobe, ki na javnih površinah ulovijo naš pogled. Da se razširi naše vidno polje, podkast uziramo mesečno. Pogovore vodita Nejc Bahor - Biga in Peter Kuntarič - Kunta. Ustvarjeno v studiu Radia Študent. Po dobrem plakatu se dan pozna!

  • Lewis Howes is a New York Times best-selling author, 2x All-American athlete, keynote speaker, and entrepreneur. The School of Greatness shares inspiring interviews from the most successful people on the planet—world-renowned leaders in business, entertainment, sports, science, health, and literature—to inspire YOU to unlock your inner greatness and live your best life.

  • “Health has become overcomplicated. I aim to simplify it” In this podcast, we hear stories from leading health experts and exciting personalities who offer easy health life-hacks, expert advice and debunk common health myths giving you the tools to revolutionise how you eat, sleep, move and relax. Hosted by Dr Chatterjee - one of the most influential GPs in the country with nearly 20 years experience, star of BBC 1’s Doctor In the House, and author of 5 internationally best-selling books, including ‘The 4 Pillar Plan’ – Feel Better, Live More aims to inspire, empower and transform the way we feel. When we are healthier we are happier because when we feel better we live more.

    Support the podcast and enjoy Ad-Free episodes. Try FREE for 7 days on Apple Podcasts https://apple.co/feelbetterlivemore. For other podcast platforms go to https://fblm.supercast.com.





    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • The comedy podcast that takes history seriously. Greg Jenner brings together the best names in comedy and history to learn and laugh about the past.

  • Najpomembnejše teme tedna podrobneje analiziramo in preverjamo stališča strokovnjakov ter predstavnikov pristojnih organov. Kako njihove odločitve občutite na svoji koži?

  • S pomočjo številk analiziramo vsakodnevne stvari - od športa do znanosti, od veselja do vesolja.

    Številke + kontekst = zgodbe


    Problemi kot priložnost.
    Podkast SBC aktualno na tedenski ravni razmišlja o aktualnih problemih družbe ter posledicah teh problemov na gospodarstvo in posredno na celotno družbo. Naši gosti analizirajo dogajanje in preko analiz ponujajo rešitve.

  • I read Reddit stories with emotion and with funny voices. My most popular subreddits are r/Prorevenge, r/Entitledparents, and r/Choosingbeggars Subscribe to unlock bonus episodes: https://anchor.fm/rslash/subscribe

  • You can change your life and Mel Robbins will show you how.

    Mel Robbins is one of the world’s most widely booked and followed podcast hosts and authors. She’s trusted by the world’s leading brands and medical professionals who use her research-backed tools and strategies in clinical and corporate settings. She’s amassed millions of followers online, with her videos going viral almost daily.

    143 Studios Inc., her female-led media company, produces provocative and award-winning content with unprecedented results: millions of books sold, billions of video views, seven #1 audiobooks, and original courses and programming for clients like Starbucks, JP Morgan Chase, LinkedIn, Spotify, Headspace, and Audible.

    Mel’s work has been translated into 41 languages, her podcast is syndicated in 194 countries, and her TEDx Talk is one of the most viewed of all time. A New York Times bestselling author and self-publishing phenom, Mel’s work includes The High 5 Habit and The 5 Second Rule. Most importantly, her science-backed tools and relatable advice have changed the lives of millions of people worldwide.

    Despite all this, Mel is one of the most down-to-earth and caring people you’ll ever meet. The person you see every day online is exactly the same in real life. Probably because she learned everything she teaches the hard way: by first screwing up her own life, and out of necessity, discovering the tools and research that transformed her life and got her to where she is today.

    In The Mel Robbins Podcast, Mel gets more personal than ever, welcoming you into her life and taking you behind the scenes in real time. Every episode is packed with deeply relatable topics, tactical advice, hilarious screwups, compelling conversations, and the tools and inspiration you need to create a better life.

    Tune in and buckle up – your life is about to change. New episodes of The Mel Robbins Podcast drop every Monday and Thursday.

    To learn more about Mel, go deeper into every episode, find the resources and research she mentions, or submit a topic or question, check out https://www.melrobbins.com.

  • In this top-charting podcast series, entrepreneur Grace Beverley breaks away from the conventional business podcast rhetoric - immersing us in the extraordinary journeys of people from all walks of life who have achieved remarkable success in unique fields. From housing campaigners to investors and sex experts, no avenue is off limits. Each conversation brings new lessons and stories that will inspire you to consider what ‘success’ really means to you and how you can achieve it.

    Grace and her guests open up about the life lessons they wish they had known earlier, sharing insights from their entrepreneurial endeavours, offering advice on health and wellbeing, shedding light on pressing social issues, and being frank about the things that didn’t go quite right.

    Think of it as a school of life. You’ll come away from each episode with actionable advice to help you achieve balance, success, and fulfilment whether you’re working hard, or hardly working.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Kaj je podkast Vodenje z občutkom?
    Prostor, kjer uspešni podjetniki in vodje odprto in iskreno delijo svoje poslovne ter osebne zgodbe. Razkrivajo svoje vzpone in padce ter izkušnje, nasvete in nauke iz prve roke.

    🔔Prijavi se na obvestila o novih epizodah zgodb zanimivih osebnosti iz poslovnega sveta, da ti nobena ne uide!

  • Welcome to The Game w/Alex Hormozi, hosted by entrepreneur, founder, investor, author, public speaker, and content creator Alex Hormozi. On this podcast you’ll hear how to get more customers, make more profit per customer, how to keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons Alex has learned on his path from $100M to $1B in net worth.

  • This is what the news should sound like. The biggest stories of our time, told by the best journalists in the world. Hosted by Michael Barbaro and Sabrina Tavernise. Twenty minutes a day, five days a week, ready by 6 a.m.

    Listen to this podcast in New York Times Audio, our new iOS app for news subscribers. Download now at nytimes.com/audioapp

  • EXTRA! EXTRA! CANCELLED is back and better than ever with your favorite co-host/besties Tana Mongeau and Brooke Schofield. After years of growing up under the constant scrutiny of public opinion, social media juggernaut, Tana Mongeau, is officially taking back the mic (again!). Acting as a natural evolution of her acclaimed “storytime” videos, this show offers an intimate look at Mongeau, her meteoric rise to superstardom, and the unavoidable moments of vulnerability that make this cyber-personality all the more human. Brooke Schofield being the brains and voice of reason between the dynamic-duo, is exactly what this relaunch needed. Born and raised in Arizona, Brooke started her academic journey with nursing but discovered her true passions resided in Los Angeles in the world of social media. She grew a large following quickly, thanks to her unique and satirical commentary on everyday life. CANCELLED will continue to shed new light, not only on its hosts, but on the enigmatic world of “the influencer.” Featuring lively celeb tell-alls, current event commentary, and Tana and Brooke’s unfiltered take on the drama that relentlessly follows them both, follow the show now so you don’t miss a single episode!
    For advertising opportunities please email [email protected]  
    We wanna make the podcast even better, help us learn how we can: https://bit.ly/2EcYbu4 
    Privacy Policy: https://www.studio71.com/us/terms-and-conditions-use/#Privacy%20Policy

  • Nov podkast vodilne slovenske športne televizije. AS Podkast odkriva vse razsežnosti športa in kreše raznolika mnenja. Naši voditelji, novinarji in zanimivi gostje k vam pošljejo nov pogovor o raznolikih športnih tematikah vsakih 14 dni.

  • Doza navdiha, ko iščeš navigacijo v lajfu; kreativne debatke z in za ustvarjalna bitja; procesi nastajanja arta in kako se pozicionirati v tem ludem svetu; pa nasploh en kup modrovanja na poti osvobajanja. Moja teza je, da itak ne moreš biti nihče drug, kot ta, kdor ti je namenjeno biti - zato bo najbolje, da se čim prej začneš otresati vse krame, ki ni tvoja in stopati v svojo najbolj ustvarjalno, divjo, pristno naravo.

    Pošiljam samo ljubav v tvojo smer.🫀
    Hvala za tvoja ušeska.

  • Expert insight on health, performance, longevity, critical thinking, and pursuing excellence. Dr. Peter Attia (Stanford/Hopkins/NIH-trained MD) talks with leaders in their fields.

  • Fearne Cotton talks to incredible people about life, love, loss, and everything in-between as she reveals what happiness means to them.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Glosa Marka Radmiloviča, začinjena s prefinjenim smislom za humor, ki je enostavno ne smete preslišati!

  • „Za življenje, za danes in jutri“ je sklop svetovalnih in izobraževalnih oddaj, namenjenih staršem, družinam in posameznikom, saj posegajo na vsa področja življenja v družini in v ostalih skupnostih. Za družinsko svetovanje, svetovanje na področju starševstva in vzgoje skrbita p. Christian Gostečnik, vodja Frančiškanskega družinskega centra, in priznani specialni pedagog Marko Juhant, tudi avtor več uspešnih knjig na temo vzgoje. Oddaje, namenjene zakoncem in spodbujanju graditve dobrega zakonskega odnosa, pripravljamo v sodelovanju z družinskimi terapevti. Teolog in vzgojitelj dr. Karel Gržan pa na prodoren in iskriv način svetuje pri medosebnih odnosih vseh vrst. V oddajah imajo poslušalci priložnost zastavljati vprašanja in dobiti odgovore na konkretne življenjske razmere. Vsako peto soboto v mesecu pa se nam pridruži p. dr. Tadej Strehovec, mag. aplikativne etike, asistent pri katedri za moralno teologijo in bioetik, ki odpira vprašanja s področja evtanazije, medicinske in družinske etike ter druga.

  • On the Easy German podcast, we discuss topics from Germany and around the world, explain words and expressions and answer your questions. Members get full transcripts, our exclusive vocabulary helper and bonus content for each episode. Learn more at easygerman.fm

  • Gary Brecka is a Human Biologist, biohacker, researcher, and an anti-aging and longevity expert. His approach to health is simple: "Aging is the aggressive pursuit of comfort.”

    For over 20 years, he worked in the life insurance industry predicting mortality. This meant if he got 5 years of medical records and 5 years of demographic data on you, the team that he was associated with could tell a life insurance company how long you had to live to the month. After years and years of doing this type of research and analysis, he decided he wanted to spend the balance of his lifetime helping people live happier, healthier, longer, more fulfilling lives.

    With this mission in mind, he created The Ultimate Human podcast. In this weekly podcast, Gary has exciting conversations with celebrities, athletes, entrepreneurs, and scientists and is thrilled to share their transformative insights with you. What’s keeping you from being an ultimate human? Tune in to find out.

    For more info on Gary, please click here: https://linktr.ee/thegarybrecka
    For more info on the 10X Genetic Methylation Test: http://www.10XHealthTest.com

  • Guy Raz interviews the world’s best-known entrepreneurs to learn how they built their iconic brands. In each episode, founders reveal deep, intimate moments of doubt and failure, and share insights on their eventual success. How I Built This is a master-class on innovation, creativity, leadership and how to navigate challenges of all kinds.

    New episodes on Mondays and Thursdays. Listen to How I Built This on the Wondery App or wherever you listen to your podcasts. You can listen 1-week early and to all episodes ad-free on Wondery+. Join Wondery+ in the Wondery App or on Apple Podcasts. Start your free trial by visiting https://wondery.com/links/how-i-built-this now. Get your How I Built This merch at WonderyShop.com/HowIBuiltThis.

  • If you can never get enough true crime... Congratulations, you’ve found your people.

  • Design is everywhere in our lives, perhaps most importantly in the places where we've just stopped noticing. 99% Invisible is a weekly exploration of the process and power of design and architecture. From award winning producer Roman Mars. Learn more at 99percentinvisible.org.

  • Preko pogovorov s čudovitimi zenskami in z njiihovimi porodnimi zgodbami spreminjamo pomen nasveta "še vsaka je rodila" v nekaj čudovitega. V nekaj, kar bo lahko zares pomagalo mariskateri nosečnici pred in med samim porodom. Z gostjami se pogovarja Katarina Urbanc Munda - porodna navdušenka, medicinska sestra, doula in mama dveh otrok.

  • Deep Cover is a show about people who lead double lives. Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Jake Halpern reveals webs of deception and dark underworlds, through interviews with federal agents and convicted criminals.

    Season four, The Nameless Man, tells the epic tale of two federal agents who investigate a rumor about a murder that supposedly took place 15 years prior. It is also the story of a family searching for answers about why their brother was killed. These two storylines collide in a courtroom in Philadelphia, where murder, memory, and morality go on trial.

    Season three, Never Seen Again, tells the story of two women living on opposite sides of the country, who went missing in the summer of 1999. Seven years later, their stories collided when a small town detective got a tip and became convinced that if he could solve one mystery, he'd solve the other.

    Season two, Mob Land, is about a high-rolling lawyer who joins forces with the feds to try to bring down one of the most powerful criminal syndicates in the country.

    Season one, The Drug Wars, tells the story of an FBI agent who goes undercover with a biker gang, and follows a trail of clues that eventually leads to the US invasion of a foreign country.

    Deep Cover drops on Mondays. To hear all of season four early and ad-free, subscribe to Pushkin+ in Apple Podcasts or at pushkin.fm/plus.

    iHeartMedia is the exclusive podcast partner of Pushkin Industries.

  • Oddaja »Spoznanje več, predsodek manj«, ki je na sporedu vsak ponedeljek ob 17. uri, prinaša enourni pogovor voditelja z gostom v studiu. Z oddajo se želimo odzivati na najrazličnejše predsodke, ki največkrat izvirajo iz nepoznavanja določenih področij, kultur, verstev, zgodovinskih dogodkov, političnih odločitev, običajev in podobno. Vsebine se nanašajo na predsodke, ki se pojavljajo v slovenskem medijskem prostoru, bodisi doma ali pa tudi v širšem prostoru. Z novimi spoznanji pa poslušalcem širimo obzorje in pogled na svet okrog nas. S tem ima oddaja tudi vzgojno izobraževalni poudarek.

  • Every company has a story.

    Learn the playbooks that built the world’s greatest companies — and how you can apply them as a founder, operator, or investor.

  • ESPN's Zach Lowe talks to various basketball people about various basketball things.

  • Lance Armstrong presents a singular perspective on the world’s most iconic cycling races, including the Tour de France and the Classics, as well as the broader endurance sports scene. Not your typical cycling or sports podcast, THEMOVE brings listeners deep inside the racing action, imparting insights from someone who knows the suffering and splendor like no one else. In addition to  course previews and timely race analysis from Armstrong’s distinct point of view, the audience also gets to hear from featured guests, who regularly swing by the THEMOVE studio to join the always-lively conversation. Guests have included former teammates like George Hincapie during the Tour de France, and Mark Allen and Dave Scott in advance of the IRONMAN World Championship.

    THEMOVE is an audio-video experience that transforms every listener from fan and spectator into the ultimate insider.

  • For centuries, all sorts of people—generals and politicians, athletes and coaches, writers and leaders—have looked to the teachings of Stoicism to help guide their lives. Each day, author and speaker Ryan Holiday brings you a new lesson about life, inspired by the thoughts and writings of great Stoic thinkers like Marcus Aurelius and Seneca the Younger. Daily Stoic Podcast also features Q+As with listeners and interviews with notable figures from sports, academia, politics, and more. Learn more at DailyStoic.com.

    New episodes come out every day for free. Listen 1-week early on Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday and to all episodes ad-free, with Wondery+ or Amazon Music with a Prime membership or Amazon Music Unlimited subscription.

  • It was the biggest gold discovery in history... until it wasn’t. In 1995, Canadian mining company Bre-X announced to the world it had found a significant amount of gold deep in the jungles of Indonesia. Stock prices soared as investors worldwide fought to stake their claim. But when Bre-X’s chief geologist mysteriously fell from a helicopter over the jungle, the story of the billion dollar discovery began to unravel. Nearly three decades later, no one has ever been held accountable. Now, host Suzanne Wilton takes listeners from the jungles of Indonesia to small town Alberta, Canada, to investigate what really happened and find out more about the man behind the biggest goldmine fraud of all time. Produced for the BBC World Service and CBC by BBC Scotland Productions.

    Please note, this series contains references to suicide and has some graphic content.

  • Awaken, discover and connect to the deeper meaning of the world around you with Oprah's Super Soul. Hear Oprah’s personal selection of her interviews with thought-leaders, best-selling authors, spiritual luminaries, as well as health and wellness experts. All designed to light you up, guide you through life’s big questions and help bring you one step closer to your best self.

  • The Ringer NBA squad provides the insight, reporting, and analysis that you need in your life right here on The Ringer NBA Show. On Sundays and Wednesdays, check out 'Group Chat' with Justin Verrier, Wosny Lambre and Rob Mahoney. Tap in on Mondays and Thursdays for 'Real Ones' with Logan Murdock and Raja Bell.

  • Retired Navy SEAL, Jocko Willink and Director, Echo Charles discuss discipline and leadership in business, war, relationships and everyday life.

  • Leaders aren’t born, they’re made. This Monday show helps you discover leadership wisdom through insightful conversations. Independently produced weekly since 2011, Dr. Dave Stachowiak brings perspective from a thriving, global leadership academy, plus more than 15 years of leadership at Dale Carnegie. Bestselling authors, expert researchers, deep conversation, and regular dialogue with listeners have attracted 40 million downloads and the #1 search result for management on Apple Podcasts. Activate your FREE membership to access the entire leadership and management library at CoachingforLeaders.com

  • Welcome to Basically Unfiltered, a podcast collab brought to you by the hosts of Pretty Basic with Alisha Marie & Remi Cruz and Zane and Heath: UNFILTERED. As pioneers in the podcast space and long-time social media creators, the iconic duos have come together for the crossover that no one asked for, but every one will love. Weekly episodes will feel like you’re on a FaceTime call with four friends as they catch up about the latest in pop culture, their daily lives and face off in the occasional challenge. Episodes will be available across podcast streamers and on the PrettyxUnfiltered YouTube Channel.

    Hosts: Alisha Marie, Heath Hussar, Remi Cruz and Zane Hijazi


    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJR-nbRSN8g4VJMYJDxPY4w

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/prettyxunfiltered/

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@prettyxunfiltered?lang=en

  • ‘First Things THRST’ is a weekly masterclass that explores the secrets and experiences of entrepreneurs and content creators from across the globe. Each episode is unfiltered and guided by the premise of leaving no stone unturned, which is accountable for the deep discussions into the backgrounds, hardships and confessions of my guests. My goal is simple, to share insights and fresh perspectives on topics like entrepreneurship, success and fitness. Join me on this exciting adventure, and I'm hoping you gain as much from these discussions as I do.

  • Welcome to Pretty Basic, a weekly podcast hosted by multi-hyphenate creators and best friends, Alisha Marie and Remi Cruz. From TMI conversations about dating to big sister chats on how to feel more confident to the dark reality of influencing; each week you'll be left wanting more "content, baby, content." New episodes every Wednesday!

  • Neuroscience and artificial intelligence work better together. Brain inspired is a celebration and exploration of the ideas driving our progress to understand intelligence. I interview experts about their work at the interface of neuroscience, artificial intelligence, cognitive science, philosophy, psychology, and more: the symbiosis of these overlapping fields, how they inform each other, where they differ, what the past brought us, and what the future brings. Topics include computational neuroscience, supervised machine learning, unsupervised learning, reinforcement learning, deep learning, convolutional and recurrent neural networks, decision-making science, AI agents, backpropagation, credit assignment, neuroengineering, neuromorphics, emergence, philosophy of mind, consciousness, general AI, spiking neural networks, data science, and a lot more. The podcast is not produced for a general audience. Instead, it aims to educate, challenge, inspire, and hopefully entertain those interested in learning more about neuroscience and AI.

  • Rotten but still a little sweet! Rotten Mango is a true crime + all things spooky podcast. We love doing deep dives into the darkest crimes and we tend to not leave out any details - which can get a little rotten at times. If you want deep dives in the psychology of killers, no holding back storytelling of crimes, and stories of lesser known criminals from around the world this is the place for you. Welcome to Rotten Mango but don’t worry it all comes with a seasoning of comedy/sweetness.

  • Ofsajd. Oddaja o fuzbalu slovenskem.

  • Področje medicine je obširno, razvoj pa izredno hiter. Težko je slediti vsem novostim, ki so zaradi zapletenih postopkov uvajanja včasih že rahlo zastarele. Pa naj bodo to nove diagnostične metode ali pa tiste, ki so zaradi izpopolnjenih naprav bolnikom prijaznejše. V oddaji govorimo tudi o postopkih zdravljenja in rehabilitacije in novih zdravilih. V oddajo Ultrazvok vabimo najvidnejše domače strokovnjake z različnih področij, kjer poskušamo našim poslušalcem strokovno, obenem pa razumljivo predstaviti problematiko področij, ki jih najbolj zanimajo. Oddajo pripravlja Iztok Konc.

  • This podcast won’t solve all your problems, but it WILL go through them with you. Radhi Devlukia brings you a new weekly show called A Really Good Cry, a space where we can embrace the real, the messy and the beautiful parts of life that can be difficult to digest alone, together. Tune in for a good ole’ laugh, maybe shed a tear or two, and join a community where you can have a really good cry!

    There's no small talk here, we are diving straight in and it’s gonna get real. Whether it’s raw, unfiltered conversations, debate and discussions of different perspectives and life experiences or going on an emotional rollercoaster. A Really Good Cry is there for you to learn, connect, and find comfort together - that allows us to see the world and ourselves with a new perspective.

    Some episodes will also feature surprise guests, including celebrities, scientists, experts and more. New episodes drop every Tuesday. Tag @areallygoodcry on Instagram with your best crying face for a chance to be featured on our social media channels. Like, comment and follow @areallygoodcry on Instagram if you want the chance to be featured on episodes. You can also subscribe to get exclusive and bonus content. Radhi will give listeners the opportunity to be part of the show by responding to dms, comments, questions and more.

  • Osrednja večerna informativna oddaja Radia Slovenija, na sporedu ob 18.30. Kot podkast so na voljo tudi oddaje Jutranja kronika, Danes do 13h, Po Sloveniji, Dogodki in odmevi, Zrcalo dneva ter Novice Radia Slovenija (kratka poročila od 6.00 do 23.00).

  • The Cycling Podcast – daily insight and analysis of the Giro d'Italia, Tour de France, Vuelta a España and Classics.

    Join journalists Daniel Friebe and Lionel Birnie – and a few special guests along the way – as they podcast about the latest cycling news and the world of professional cycling.

    Expect a mix of insight and analysis as our three experienced journalists cover not just the big talking points but take you behind the scenes of professional cycling.

    The Cycling Podcast was founded in 2013 by Richard Moore, Daniel Friebe and Lionel Birnie

    To support The Cycling Podcast, subscribe as a Friend of the Podcast and listen to more than 50 episodes. Subscribe at thecyclingpodcast.com (https://thecyclingpodcast.supportingcast.fm/)

  • One thing about Trisha Paytas, she’s going to speak her mind. The viral megastar has made a career out of unabashedly spilling her heart out to millions of viewers. While she’s been both praised and canceled for it, Trisha has never been afraid of stirring the pot. 

    Now, the meme queen is taking back the mic and truly telling it how she sees it–from the latest Internet drama to the hottest celebrity gossip. In this weekly podcast, Trisha gives her hilariously unfiltered take on the biggest headlines and trends currently taking social media by storm. Alongside her friend and co-host–Emmy-award winning entertainment news journalist Oscar Gracey–she provides her brutally honest, and sometimes highly controversial commentary on pop culture. It’s not personal, it’s ‘Just Trish’. 

    Subscribe to ‘Just Trish’ on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@justtrishpodcast

  • This podcast delivers Dr. John Mandrola’s summary and perspective on top news of the week that cardiologists can’t miss. This podcast is intended for US health professionals only.

  • Glad We Had This Chat is your one-stop shop for all things beauty, skincare and beyond – hosted by the award-winning skincare expert, Caroline Hirons.

    Described as “arguably the most important figure in British beauty”, Caroline is a Number 1 bestselling author, founder of Skin Rocks and has amassed a huge loyal following with over 160million views to her eponymous blog.

    Each week Caroline delves into her contacts book and brings you brilliant chats with brilliant guests, from A-listers to the most sought-after industry experts.

    You’ll hear the interview each Monday, and every Wednesday, Caroline and her guests will be answering YOUR questions! You can send them to us at [email protected]

    Frank, honest and funny, you’ll be left thinking I'm Glad They Had That Chat.

    https://www.youtube.com/@CarolineHirons01 (http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyzKg_t3tPv8Aa_7JL2xXZA)

  • www.lahkonocnice.si

    Lahkonočnice so pravljice sodobnih slovenskih pravljičarjev, ki jih berejo pripovedovalci iz doma starejših občanov. Spoznajte pripovedovalce na www.lahkonocnice.si.

  • You’ve made it to Date Yourself Instead, a podcast intended to inspire you to become the best version of yourself. In 2021, social media personality Lyss started a self-love series on TikTok which amassed over 100+ million views on her videos and counting. In this podcast, she gets candid about her relationship experiences, and touches on other topics including business, beauty, wellness, and so much more. Welcome to the #dateyourselfinstead movement. Episodes every Monday.

  • Timi Max Elšnik vodi igro v zvezni vrsti, zdaj pa tudi svoj Podcast!

  • Osrednja informativna oddaja Radia Slovenija. Kot podkast so na voljo tudi oddaje Jutranja kronika, Danes do 13h, Po Sloveniji, Radijski dnevnik, Zrcalo dneva. Kratka poročila pa objavljamo v podkastu Novice Radia Slovenija.

  • I’ve spent over 20 years studying the emotions and experiences that bring meaning and purpose to our lives, and if there’s one thing I’ve learned it’s this: we are hardwired for connection, and connecting requires courage, vulnerability, and conversation. I want this to be a podcast that’s real, unpolished, honest, and reflects both the magic and the messiness of what it means to be human. Episodes will include conversations with the people who are teaching me, challenging me, confusing me, or maybe even ticking me off a little. I'll also have direct conversations with you about what I’m learning from new research, and we'll do some episodes dedicated to answering your questions. We don’t have to do life alone. We were never meant to.
    Part of the Vox Media Podcast Network.

  • Umetnost možnega – podkast o politiki je nekoliko drugačen pogled na notranje politično dogajanje v Sloveniji. Tanja Starič (TV Slovenija) in Aleš Kocjan (Radio Slovenija), oba dolgoletna notranje politična novinarja, v vsaki epizodi gostita novinarja, ki spremlja slovensko strankarsko dogajanje od blizu. Vabita tudi tiste, ki v ozadju snujejo politične strategije in tiste, ki politike poznajo, jih spremljajo in se z njimi pogovarjajo brez kamer in mikrofonov. Teme podkasta piše politika sama – s spletkami, prestopi, preštevanji, prelomnimi sestanki in kongresi, zavezništvi in spori. Vsakih 14 dni vse to analiziramo, komentiramo, pojasnjujemo in se, seveda, ob tem včasih tudi zgražamo in še večkrat smejimo.

  • emma prefers to share her thoughts with a microphone rather than a physical human being, so thank god she has a podcast. recorded from the comfort of her bed...and some other fun places, emma talks at length about whatever is on her mind every week. anything really does go on this podcast. sometimes philosophy, sometimes a random story from 10 years ago, sometimes advice, sometimes fun interviews, and sometimes nothing at all. you never know what you are going to get, but that’s what keeps it interesting. new episodes every thursday and sunday, video available only on spotify.

  • Popotniški podkast Ta nori svet ustvarjata Andreja in Nina. V njem z gosti potujeta po različnih državah sveta - bližnjih, dalnjih, eksotičnih, nedostopnih ... Države doživljamo skozi oči gosta in podajamo nasvete za potovanje. Skušata ti svet predstaviti drugače, zanimivo - to si v teh nenavadnih časih zaslužiš.

  • The world’s top scientists explain the latest health, nutrition, and gut health research and translate it into practical advice to improve your health & weight. Join ZOE Science & Nutrition, on a journey of scientific discovery.
    Hosted by Jonathan Wolf.

  • Grab onto this fast moving train and witness two comedians rise to victory and splendor. This is easily the funniest podcast out there. The rest are pretty meh.

  • Unofficial Partner is the leading podcast for the business of sport. Our guests are a who's who of the international sports industry talking about the big issues.

  • Na čisto resna radiovedna vprašanja, ki nam jih zastavljajo poslušalci, iščemo čisto resne odgovore – s strokovnjaki. Če imate kakšno vprašanje, na katero niste dobili odgovora, nam pišite na [email protected]

  • History! The most exciting and important things that have ever happened on the planet. Powerful kings, warrior queens, nomads, empires and expeditions. Historian Dan Snow and his expert guests bring all these stories to life and more in a daily dose of history. Join Dan as he digs into the past to make sense of the headlines and get up close to the biggest discoveries being made around the world today, as they happen.

    If you want to get in touch with the podcast, you can email us at [email protected], we'd love to hear from you!

  • Everywhere around us are echoes of the past. Those echoes define the boundaries of states and countries, how we pray and how we fight. They determine what money we spend and how we earn it at work, what language we speak and how we raise our children. From Wondery, host Patrick Wyman, PhD (“Fall Of Rome”) helps us understand our world and how it got to be the way it is.

    New episodes come out Thursdays for free, with 1-week early access for Wondery+ subscribers. Listen ad-free on Wondery+ or on Amazon Music with a Prime membership or Amazon Music Unlimited subscription.

  • A little show about big ideas. From the people who make Planet Money, The Indicator helps you make sense of what's happening today. It's a quick hit of insight into work, business, the economy, and everything else. Listen weekday afternoons.

    Try Planet Money+! a new way to support the show you love, get a sponsor-free feed of the podcast, *and* get access to bonus content. You'll also get access to The Indicator and Planet Money Summer School, both without interruptions. sign up at plus.npr.org/planetmoney

  • Master My Garden podcast with John Jones. The gardening podcast that helps you master your own garden. With new episodes weekly packed full of gardening tips, how to garden guides, interviews with gardening experts on many gardening topics and just about anything that will help you in your garden whether you are a new or a seasoned gardener. I hope you enjoy.John

  • Locked On Wolves podcast is your daily ticket to stay ahead of the game and the first to know the latest news, analysis, and insider info for the Minnesota Timberwolves and the NBA. Host Ben Beecken provides your daily Wolves fix with quick-hitting, accurate and expert opinions, local analysis, game recaps, opponent check-ins, and coverage of all aspects of the Wolves franchise. Locked On Wolves takes you beyond the scoreboard for the inside scoops on the biggest stories from within the Wolves’ locker room and all over the NBA. The Locked On Wolves podcast is part of the Locked On Podcast Network. Your Team. Every Day.

  • Every weekday, TED Talks Daily brings you the latest talks in audio. Join host and journalist Elise Hu for thought-provoking ideas on every subject imaginable — from Artificial Intelligence to Zoology, and everything in between — given by the world's leading thinkers and creators. With TED Talks Daily, find some space in your day to change your perspectives, ignite your curiosity, and learn something new.

  • Dr Ali Abdaal is the world’s most followed productivity expert and author of Feel-Good Productivity, the brand new book that reveals why the secret to productivity isn’t discipline, it’s joy. In his podcast, Deep Dive, Ali sits down with inspiring creators, thinkers, entrepreneurs and high performers to help listeners build lives that they love.

    Ali’s cheerful style, positive approach, and well-researched content have made him a trusted voice when it comes to productivity. The internet means that we have access to more knowledge and information than ever before - but it can also be overwhelming. So, Ali and his expert guests focus on simple, scientifically proven, and actionable steps you can take to make real changes in your life.

    Ali’s a firm believer that happiness isn’t the result of success - in fact, happiness is the key to success in the first place. Ali made this discovery while working as a doctor in a chaotic hospital ward. In the past, hard work had been the answer to every obstacle in his life. But no amount of hard work was going to combat panic and burnout.

    So, Ali dedicated himself to figuring out a new approach to productivity - one that focuses on enjoying the journey and working towards truly meaningful goals. Deep Dive, with its authentic and engaging conversations, will give you all the insights you need to do just that.

  • Brené’s newest podcast is based on her book, Dare to Lead, which debuted at #1 on the New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestseller lists, and has become the ultimate courage-building playbook for leaders at every level. Brené writes, “The Dare to Lead podcast will be a mix of solo episodes and conversations with change-catalysts, culture-shifters, and as many troublemakers as possible. Innovating, creating, and building a better, more just world requires daring leadership in every part of our daily lives – from work to home to community. Together, we’ll have conversations that help us show up, step up, and dare to lead.”

  • Welcome to Confessions by Anastazia, a captivating and insightful podcast hosted by content creator, influencer, and self-care enthusiast, Anastazia.
    With over 1.5 million followers across her socials, Anastazia brings her signature charm, authenticity and passion for personal growth to her podcast. In each episode she delves deep into a wide range of topics, offering her unique perspective and practical advice on wellness, relationships, health, pop culture and much more.

  • Join Isaac Harris of the Dallas Mavericks every Monday morning as he takes a stroll through Mavsland to talk about the latest news and storylines around Luka Doncic, Kyrie Irving, and the Mavs. 

  • Journalist Edd Straw and former F1 technical director and car designer Gary Anderson are here to guide listeners through the wonderful world of Formula 1 technology. With the help of special guests they’ll discuss and explain everything from how F1 cars are engineered to go faster, to the science behind cutting-edge aerodynamics and the complexities of engine development. They’ll also discuss the latest design trends shaping the grid, speak to some of the famous names behind classic F1 innovations, and answer fans’ burning F1 tech questions.

  • If you are one of the many people who can’t sleep, join us in listening to our Podcast. You'll hear relaxing sleep hypnosis, guided sleep meditations and bedtime stories – all designed to help you relax and get a peaceful night’s sleep.

  • The Best in Bitcoin made Audible.Guy Swann makes the knowledge of Bitcoin, the world's most secure, independent money, accessible to everyone. Exploring Bitcoin from an investment perspective, economic analysis, its philosophical foundations, & technological primitives. Reading and distilling thousands of hours of others' works on Bitcoin, Guy explains everything you need to know.

  • The all-new home of the Football Clichés podcast.
    Adam Hurrey explores the glorious and unique language of football: the words, the phrases, the mannerisms and, above all, the clichés.

  • Mihi brska po poljanah slovenske spletne inteligence in prebira modrosti anonimnežev.

  • Advanced English learning. The best podcast to learn English. Short English lessons with an experienced native English teacher. Most beneficial for intermediate to advanced English learners. Join to become a confident English speaker. Visit www.englishlessonviaskype.com to check out my advanced English intensive courses, online English lessons on Zoom/Skype, online English courses and much more!

  • The biggest stories and guests from the UK and international left. Hosted by Michael Walker, Aaron Bastani, Ash Sarkar, Moya Lothian-McLean, Dalia Gebrial and more.

  • Po vseh slovenskih regijah in krajih iščemo in predstavljamo lokalne junake, ki zavzeto, nadpovprečno in predano opravljajo svoje delo ali prostočasno dejavnost

  • With over 30 years of combined experience in technology journalism, Stephen Robles and Jason Aten highlight the most important tech news every week and why it matters. Stephen is a digital content creator with over 100K followers and former host of the AppleInsider podcast. Jason is a technology columnist at Inc.com and writes Undigital, a newsletter about the business of tech. He’s also written in the past for Business Insider and The Chicago Tribune, and has appeared at conferences including SXSW, WebSummit, and Collision. Tune in every Thursday for new episodes. Plus, subscribe for an ad-free version of the show and bonus content every week!

  • "Mi oblikujemo zgradbe, nakar zgradbe oblikujejo nas.", Winston Churchill

    Podcast o tem, kako življenske zgodbe vplivajo na oblikovanje doma in kako dom vpliva na življenske zgodbe.

    Sem arhitekt. Snujem hiše, ki postanejo dom.
    A preden pričnem s snovanjem, me zanimata prostor in predvsem ljudje, ki bodo v njih živeli.

    Kvalitetno zasnovana hiša podpira željeni življenski slog njenih prebivalcev. Je dom, ki sooblikuje njihova življenja.

    Arhitektovi dialogi so pogovori z zanimivimi in navdihujočimi ljudmi, namenjeni razkrivanju njihovih življenskih zgodb.

  • The day’s top stories from BBC News. Delivered twice a day on weekdays, daily at weekends.

  • 《知行小酒馆》是有知有行出品的一档分享投资与生活的播客节目。我们关注投资理财,更关注怎样更好地生活。在我们看来,投资成功,是我们变成一个更好的人之后,自然的结果。

    如果你对节目有任何建议,或者有推荐的嘉宾,或者想来小酒馆做客,欢迎在微博@知行小酒馆 或 @有知有行 给我们留言。


    微博:@知行小酒馆 或 @有知有行



  • A series of conversations with the world’s most interesting and innovative designers, working across interiors, architecture, furniture, product, industrial design and more. A podcast from Design Anthology.

  • Tara Lipinski: Unexpecting takes listeners through the Olympic figure skating champions’ tumultuous, on-going, five-year quest to become a mother. Her journey began in 2018, and since then, the normally open and public athlete-turned-broadcaster has kept this often-devastating roller-coaster ride a secret. Until now. Most people have heard of in vitro fertilization (IVF), but not the often-cruel existence it forces upon its patients when complications arise. Listeners will be shocked at the vulnerability and honesty of the conversations, and the hunt for some sort of acceptable reason for Tara’s excruciatingly painful struggle to build a family will continually drive the story forward. Unexpecting will tackle uncomfortable and taboo subjects and take on the complicated issues surrounding IVF and infertility with sincerity and humor. Tara certainly didn’t predict she would be thrust into this world. But as the cliché goes, expect the unexpected.

  • Brian Cox and Robin Ince host a witty, irreverent look at the world through scientists' eyes.

  • Psihologika podkast je veriga epizod, ki razkrivajo psihološke vsebine obravnavane v psihoterapiji. Skupaj z gostji predstavljamo načine reševanja problemov, ki se dotikajo psihologije, zdravja, odnosov, čuječnosti in njihovih lastnih izkušenj s psihoterapijo. Vsebine so strokovno in znanstveno podprte in pomagajo pri reševanju različnih težav ter delu na sebi in odnosih. Z naročnino nanj podprete sebe in svoje bližnje in si s tem omogočite boljše duševno zdravje in kakovostno življenje. Z vami sem psihologinja Neva Kumer Pavlović. Vabljeni k poslušanju.

  • This is a recopilation of the Dr Joe dispenza meditations, hoping this help to many people that want to change their lifes.

  • Supercharge your learning and enhance your practice with this Internal Medicine Podcast featuring board certified Internists as they interview the experts to bring you clinical pearls, practice-changing knowledge, and bad puns. Doctors Matthew Watto, Paul Williams, and friends (a national network of students, residents, and clinician-educators) deliver a little knowledge food for your brain hole. Yummy! No boring lectures here, just high-value content and a healthy dose of humor. Fantastic for Internal Medicine, Family Medicine, Primary Care, and Hospital Medicine.

  • "Release" ist der Therapiepodcast mit Dania Schiftan. Die Psychotherapeutin und Sexologin lädt ihre Gäste dazu ein über ihre intimsten Themen zu sprechen: Libidoverlust, Orgasmusprobleme, Sex in langjährigen Beziehungen, Eifersucht in polygamen Partnerschaften, Angst vor Zärtlichkeit und vieles mehr. In persönlichen Gesprächen hilft sie ihren Klient:innen, egal ob Single oder in einer Beziehung, ein möglichst erfülltes Sexualleben mit sich selbst und Partner:innen zu leben.

    Wenn auch ihr ein Thema habt, das ihr mit Dania im Podcast besprechen wollt, meldet euch unter: [email protected]

    Alle weiteren Hinweise zu den Sponsoren findet ihr hier:


    Eine Produktion von Auf die Ohren.

    Schnitt: Milan Fey und Jonas Teichmann

    Sounddesign: Milan Fey

    Redaktionelle Leitung: Anne Gross

    Idee: Marie Seltmann

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • The Business of Story helps sales and marketing leaders excel through the stories they tell. Hosted by Park Howell, known as The World's Most Industrious Storyteller, this popular weekly show is ranked among the top 10% of downloaded podcasts internationally and is the #1 Business Storytelling Podcast according to Feedspot. #StoryOn!

  • A true story involving two brides and one turd. What do you do if someone defecates on the floor at your wedding? Re-evaluate your friends and family? No, you launch an investigation to find who did it. Join the brides, Helen Mclaughlin and Karen Whitehouse, and the extremely under-qualified “Detective” Lauren Kilby, as they interrogate wedding guests, hook bridesmaids up to polygraph machines and speak with top forensic experts in an attempt to crack the case. Because crime is not a laughing matter. Well, maybe except for this one.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • How’s your relationship? That’s what we thought. You’re going to love Rikki and Jimmy on Relationships, the show where we uncover the thoughts and behaviors that are sabotaging your relationship… and what you can do about it. Jimmy and Rikki are passionate about sharing the ways that imperfect partners like you can shift unhealthy relational dynamics and create closeness. Drop your defenses and open your heart, eyes, and ears… we’re going to learn how to be the best partner we can be, together.

  • The future is always bright…if you know where to look. Join me each week for A Bit of Optimism - I talk to inspiring people who teach me more about life, leadership and general interesting things.

  • Inspiring interviews with leading Physiotherapists, discussing real life assessment and treatment, clinical issues and ways to give you an edge in your Physiotherapy clinical practice.

  • America's funniest auto mechanics take calls from weary car owners all over the country, and crack wise while they diagnose Dodges and dismiss Diahatsus. You don't have to know anything about cars to love this one hour weekly laugh fest.

  • The Bechdel Cast is a podcast about the portrayal of women in movies hosted by Caitlin Durante and Jamie Loftus.

  • I'm a giant piece of euro trash talking about growing up in the states with my Croatian mother and Serbian father and the nonsense that gets said and happens on a weekly basis. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/eurotrash/support

  • Podcast hosted by Angela Halili and Arielle Reitsma. All things Jesus, all things life. A couple of imperfect girls serving an absolutely perfect God. We love you!-Ang & Ari@angelahalili@ariellereitsma Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/girlsgonebiblepod/support

  • The C-Squared Podcast is an in depth weekly discussion about the chess world with your hosts, Grandmasters Fabiano Caruana and Cristian Chirila. Bringing the biggest news and chess stars to your doorstep!

  • Welcome to the Financial Crime UK Weekly podcast. I’m Chris Kirkbride and I lecture law.

    This is an introductory podcast to give you a guide as to the sort of things which we will be looking at on this podcast in the first week of every month. However, there will be specials and additional podcasts out of this sequence if something happens which is significant and deserves a special episode.

    So, what are the sort of things we’ll be talking about? Well, we will cover news, events, legal developments, and anything else that relates to financial crime, in the UK – obviously, because that is in the podcast title – but also in other jurisdictions. No man is an island and financial crime certainly does not respect national borders.

    Broadly, the coverage will be all aspects of:

    Fraud | Bribery | Market abuse and insider dealing | Money laundering and terrorist financing | Data and information theft | Cybercrime (phishing / smishing) and the challenges generated by fintech in terms of finance crime threats.

    While these might be financial crimes, strictly speaking, but that is not all. It is necessary to reflect on the responses to financial crime which the state adopts. While this is less about fines and imprisonment, we will focus on confiscation and recovery schemes, sanctions imposed on those who have committed financial crimes, together with arrangements designed to allow the offender to avoid/defer prosecution, namely, deferred prosecution agreements.

    Consideration will also be given to the regulatory architecture of financial crime, both domestic and international – as stated, financial crime does not respect borders – together with regulatory enforcement and aspects of the compliance industry – the industry which helps commercial entities stay on the right side of the law.

    Finally, and this is a particular interest of mine, but I am fascinated by the interface between criminal and civil law where the facts of an event could lead to prosecution or civil action. Consequently, while this is a financial crime podcast, we will also consider those situations where the civil law might bring about a robust response to financial wrongdoing.

    So, that’s it from me for now except to say that the podcast is available from the usual places, Google Podcasts, Spotify, iTunes, and others.

  • Desde una perspectiva crítica, analizamos a los medios de comunicación colombianos. Nos preguntamos sobre la importancia de su trabajo en el construcción democrática de nuestro país, lo hacemos con argumentos y mucho humor. Este es un podcast de Sara Trejos, María Paula Martínez, Santiago Rivas, Andrés Páramo y Juan Álvarez.

    Postproducción de Rodrigo Rodríguez.

    Información adicional en www.presuntopodcast.com

    @PresuntoPodcast en redes sociales.

    Get bonus content on Patreon

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Join me, Jess VanderWier, a registered psychotherapist, mom of three, and founder of Nurtured First, along with my husband Scott, as we dive deep into the stories of our friends, favourite celebrities, and influential figures.

    In each episode, we skip the small talk and dive into vulnerable and honest conversations about topics like cycle breaking, trauma, race, mental health, parenting, sex, religion, postpartum, healing, and loss.

    We are glad you are here.

    PS: The name Robot Unicorn comes from our daughter. When we asked her what we should name the podcast, she confidently came up with this name because she loves robots, and she loves unicorns, so why not? There was something about the playfulness of the name, the confidence in her voice, and the fact that it represents that you can love two things at once that just felt right.

  • "Thema des Tages" ist der Nachrichten-Podcast vom STANDARD. Wir stellen die brennenden Fragen unserer Zeit. Die Redaktion liefert die Antworten und die Hintergründe. Von Politik und Wirtschaft bis Chronik, Wissenschaft und Sport. Neue Folgen erscheinen jeden Werktag um 17:00 Uhr. Moderation & Produktion: Tobias Holub, Margit Ehrenhöfer, Zsolt Wilhelm, Antonia Rauth

  • Triindvajsetega septembra 2019 je posadka Adrie Airways na jutranjem letu Ljubljana–Bruselj v evropski zračni prostor ponesla poseben pozivni znak: Adria4ever. Nekaj dni pozneje se je s stečajem končala 58-letna zgodovina slovenskega letalskega prevoznika, ki nam je dal krila. V posebnem podkastu se spominjamo vzponov in padcev Adrie Airways, pilotov, stevardes in številnih drugih (so)potnikov Slovenije nad oblaki. Objavljamo pričevanja, dejstva in mejnike, ki jih je v večmesečnem raziskovalnem delu zbrala Tatjana Pirc.

  • Podcasts, readings, lectures and events: big ideas and radical discussion from authors and collaborators with Verso Books

  • The Pocket is a podcast where we speak with guests from all over the world that have thrived in the areas of Business, Health & Mind.

    Underneath anyone that has achieved greatness in life is a journey. Good days and bad, highs and lows, laughs and cries. Then all of a sudden, BOOM, they achieve this overnight success.

    It’s quite special really, if only the journey got documented more... It’s like they have been spending all of this time building a beautiful jacket they call life. A jacket with so much depth and character, but all people see is some denim and stitches.

    Let’s deep dive into the pockets of their jacket and find out what actually made it so special.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • DER STANDARD und DER SPIEGEL rekonstruieren die großen und kleinen Skandale Österreichs. WIR blicken in politische Abgründe und erklären zusammen mit den Journalistinnen und Journalisten beider Redaktionen, was die Republik bewegt. "Inside Austria" erscheint Samstags – überall, wo es Podcasts gibt.

  • I have a newsletter where I usually start things off with pretty long general musings before I share the content I've created in the previous week, as well as any interesting articles I've stumbled across in the last week. 

    Not everyone likes reading or having more emails in their inbox, though, so this podcast is an audio version of my newsletters. They aren't tutorials or technical explorations like my regular videos are, but instead tend to talk about a wide range of different topics, though they're generally at least somewhat related to front-end development in some way.

  • From battling issues with drinking to founding the world's leading independent non-alcoholic spirits brand CleanCo, my story is one of resilience and reinvention. Now I'm on a mission to uncover the secrets of success from inspirational people who have made an incredible name for themselves. If like me you’re fascinated by how other people have developed a mindset for success, tune in each week so you can be inspired to unlock your full potential and become the best version of yourself.

  • Welcome to "SO CULTURED" the podcast where science, tech, and a dash of sass collide! Join your hosts Liv, Yaz, and Taz on a journey through the latest in the world of science and technology.

    Each week, we dish up a blend of cutting-edge news, discoveries, and sizzling gossip from the realms of labs and circuits. All served with a side of piping hot "laboratea" that will have you laughing out loud.

    We can't wait to hang out with you- Liv, Yaz and Taz xo

  • Infertility and miscarriage are more common than we realize, and we need to talk about it. Whether it's interviews with experts or a deep dive into a reproductive health topic, every week on the Baby or Bust Fertility podcast, your host, Dr. Lora Shahine, gets real about education, emotional support, and shared fertility experiences. Listen now and learn how to advocate for your own care or support your loved ones with infertility, miscarriage, and early pregnancy.

    Baby Or Bust is produced by Bray's Run Production and Audiotocracy Podcast Production in partnership with the Seattle Sperm Bank.

  • Kassenzone.de analysiert E-Commerce Strategien und Geschäftsmodelle. Wöchentlich sprechen Gründer und CEOs von Händlern, Marken und Herstellern über ihr Geschäftsmodell und die eigene E-Commerce Strategie. Die Gäste werden befragt von Alexander Graf, Geschäftsführer & Gründer von Spryker Systems.