
  • On this week's episode of Sense, by Meg Faure, we explore the fascinating world of your childs sensory personality and their impact on early childhood development. Meg Faure, a renowned occupational therapist and infant specialist, delves into how sensory personalities shape children's developmental journeys. Joined by co-host Tove Gant, the podcast unpacks the different sensory personalities, how they influence behavior, and how parents can support their children effectively. Understanding Sensory Personalities Meg introduces the concept of sensory personalities, explaining that they are ways our brains respond to sensory information. She categorizes these personalities into four types: settled, social butterfly, sensitive, and slow to warm up. Each type has unique characteristics and behaviors. Nature vs. Nurture in Sensory Development The discussion explores whether sensory personalities are innate or influenced by environment. Meg explains that genetics, prenatal conditions, and early life experiences all play roles. Environmental factors like household dynamics and parental behavior also significantly impact sensory thresholds and responses. Impact on Early Development Meg details how sensory personalities affect early developmental milestones. For example, settled babies are often laid-back and easy-going. Social butterflies seek sensory stimulation and social interaction, sometimes overwhelming themselves and others. Sensitive babies react strongly to sensory input, while slow to warm up children are cautious and avoidant. The Role of Parents in Co-Regulation Meg emphasizes the importance of parents acting as co-regulators for their children. She suggests strategies like creating a calm environment and using clear, predictable routines. Parents should also understand their own sensory personalities to better support their children. Goodness of Fit The concept of "goodness of fit" is discussed, highlighting the importance of aligning parenting approaches with a child's sensory needs. A well-matched environment helps children thrive. Conversely, mismatches can lead to developmental challenges or heightened sensitivity. Therapeutic Interventions Meg briefly touches on the need for professional intervention when sensory issues become severe. Sensory integration therapy can be beneficial for children with extreme sensitivities or those on the autism spectrum. The episode provides valuable insights and practical advice for parents navigating the complexities of early childhood development. This episode offers a deep dive into how sensory personalities shape children's growth and behavior. Meg Faure's expert guidance helps parents create supportive environments tailored to their children's unique needs. By understanding these concepts, parents can foster healthier, happier development in their little ones.

  • On this week’s episode of Sense, by Meg Faure we explore the unique and empowering journey of Julia da Silva, a second-time mom who chose an intentional C-section for her second birth. Host Meg Faure, a renowned OT infant specialist, guides the conversation to shed light on underrepresented aspects of motherhood. This episode aims to provide support, understanding, and insights for mothers considering or experiencing C-sections. Introduction to Julia’s Journey Julia da Silva shares her thoughtful and planned approach to becoming a second-time mom. Unlike many, Julia intentionally chose a C-section for both her children’s births. Her story offers a fresh perspective on the often stigmatized option of C-sections. The Decision to Have a C-Section Julia explains why she chose a C-section for her children’s births. Her first pregnancy involved complications and a traumatic delivery. Learning from this, she decided to have a planned C-section for her second child. She emphasizes the importance of having control and a positive birth experience. Building the Right Birth Team Julia highlights the significance of selecting a supportive healthcare team. After a less supportive experience during her first birth, she switched to a gynecologist with a gentle, compassionate approach. This decision greatly impacted her second birth experience, making it more positive and empowering. The Birth Experience Julia recounts her second birth, detailing how her healthcare team honored her wishes. Key aspects included delayed cord clamping and immediate skin-to-skin contact. Julia was also able to watch her daughter being born, enhancing her sense of involvement and connection. Early Days of Motherhood Julia discusses the challenges and joys of the first six days with her newborn. She talks about cluster feeding, dealing with engorgement, and balancing her time with her older child. Her practical approach and mental flexibility are highlighted as essential tools for new mothers. Conclusion Listeners should tune into this episode to gain a deeper understanding of the intentional C-section experience. Julia’s story is both inspiring and informative, providing valuable insights into making empowered birth choices. Her experience emphasizes the importance of planning, support, and flexibility in motherhood. This episode is especially beneficial for mothers considering a C-section or those looking for support in their birthing journey. Meg Faure’s expert guidance and Julia’s candid sharing make this an episode not to miss. It offers reassurance, practical advice, and a sense of community for all parents navigating the early stages of parenthood.

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  • On this week's episode of Sense, by Meg Faure, we dive into the intricacies of breastfeeding. We explore the challenges new moms face and debunk common myths. Our special guest, Jacqueline Kincer, a lactation consultant, shares her expertise on tongue tie and effective nursing. Understanding Tongue Tie Tongue tie is often misunderstood and controversial. Jacqueline explains that tongue tie is a real condition. It involves a short frenulum under the tongue, restricting movement. This restriction can cause breastfeeding difficulties for both mother and baby. Jacqueline emphasizes the importance of proper diagnosis and treatment. Common Breastfeeding Challenges Breastfeeding can be challenging for many new moms. Pain during breastfeeding is a common issue, but it is not normal. Pain indicates a problem that needs addressing. Jacqueline shares that improper latch or tongue tie might cause this pain. She advises seeking help from a skilled lactation consultant. Observing Baby’s Feeding Cues Jacqueline highlights the importance of observing a baby during feeding. Recognizing signs of effective breastfeeding is crucial. Moms should look for audible swallowing and a relaxed baby. Proper latch and baby’s comfort are essential indicators of successful breastfeeding. Pumping and Returning to Work Many moms return to work while continuing to breastfeed. Jacqueline provides practical advice for maintaining milk supply. She suggests creating a pumping schedule and discussing needs with employers. Proper planning can help moms balance work and breastfeeding. The Role of Lactation Consultants Lactation consultants play a vital role in supporting new moms. They help address breastfeeding issues and offer personalized guidance. Jacqueline stresses the need for lactation support, especially when facing challenges like tongue tie. Listeners should tune into this episode to gain valuable insights into breastfeeding. Jacqueline Kincer's expertise provides practical solutions to common nursing challenges. Whether you’re a new mom or a healthcare provider, this episode offers essential knowledge. Learn how to navigate breastfeeding with confidence and support. Don’t miss this informative discussion on Sense, by Meg Faure.

  • On this week's episode of *Sense, by Meg Faure*, we delve into the complex and often overlooked realm of motherhood, where balancing self-care and parenting responsibilities intertwine. With expert insights from Tessia Watson, author of "Rejuvenated Moms Make Happy Kids," listeners are guided through the transformative journey of matrescence—the transition into motherhood. Introduction to Motherhood and Self-Care The episode opens with a discussion on the concept of matrescence. Similar to adolescence, this period involves significant physical, emotional, and psychological changes. Meg and Tessia emphasize the importance of recognizing this shift as a pivotal stage in a woman's life. Challenges of New Parenthood Tessia shares personal anecdotes and professional insights into the challenges new mothers face. The focus is on the overwhelming responsibility of motherhood, which often leads to neglect of self-care. Tessia stresses that self-education and setting boundaries are crucial for managing these challenges effectively. Importance of Self-Care The core discussion revolves around the necessity of self-care for mothers. Tessia advocates for mothers to prioritize their well-being to better care for their children. In summary, practical tips, such as finding time for personal interests and activities that rejuvenate the spirit, are offered. Maternity Support and Community The conversation highlights the benefits of seeking support from maternity nurses or community resources. We discuss how external support can provide mothers with much-needed rest and recovery time-it takes a village to raise a child. Managing Mum Guilt The pervasive feeling of guilt that is often experienced by mothers, especially when they take time for themselves, is discussed. Tessia encourages listeners to reframe their thinking to understand that caring for oneself ultimately benefits their children. Listeners should tune into this episode to gain a deeper understanding of the critical balance between motherhood and personal health. The episode provides practical advice and real-life solutions to common parental challenges but also offers a refreshing perspective on the emotional and psychological aspects of parenting. Whether you're a new parent or well into the parenting journey, Meg and Tessia’s insights will help you navigate the complexities of motherhood with confidence and grace.

  • On this week's episode of "Sense, by Meg Faure," we delve into the intricate and exciting world of baby weaning. Joined by special guest Sammy Hammond, a speech therapist turned feeding specialist, this episode unpacks the journey of transitioning infants from milk to solids. Hosted by Meg Faure, an experienced occupational therapist and parenting book author, the discussion is tailored for new parents navigating this crucial stage. Signs of Readiness for Weaning Sammy Hammond elaborates on recognizing when a baby is ready to start weaning. She emphasizes watching for baby’s interest in food and development of head, neck, and trunk control. She points out that readiness can occur as early as four months or as late as six. First Foods and Safety The conversation shifts to the safest and most nutritious first foods for babies. Hammond advocates starting with simple fruits and vegetables and explains the importance of introducing allergens gradually. She stresses that fresh, homemade meals are ideal but acknowledges alternatives for busy parents. Techniques and Approaches to Weaning Different weaning approaches are discussed, including traditional spoon-feeding and baby-led weaning. Hammond shares her personal experiences, suggesting a combination of both methods to cater to different baby needs and family lifestyles. Managing Parental Anxiety The episode addresses common anxieties parents face during weaning, particularly the fear of choking. Hammond provides reassurance by distinguishing between gagging, a normal part of learning to eat, and choking, which is less common and more serious. Listeners should tune into this episode of "Sense, by Meg Faure" for its practical advice and empathetic approach to baby weaning. Whether you’re a first-time parent or looking for a refresher, Meg and Sammy provide expert insights and supportive guidance to help you feel more confident and informed. Their discussion not only demystifies the weaning process but also encourages a joyful and explorative experience for both baby and parent. Don’t miss this opportunity to equip yourself with the knowledge to navigate one of the most rewarding phases of early parenthood.

  • Introduction This week on "Sense by Meg Faure," Meg Faure, a renowned occupational therapist and infant specialist, delves into a pressing issue many new parents face: understanding and managing colic and crying in babies. Joined by regular host Tove, Meg offers a comprehensive exploration of what colic is, why it occurs, and effective strategies to alleviate it. Understanding Colic  The episode begins with a clarification of colic, a common yet misunderstood condition. Meg explains that colic is primarily a neurological rather than digestive issue. Babies with colic often exhibit excessive crying, especially in the late afternoon or early evening. This condition typically follows a predictable pattern, peaking around six weeks and usually resolving by the three-month mark. Strategies to Manage Colic  Meg and Tove discuss several approaches to manage colic, emphasizing the importance of recognizing early signs of distress in infants. Practical tips such as maintaining a consistent routine, ensuring proper sleep, and reducing sensory overload are highlighted. The conversation also touches on dietary considerations for breastfeeding mothers, such as reducing dairy intake. Myths and Misconceptions Addressing common misconceptions, Meg points out that colic is often wrongly attributed to abdominal issues. The discussion clarifies that colic's timing and symptoms suggest a more complex, sensory-based origin. Advice for Parents The podcast offers crucial advice for parents grappling with the challenges of a colicky baby. Meg suggests techniques like using deep, calming touches and movements to soothe the baby. She also stresses the importance of parental self-care to prevent overwhelming stress and ensure the well-being of both the caregiver and the infant. Conclusion Listeners of this podcast episode will gain valuable insights into the nature of colic and practical methods to manage it effectively. For new parents facing the daunting challenge of a crying baby, Meg Faure provides empathetic guidance and expert advice to navigate this difficult phase confidently. This episode is a must-listen for anyone seeking to understand more about infant crying and how to create a calmer, more soothing environment for their baby.

  • In this episode of Sense by Meg Faure, Julie Mentor discusses her journey through motherhood and family balance as she anticipates the arrival of her third child. Julie's insights provide a deep dive into preparing older children for a new sibling and managing family expectations. This episode is a rich resource for parents seeking guidance and solidarity in navigating the complex landscape of pregnancy and family life, making it essential listening for both new and experienced parents alike. Older Motherhood Julie discusses the challenges and myths surrounding becoming a mother later in life. She emphasizes that age should not deter women from embracing motherhood, as each pregnancy is unique. Family Dynamics With two children already, Julie talks about the dynamics of expanding her family. She delves into how she and her husband, Terrence, prepared themselves and their children for the arrival of their third child. Maternal Health Julie shares her journey through a complicated pregnancy and her hopes for a VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean). Her story highlights the importance of healthcare provider relationships and maternal health awareness. Parenting Strategies This episode also explores the strategies Julie and her husband use to manage their growing family. They focus on including their children in the pregnancy journey, reinforcing the family unit's strength. Listeners should tune into this episode to gain valuable insights from Julie Mentor's personal experiences with late pregnancies and family management. The discussion offers encouragement, practical advice, and a sense of community for parents facing similar challenges. Whether you're expecting your first or third child, Julie's story is relatable and inspiring, making it a must-listen for those interested in the realities of modern parenting.

  • In this enlightening episode of "Sense by Meg Faure," Meg Largaway, a renowned health and wellness coach, delves into the pivotal role of gut health in overall well-being and immunity. Listeners will discover the profound impact that maintaining a healthy gut has on both adults and infants, highlighting why it's essential to focus on this aspect of health. The Foundation of Immunity Meg emphasizes that a staggering 70% of the immune system is located in the gut, where bacteria train and strengthen it like a boot camp. This foundational understanding underscores the importance of a balanced gut microbiome for robust immunity. Through engaging discussions, Meg explains how gut health influences everything from our daily energy levels to our long-term disease resistance, making a compelling case for prioritizing dietary choices that support gut health. Nutritional Strategies for Optimal Health Diving into practical advice, Meg shares essential tips on how to nurture the gut through mindful eating habits. The conversation spans the importance of incorporating a variety of probiotic-rich foods and fibers which foster a thriving gut environment. This section is particularly valuable for parents, as Meg outlines how to cultivate beneficial gut bacteria in children from a young age, ensuring they grow up with strong immune systems and good mental health. Impacting Infant Health Perhaps the most impactful part of the discussion, this theme focuses on the critical early stages of a child’s life where gut health can set the precedent for future well-being. Meg discusses how mothers can influence their babies' gut health even before birth and the crucial role of breastfeeding and appropriate weaning foods. This advice is not only practical but also backed by recent scientific research, offering new parents actionable insights that could have a lasting effect on their children’s health. This episode is a must-listen for anyone interested in enhancing their health or managing their family's well-being through informed, health-conscious lifestyle choices. Meg Largaway’s expert insights into gut health provide a blueprint for living a healthier, more vibrant life.

  • Echoes of Early Words: Unraveling Language and Listening in the First Years" dives into the crucial aspects of baby development. This podcast series explores the intricate journey of language acquisition and hearing from birth. Hosted by Meg Faure, it offers a blend of expert insights and practical advice. The show features Annie Hamilton, a specialist in early childhood language development. Together, they tackle topics like glue ear, book selection, and the impact of technology on communication. Listeners will find tips on enhancing their child's verbal skills in a nurturing way. Ideal for new parents, this podcast transforms the complex science of language development into accessible, actionable knowledge. Tune in to give your child the gift of language and communication. The Foundations of Language Development This theme explores the building blocks of early language acquisition, emphasizing the critical role of hearing and comprehension. It delves into how babies begin to understand and produce language, underlining the significance of nurturing a communicative environment from day one. Challenges in Early Language Development Here, the podcast addresses common obstacles to language development, with a special focus on glue ear—a condition that can impact a child's hearing and, subsequently, their language skills. Experts share insights on early detection, intervention, and the journey towards overcoming these challenges. Practical Tips for Supporting Language Growth Offering hands-on advice for parents and caregivers, this theme is dedicated to strategies that foster language development. From engaging in meaningful eye contact to choosing enriching books and optimizing pram positioning for conversation, listeners will learn how to create a language-rich environment. The Role of Technology and Environment This segment examines the impact of technology on early language development, discussing both the benefits and potential drawbacks. It emphasizes the importance of balance, encouraging mindful tech use and highlighting ways to use technology as a tool for learning and connection. Expert Insights and Parental Experiences This episode offers a comprehensive look at the science and art of raising a communicative child, focusing on unraveling language for our little ones. It bridges theory with real-life experiences, providing listeners with a wealth of knowledge and support. Nurturing Multilingual Environments For families raising children in multilingual homes, this theme addresses the benefits and considerations of introducing multiple languages early on. It dispels myths, shares benefits for cognitive development, and offers tips for integrating multiple languages seamlessly into a child's daily life. Future Directions in Language Development Looking ahead, this theme explores the evolving understanding of early language development and anticipates future trends in research, technology, and educational strategies. It invites listeners to imagine the future of communication and the ongoing importance of language in connecting us all.


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  • This week on "Sense by Meg Faure," the podcast takes a divergent path from its usual focus on parenting to explore the vibrant landscape of entrepreneurship, particularly highlighting the experiences and insights of navigating motherhood and entrepreneurship. Host Meg Faure, a well-known infant specialist and author, alongside guest host Tove Gant, delve into the multifaceted world of female entrepreneurship, sharing their personal journeys, challenges, and the strategies they've employed to navigate the business realm while balancing family life. The Allure of Entrepreneurship for Women The episode opens with a discussion on why entrepreneurship particularly appeals to women, emphasizing the flexibility and control it offers over one's schedule, which is especially appealing to mothers wanting to balance professional aspirations with family responsibilities. Journey into Entrepreneurship Both hosts share their personal pathways into entrepreneurship, highlighting how the desire for flexibility and the experience of motherhood influenced their decision to start their own businesses. They explore the initial motivations behind their ventures, reflecting on the challenges and rewards of building a brand from scratch. Challenges of Female Entrepreneurship A candid conversation unfolds about the hurdles faced by women in business, from balancing the demands of motherhood with entrepreneurial responsibilities to navigating the financial risks and operational challenges of running a startup. The discussion also touches on societal expectations and the pressure to juggle various roles successfully. The Power of Mentorship Meg and Tove discuss the critical role of mentorship in their entrepreneurial journeys, sharing how guidance from seasoned professionals helped shape their business strategies and decision-making processes. They emphasize the importance of seeking out mentors and being open to learning and criticism. Supporting Women in Business The episode highlights strategies for supporting women in entrepreneurship, including fostering a work environment that accommodates the unique challenges faced by working mothers. It also addresses the broader issue of investment in female-led businesses and the need for greater support from the investment community. Advice for Aspiring Women Entrepreneurs In wrapping up, Meg and Tove offer advice to women contemplating the entrepreneurial path. They stress the importance of having a solid support system, setting clear boundaries between work and family life, and preparing for the intense demands of entrepreneurship. They also reflect on the non-financial rewards of entrepreneurship, such as personal fulfillment and the opportunity to impact positively on the lives of others. This episode of "Sense by Meg Faure" provides a deep dive into the complexities, joys, and trials of women entrepreneurship, offering invaluable insights and advice for anyone looking to navigate the challenging yet rewarding journey of balancing business with parenting.

  • In this week's episode of Sense by Meg Faure, we delve into the world of parenting with expert insights on tackling toddler picky eating. Joined by Kath Megaw, a pediatric dietitian, we uncover valuable strategies for fostering positive eating habits and preventing nutritional deficiencies. From early exposure to flavors to the role of autonomy in feeding, discover practical tips to help your little one develop a healthy relationship with food. Plus, explore the significance of family dinner time in shaping lifelong eating habits. Understanding Picky Eating In this segment, Kath, a paediatric dietitian, provides insights into the concept of toddler picky eating. She distinguishes between typical picky eating behaviors in toddlers and more severe cases that may require intervention. Kath emphasises the importance of early exposure to flavours and textures to prevent picky eating later on. Strategies for Prevention Kath shares practical strategies for parents to prevent toddler picky eating in toddlers. She discusses the significance of creating a positive feeding environment, managing parental expectations, and promoting autonomy in feeding. Kath highlights the role of variety and exposure to different foods in shaping children's eating habits. Addressing Nutritional Concerns In this segment, Kath addresses common nutritional concerns associated with picky eating. She explains how eliminating entire food groups can lead to nutrient deficiencies and emphasizes the importance of offering a balanced diet. Kath provides guidance on identifying signs of nutritional deficiencies and discusses the role of supplements in supporting children's nutritional needs. Family Mealtime Dynamics The importance of family mealtime is explored in this segment. Kath discusses the benefits of involving toddlers in family meals from an early age and shares tips for creating a positive mealtime environment. She highlights the role of  and the significance of family dinners in shaping children's eating habits for life. In closing, Kath emphasizes the importance of adopting a holistic approach to feeding toddlers. She underscores the significance of early exposure to flavors, promoting autonomy in feeding, and creating a positive mealtime environment. By understanding picky eating behaviors and addressing nutritional concerns, parents can empower their children to develop healthy eating habits for life. Family mealtime emerges as a pivotal opportunity to model positive eating behaviors and foster a lifelong enjoyment of diverse foods. With patience, guidance, and a nurturing approach, parents can navigate picky eating challenges and support their child's nutritional well-being.

  • In this weeks podcast on Birthing Empowerment: A Doula's Guide to Birth we are joined by Katrina Meek to discuss the invaluable role of doulas in providing support throughout pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period. The discussion starts with the importance of maternal health, highlighting its impact on both mothers and babies, especially within marginalized communities facing disparities. 

    The podcast delves into the essence of doulas, explaining their non-medical yet essential role in offering emotional, physical, and informational assistance during childbirth. It emphasizes how doula support contributes to reducing medical interventions, enhancing birth experiences, and fostering better health outcomes for mothers and infants.

    Addressing disparities in access to doula care, the podcast sheds light on efforts to bridge the gap, particularly focusing on racial and socioeconomic factors influencing access to such support. Personal stories and testimonials enrich the discussion, illustrating the profound impact doulas can have on the birthing journey and the overall well-being of pregnant individuals.

    In conclusion, the podcast advocates for greater awareness and accessibility of doula care, emphasizing its significance in empowering individuals and improving maternal health outcomes for all. It calls for collective efforts to ensure that doula support becomes an integral part of maternal healthcare, accessible to every pregnant person regardless of their background or circumstances.

  • Welcome to another episode of "Sense by Meg Faure," the podcast designed to bring clarity and insight into the parenting journey, especially during the precious first year of your little one's life. Today, we delve into the enchanting, albeit challenging, world of navigating the first few weeks of parenthood in the first 10 weeks. I'm Meg Faure, your host, joined by the esteemed Heather Wood, a beloved antenatal teacher and well-baby clinic specialist from Cape Town. Together, we unravel the complexities of early parenting, from feeding challenges to developing a support system. Establishing a Support System Heather and I discuss the paramount importance of establishing a support system in the early weeks of parenting. The transition to parenthood is monumental, and having a reliable, knowledgeable person or network to turn to can significantly ease this transition. We highlight how dads play a crucial role in this process, especially in supporting breastfeeding and recognizing when to seek help. Breastfeeding Basics A significant part of our conversation is dedicated to breastfeeding - an area filled with anticipation and anxiety for many new mothers. We break down the essentials of establishing breastfeeding, including how to ensure your baby is getting enough through signs like the number of wet and dirty diapers, and the physical changes in the mother's body. Heather shares invaluable tips on managing this critical aspect of newborn care, reassuring listeners that while challenges may arise, support and correct information are key to success. Understanding Newborn Cues Interpreting a baby's cues can be bewildering for new parents. We discuss the common mistakes parents make, like misinterpreting fussiness for hunger or discomfort, and the importance of understanding what your baby is trying to communicate. This understanding helps in addressing the baby's needs more effectively and fosters a more harmonious adjustment period for the family. The Role of Routine Health Checks and Vaccinations Our discussion also covers the essential health checks and vaccinations in the first few weeks, emphasizing the value of regular visits to well-baby clinics. These visits are not only crucial for the baby's health but also provide an opportunity for parents to find support and community with other new parents. Mental Health and Physical Recovery Acknowledging the profound changes new parents undergo, both physically and mentally, Heather and I stress the importance of self-care and seeking support. We talk about the adjustments in personal identity and relationship dynamics, underlining the necessity for both parents to look after their well-being to foster a healthy family environment. Final Thoughts Wrapping up, our conversation with Heather Wood offers a comprehensive overview of navigating the first weeks with a newborn. From establishing a solid foundation for breastfeeding to understanding your baby's cues and ensuring both parents' well-being, we tackle the myriad challenges and joys that come with the early stages of parenting. This episode is brought to you by ParentSense, the app that takes the guesswork out of parenting. For more insights and advice on making the most of your parenting journey, download the ParentSense app and join us here every week. Thank you for tuning in, and we look forward to bringing you more guidance and support on your parenting journey.




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  • In this episode of "Sense by Meg Faure," host Tove Gant and Meg Faure explore innovations in early childhood education's evolving landscape. They start with the rise of micro schools as a pandemic response, highlighting how education is adapting to new demands. Meg shares her journey to founding PlaySense, driven by the search for improved childcare options, resulting in a model combining in-home care with educational guidance. We discuss diverse childcare choices, emphasizing the need for personalized approaches to meet each child's developmental needs. The PlaySense model is spotlighted for its small group settings and tailored programs focusing on both social and cognitive development. Looking ahead, the conversation shifts to future education trends, particularly the importance of creativity, collaboration, and soft skills. Meg underscores PlaySense's commitment to inclusivity and the continuous support and training for educators. This enriching discussion provides insights into nurturing care, educational stimulation, and preparing children for a changing world, showcasing innovations and diverse options in early childhood education.


    Choosing the Best Child Care for Mom and Baby

    Nurturing Bonds: The Art of Choosing and Keeping the Right Nanny | S4 EP98

    Making a Mindful Return to Work | S2 Ep71


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  • The podcast episode from "Sense by Meg Fora," featuring Jo Wilson, delves into the multifaceted world of baby swimming, emphasizing its importance beyond mere physical activity. It opens with a recognition of the challenges many children face in conventional swimming programs, stressing the significance of fostering a lifelong love and connection with water. The episode, part of a series aimed at new parents, combines practical parenting advice with insights from experts in various fields.

    Jo Wilson, introduced as a guest, brings a unique perspective to baby swimming, focusing on sensory methods to enhance the aquatic experience for infants. Her approach is not just about teaching swimming but using the baby's senses to explore the aquatic environment, making her an aquatic educator beyond a traditional swimming instructor. Wilson shares her personal journey from being a new parent herself, finding solace and bonding with her child through swimming, to facing a career shift due to redundancy during maternity leave. This turning point led her to pursue her passion for baby swimming, ultimately creating her own swim centers designed to provide a sensory-rich environment for both babies and their parents.

    The discussion covers essential questions about baby swimming, such as its importance, the right age to start, vaccination requirements, and the best practices. Wilson’s methodology, Aqua Sensory, is highlighted as a way to engage children through a sensory experience, promoting not just physical but cognitive, social, and emotional development. The episode also touches on the critical aspect of water safety, with host Meg Fora sharing a personal anecdote that underscores the life-saving importance of early swim lessons and diligent supervision around water.

    Benefits of baby swimming extend beyond mere safety; they include enhancing confidence, gross and fine motor skills, social-emotional bonding, speech and language development, and cognitive growth, with studies suggesting early swimmers achieve key milestones more effectively. Wilson encapsulates the essence of her teaching philosophy with the notion that baby swimming contributes to creating "brainy babies," underscoring the comprehensive benefits of early aquatic experiences.

    This episode not only provides practical advice for parents considering baby swimming but also enriches the conversation with personal stories and expert insights, making a compelling case for the holistic benefits of introducing infants to the aquatic world.

  • In this episode, Meg, alongside her guest Lara Schoenfeld, delve into the intricate world of choosing and keeping the right nanny or childcare for you and your family. We explore a spectrum of topics aimed at empowering nannies and enhancing the childcare experience. Our discussion begins with the pivotal role of nannies in a child's development, emphasizing the unique position they hold in influencing early childhood experiences. We underscore the significance of fostering a nurturing and supportive environment, not just for the children but also for the nannies themselves. The Nanny-Parent Relationship A substantial portion of our conversation focuses on the dynamics between nannies and parents. We advocate for clear communication and mutual respect as the bedrock of this relationship. By sharing strategies for navigating challenges and setting boundaries, we aim to create a harmonious working environment that benefits everyone involved, especially the children. Empowerment and Professional Development Lara and I delve into the importance of empowering nannies through professional development opportunities. We discuss various avenues for nannies to enhance their skills and knowledge, such as attending workshops, engaging in continuous learning, and seeking certifications relevant to childcare and early childhood education. Our goal is to elevate the profession of nannying to be recognized for its critical role in shaping future generations. Health and Safety Practices A key topic we cover is the paramount importance of health and safety in the childcare setting. We provide practical advice on maintaining a safe environment, handling emergencies, and promoting healthy habits among children. This segment is designed to equip nannies with the knowledge and confidence to manage health-related situations effectively. Cultural Sensitivity and Inclusivity Recognizing the diversity of families and nannies, highlighting the necessity of cultural sensitivity and inclusivity in childcare. We share insights on how nannies can incorporate the cultural backgrounds of the families they work and foster an environment of understanding and acceptance. Support Systems and Resources Lastly, Lara and I discuss the support systems and resources available to nannies. We stress the importance of community and professional networks that offer guidance, support, and camaraderie among caregivers. By tapping into these resources, nannies can feel less isolated and more empowered in their roles. Real-life anecdotes and expert opinions weave through our conversation, adding depth with practical insights and personal experiences, enriching the dialogue.

  • In "Sense by Meg Faure," we explore setting healthy family boundaries, especially with grandparents. As a parent-host, I deeply understand the challenges. Insights from Des Meyer, a nurse and grandmother, emphasize creating a secure space for parents. We explore various scenarios where healthy family boundaries are often tested, including differences in parenting styles, diet preferences (notably sugar intake), and sleep training philosophies. The conversation acknowledges the friction that can arise when grandparents, with their love and desire to help, may inadvertently overstep, impacting the parents' confidence and the family dynamics. The episode emphasizes the significance of "I feel" messages in communicating boundaries, advocating for a respectful and understanding approach to preserve family relationships. Furthermore, we address the broader context of boundaries beyond the family, touching upon social media, workplace expectations during maternity leave, and the transition to motherhood. The discussion underscores the universality of boundary-setting challenges, offering strategies for navigating these situations with grace and assertiveness. This episode blends anecdotes, advice, and listener stories to empower parents. It urges recognizing complex dynamics for strong, supportive family bonds.

  • In this episode of "Sense by Meg Faure," we delve deep into the world of postpartum fitness with our guest, Stephanie, an exercise and training expert and new mom. We discuss the unrealistic expectations set by social media on new mothers to quickly return to their pre-pregnancy bodies and the importance of giving yourself grace and time to recover. Stephanie shares her personal journey of adjusting to motherhood and fitness, emphasizing the significance of starting small, setting realistic goals, and focusing on health rather than rapid transformation. We explore practical tips for incorporating fitness into the busy life of a new mom, the challenges of managing energy and time, and the importance of being gentle with oneself during this transformative period. Join us for a candid conversation filled with real mom talk, motivation, and advice on navigating postpartum life with strength and grace.

  • In this podcast episode we dive deep into the nuanced world of parenting worries, especially concerning child development. Tove Gant shares her personal journey of parenting her first child, Gray, who has special needs and was diagnosed at two years old after missing several developmental milestones. This experience highlighted the delicate balance between worrying about a child's development and recognizing their unique path. Meg Faure, an occupational therapist and infant specialist, joins the conversation, providing professional insight into developmental milestones, the importance of early intervention, and the concept of enriched environments for children. We explore the broad ranges of normal development, the significance of milestone clusters in identifying potential concerns, and the impact of environment and genetics on a child's growth. Additionally, we touch upon the pressures of overscheduling and the societal expectations placed on parents, emphasizing the value of simple, engaged parenting over a plethora of activities.