
  • The Science of Supernatural Encounters
    We learn some things from the story of the Jesus & the Samaritan woman (John 4:6-9, 27)
    * It was unexpected for Jesus, a Jew, to converse with a Samaritan woman due to cultural norms.
    * Jesus knew beforehand that she would approach and that she needed to meet him, showing his prophetic insight.
    * Jesus dismissed his disciples to ensure an uninterrupted conversation with the woman.
    * Jesus perceived the woman’s need for him and engaged with her purposefully to address it directly. ✍️Everyone who draws near to God He draws close to them. Like the Samaritan woman she had questions and the Messiah came to her. The moment we begin to look for God, it sets spiritual signals that draws Him close to us.
    - Everyone who hungers and thirsts after righteousness will be filled.
    - Every person is born with hunger and thirst for God. Anyone who earnestly desires righteousness find fulfillment. In every revival, there has always been a hunger for righteousness present (Matthew 5:6).
    - Therefore, the advice is to continue seeking, for those who persist will discover, and those who keep knocking will have doors opened to them.
    - Spiritual things have a cumulative effect, there are spiritual disciplines that require that we must show up regularly.
    - Spiritual encounters can be trapped, we can create a memorial around spiritual encounters that make it repeatable.

  • Purpose
    What is purpose? Purpose is that one thing for which we were created and we must succeed at, otherwise, nothing else we succeed at will count.Two things to remember:
    📌It’s our purpose to mirror God to our world.
    📌Living our lives ignoring the purpose of God is a sin.

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  • True Worship 🔥

    The priority of worship is not our preference but the order of the protocol of the Church.

    By the revelation of God's mercies, our response should be presenting our bodies holy and acceptable before Him. That is the standard.

    Every time worship is done properly, 3 things happen simultaneously.

    1. The Holiness of God.
    2. ⁠The access of the blood.
    3. ⁠The fellowship and the edification of the saints.

    In the Old Testament, what is most highlighted is the holiness of God.

    Holiness is distinction and excellence. None to be compared with. And so is our God.

    There is none Holy as our God, there is none besides Him, neither is there any rock like our God.

    Here are further points of emphasis;

    - In true worship, you immediately know that God is not on our level.
    - The holiness of God without the access of the blood is scary. It must happen simultaneously.
    - ⁠Everything in the Old Testament system of worship is a type and shadow of what Christ was going to come and do.
    - ⁠True worshippers know that what gives them access is the blood of Jesus and not activities.
    - ⁠The blood of Jesus has given us access, and that’s what matters to God.

    And so, this is what it means to be a true worshipper. See your access through the blood.

    This is the most important event in worship, the blood of Jesus. He has given us access. Glory to God!🥳🥳

  • Apologia: Defending the Faith 🔥
    He emphasized that you have a ministry in the body of Christ and you must find your own calling.
    Here are points to note from the sermon:
    - It takes a level of investment to defend the faith. 1pet 3:18.
    - The word “Apologia” means to give a defense and defend the faith
    - You must not have a bias against defense.
    As believers, why Apologetics:
    - It is necessary.
    - It is important for evangelism. Rev 1:17-18.
    - It is important for worship. It is not worship to make Jesus common: 1 Pet 3:15.
    - It is a matter of life and death.

    How to know a disciple of Jesus
    - Who you listen to
    - Who you shun
    Christ died for the gospel and you must believe in your life that the message is important. ✨
    If you love the Lord, there is always something to do. As you step out this week, preach the gospel to someone.😃

  • Sealed: No confidence in the flesh”. 🔥🔥
    He emphasized that as believers we have a lot of glory that the world doesn’t recognize. Rom 8:18-20
    Here are some key points to note from the sermon;
    • The riches we have in Christ are so grandiose, they can’t be compared.
    • ⁠The man in Christ is so special that God takes everything that is done to you personally.
    • ⁠We have been circumcised with the circumcision that was not made with hands.
    • ⁠Biblical Circumcision is different from the circumcision done to men.

    Biblical circumcision represents three things:
    1. Identification. (Gen 17:9-14)
    2. Promise.
    3. Protection.
    The church should walk in the consciousness of this “touch not” mark they have.
    We are marked and we must recognize that we have a divine difference in us.
    Circumcision applies to you too. Even if people can’t see it, there is a radical difference about you. If Cain had a ‘touch not’ mark, so do you!
    Walk in the confidence of your protection in Christ today!🥳🥳

  • Contending for the faith 🔥🔥

    He emphasized that as believers, we must be ready to contend for the faith that was once delivered unto us. Jude 1:3.

    We were made to understand that there is an opposition and we (the Church) will be vehemently opposed, hence fighting is okay.

    Here are some key points to note from this sermon;

    - For the gospel to prevail, you must be willing to fight for it.
    - ⁠To contend for the faith, you must be open to opposition.
    - ⁠The devil tries to deceive the believer into thinking that it is a sin to fight for what you believe.
    - ⁠A Church that does not contend will die.
    - ⁠As long as you’re getting it right, there will be opponents.

    Three strategies the devil uses against the church;

    1. He gaslights Christians into believing that they shouldn’t have a voice.
    2. He abuses the Church.
    3. He deploys means to exterminate the Church of God.

    It was further emphasized that contention also involves spiritual discernment.

    Every aspect of Christianity will take contention. In evangelism, in discipleship, and spirituality.

    Believers must be discerning of the fact that the devil is behind every war against the church, and recognize that there are spirit entities working behind the scenes.

    Finally, Jesus commanded in Matthew 5:11-12, that it is something to be happy about when persecuted, and for us to rejoice! And this indeed is our response🥳🥳

  • We need to have a positive mentality, in spite of any negative event because God will always come through.

    As believers, our convictions should be based on the word of God, we know that all things are working together for our good. Romans 8:28

    Sometimes, you are angry about the outcome of a situation, not knowing that you dodged a bullet, and God saved your life.

    Abraham understood this, and it was his mentality even when God told him to sacrifice Isaac. He knew that if God wants to take Isaac, he has plans to raise him up. Genesis 22:2, Hebrews 11:17-19.

    God is not in support of bad, but in spite of the bad, God can bring out good.

    We don’t always know it as we should and in the present, it may seem difficult, but we know that all things work together for our good.

    It takes confidence to trust in the plan of Jesus.

    Two instances in the Bible that point to the redemptive work of Christ:
    📍The story of Jonah in the belly of the fish.

    📍The call for Abraham to sacrifice Isaac to God.

  • The Way: Singularity of the Faith 🔥 Jude 1:3
    He emphasized that every great encounter with God recorded in the Bible points to Christ. He used the story of Noah as an example.
    Here are some key points to note:
    • The destruction of the world in Noah’s day was a prophecy of the destruction of the world at the end of time. 2 Peter 1:2
    • Noah told the people to get into the ark but they did not understand the prophecy at that time. 2pet 2:5.
    • The ark was a prophetic metaphor of salvation. The ark saved people from God’s wrath.
    • There was no function of control on the ark, meaning salvation is by God alone and we have no contribution.
    • The ark was covered in pitch(bitumen) which prevented rain from getting into it. Gen 6:14 Job 33:24
    •The ark had just one door, just like Christ is the way. Rev 3:20

    Today, there are different things done to kick Jesus out of the church:
    - Suppressing the truth in unrighteousness. Rom1:18.
    - False doctrines: We must take our doctrines seriously as salvation is by believing not by praying.
    It is important to know that the happenings in the Old Testament was a pattern showing what will happen in the end time. Heb8:1.

  • Pendulum 🔥
    There is a kind of devotion we should have for the ministry of souls. 🔥
    Here are some key points to note from the sermon:
    - By our efforts, people should be able to tell the value of what we are gunning for.
    - In our devotion to ministry, we must preach like we are up against something.
    - Ministry is warfare and not something to be done casually.
    - There is nothing outside the word of God that is relevant to our salvation.
    - When we become spiritually mature, we would be harder to deceive.
    - It takes war for the truth to become popular and to gain ascendancy. 2 Tim 4:7
    - When it comes to the things of God, it's noteworthy that there is no perfect vessel, everyone is flawed.

    We must learn to test all things and hold on to what is true. God wants a generation that will not tolerate mediocrity.

  • Endless life 🔥
    Because of Jesus, we have access to the Father. 2 Cor 4:4
    Here are some key points to note from the sermon;
    - National development is important, but the offering of the gospel is a priority.
    - The gospel is not for economic development.
    - The gospel offering is more than an escape from hell.
    Three things to note from Matthew 12:38:40
    - Beware of consumer Christianity: When you're a consumer Christian, your faith will not last. Something must happen in your hearts for you to see the gospel as the power of God. Sometimes, the miracles in your life are to show you that there are higher priorities.
    - The sign of Jonah is that he died and rose again, and we see the same with Jesus. Jonah 2:1
    - The message of Jonah. Jonah 4:1. This message was for the people of Nineveh to repent. The God of the Bible is so good, He annoys religious people.

    Here are further points to note;
    - Feeling bad is not the power of God unto salvation.
    - Your faith is based on the message, not on how you feel.
    - The God of the Bible is concerned about impact, not reputation.
    God wants to prove the extent of his love, grace, and kindness to you. The resurrection of Jesus is the best gift to mankind ✨

  • We already established earlier today that Eden is no longer a geographical location or a physical mountain. Eden is our new location, and we are Eden.
    There are some things that we need to know about our new location, Eden. One of which is that we must know how to work well with angels (Hebrews 12:18-22).
    There are four keys to activating angelic ministration
    🔸️ Reverence for the Lord (Psalm 34:7)
    🔸️ Be committed to knowing and doing the word (Psalm 103:20)
    🔸️ Prayer (Daniel 10:12)
    🔸️ Sacrifice (Acts 10:2-4)

    Our walk with Christ can not be accomplished without angels, and how well you work with angels will determine the effectiveness of your ministry.

  • Deeper is for consecration, for you to examine yourself.

    An opportunity to strengthen hands that hang low and feeble knees.

    You must feel after God, where you have that pure and holy passion and that consciousness.

    When it comes to conviction, our final authority and focus will forever be scripture.

    People’s experiences can be faulty and lead us to error.

    Lessons from an encounter with heaven and hell:
    * Endurance of physical and emotional torment in multiple folds of the worst human feelings.
    * Forever haunted by guilt after a realization of God’s eternal love, leading to hopelessness.

    * Radiates pure light, divine presence, awe, and the Godly type of fear.
    * Fulfils every desire, leading to a desire to serve. All your ambitions die.

    God created all things, and he gave them for our enjoyment. Yet he remains the chief Joy.

    Nothing will be more fulfilling than to see him and serve him.

  • Learning to wait is a very important aspect of spiritual growth. There’s something about the environment that tells us how we are to operate.

    God didn’t just create animals, he created an environment for them to depend on. You were created for you to depend on. Gen 2:8.

    Eden is a geographical location but not just a geographical location. In the Garden of Eden, the supernatural overlapped with the natural. Eden was the embassy of heaven on earth. Eden was a portal. Heavenly realities were simulated in Eden.

    When you think of Eden, you think of priesthood. Gen 12:7, 28:12-13. Eden is a place where man can receive instructions from his maker. Exodus 19:16-19, Ezekiel 28:13-14.

    Sinai was a type of Eden. Eden is a spiritual place but does not have to be at the entrance of heaven. A portal can make two far places close. Anywhere can be Eden, God just has to put around it an environment that is conducive.

    You no longer have to take a sacrifice to a physical place, you will be the offering, the priesthood, the sacrifice, and the temple. Because the sacrifice has been paid once and for all, reconciliation is the message. Everything Christ was, we are. We continue where Christ stopped.

    You can be a churchgoer and be using worldly wisdom. 1Kings 6: 31-:32. John 1:51, 4:24..2Cor 5:19. We continue where Christ is. In Christ was the provision of salvation, In us was the announcement of salvation. Heb 12:23, John 7:38, 2Cor 5:20

    When you come to the consciousness of priesthood it’s a new mentality. God has made an avenue through Christ by which his presence can permeate the earth.

    God has made you an ever-flowing spring of his spirit. You are the bridge and the answer. We have been given the privilege of priesthood. It is our calling to be envoys. We are to carry more than just for us, we are to distribute.

  • Trample
    The understanding of believers' authority leads to;
    1. Personal transformation
    2. ⁠National transformation
    3. ⁠Spiritual victory.
    Here are some salient points to note from this sermon
    - When you discover your identity in God, your life changes.
    - ⁠Understanding a believer's authority helps you have a ‘God esteem’.
    What happens when you receive this God's esteem?
    1. You would stop seeking external validation.
    2. ⁠You will realize that no one is better than you because we are all equal in the sight of God.

    - Believers' authority is a mentality that births personal transformation.
    - ⁠Knowledge is your defense in spiritual warfare.
    Believers' authority is all about seeing what Christ saw with the eyes of the spirit.
    Our victory is preceded by first seeing satan fallen. We can therefore go in the name of the Lord because all power has been given to Jesus.🔥
    As you go about your divine assignment, rest in the assurance that nothing can stop you! Take strides confidently because the devil is fallen.

  • Who Runs The World 🔥
    Understanding our authority exposes the devil's scheme. Eph 6:12
    Here are some key points to note from the sermon:
    - If you don't realise that some things are not normal you will think everything is normal.
    - Never leave anything to chance.
    - We must always be armed in the place of prayer and understanding of our authority in Christ.
    - The devil has lost his authority so he is in search of places of influence here on earth. He seeks to collect the authority he lost.
    - In and around your vicinity and sphere of influence, Go in the name of Jesus.

    As a believer, you must learn to use your authority. Go about your duties knowing that nothing can stop you. ✨

  • Seated: The position of the believer
    He emphasized that we experience shadows because our convictions in God shift. James 1:17
    Here are some key points to note from the sermon:
    - You must come to a point in your walk with God where you must learn to trust him.
    - Every good comes from God, only good comes from God.
    Evil stems from two sources
    - The fallen nature of the world. Rom 8:20-21
    - The Devil Acts 10:30
    - Man
    Wrong teachings cast shadows on the nature of God and will lead to wrong expectations.
    God’s promise is that no matter what you face, He will provide a way of escape.What happens when we think only good things happen to good people?
    - We treat other people who are going through hard times poorly. There is a type of devotion God calls pride.
    More points to note:
    - Self-righteousness makes you vulnerable to attacks.
    - When it comes to a believer’s authority it is a firm understanding of who you are.
    - It is not your faithfulness that gives you authority.
    - The name of Jesus is a place (Strong tower) and a garment of influence.
    Go in the name of Jesus, when you stand and confront things in the spirit.

  • The goal of the gospel is not for illumination, the goal is to salvation. In this wicked world, we must be born again and as believers, we must be different from the world.
    The Bible tells us that we have an inheritance of power, just because you're saved doesn't mean you know who you are, there is a place of knowing. We must know who we are as believers!

  • Who Are You? A teaching on believers' authority
    Acts 19:13, Ephesians 1:15
    The goal of the gospel is not for illumination, the goal is to salvation. In this wicked world, we must be born again and as believers, we must be different from the world.
    The Bible tells us that we have an inheritance of power, just because you're saved doesn't mean you know who you are, there is a place of knowing. We must know who we are as believers!
    There is more to prayer! It is first an identity.
    A lot of people are prayerful without a consciousness of inheritance.

    Acts 1:8, Galatians 3:27
    The problem with a lot of Christianity is that it is always futuristic ignoring what they have now.
    The word 'Baptism' describes who we are in Christ as believers.
    Baptism is more than just water; water is just a spiritual metaphor for something real in the spirit. Baptism is a garment of influence, it wears you with the influence of Christ.
    Christ did not just die for us, he died as us.
    Say these confessions: I have an inheritance! I have a godly heritage! Greater is He that is in me than He that is in the world.

  • How to Choose the Right Spouse ✨

    A lot of people make conclusions on the basis of appearance.
    1 Sam 16:6-7.

    Here are some key points to note from the sermon:

    - Anointed people can also choose wrong.
    - Social standards can cloud your judgment.
    - Beware of the halo effect.

    What to look out for in a husband
    - Look for a man who is responsible. Find out what his values are towards family.
    - Respect and accountability
    - Who does he love?

    What to look out for in a wife
    - Is she considerate, especially in today’s world?
    - Respect and accountability
    - Reliability.

    As Christians, we must always listen to God’s instructions and ask for his directions to make the right choice.✨

  • Marital roles.
    Men and women in many aspects are very different. This is why God’s instructions and roles for both genders are different.
    The reason we sometimes struggle with these instructions is because we define love according to worldly ideologies.
    However, as believers, the word of God is our final authority.
    God's instruction to men is for them to love their wives. Ephesians 5:25
    Three Ps that will help you understand the Biblical perspective of marriage as a man are:
    The Bible instructs women to submit. Ephesians 5:22
    📍Submission is not to all men but your own husband.
    📍 Learn to see submission with a powerful lens, it doesn't mean subjugation.
    In understanding gender roles, there is an overarching principle of empathy.
    The best advice for marriage is found in the word of God; walk in the Spirit, and you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh. Gal 5:16