Finland – New podcasts

  • What makes you a heretic? Journalist Andrew Gold believes that, in an age of group-think and tribes, we need heretics - those who use unconventional wisdom to speak out against their own groups, from cancelled comedians and radical feminists to cult defectors and vigilantes hunting deviants.

    Learn from my guests how to rebel, think differently and resist social contagion. From Triggernometry's Francis Foster and the world's most cancelled man Graham Linehan to ex-Hasidic Jew Julia Haart and gender critical atheist Richard Dawkins. These are the people living with the weight of their own community's disappointment on their shoulders.

  • I have hEDS. If I don’t talk with someone I think I’ll go crazy! The answer? I share my daily life as a sort of medication. AWOL Zebra aims to educate, share and have fun. Learn how to fight this invisible illness with me, CHristie Lynn Hanchey. Restoring my body back to health. Sharing my ups downs and in-betweens. You’re not alone. Join me and let’s learn together. AWOL Zebra is not authorized, endorsed,or sponsored by anyone. It’s a no holds barred discussion about Fascia, hEDS and plenty of other stuff. Please follow on Spotify! Thank you! Support this podcast:

  • MaryKate Smith is a functional medicine nutritionist who likes to take a whole body approach to health that includes the mind, body, and spirit. These days, many are waking up to the idea that their reality is not what it used to be and beginning to understand that in order to be healthy, you really have to make an effort and understand the body at a deeper degree than the Western Medicine Approach.

    Each episode will be focused on understanding how to heal yourself through nutrition, tools on processing emotions, and getting to the roots of specific ailments. At times, topics may be controversial, but need to be talked about in order to have a deep sense of what is truly happening in the body and offering different solutions that have long term healthy outcomes. Prepare to expand your mind on topics and truly learn how to body works and what it needs to heal, which can sometimes be the opposite of the mainstream media's view.

  • Embark on a life-altering expedition as we plunge into the extraordinary world of molecular hydrogen and its astonishing healing properties.

    Join us in this captivating podcast series as Greg, a living testament to its power, reveals his awe-inspiring journey of conquering life-threatening obstacles. Brace yourself for a revelation as we dive into the depths of hydrogen's potential, witnessing firsthand how it impeccably reversed his own health challenges.

    With each episode, unlock the myriad health benefits of hydrogen, from its remarkable defense against destructive EMF radiation to its miraculous application in combating skin afflictions. Immerse yourself in invaluable guidance on purchasing hydrogen generators, propelling your health and healing approach to unprecedented heights.

    Be sure not to miss this treasure trove of knowledge that has the potential to genuinely revolutionize your very existence.

    Become a supporter of this podcast:

  • This is the Healthy Families podcast with Cara Comini from Health Home and Happiness. Here we explore the mind-body connection, and easy health-giving steps anybody can make to start seeing dramatic results quickly.

  • Stadin hissaa.

    Gamla Stadin starbu, Esko Vepsä pamlaa Stadin historiasta.
    Toimittaja: Olli "Ollibull" Aninkari.
    Editointi: Seppo Julin.

    Tuotannon mahdollisti: Hallå -hankkeen "sama på svenska" ja Lähiradio.

    Podcast -sarja on osa "sama på svenska" hanketta jota tukee Svenska kulturfondet.

  • Welcome .in this podcast we talk about individual living with a prosthetic eye or individual who want to learn more about it."We all go though rainy days". Support this podcast:

  • Wellness In Islam with Dr. Brooks aims to highlight the “wellness” teachings and practices that are inherently within Islam. This is a podcast for both Muslims and non-Muslims who are interested in wellness and its application in their daily lives. Support this podcast:

  • Bismillahirahmanirahiim

    Assalamuallaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh.
    Hi, I am ummu amira. Welcome to my podcast channel. In this channel, various interesting Islamic stories with various themes will be presented. Hopefully, it can be useful and can add to our insight about Islam, especially for Muslim women.
    Thank you for your willingness and time .

    We're sorry only available in Bahasa ✌😊
    Hope you enjoy ukhty, umma and Happy Reading 😊
    Please Share if you like, Syukron Jazaakillah Khoiron

    *Non Commercial Podcast*

    Wassalamuallaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh

  • المنبر الحسيني 1442هـ: محاضرات سماحة الشيخ فوزي آل سيف خلال شهر محرم الحرام 1442هـ

  • Tämä on Mediapodi – keskusteluja median tulevaisuudesta!

    Miten tekoäly vaikuttaa media-alaan? Millaista sisältöä tulemme tulevaisuudessa kuluttamaan? Mitä ovat media-alan osaamistarpeet vuonna 2035? Kuinka resilienttejä media-alan yritykset ovat? Minkälainen data on arvokasta? Entä mistä media-alan kilpailukyky syntyy tulevaisuudessa?

    Sarjassa pohditaan myös, miksi kenenkään ei tulisi tahallaan pysyä uutispimennossa. Mikä oikeastaan on journalismin tehtävä tänä päivänä ja mitä arvoa se luo yksilölle? Mikä on vastuullisen median merkitys demokratialle?

    Mediapodi perustuu media-alan tutkimussäätiön tilaamaan media 2035 -tulevaisuusselvitykseen, jossa pureuduttiin alan tulevaisuuteen neljän eri skenaarion kautta ja rakennettiin tiekartta skenaarioiden hyödyntämiseen.

    Sarjaa juontaa media-alan tutkimussäätiön johtaja ja Medialiiton uuden kasvun johtaja Noora Alanne.


  • Alltag, Politik und Kultur aus der Sicht eines Blinden, aus den Wahrnehmung einer trans* Person. Zeitgenössische Themen komprimiert in diesem Podcast. BUT - ein Podcast von Florian Wrobel und Paul Ninus Naujoks.

  • Mediaalinen maailma purkaa kulttuuria osiin. Pelit, kirjat, elokuvat, sarjakuvat sekä muut taiteen ja viihteen saavutukset ovat tuttua kauraa kaikille. Tai niin ainakin luulisi. Tosiasiassa taiteiden ymmärtäminen jää ilman kontekstia puolitiehen. Podcastissamme kaksi juontajaa, mediatutkija Valtteri Kauraoja ja kirjallisuuskriitikko Mikko Lamberg, etsivät taideteosten syitä ja seurauksia.

    Sähköposti: [email protected]
    IG: @mediaalinenmaailma

  • In introducing this book, which Andrew Murray sub-titled “Thoughts on the Calling of God’s Children to Be Holy as He is Holy”, I can do no better than to quote from the author’s own Preface: “It has been my earnest desire that I might be a helper of the faith of my brethren in seeking to trace with them the wondrous revelation of God’s Holiness through the ages as recorded in His blessed Word. It has been my continual prayer that God might use what is written to increase in His children the conviction that we must be holy, the knowledge of how we are to be holy, the joy that we may be holy, the faith that we can be holy. And may He stir us all to cry day and night to Him for a visitation of the Spirit and the Power of Holiness upon all His people, that the name of Christian and of saint may be synonymous, and every believer be a vessel made holy and meet for the Master’s use.” - Summary by Christopher Smith, quoting Andrew Murray

  • Demokratian paikat on sarja, jossa puhutaan demokratiasta arkisissa ympäristöissä. Jokainen meistä elää erilaisissa demokratian tiloissa, joita löytyy niin sosiaalisesta mediasta, toreilta kuin kodin seinien sisältä.

    Miten demokratian normeja pitäisi laajentaa, että yhä useampi ihminen voisi kokea osallisuutta yhteiskunnassa?

    Podcastin taustalla on Helsingin yliopiston Centre for Sociology of Democracy eli CSD, joka on uteliaiden sosiologien tutkimusryhmä. Sarjan juontaa toimittaja Hanna Asikainen ja sen on tuottanut Jaksomedia.

    Podcastin mahdollistavat Koneen Säätiö ja Euroopan tutkimusneuvosto ERC.

    Spaces of Democracy is a podcast about democracy in our everyday surroundings. The series is presented by The Centre for Sociology of Democracy, CSD, which is a group of curious sociologists. The series is funded by the Kone Foundation and the European Research Council.

  • Toimisiko scifisarjojen tiede ja tekniikka tosielämässä? Aalto-yliopiston “Tiedettä vai tarinaa?” -podcastissa huippuasiantuntijat setvivät populaarikulttuurissa esitettyä tiedettä ja tutkimusta.

  • Welcome to "AlpMomentum - Innovate, Educate, Elevate," a captivating new podcast series brought to you by entrepreneur Michael Brehm, founding partner of and founder of the Think Tank AlpMomentum. Join us as we delve into the intersection of education, entrepreneurship, technology, and policy with some of the brightest minds shaping our future.

    Each episode will bring you personal stories, expert opinions, and inspiring discussions from leading academics, entrepreneurs, and policymakers. We'll explore what it takes to create thriving educational environments, the traits of successful founders, and the future of tech-driven solutions to global challenges.

  • Jennifer Gibbs, Infinite Step Mentoring founder, brings you the podcast about your infinite personal worth and how your unique gifts can translate to success in your own business. 

    Topics include rediscovering your innate value as a person, presenting yourself with true confidence, leveraging subconscious mind, emotional management, body language, building a brand like no one else, dissolving emotional and money blocks, success habits and patterns of high achievers, developing clarity around personal mission and brand message, secrets of six figure earners, automation, efficiency and scale.

  • The Insights Within Podcast shares inspirational stories, deep conversations and actionable insights on all things meaningful in life and business. Host Paula Immo and her awesome guests help you tap into your own insights and get answers to questions like how do I take my business forward? How do I make more money without burnout? What are the keys to success? Join the conversation to cultivate happiness as a competitive advantage, redefining and building your next-level of success. Subscribe now and share with your business besties.