Society & Culture – China – Recommended podcasts

  • What makes you a heretic? Journalist Andrew Gold believes that, in an age of group-think and tribes, we need heretics - those who use unconventional wisdom to speak out against their own groups, from cancelled comedians and radical feminists to cult defectors and vigilantes hunting deviants.

    Learn from my guests how to rebel, think differently and resist social contagion. From Triggernometry's Francis Foster and the world's most cancelled man Graham Linehan to ex-Hasidic Jew Julia Haart and gender critical atheist Richard Dawkins. These are the people living with the weight of their own community's disappointment on their shoulders.

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    新浪微博: @忽左忽右leftright

  • 入选“2019 Apple 最佳播客”。

  • 欢迎收听故事FM 。在这里,我们用你的声音,讲述你的故事。合作邮箱:[email protected]

  • 当下中国最有趣的谈话都是在私下进行的。《不明白播客》希望把有趣的谈话分享给世界各地的中文听众,在这个黑暗、混乱的时代发出一点光亮和温度。这个播客是几位专业新闻记者联合发起的个人项目,不代表我们供职的机构。取名不明白是因为在这个魔幻的国度有太多不符合常理值得探究的事情。我们希望每周能就一个话题进行深入、不设限制的讨论。欢迎收听、订阅和分享。

  • 「不丧」是一档严肃活泼,温情脉脉的夫妻聊天节目,男主播思维迟缓,女主播百无禁忌,黄腔不断。我们读书,观影,谈论流行文化;也关心社会和政治,拒绝自我审查,呼唤不同背景下人与人间的同情和理解。

  • BDSM ist absolut unvernünftig - Macht aber unglaublich viel Spaß!
    Dieser Podcast über BDSM von aktiven SMern für Interessierte und alte Hasen. Ganz ohne erhobenen Zeigefinger, lustig, intim und manchmal kontrovers. Ich habe mir für jede Folge einen neuen Gesprächspartner gesucht und wir plaudern über alle Themen, die uns vors Mikrofon laufen. Switchen, Spuren, Bondage, Technik oder Parties und Missgeschicke. Hier ist der Platz dafür.

  • 「忽左忽右」是一档文化沙龙类播客节目,试图为中文播客听众提供基于经验视角的话题和内容。本节目由JustPod出品。曾荣获苹果播客2019年度最佳播客。

  • “喂,Iphie吗?我是Wendy,你最近怎么样?”









  • Round Table is a premier English radio/podcast show, straight from Beijing.

    Hear what's buzzing on the Internet and the main streets, see the latest lifestyle trends, and feel the pulse of life in China, Round Table is your golden ticket. With dynamic cultural exchanges between hosts from diverse backgrounds, we take you on a journey deep into modern China.

    We invite you to join our conversation! Shoot us an email or a voice memo at [email protected]. Let the fun begin!

  • 日谈公园”是由文娱领域资深人士李叔(李志明)和小伙子(冯广健)共同主持的脱口秀播客节目,畅聊电影音乐文学动漫热门作品,分享旅行美食消费时尚生活方式,更有各路名人趣士谈天谈地谈笑风生谈未来过去。我想说的,你想听的,都在日谈公园。

  • 🪜墙内听众自22年10月28日起需要连接VPN收听🪜 益康糯米主持的文艺潮流圆桌节目,聊影视、文学、戏剧和文化历史。完整节目、会员通讯、付费系列、会员小报、听众群链接等等资源请访问官网。文化土豆并不上传除自己服务器与 YouTube 之外的任何内容平台,无法保证其他平台上节目的其完整性,谢谢留意。

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • 每天笑一笑,烦恼都忘掉,微信公众号:采采,微博@1053采采,喜马拉雅ID:采采。

  • 智趣多元的声音杂志,一期一会的声音派对。欢迎收听GQ Talk。

  • 我是刘飞,产品经理生涯完整经历了 Web2.0,半截经历在中小公司和创业,半截经历在滴滴和阿里,写过两本勉强还凑合的书,有个不温不火的公众号「刘言飞语」。住在离西湖 11 km 的西湖区,室友是一只苏格兰折耳银渐层。


  • Welcome to Adult Bedtime Stories – Are you ready to experience Nocturnal Emissions. Join us in a Sex-Positive Awakening adventure to help create a sex-positive world. Become part of a movement and start living a sex-positive lifestyle free of sexual shame and guilt. Adult Bedtime Stories is A Raven’s Lair Production. Adult Bedtime Stories is a show dedicated to bringing sacredness back to our sexuality and to learn about everything sexual. Allow the beautiful sexy creature within you to emerge. Each week the focus of the show will be on different sexual topics designed to enlighten you so you develop more fully as a sexual being. This is the sex education that you didn’t receive in high school, but should have. Imagine for a moment that we could change the world and live a sex-positive lifestyle. In our sex-negative world the process of socialization teaches us to feel shame and guilt around sex. By adopting a new set of attitudes and values around sex, we can view sex with a new understanding which is accompanied with positive emotions and the attitude that sex is a sacred act.

  • 《姜思达》是姜思达的个人播客,每期30分钟,无配乐与剪辑。期均字数8000字左右。

    合作联系📮:[email protected]

  • 《东亚观察局》是由主播梵一如、沙青青、权小星三人为固定成员的对谈聊天节目,聚焦以中日韩三国为核心的“东亚地区”的热点话题、文化现象以及历史趣闻。节目每周五上线。【出品/制作:番薯剥壳工作室 Yakimo Studio】

  • 世の中に明るい声を届けます!(≧∇≦)

  • 「文化有限」是一档泛文化播客,每周二更新,和你分享一部本周最打动我们的作品。




