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    Susan Zummo 's purpose in this life is to be a guide and teacher along the path of evolution to higher consciousness hand in hand with the Soul. Her greatest joy is teaching others how to do the same as we navigate “The Great Shift” into 5th dimension consciousness.

    As a person who has lived her life with one foot in the 3D world daily life and the other in the world of metaphysics, Susan Zummo has a unique perspective on merging both to live a soul-directed successful life. As a result, she's used her knowledge of higher consciousness and spirituality in every arena of her life. Her purpose is to share practical application of a Soul Directed Life to help others accomplish their unique purpose on Earth.

    As a visionary for humanity's evolution, she originated Soul Patterning Harmonics®, an ascension energy technique in the early ’90s. After teaching Soul Patterning for two years, she was guided to put it aside as the world was not ready for its frequency. Then in 2019, her guides gave me the go-ahead to bring it forward in its current evolved form. During this waiting time, she continued to learn about the Soul, made contact with her own soul, and worked on releasing her fears while evolving spiritually.

    Her online and in-person workshops focus on a deeper connection to the Soul and Creator/Source along with quick and easy techniques to be used in daily life. As we move into higher frequencies with joy and greater awareness of the universe around us, we create a life filled with love, joy, and prosperity for all.

    She believes the practicalities of everyday life must be guided by spiritual principles or our existence is flat. Spiritual practice must have practical application in daily life in order to be truly valuable.

    On the first Monday of each month, she hosts a free guided Zoom meditation at The Higher Consciousness Café after which they share, laugh and connect as a spiritual community.

    Detailed information on Soul Patterning Harmonics®, Soma Pi™ healing workshops and Intuitive Consultations can also be found at Susan's website.

    Find her at http://www.susanzummo.com

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    Birgitta Visser is a Light Empowerment Coach, Divine channel and Light Language Healer, delivering messages from the many master teachers across the multiverse to aid humanity. She has been through many traumatic life experiences, some utterly sour and distasteful, having to sweat these created experiences, while others were sweeter - bringing immense joy. She says she must have been off her rocker when signing her soul contract prior to incarnating, having checked all the tick boxes for every experience you can think of - from the abuse as a child, to the loss of my father, my stepfather, the bullying in high school including the workplace, to being assaulted in the superficial modeling industry, to a short stint with drugs, and having rolled into several dysfunctional relationships, all the whilst starving herself, battling many inner demons. Yet she soldiered on, holding down many different jobs wherever she planted her feet in the world.

    She was like SpongeBob, soaking up the vibes of everyone around her as she drifted along on her journey of self-discovery. But this sponge knew it was time for some boundaries and truth. The long and winding road to finding her true self was not always easy. There were twists and turns, ups and downs, but she absorbed the lessons, good and bad. Even when progress felt slower than a snail, she kept moving forward. She inserted boundaries and lived in a far more authentic version of who she was to who she is now and ultimately is still becoming. It took many years, and truth be told she is still learning. She studied and taught many healing modalities, still making many of the same mistakes because she was a bit of a turtle.

    Life is a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. We must take responsibility for who we are and who we want to become. Within each of us shines a radiant light - our true essence - that has often been dimmed by painful experiences. It is time to reclaim that inner glow and unleash our power to heal. When we come to that place of acceptance and embrace accountability, we can transform hardship into wisdom. We can shed the unnecessary baggage that weighs us down and step into a life of abundance and joy. Our light still shines, ready to illuminate the path ahead. We only need to take back the reins and steer our lives toward truth. By owning our power, we can recover the wholeness within and shine brilliantly once more. The journey begins when we choose to walk forward with courage and hope.

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    From desert combat zones to a battle within, John Lawyer transformed from soldier to spiritual seeker.

    John left high school, skipped college and enlisted in the army a year before 9/11/01. His story is the transition from a warrior in Kuwait, Baghdad and Kandahar over many years to a spiritualist and universalist. He calls himself a Universalist as he honors all paths to God.

    He was a counterintelligence special agent when he was in the Army and also an asymmetric warfare specialist responsible for coordinating various operations for a special USAF unit in Afghanistan for six years.

    He went from receiving a bronze star for counterterrorism operations to walking through a swamp of sadness to an amazing path of spiritual healing and awareness.
    He acts as one of several guides for Kishar, a non-profit online spiritual community for people to share their journey and explore their own unique spiritual path. John is an Omnist and believes in the validity of great human thought from around the world and across time. He offers individual spiritual guidance and coaching services as part of the Kishar Spiritual Community.

    https://kishar.org is the link to the Kishar Spiritual Community. There you can access individual spiritual coaching and guidance sessions, daily affirmations, guided meditations, journaling prompts and more. You can also join destination spiritual retreats. Kishar offers weekly live video events including a roundtable and deep dive discussions.

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    Kate Heartsong is an author, speaker, entrepreneur, life coach, financial coach and Reiki Master/Teacher. She is honored to facilitate the process of evolution on the planet. Kate shares from her unique gift of receiving profound and uplifting wisdom while meditating, as well as the understanding she gained from successfully overcoming her childhood trauma.

    Kate's journey has provided the passion, dedication, authenticity, and compassion she has to empower her readers, clients and audiences in knowing their brilliance, helping them create the positive change they desire, and living more joyful lives.

    After a deep meditation, she heard loving words - so she started taking dictation for guides for her life. In the days, months, and years following, she became more trusting. She realized the writings were messages not just for her.

    Since childhood she dreamed of making the world a better place for all. It's not surprising she has received the inner guidance to create her empowering articles, and workshops. Her books are "Humanity’s Cry for Change" and "Deeply We Are One".

    Her childhood trauma has been a springboard into the life she now lives. She lost most of her hearing and the age of 2½ when she fell out of a window and landed on a patch of grass. The hearing loss caused great shame and a low self-esteem. Family dynamics caused a lot of upset as well. In her early 20's, she realized that she did not need to live with that level of anxiousness. She witnessed other people being happy. Tired of being unhappy, she made a shift in her life to have more joy in her life. She started self-healing and over time, she became equipped with the capacity to help others heal as well. Her Joy and depth of compassion for others came as a result of this journey.

    She was involved in transcendental meditation, and this helped her connect with spirit. Having practiced for over 25 years, she recognizes that her day is off without meditation. It connects her to her inner guidance. It helps her to center.

    Kate has the heart of a true humanitarian. It’s her knowing that when we start with one person at a time, a ripple effect occurs supporting peace on a global level, because we are all interconnected. Kate's own inspirational quote says it best: "Peace within, peace on earth."

    A lot of Kate's workshops have a theme to embrace our greatness. Kate discovered Reiki 18 to 20 years ago. She started feeling warmth in both her palms. The chi (life force energy) was coming through. She was drawn to learn Reiki. She moved to the teacher level about 15 years ago. She does long distance reiki as well as reiki on herself.

    In her book, there are chapters devoted to authenticity. She invites readers to embrace their greatness, and the shadow side as well. She encourages people to live a life of purpose. She believes it’s such a joy and honor to be of service! She encourages people to transcend difficulties in life.

    Kate has a loving relationship with her guides, such as Archangel Michael and Mary Magdalene - who helps her to write books. In her meditation, she can feel immersed in that love energy. Through Mary Magdalene, Kate gets feminine energy, kindness and a deep sense of compassion. From Archangel Michael, she gets strength, conviction, knowingness, and communication. Kate feels anchored, aware and alive when connecting with these guides. She emanates love and joy.

    Subscribe to her website: https://www.joyfulradiance.com/category/the-joyful-radiance-center and you will receive two calming meditations for free:
    Playful Heartspace for Creating Inner Peace meditation and Three Bless

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    Liza Swedarsky, MD currently practices as a gynecologist and minimally invasive surgeon, and is dedicated to eliminating gynecologic and surgical option disparities for women of all races and socioeconomic backgrounds. She is an Associate Gynecologist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and the Founder and CEO of Heath Vows. She is also a clinical instructor at Harvard Medical School. Liza has been named as one of Boston’s Top Doctors for the past five years.

    As a teenager, she thought deeply about how women can live healthily. Her mother was her greatest teacher about faith and taught Liza that God is real, and faith is foundational. She saw her parents' light and love, but also the dark side and the challenges that then penetrated Liza's own being, and her own body. She had an inner knowing at a young age about this internal power. Things would show up in her physical body when there was discord in the home. She started writing letters to God at the age of five.

    In her first year of medical school, she became educated about the relationship between the environment and the body. She had her own health challenges at age 23, and she realized - after a mystical experience - that the experiences and energy that we navigate directly affects our health.

    Liza is also a licensed practitioner through the Centers for Spiritual Living and is a seeker and mystic who affirms her consciousness as one with God/Spirit informs her assignment as a medical doctor. She believes in the art of spiritual healing as well as conventional modalities and bridges both worlds to facilitate healing.

    One of Liza's mystical moments that she shared is when her father was big into corporal punishment. At six years old, she had a very tough day. That night, an energy woke her up. The Presence told her (without words) that her life is so much bigger than this. She looked for that Energy. She worked on her spiral graph in the middle of the night. Energy was the way she first experienced God.

    Another mystical moment Liza shared was when she was a third-year medical student. She started having stomach pain. She tried to convince the doctors there was an issue. Her father was of Ashkenazi Jewish descent, and she had an inner knowing that she had an inflammatory bowel disease. No one would take her seriously. She was having a pity party, asking God why she is experiencing this colitis. She got a message in the middle of the night to go to Jubilee Church on Sunday. The service was about healing and sickness. The pastor talked about how disease shows up in the body to teach us something. A Buddhist friend and she talked about intuition. He invited her to ask it what it is showing her. She had an insight. She went into clinical remission and has been for 20 years. She learned to listen to the voice.

    The voice told her diet is everything. She became conscious about how her body felt around certain people and in certain environments. The process of birthing a baby and the expectations on the doctor when so much happens in the womb, and the team dynamics was hard for her. So, she stopped doing obstetrics. She is internally guided.

    She also studies ayurveda and is currently a student at the University of Metaphysics pursuing a degree in the Art of Spiritual Healing and Metaphysical Sciences. She has presented workshops bridging understanding of how to apply medical knowledge and spiritual practice to set goals in optimizing health. Her true passion is to care for the whole woman: mind, body, and spirit. She facilitates weekly workshops and presents activities to inspire behavioral changes to help women navigate the social dete

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    Jeanell Greene is a passionate, no BS relationship coach and speaker who loves deep, vulnerable, and intimate conversations. She is a Certified Life and Relationship coach and works with both couples and individuals to find more power, freedom, and joy in life, especially within families.

    As a Certified Life and Relationship Coach with 20 years of experience, she inspires people to live their best lives NOW and to strive to be better parents, partners, and people.

    She brings her love, experience, and training to people and families all over the world in a way that is unique, authentic, and refreshing to those who are looking for the fastest and easiest way to cause positive change that completely shifts your energy and confidence.

    Jeanell believes living an extraordinary life is absolutely possible when you have the right tools, and strategy, coupled with an experienced mentor, guide, teacher, and coach to show you what you’ve been missing. She is honest and direct, getting to the heart of the matter in order to cause the shift you’ve been waiting for.

    She loves talking love and forgiveness as her parents separated when my her cheated on her mom, had a child and left Jeanell's family. Her dad returned home, and her mom forgave him, but she later discovered there was still trauma I had to deal with.

    Her life took a huge turn whenshe was going through divorce as a Filipino/Catholic, which was what led her to doing the inner work to heal herself. She loves sharing how she was able to get responsible for her own behavior and release her ex-husband with no malice or trauma. As a result, she only spent $80 for the divorce papers.

    She got her calling when she turned 40. She left her job in Corporate Sales while at the top of the pack and making $130k to pursue her passion of helping people heal and now creating the relationship and vocation of her dreams.

    She loves talking about mindset, integrity, breaking the rules, entrepreneurship rollercoaster, forgiveness, fear, love, infidelity, family, the importance of having goals, and knowing your core values and your purpose in this lifetime.

    Jeanelle is the eldest of three children, was a straight "A" student and is a singer.

    Her website is Jeanell Greene

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    Seph Deitlin (http://www.talktomyangels.com) is a human potential activator and a new thought leader. He is a conscious filmmaker, content creator, certified hypnotherapist, an intuitive teacher, an angel psychic medium, an author and an energy healer.

    Seph lived the good life as a successful realtor. He had a huge breakdown regarding a relationship and a couple of business matters. He felt deflated and depleted. In his upheaval, he wanted to leave the planet. While he had been a normally positive person, he asked God if he could leave. He had enough. Since he got no response, he asked for angels and proof that angels were there. Instantly, he felt peace. He had a knowing (and heard): "Seph, everything is going to be better than okay." It unlocked the angels' voices. They communicated through thoughts. They told him they had an agreement to work with him. Miracles began to occur. They would send him places where he could help people and help create miracles. He felt and feels like an ambassador on Earth.

    They let him know that God had bigger plans for this world than what it would become. He was told that through a collective spiritual awakening, we would move into a more powerful state of being. The existing structures will fall away.

    Awakening to his higher self, he has been downloading insights, energy signatures and codes to help humans become aware of the New Earth. He wants to help people have smooth transitions so they can be heavenly guided.

    Seph turned his back on a life about making money to a life that is about working with the Light and assisting humanity with an important transition.

    Seph is a human potential activator who assists people in living new paradigms where they are living from their highest self.

    He is the author of the “Ascension with the Angels Tarot,” he facilitates courses and events designed to empower others to access higher levels of conscious awareness through communication with their angels and the quantum field of intelligence.

    As an angel communicator himself, Seph’s message focuses on their revelations and guidance for humanity in heralding the new earth (a collective conscious revolution) and the transformational process that humanity is currently experiencing.

    By awakening to your higher self and are aware that the New Earth is coming, we become heavenly guided. When you are connected, you will be at the right place at the right time, so you have everything you need. For those who do not wake up, it may not be as gentle for them. He works with the Light, the Divine Creator and the angels to help people through the transition.

    There is the spiritual (right brain) that is more infinite than the ego. When uniting through the divine marriage - we are uniting our Highest Self with our body. In this linear civilization, humanity has taken a long trip into darkness. When we illuminate Who We Truly Are and unite with the part of us here on Earth, we live powerfully and serve the Light very powerfully.

    Storytelling was an art given to shaman to illuminate others. Through creating content to help people find their Higher Self, he created a production company to uplift humanity. He also does hypnotherapy as a deep dive into the Higher Self. He uses it to access the Higher Mind. It silences the human mind so we can hear and know things that are otherwise eclipsed. From there, miraculous things happen. This helps us get to the quantum field - the source of all miracles. We can get to the part of our mind that is very powerful. We have multiple paths, but it takes spiritual awak

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    Martin Theis is a spiritual teacher who focuses on the art of shamanic journeys and the application of the Medicine Wheel, a holistic approach to finding well-being, balance and inner peace in life. His coaching practice Light Trails Co.'s mission is to assist others on their journey from suffering to joy. He helps people with seeing life itself as the greatest teacher. He is a facilitator in a high vibration. In his own life, that doesn't come as easily.

    Martin has learned from his encounters. He sees himself as a student. He asks how he may serve and how can he be more loving. As a spiritual teacher, he finds inspiration and growth in his personal life. He has been studying with Eckhart Tolle about Presence.

    Over the last year, he has been in many conversations about shamanic journeys. These shamanic journeys are not always plant medicine-induced. Martin does shamanic journeys that are not plant medicine-induced. His teaching is from the Great Plains Lakota. They use the drum to facilitate their journey into non-ordinary reality. In North American shamanic journeys, there is less plant medicine usage for approaching the shamanic journey. The non-ordinary reality is similar to dreaming - the context of reality is not ruled by the physical laws. They can communicate with plants or animals, and they can shape shift into animals and beings, and learn from different aspects that they are meeting in this journey. They can do this astral travel while their bodies are still in the physical reality. Depending on the journey, they may or may not be noticed.

    He has gone through this life before and desires to help others find empowerment.

    He is in the process of building a decentralized network of non-profit organizations that aim at building low entrance barrier refuges for people to find healing and regeneration all around the world. People can go to ayurvedic clinics, but they are expensive. The vision was to build a sanctuary in Hawaii. Others may be interested in building similar spaces. There can be different locations that people can learn different tools. There are different approaches. Martin uses coffee as an income to set up the sanctuary - as opposed to raising donations. The network can support each other in building these spaces without the need to follow certain rules. We carry wounds and we need more places to heal. This network can help change that paradigm. As a spiritual coach, he helps his clients and the people around him through Presence in combination with shamanic education.

    He lives with purpose and incorporates a strong set of values that are the result of his journey and experiences. His life is a statement of love and being of service. His heart feels most alive when he is in Hawaii and near the Pacific Ocean. The feeling, the energy feels like home. The Aloha spirit is the core of the community - making sure everyone has enough. There is a high frequency, a lot of energy there. Surrender to it or leave.

    Martin used to try to run from the pain and to find remedies, peace or happiness elsewhere. The opportunity to reinvent himself was appealing. A new environment and exploration helped him to let go and find peace.

    He used to hate Germany (where he came from), but now when he returns to Germany, he sees the beauty of it. Martin can find compassion there now. Coming back helped him to find more peace with himself.

    Martin values animals. He does not consume animal products where animal exploitation is involved. It breaks his heart to see the state that a lot of plants and animals have been in. He chooses to stand up for the things he be

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    Award-winning health expert Nicole Kerr is the co-author of Eating the Rainbow: Lifelong Nutritional Wellness—Without Lies, Hype, or Calculus. She has appeared on CNN, PBS, CBS, ABC, the Food Channel, and a host of other TV and radio shows to share her unique perspective on wellness, lifestyle, and nutrition.

    For the past 30 years, Nicole has worked in all sectors of society, including in government (the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), non-profit (American Cancer Society), military (United States Air Force Medical Operations), academia (University of Hawaii), healthcare institutions/hospitals (Adventist Health Castle and Queens Medical Center), corporate settings (Sea Ties, LLC), and private consultation. Nicole’s warm, engaging presentations have earned her a place in front of international audiences ranging from corporate food producers to health and medical associations. Throughout her career, she has focused on supporting people from every walk of life to make realistic, meaningful, happy choices for lifelong health and well-being.

    When she was a 19-year-old cadet at the United States Air Force Academy, Nicole would be forced to learn how to live and love differently following a terrifying and transformative Near-Death Experience. Her memory of the crash came back 20 years later, and it has taken Nicole almost another two decades to align her soul, spirit, mind, and body, proving healing is certainly a non-linear process.

    A disabled veteran, Nicole now maintains a private practice primarily using Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) targeting the often overlooked domains of emotional, energy, and spiritual well-being.

    Download a free chapter or get a copy of her book You Are Deathless: A Near Death Experience Taught Me How to Fully Live and Not Fear Death by going here: http://www.nicolekerr.com/

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    Rev. Celeste's guest is Reverend Elzia Sekou, the Senior Minister at Centers for Spiritual Living Denver, Colorado. Elzia serves as the lead application engineer at LTCI Partners, LLC, focusing on IT strategy, process improvements, and system transformation. Elzia serves on National Financial Partners' Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Advisory Board and is the co-leader of the Black Professionals Business Resource Group. He is a former college professor, past chair of Cultural Diversity and Human Relations commission for the city of Lakewood, Colorado, a special focus young adult minister at Mile High Church and was formerly an Islamic Imam. He is an avid student of ancient wisdom traditions focusing on ancient wisdom, Kemet, Islam and the Dao. He has lived in five states and Australia giving him a unique perspective on relationship building and cultural differences.

    Being an engineer gives him a systematic approach to trying to understand some of the spiritual principles. He is curious and trying to solve the mystery. He looks at spirituality as putting the pieces of the puzzle together to see the whole picture.

    Elzia has been involved in diversity for a long time in corporate America. There are now metrics showing progress with the intention of creating a culture of belonging.

    Elzia's journey to becoming an Imam came when in college he worked with the incarcerated in prisons in Florida. Though confined, he supported them in having a relationship with God. Elzia grew up in the 60's when the Black Panthers were around. Reading Malcolm X and Claude Brown elevated his consciousness about Black evolution. He was also influenced by John Henry Clark, Ivan Van Sertema and Dr. Joseph Ben-Jaciman.

    A workshop presenter at "Celebrating Our Soul", Elzia shared the roots of Science of Mind being in the idea of oneness and mentalism as referenced in the Kybalion with Egyptian gods like Thoth (Djehuty) and Greek gods like Hermes. Ancient wisdom teaches the law of correspondence. In these ancient wisdom teachings of African spirituality, we regain a sense of multiple dimensions of existence.

    Elzia's mystical moment goes back to his mother's transition when he was six years old. She gave him a dog before she died, and that dog was with him through the end of high school, meeting him at school at walking him home. He felt his mother through a palpable connection.

    Elzia wants young people to know spirituality as an active life experience.

    Catch Rev. Elzia online at New Thought Media Network (www.ntmedia.org)

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    Rev. Celeste's guest is Corrine Zupko. Her specialties are mindfulness-based stress reduction classes, mindfulness meditation training, "A Course in Miracles" mentoring, stress reduction, and wellness enhancement.

    Corinne chose to be a coach because she feels drawn to helping people. She chose to major in psychology and went on to get a counseling degree. She now supports people through spiritual teaching. She still has a stress hormone, and is a human who goes through challenging times, but now she has tools that work. She comes from a growth expectation. She knows there is something to learn through every challenge.

    Corinne was diagnosed with her first anxiety disorder at a very young age and struggled with debilitating anxiety for nearly two decades. Her mother kept encouraging her to look at the spiritual text, "A Course in Miracles ". (ACIM). The ACIM phrase: "Nothing real can be threatened, nothing unreal exists" caught her attention on her journey. Because her anxieties have been existential, ACIM has taken her to the depth of her anxieties in meeting the questions of why we are here. The Course internally resonated with her. ACIM encouraged her to look at what is coming up for her. She refers to the Holy Spirit as her inner therapist.

    She no longer needs to read ACIM every day. She approaches her life with defenselessness. She gets radically honest and is willing to look at her ego, be shown by Spirit how to make a shift, and open up to Love. Cultivating the relationship by dialoging with Spirit has been the antidote to her fear and anxiety. When she recognizes she is not alone, a sense of purpose comes and a deep fulfillment comes from that that is enormously nourishing.

    When she is in her inner peace, she feels absolute love and connection with everything. It's a feeling of pure acceptance, of oneness with God and every other living thing. She feels a radiance that cannot be contained.

    She started to write down what was helpful to her and it took seven years to write her book. It contains the foundational tools that helped her heal.

    As a mindfulness teacher, she has found that multitasking is a myth and is not efficient. Paying attention on purpose moment-to-moment, using our senses, using our breath, and doing a body scan helps us tune in. Being mindful even brushing our teeth can help us stay focused. Coupling mindfulness with a spiritual journey helps her watch her mind, and be honest when the ego-self pops up.

    Corinne is the author of the award-winning book, "From Anxiety to Love" (https://www.amazon.com/Anxiety-Love-Radical-Approach-Letting/dp/1608685055). The book is also on Audible. She is an Adjunct Professor of Counselor Education at The College of New Jersey (TCNJ) and teaches weekly mindfulness meditation classes at a major U.S. financial institution. She is a Licensed Professional Counselor, a National Certified Counselor and Board Certified Coach.

    Her Websites:

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    Charles Geddes is a founding member and current President on the Board of Directors for the Big Sky Retreat. His steady guidance and profound love for this annual event are evident through his years of dedication to those who volunteer and attend. In his 50+ years of ministry he served what are now Centers for Spiritual Living, (CSL) in Tucson, AZ, Southern California, and Florida. He received an honorary doctorate for his contributions to New Thought through CSL and the Affiliated New Thought Network (ANTN).

    Charles says he went into ministry for all the wrong reasons - he wanted to prove himself and bring about a sense of worthiness within himself that he didn't feel. He wanted to overcome that feeling that he was an abhorrent person being a gay man. Now, he accepts his soul as the sum total of male and female.

    He knows it was his destiny to be in ministry because of the feelings he gets in relationship and purposefulness sharing universal principles about the oneness from which we all have come. Charles says we are gifted to be part of the presence that created everything.

    As a young man, Charles studied Edgar Cayce but it wasn't until he was bartending to make ends meet, did he find out from a fellow bartender about the Science of Mind. Before then, Charles was adverse to church because he felt worse afterwards than when he came in.

    Once going to the Religious Science center, he was enthralled by Dr. Laura Holman and became an integral part of the center. An anonymous donor paid for Charles' first two years of classes. He continued classes and entered ministerial training. Before he completed, he was called to minister in Tucson, Arizona. He continued to trust and after 11 years, he became a staff minister in Inglewood California while working by day as an executive legal secretary - becoming grounded. After 11 years, he went to Ft. Lauderdale to co-pastor with Dr. Arlene Bump. After a couple of years, he created Bridges of Wellness for aftercare recovery and addiction. He reassessed where his heart was and created Bridges Spiritual Centers which existed over a decade.

    Charles has been on the board of the wonderful Big Sky Retreat in Montana for 47 years. To get $50 off the registration, register before July 15th at BigSkyRetreat.com

    Black Lives Matter, COVID, the insanity, divisiveness and rage propelled him. Knowing he couldn't ignore it anymore and because he wanted to spend the final portion of his life in the mountains, in 2021, Charles moved to Clancy, Montana and launched a new non-profit to honor his latest calling “Mind Your Own Becoming (M.Y.O.B).” It’s primary theme – “Standing for all lives that have not mattered” and addressing key social issues. Its goal is planting seeds for future generations to awaken to a world that honors equality, love, and regard for all, without exception.

    To learn more, visit https://myobincorporated.org.

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    Terri Miles (www.milesofsmiles11.com) has the intention to create a sacred space for you to feel supported and heard. Through the practice and power of unconditional love, Terri is a professional Practitioner. She assists you in realizing and revealing your own inherent truth.

    Terri is trained and licensed as a Spiritual Practitioner through Agape International Spiritual Center. She supports clients in the development and expansion of their spiritual life by utilizing the tenets of A Course in Miracles (acim.org).

    Terri does affirmative prayer and meditation workshops, sacred ceremonies and rituals. She landed at Agape (agapelive.com) in 2011 and her journey took a turn for the best!

    Terri is also a Chopra meditation teacher. She married her husband, Albert, in 2013. And he introduced her to the book, "A Course in Miracles". Terri studied with Celeste for a couple of years. After some years of studying A Course in Miracles, Ron Blair asked her to take over the group at Agape.

    The book Celeste wrote and she mentions in this episode is "Common Miracles, Frequent Illusions." Terri's favorite part of the Course is in the text section - Chapter 3, section 6, paragraph 3: "You have no idea of the tremendous release and deep peace that comes from meeting your brother and yourself totally without judgment. This helps Terri to lay judgments aside and have a more peaceful life.

    Terri works with children - helping them to realize who they truly are and the gifts they bring. This helps them to know they are greatly loved.

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    Rev. Celeste (CelesteFrazier.com) mentions “The Essene Jesus”. She refers to the Our Father prayer where it says: “For thine is the kingdom, and the power and the glory forever.”

    Thine means thee. What makes up the kingdom – the higher forces, the spiritual world, the material world, the cosmic oceans of life and thought, is humankind, life, cosmos, Creator – all of It. We are part of that kingdom. Thine is the power. The power is ours. Jesus was referring to all of humankind. The Power of God exists in every single nucleus of every one of the trillions of cells that are within us.

    Glory means delightful, wonderful. We are full of Glory! We are able to receive great praise. great honor. We have resplendent beauty, magnificence, and are in a state of great splendor!

    We are brilliant and excellent. We prosper. We live in happiness. We are miracles, marvels, phenomena. We are awesome and gratified. We get to celebrate our glory! We are dimensions of the Cosmos, expressions of the Creator. The kingdom lives in us. The Power of the Father-Mother God is our Power – to use, to embody, to explore, to express, and to accept.

    Perhaps the story of Adam and Eve that caused us to think of ourselves as simply physical beings. We live in and are paradise. They became aware of limitations. Once humans bought into limitations, the kingdom appeared to be outer. Powers are maintaining, and spiritual powers, natural forces, wisdom, love and life are in us.We were born amid the animal forces, but do not have to be attached to our anima aspect. We have a spiritual dimension too.

    This whole idea of proprietary creates an illusion of separation. It creates mine and yours. It’s all ours! We don’t have to be confined mentally or emotionally or spiritually. We don’t need a group of politicians threatening us with what will be taken away. emotionally or spiritually. We don’t need a group of politicians threatening us with what will be taken away.

    Do not assume defeat. Expect victory. It seems that’s what winners do. Assuming defeat comes after an accumulation of losses. You are a spiritual being. You are an expression of the Divine. You have within you the molecules of Majestic Magic. The Presence of Spirit lives, moves and has Its beingness in you.

    Disappointments can compile and convince you into thinking that you can expect more of the same. But every moment of our lives is not defeat. Disappointment comes to give us an opportunity to grow, to be more – to learn tenacity, to overcome the difficulties – to gain new perspectives. There is always a possibility for more. Or else we would stop trying. And maybe you have stopped trying.

    The former US president refused to concede – knowing that he didn’t want to categorize himself as he had categorized so many others – as losers. Sometimes we do lose. But it doesn’t mean that we will lose every time. That’s important to know. Just at the moment when we give up and assume that we will lose, we have put ourselves further behind. Doing your best – well, that’s why we were made. We were made in the image of our Creator. But the Creator hasn’t stopped creating. And we get to be co-creators!

    Because our minds are one with the Mind of God, we never stop creating!

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    In this solo episode, Rev. Celeste discusses the murders by police of environmental activist Manuel Estaban Paez Teran (The family of a 'Cop City' protester who was killed releases more autopsy findings : NPR), and motorist Tyre Nichols (Tyre Nichols case: 4 officers charged with murder are decertified : NPR). She also references the murder of Kaylin Gillis (What we know so far about the driveway shooting of Kaylin Gillis (nbcnews.com)), and attempted murder of Ralph Yarl (Ralph Yarl Deserves Justice Beyond What the Criminal Legal System Can Offer - Truthout) when lost. Celeste discusses the fear that prompted these murders. She also references a Facebook post by a minister friend: "If the news doesn’t influence you to pray, I don’t know what will.”

    She states that a grievance contaminates, is a negative emotional energy that distorts your awareness of an event or influences the way you behave toward someone – even though the grievance occurred in the past. She notes how the venom of that un-forgiveness will cause dis-ease.

    Celeste mentions the police officers in her life and the humanity of us all. Referencing Jesus' crucifixion, she invites us to let our Higher Self inform our lower-level thinking self. She recognizes what happens when you give someone the power to affect your happiness, and the imprisonment. She invites us to choose Freedom.

    Rev. Celeste states that evil is an experience and experiences are temporary. What is necessary is that we get a lesson with every experience.

    She invites us to release judgment and use the archetypes to recognize polarities and embody dynamic equilibrium as a deep, inner guiding factor.

    Rev. Celeste notes the forgiving nature of God as Love and encourages us to let Love guide and direct us, do our forgiveness work and be free - now.

    Celeste references Roger Teel's book, “This Life is Joy” about opportunities disguised as challenges. Crisis and opportunity are partnered so that we reach a crucial point in our lives as a catalyst for evolution.

    She uses PEACE as the acronym: Powerful Energy Accessing Compassion Everywhere and reframes THEM as an acronym for “Those Hurting Evoking Me.” Rev. Celeste references Rev. Dr. Michael Beckwith's book “Manifesto of Peace” about the soul pilgrimage of a vulnerable heart to authenticity,

    She references a conversation with Presidential candidate Marianne Williamson where Celeste asks about Williamson's intentions regarding killing us with guns and killing our finances. And how Williamson replied that we will do it together.

    We grow in God, and we are greater than we know. We are connected to one another by this Light of Love. The Spirit in me acknowledges the Spirit in you as we push through fear and embrace the magnificent possibilities for our lives. We radiate what we are vibrationally. Look around you and see who you have attracted.

    She invites us to pay attention to the lesson. There is only one of us here.

    The Creator is offering you more possibilities for your life. It wants your Joy, your Peace and your Divine Power to be completely expressed!

    She uses the Gospel of Mary, where Jesus invites the disciples to see

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    Rev. Celeste's guest is globally recognized luminary, Roxanne Chaput (https://www.roxannechaput.com/). Roxanne is an inspirer, celestial guide, Celestial and Generational Earth Shaman, the Creator of The Illumination Retreat TM and the Host of Soul to Soul with Roxanne.

    Since she was a little girl, Roxanne was inspiring her friends and family. She always had a very positive outlook on life and was able to see the beauty in everything. She knew she was called to impact others. She had a full body knowingness that she was being called to serve.

    Roxanne had trials and tribulations (unhealthy relationships, a challenging upbringing), but she inspired others around her. This near-death experience happened on a ski trip. During a snowy day on a back country highway. There was a cut in the road. They went over a cliff and should have been crushed on impact. The car went into a body of water. The police said when they get called to the scene, people are dead on arrival or taking their last breath. The cars usually land on the roof of the vehicle. They had missed a massive rock boulder by 2 millimeters. After her first near death experience, she chose not to limit herself to helping only those who crossed her physical path, but to serve at a global level. The people and her crystal amulet were the only things that didn't break.

    As a celestial guide, she guides others to their angelic purpose. We all come from Source. She extracts that sacred purpose and brings it to the forefront. She helps them release what no longer serves them. She assists them at the soulular level, connecting at the energy level, in realizing Who They Truly Are, the soul design they have and fulfilling their celestial contract/mission.

    She has successfully guided thousands of beautiful Souls to connect with their most Divine Essence by teaching them to alchemize and harmonize their internal medicines and experiences so that they can create everything they desire in their life while experiencing sensations of enlightened knowingness, unconditional Love and unwavering inner peace throughout their journey. She is helping them understand why they are here - what internal medicine they have to serve life.

    Roxanne - a generational earth shaman - comes from Canadian healers - the Metis Tribal Community. Her maternal great grandmother called her by dream state for four months straight. She chanted a melancholy song. Roxanne felt the love and radiance and it calmed her. Roxanne had never physically met her. Roxanne connected with an elder (a shaman) who told her that she is calling her to the land to be a healer. She chanted the song to the elder who hadn't heard it for many years. He told her the meaning would come to her in vision.

    Roxanne went to see her spiritual mentor shortly after. She also told Roxanne she is a shaman. She had to be patient and be attentive to the dreams. Then, she knew exactly where she needed to go. Her partner asked her to bring something for protection for his sanity.

    She drove in the rain to the land. She felt the healing properties of the land. She found a rock and did a smudging ceremony. When she arrived, she cried uncontrollably. She hadn't cried for years and had suppressed her feelings. She reconnected with her emotions, to her ancestors and to her essence. Roxanne chanted the song of her grandmother. She was able to access her emotional body. It rained but Roxanne didn't get wet. Because she healed herself, she needed to heal someone else to confirm herself as a healer. And she did.

    Roxanne worked at a cancer center for over 13 years before she discovered herself as a shaman. The

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    Genesis Amaris Kemp is the author of "Chocolate Drop in Corporate America" (https://a.co/d/aQiHBxV). After going through a performance review in a Fortune 500 company, she realized that she needed to speak up about business as usual when it comes to race. Her family is very diverse and inclusivity and belonging is of utmost importance to her.

    A self-development advocate, Genesis goes inward in order to drive impact. She has a growth mindset and is not afraid to move through tests in order to get to her testimony. She insists on living life on her own terms.

    Having moved through depression in high school, and being laid off, being on assistance, Genesis has had her challenges. She knew that God doesn't give her more than she can bear. She lost her father, got laid off and had several deaths in the family back-to-back. After so many losses in her family, she delivered her baby and she persevered.

    Her roots are in South America (Curaçao). She has moved through both personal and professional situations where she has built bridges and worked through challenges to understanding.

    In her book, there is humor and a map to navigate through one's career. She writes about things she cares about - like gun violence. She currently lives in Texas and as a mother, she advocates more education about guns, and responsible gun laws. She shares her poem about gun violence in this episode.

    The song, "Hills and Valleys" by Tauren Wells, soothed her at her father's death. One day, in her laundry room, she smelled the Marlboros her dad smoked. His presence was there to let her know he is still with her.

    See her website genesisamariskemp.net, follow her on social media and/or check out her podcast: GEMS with Genesis Amaris Kemp

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    Jay Rooney is Game & Word’s publisher and lead author, is a lifelong, passionate gamer. For Jay, launching Game & Word: the newsletter is where virtual worlds and the "real" world collide!

    Jay fell in love with games at the age of four, when he received his first Nintendo entertainment system. Jay states the game world influences the real world and the real world influences the game world. He compares games to movies: visual media, highly immersive, lots of moving parts, big teams of people with specific roles - each one essential to the success. Video games are not quite seen as an art. That's why Jay started his newsletter.

    Game & Word’s content dives as deep as possible into the hobby he loves, highlighting individual games’ connections to humanity and the world. History, culture, psychology, literature, and even philosophy can all shape the games we play and fondly remember.

    The title, Game & Word is a pun on Game & Watch (a line of gaming handheld games from the 80's). The newsletter explores the game world.

    He aims to demonstrate that—far from being a childish time-waster—a good game can be as creative, powerful, and worthy of recognition as a good book, song, or movie. In learning more, we enrich ourselves while also elevating the medium. He approaches a variety of topics from destiny to free will and time travel.

    He wants people to stop blaming the game for kids staying on the games all day and/or all night. His view is that there is a need being satisfied by the game that are not being fulfilled in other areas of the person's life.

    Jay is convinced that video games as a storytelling vehicle are unprecedented in their power because they are the only mass medium where the audience is the direct participant in the story. They are not absorbing the material like other media, they are in it. It is more immersive. When you are in the game, you are the protagonist. Video games can instill empathy and communicate people's stories and perspectives. He thinks the world needs more empathy now.

    There are games that encourage mindfulness and others that tell stories about loss and relationships and existentialism - deeper, fundamental topics. There are games that make people feel cozier.

    Through his publication and podcast, he is revealing the surprising links between video games and art, history, literature, psychology, economics, and philosophy. This has given him a unique perspective on how games and the wider world influence each other, which he brings to every post and episode.

    A month ago, his first successful angelic invocation was a real eye opener in many ways. He hasn't looked at the world the same way since. He now knows there is more to the world. There are things we are not aware of and sound fantastical, but his experience is that these things are real. He got a glimpse of it. It opened the doors to his perception, and he can't go back - nor does he want to shut the door. He is more relaxed, less anxious. He worries less. There's a certain zen-ness to his inner voice and thoughts. He is more at peace.

    His audience and peers, gamers and non-gamers alike, praise Game & Word for presenting deep and complex subjects in an accessible, friendly, and thought-provoking manner. He aims to show people things they've never heard of, or thought about, before.

    Stay tuned for Jay's upcoming series on Mysticism and Magic.

    If you have any questions, feel free to drop him a line at [email protected]

    The companion podcast for Game & Word, the curious gaming publica

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    Amrit Singh (CoachingNOW with Amrit Singh) is a Life Coach. After smoking weed for years since the age of 14, he realized nothing manifested in his life. He found kundalini yoga and felt a high and a spiritual connection. He practiced and partied for four years until he decided to commit. He moved to India and things changed. He deepened his meditation and did more yoga. He learned more about meditation in India, where there are centuries of practice. The vibration was perfect for him to do so.

    He didn't do yoga for hyper flexibility and a tight butt. He was attracted to kundalini yoga because of the deep spiritual depth. He saw others who made a deep spiritual connection through kundalini yoga.

    He put on a turban 20 years ago and loved it. Wearing it is a lifestyle choice - not due to religion. It helped him to focus and he felt great wearing it. He feels religion has become a hollow thing based on the faith of your family of origin. But, he was attracted to the Sikh way of life because he likes uplifting others and serving those in need. He sees religion as how to become a better version of one's self by helping people. The meditation practice and prayers allowed him to go deep and live a very righteous life. He wanted to be kinder to his environment. He wanted to stand up to injustice. Sikhs carry a kirpan (a sword/knife). It is a reminder to Sikhs to fight injustice and oppression, but is not to be used as an instrument of violence.

    Amrit sees prosperity not simply as money in the bank but as health, his family's health, living in beauty and warmth. He can order what he wants on a menu without worry or give to charitable organizations. More importantly, prosperity is about going into deep trust in the Infinite (God). Serving others, he knows he will be taken care of and that is living a prosperous life. With that mindset, he can make more money. As his income doubles, he can do more good in the world.

    Amrit has experimented with all kinds of diets. He understands not to overeat, don't overdo it with sugar, white breads, gluten, fat, etc. He is a vegetarian because he does not enjoy eating meat. Eating vegetables keeps you light, keeps you connected to your higher chakras, to your lightness and doesn't hold you so much to your body. Diet is an important tool but needs to be used right.

    The Miri (temporal) Piri (spiritual) Academy founded by Yogi Bhajan was cult-y. He liked that it was a place for teenagers to become leaders. It is like a boarding school. Amrit learned a lot in his 20 years there. Amrit saw a lot of strong human beings emerging from the Sikh Dharma of the Western Hemisphere.

    Amrit's most profound experience of "mystic" was during a meditation course. On day 4 or 5, something happened. He sat and did not move a finger for over an hour. Time and space disappeared. When coming out of it, he did not know if it was real. He did some stretching afterwards. Suddenly, his body was so flexible that he put his head between his legs effortlessly. He touched enlightenment.

    He realized it is daily work. It is about showing up, doing your work, serving others, sitting in internal reflection and it is something all of us are capable of being.

    In India, when COVID hit and everything stopped, he questioned what to do next. He realized that he loved to listen to people and guide them, and decided to do it professionally. He did the marketing and now is being paid for what he loves to do!

    He makes a video daily on TikTok

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    D. Neil Elliott (https://www.dneilelliott.com) is highly educated, owned a profitable consulting firm, and had a successful career and an amazing wife and family. Neil was facing a lot of challenges. He was in a dark place. He saw no hope, regardless of how much money he had or what he owned. Through lessons of suffering, his journeying soul gained self knowledge, and he discovered a higher road by discarding his ego. As he traveled that road, he asked questions about his life purpose, and he became curious as to why and how he had created this misery, and how he could turn his life around.

    He had to learn science as a bridge to spirituality. Neil realized that his judgments were based on beliefs that are hard to dissolve. His process was beyond willpower. He had to break up the erroneous beliefs about life and himself and rebuild them in alignment with where we come from and where we return after death.

    His book: "The Higher Road" (https://www.dneilelliott.com/the-book) is about coming back to Who We Truly Are. We are Unconditional Love. We are meant to be open and purified channels of the Divine, to express unconditional love. We are to completely accept and understand that everyone is here through the evolution of our soul. It is not our place to judge or condemn. We are to accept people for who they are and their process and their journey. We are to support them and love them so they can awaken to who they are meant to be.

    He grew up agnostic. His rudimentary knowledge was if you are good, you go to Heaven and if you are bad, you go to hell. He learned about hidden things. He learned that we create our experience through the law of cause and effect. We must understand these mechanisms. Beliefs in separation are not in alignment with Who We Really Are.

    We know that at a subatomic level, we are energy. We identify with the body and follow egoic mechanisms. We are co-creators and use our thoughts and emotions to create everything in our life. When you come back into an awareness of unity with the Divine, you create things in your life that bring love, peace and Joy. We are burdened by our past and project our past events into the future. We are living in our past or what we think will happen. We need to live in the present moment and be guided by spiritual energy. Then, we can live in Peace and Presence.

    The intention is to bridge this mental gap between body and soul - our Reality. You begin to live from your soul as the master of your life. In his book, "A Higher Road", he describes seven steps: 1) understanding consciousness, 2) unveil truths, 3) reflection (writing yourself a letter being truthful with yourself and seal it), 4) cleanse your consciousness of false beliefs, 5) rebuild your consciousness in alignment with Unconditional Love, 6) learn meditation (to enter the silence so you can connect to Source), do inner cleansing, raise your vibrational level and feel spiritual energy, 7) rinse and repeat. He shares the material for free.

    He wants people to live the way they are meant to live - in an utter state of peace, love and joy - and help bring this world into a new era of love and peace where we no longer have hate, racism, judgmentalism, denigration of others, and wars. We should be caring our planet (Gaia) with Love. She will, in turn, treat us with love and respect - as she does. But we get in the way of that.

    When you go through this process, your Presence around other people - when you hold them in Love - Who They Really Are, you help heal them.

    Neil’s goal is to share the knowledge. Another book is coming!

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