• Í þátt­un­um fylg­ir Jó­hann­es Kr. Kristjánsson kyn­ferð­is­brota­deild lög­regl­unn­ar á höf­uð­borg­ar­svæð­inu eft­ir í um tveggja mán­aða skeið. Þáttaröðin fer í loft­ið á Heim­ild­inni þann 22. apríl og verða þætt­irn­ir fjór­ir og birt­ir viku­lega.

  • Á toppnum síðan 2018. Í beinni frá Húsi fótboltans á Íslandi.

  • Spursmál er nýr og beinskeyttur umræðuþáttur sem hefur göngu sína í beinu streymi á mbl.is á morgun 1. desember.

    Þar verða stóru mál samfélagsins krufin með afdráttarlausum hætti undir stjórn Stefáns Einars Stefáns­sonar sem fær til sín valinkunna gesti í settið alla föstudaga kl. 14.

    Fylgstu með lifandi, fjölbreyttri og kraftmikilli umræðu í Spursmálum
    á mbl.is.

  • Í þættinum eru atburðir og málefni líðandi stundar skoðaðir í ljósi sögunnar. Umsjón: Vera Illugadóttir.

  • Morðcastið er podcast þar sem fjallað er um íslensk og erlend sakamál á léttum nótum.
    Þátturinn kemur út á hverjum fimmtudegi.

    Til að hafa samband:
    [email protected]

  • Vinirnir og grínistarnir Tinna, Ingó og Tryggvi ræða um allt á milli himins og jarðar á misalvarlegum nótum.

  • Í klefanum þá skoðum við hvernig við náum árangri og komumst nær markmiðunum okkar. 

    Í Klefanum þá talar allt íþróttafólk sama tungumálið! 


  • Hér er rætt hispurslaust um stjórnmál, efnahagsmál, menningu og annað tengt þjóðmálum.

  • Birta Líf og Sunneva Einarsdóttir fara yfir allskonar skemmtileg málefni sem tengjast hinum vestræna heimi.

  • Þáttur um golf. Allir léttir.Þáttastjórnendur eru Logi Bergmann & Jón Júlíus Karlsson

  • Birkir Karl Sigurðsson & Leifur Þorsteinsson ásamt gestum.
    Fyrirspurnir: [email protected]

  • Eins og nafnið gefur til kynna þá er efnið handa fullorðnu fólki. Hér er hægt að hlusta á hljóðbrot úr Hlaðvarpinu Fullorðins ásamt seðjandi hljóðsögum í æsandi þrívíðum hljóðheimi. Að hlusta á Fullorðins er góð skemmtun og tilvalin til að koma þér á vit ævintýra, efla ímyndunaraflið, stuðla að sálfræðilegri endurheimt, upplifa heita drauma og fá hugmyndir sem krydda upp á kynlífið.


    Ath. Allt efni er aðeins ætlað fyrir fólk eldra en 18 ára.

  • Podcast með Sölva er þáttur sem lætur sér ekkert óviðkomandi. Fylgstu með áhugaverðu fólki úr öllum áttum setjast í stólinn hjá Sölva Tryggva.

  • Spjöllum saman um morð, mannshvörf, raðmorðingja og dularfull dauðsföll sem eru bæði leyst eða óleyst mál! Nýr þáttur kemur út alla miðvikudaga. Þú finnur okkur á facebook og instagram: Morðskúrinn.

  • short_text=None long_text='Daglegur fréttaskýringaþáttur sem varpar nýju ljósi á það sem efst er á baugi og stundum það sem verðskuldar meiri athygli. \n\nUmsjón: Sunna Valgerðardóttir og Þóra Tómasdóttir' language='is' valid_from=datetime.datetime(2022, 5, 16, 12, 42)

  • Óvissuferð sem þú vilt ekki að missa af !
    [email protected]

  • Fréttaskýringaþáttur sem fjallar á ítarlegan og lifandi hátt um heimsmálin, um allt það sem ekki gerist á Íslandi.
    Umsjón: Birta Björnsdóttir og Bjarni Pétur Jónsson.

  • Vikulega fer Lovísa Lára yfir mál sem fjalla um dimmu hliðar á mannskepnunni. Þættirnir koma út hvern miðvikudag.

  • Þrjár tvíburamæður með munnræpu.
    Deilum reynslu okkar á tvíburum ásamt því að fá til okkar frábæra viðmælendur sem allir eiga það sameiginlegt að vera foreldrar.

  • Indíana Rós kynfræðingur ræðir kynlíf, kynheilbrigði og allt sem tengist því á einn eða annan hátt!

  • Létt spjall um hlaup og hlaupasenuna á Íslandi og víðar sem tilvalið er að hlusta á í rólegum hlaupatúr!

  • Þungavigtin er fyrst og fremst þáttur um knattspyrnu og öllu henni tengdri. Hvort sem er innanlands eða utan. Liðsmenn þáttarins þarf vart að kynna fyrir þjóðinni. Skútunni stýrir Rikki G íþróttafréttamaður ásamt Mikael Nikulássyni og Kristjáni Óla Sigurðsyni betur þekktir undir nöfnunum Mike og Höfðinginn. Þættirnir koma út á föstudögum inn á allar helstu veitur þar sem góðir gestir líta við. Fyrir þá allra hörðustu kemur Þungavigtin saman á hverjum mánudegi á tal.is/vigtin og verða þeir þættir aðeins aðgengilegir áskrifendum. Þar koma Mike, Höfðinginn og Rikki G saman og ræða fótbolta á mannamáli. Auk þess fær Höfðinginn reglulega gesti í Einn á Einn með Höfðingjanum. Þættirnir verða ýmist í hljóð og eða myndbandsformi.

  • Fókus er birtur í hljóði og mynd vikulega á dv.is. Þátturinn er í umsjón Guðrúnar Óskar Guðjónsdóttur.

  • Mystík er hlaðvarp sem fjallar um skrýtin og dularfull mál. Morð, mannshvörf, myrkraverur, mannrán og aðrar mysteríur. Þættirnir eru allir mismunandi uppsettir eftir því hvaða mál er tekið fyrir hverju sinni en ef þú hefur gaman af true crime og öllu því skrýtna og undarlega sem er að gerast í heiminum þá skaltu prófa að hlusta á þessa þætti. Þeir eru fríir og koma út vikulega á þinni hlaðvarpsveitu.
    Mystík er framelitt af ghost network

  • Sálfræðingar spjalla saman um málefni tengd geðheilsu. Þáttastjórnendur eru Katrín Mjöll, Nína Björg og Sturla Brynjólfsson sálfræðingar á Kvíðameðferðarstöðinni og Litlu Kvíðameðferðarstöðinni.

  • Follow along Alex Cooper and the Daddy Gang as they exploit the details of their lives, making you feel a hell of a lot better about yours. Relationships, sex, social scenes, embarrassing moments, and more are all addressed here on CALL HER DADDY. See you f****** Wednesday.

  • Vikulegur þáttur um stjörnuspeki þar sem við komum til með að endurvekja áhuga fólks á sjálfsþekkingu. Hver ertu? Hverjir eru þínir styrkleikar og veikleikar, og hvernig getur þú unnið með þá. Þátturinn er frumfluttur á Bylgjunni klukkan 21:00 á sunnudagskvöldum og kemur svo inn á streymisveitur á mánudögum klukkan 15:00

  • UltraForm er hlaðvarp sem snýr fyrst og fremst að heilsu og hollu líferni. UltraForm er einnig líkamsræktarstöð í Grafarholti í eigu þáttastjórnanda Sigurjóns Ernis og fjölskyldu.

    Markmið með þáttunum er að auka skilning og þekkingu hlustenda að hinum ýmsu heilsutengdu málefnum og reyna í sameiningu að komast að því hvað Ultraform er í raun og veru er.

  • Fyrrum fréttakonurnar Þórhildur Þorkels og Nadine Yaghi rifja upp áhugaverð fréttamál og fjalla um þau á mannlegum nótum.

  • Hlaðvarpið sem hefur svalað forvitni íslendinga um sannsöguleg sakamál síðan 2019.

    • www.illverk.is
    • #illverkpodcast
    [email protected]

  • Podcast um atburði og staði sem þekktir eru fyrir draugagang.
    Þættirnir eru framleiddir af Ghost Network ehf.®
    Finndu fleiri podcöst frá Ghost Network inná www.ghostnetwork.is

    Hjónin Stefán John og Katrín halda halda úti hlaðvarpinu Draugaösgur Podcast en þau eru jafnframt helstu drauga sérfræðingar Íslands. Þau hafa hjálpað tugi fjölskyldna hérlendis að fást við draugagang og heimsótt og rannsakað frægustu draugahús í heimi þar á meðal Conjuring Húsið og Shrewsburry Fangelsið.
    Fylgdu okkur á þinni hlaðvarpsveitu og á samfélagsmiðlum undir draugasogurpodcast.
    Við höldum einnig úti heimasíðunni www.draugasogur.com
    Viltu fleiri Draugasögur? Skoðaðu áskriftarsíðuna okkar www.patreon.com/draugasogur

  • Millionaire businesswoman Pamela Hargan and her youngest daughter Helen are found dead in their family home in McLean, Virginia. The strange and haunting crime scene puzzled investigators – was it a murder-suicide or was it staged to look like one? There was conflicting evidence all around. 48 Hours correspondent Peter Van Sant examines the suspenseful case in this 6-episode series, Blood is Thicker: The Hargan Family Killings. Detectives try to untangle mixed motives from mother-daughter discord, to sibling rivalry, jealousy and a family fortune. Find out if blood is really thicker when it comes to the Hargan family.

  • Kjarnyrt umræða um málefni liðandi stundar þar sem rjóminn er fleyttur af troginu og málin skoðuð út frá öðrum vinklum en almennt þekkist í hlaðvarpsþáttum hérlendis.

Þó að knattspyrnutengd málefni séu leiðandi efnistök, hika þáttastjórnendur ekki við að færa umræðuna í þá áttir sem þeim hentar hverju sinni.

 Þáttastjórnendur eru Vilhjálmur Freyr Hallsson, skipatækjamaður og Andri Geir Gunnarsson, eilífðarstúdent og heimspekinemi.

  • "SmartLess" with Jason Bateman, Sean Hayes, & Will Arnett is a podcast that connects and unites people from all walks of life to learn about shared experiences through thoughtful dialogue and organic hilarity. A nice surprise: in each episode of SmartLess, one of the hosts reveals his mystery guest to the other two. What ensues is a genuinely improvised and authentic conversation filled with laughter and newfound knowledge to feed the SmartLess mind.

    New episodes on Mondays for free. Listen 1-week early and to all episodes ad-free with Wondery+ or Amazon Music with a Prime membership or Amazon Music Unlimited subscription.

  • Flosi Þorgeirsson fræðir Baldur Ragnarsson um áhugaverða liðna atburði.

  • A few years ago I was a broke, university dropout, at 18 I built an industry leading social media marketing company, and at 27 I resigned as CEO. At 28 I co-founded Flight Story – a marketing and communications company, and thirdweb - a software platform, making it easy to build web3 applications. I then launched private equity fund, Flight Fund, to accelerate the next generation of European unicorns. During this time I decided to launch 'The Diary Of A CEO' podcast with the simple mission of providing an unfiltered journey into the remarkable stories and untold dimensions of the world’s most influential people, experts and thinkers. Thank you for listening.
    My New Book: https://g2ul0.app.link/DOAC
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/steven
    LI: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stevenbartlett-123

  • Fjármálakastið er hlaðvarp fyrir áhugafólk um fjármál, hagfræði og efnahagsmál. Í þættinum er rætt við fólk frá ýmsum áttum um efnahagsmál. Þættirnir koma út einu sinni í viku inn á allar helstu hlaðvarpsveitur og inn á podcast.is. Umsjónarmaður þáttarins er Magdalena Anna Torfadóttir.

  • Welcome to The Overlap.

    The biggest names in football, politics, business and world sport share real stories with me, Gary Neville, reflecting on their careers & vulnerabilities.

    Plus we’ll have Overlap Live where I'll answers your questions & Overlap Reacts, where I'll react to the biggest incidents in sport.

    Follow to never miss an episode.

    Brought to you exclusively by Sky Bet

    YouTube: https://bit.ly/TheOverlap

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Andrew Santino and Bobby Lee present BAD FRIENDS. New episodes every Monday!


    Bad Friends:

    Andrew Santino:

    Bobby Lee:

    Official Website: http://www.badfriendspod.com

  • Hlaðvarpið þar sem þú lærir að skapa besta samband sem þú getur ímyndað þér.

    Ertu með spurningu sem þú vilt fá svar við í hlaðvarpinu? Sendu mér línu!

  • InnerFight's Marcus Smith is a high performance coach that gets results. In his podcast he talks performance with a range of people. From some of the worlds leading health and fitness gurus to those searching to get more out of their life.

  • Sterk saman er spjallþáttur þar sem fólk með reynslu kemur og segir söguna sína auk þess sem við fáum sérfræðinga og fagfólk í settið til okkar.

  • Einkalífið eru þættir á Vísi þar sem rætt er við fólk sem skarar fram úr á sínu sviði. Hvort sem um er að ræða leikara, tónlistarfólk, afreksfólk í íþróttum, samfélagsmiðlastjörnur eða stjórnmálamenn, þá eru öll velkomin. Þáttastjórnendur eru Dóra Júlía Agnarsdóttir og Oddur Ævar Gunnarsson.

  • Umræðuþáttur um:
    - Stjórnun og samskipti
    - Viðskipti og efnahagsmál
    - Stjórnmál og samfélagsmál

  • Spegilmyndin er mannlífsþáttur um kvenheilsu, heilbrigðan lífsstíl, mataræði, hreyfingu, tískustrauma, líkamsvirðingu og fegrunar- og lýtaaðgerðir. Höfundur og þáttastjórnandi er Marín Manda Magnúsdóttir, menningarmiðlari og nútímafræðingur en framleiðandi sjónvarpsþáttanna er Orca Films.

    Hlaðvarp Spegilmyndarinnar lítur dagsins ljós samhliða sjónvarpsseríu 2 af Spegilmyndinni sem sýnd verður á Stöð 2 og Stöð 2+ í mars og apríl 2023. Í hlaðvarpinu ræðir Marín Manda við viðmælendur sína um það helsta í heilsu og fegrunariðnaðnum á Íslandi líkt og hún gerir í sjónvarpsþáttunum. Hún skyggnist inn í ýmis áhugaverð málefni sem eru áberandi í umræðunni en viðmælendur eru af ýmsum toga. Ber þar að nefna húðlækna, næringarfræðinga, sálfræðinga, heilsuráðgjafa, snyrtifræðinga, þjálfara, kvensjúkdómalækna, lýtalækna og aðra sérfræðingar sem tengjast viðfangsefninu hverju sinni.

  • Brotkast er efnisveita þar sem dagskrárgerðarmenn eru óháðir auglýsendum og svara eingöngu til áskrifenda sinna. Þannig bjóðum við upp á heilbrigðari umræðu sem verður ekki nauðbeygð undir háværan hóp róttæklinga á Twitter.

    Hægt er að kaupa áskrift á brotkast.is þar sem allt efnið er inni með aðeins einni áskrift.

  • Formúlu 1 podcastið. Kristján Einar og Bragi Þórðarson fjalla um allt tengt Formúlu 1, fara yfir allar keppnir og ræða stóru málin.

    Þættirnir skiptast í almenna þætti (#) og umfjöllun um einstök Formúlu 1 mót (R)

  • Fyrir alla þá sem hafa gaman af hörmungum Íslandssögunnar, hvort sem það eru stórslys, morðmál, draugasögur, galdrar eða þjóðtrú.

  • Umsjónarmaður spjallar um hvaðeina milli himins og jarðar, oft af sögulegu tagi, les forvitnilega texta úr ýmsum áttum, bæði íslenska og erlenda, og reynir af öllum mætti að hafa ofan af fyrir hlustendum þá klukkustund sem þátturinn stendur. Umsjón: Illugi Jökulsson.

  • Glaðvarpið Beint í bílinn er einnig fáanlegt í áskrift fyrir þá sem vilja fá fleiri þætti inn á beintibilinn.is
    Við erum líka með umræðuhóp á facebook. https://www.facebook.com/groups/beintibilinn

  • Tveir mömmustrákar með mikil gestalæti segja sögur í leit að ást, samþykki og viðurkenningu.

  • It’s a lighthearted nightmare in here, weirdos! Morbid is a true crime, creepy history and all things spooky podcast hosted by an autopsy technician and a hairstylist. Join us for a heavy dose of research with a dash of comedy thrown in for flavor.

  • Hlaðvörp Eyjunnar, Eyjan og Markaðurinn

  • Torfæruspjallið er einstaklega sniðugt spjall um tvo sniðuga einstaklinga, þar sem þeir slúðra og tuða um íslenska torfæru

  • Já OK eru skemmtilegir hlaðvarpsþættir með Vilhelm Neto og Fjölni Gíslasyni þar sem þeir skoða alla skrýtnu hlutina sem einu sinni voru aðal málið á Íslandi en hafa síðan horfið. Það man enginn lengur eftir kaffibæti og beta spólum, er það nokkuð?

  • Häng med bakom kulisserna i Lojsan och Busters kaotiska vardag. Hur får man en relation att hålla som egenföretagare med 3 barn, ett hus att ta hand om och en massa ADHD? Tillsammans med Lojsan och Buster går man in på djupet hur relationen och sexlusten hålls vid liv i en fartfylld vardag, och hur det är att leva med en partner med ADHD. Duon kommer även med hjälp av terapeuter, coacher och andra gäster hitta nyckeln till ett lyckat förhållande.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • If you can never get enough true crime... Congratulations, you’ve found your people.

  • Karlmennskuhugmyndir og viðfangsefni sem hafa snertiflöt við karla, jafnrétti eða karlmennsku eru til umfjöllunar í þessu hlaðvarpi.

  • Something Was Wrong is an award-winning docuseries about the discovery, trauma, and recovery from crime, shocking life events and abusive relationships.

  • In order to tell the story of a crime, you have to turn back time. Every season, Investigative journalist Delia D'Ambra digs deep into a mind-bending mystery with the hopes of reigniting interest in a decades old homicide case.

  • Fylgjan er hlaðvarp þar sem kynnumst nýjum sjónarhornum á þessum umbreytandi tímum í lífum okkar sem er barnaeignarferlið, en fyrst og fremst er þetta rými til að heyra sögur kvenna sem hafa þegar gengið þessa vegferð. 

    Hér deilum við, lærum og fræðumst um fæðingar, meðgöngur, móðurhlutverkið, kvennakúltúr, systralag og allt það sem við kemur kvenverunni. 


  • The world’s most popular history podcast, with Tom Holland and Dominic Sandbrook.

    Join The Rest Is History Club (www.restishistorypod.com) for ad-free listening to the full archive, weekly bonus episodes, live streamed shows and access to an exclusive chatroom community.

    Here are some of our favourite episodes to get you started:

    WATERGATE/NIXON apple.co/3JrVl5h

    ALEXANDER THE GREAT apple.co/3Q4FaNk


    PUTIN & RUSSIA apple.co/3zMtLfX

  • Real Dictators is the award-winning podcast that explores the hidden lives of history's tyrants. Hosted by Paul McGann, with contributions from eyewitnesses and expert historians.

    New episodes available one week early for Noiser+ subscribers. You'll also get ad-free listening and exclusive content. To find out more about Noiser+, head to noiser.com/subscriptions.

    For advertising enquiries, email [email protected]

    Production: Joel Duddell, Miriam Baines, Tom Pink, George Tapp, Dorry Macaulay, Cian Ryan-Morgan, Joseph McGann. Compositions by Oliver Baines, Dorry Macaulay, Tom Pink.

    We are sponsored by Indeed. Go to Indeed.com/real for £100 sponsored credit.

  • Nautnaseggirnir Eva & Solla fjalla um mat og matargerð í sem víðustum skilningi. Þetta hlaðvarp er fyrir sælkerann, meðaljónin og sjoppuna.

  • 'Jaw dropping', 'gripping', 'bingeable,' 'thrilling' - dramatic true stories and investigations that reveal how the world really works.

    To Catch A Scorpion: The dramatic hunt for one of Europe's most-wanted people smugglers, recorded as it unfolds.

    BBC journalist, Sue Mitchell, and former soldier and aid worker, Rob Lawrie go on a search for a crime boss: a people smuggler on the run, whose codename is Scorpion. He is one of the central characters controlling the transport of migrants from the European mainland into the UK.

    Barzan Majeed - codenamed Scorpion - leads the Scorpion gang. He's on international most-wanted lists. He started his criminal career in Britain and went on to build a smuggling empire which now spans the globe.

    An international police surveillance operation trapped more than 20 of his gang and almost netted Scorpion himself, but he was tipped off and escaped.

    Sue and Rob, two seasoned investigators, team up to try to do what the police have been unable to achieve: to find Scorpion, to speak to him, to ask him to account for his crimes and to seek justice for the families he has harmed.

    Their investigation takes them to the heart of an organised criminal gang making millions from transporting thousands of migrants on boat and lorry crossings that in some cases have gone dangerously wrong, causing serious injury and putting lives at risk. They witness his operation in action and record as intense situations unfold, where vulnerable people desperate for a better future, put their lives in the hands of ruthless and dangerous criminals.

    As they edge ever closer, they meet the people helping and supporting Scorpion and unpick the financial side of his business funding his luxury life. As they start to understand the man himself, can they garner enough clues to trace his whereabouts?

  • Betkastið er fyrir alla þá sem finnst gaman að spá fyrir um úrslit og hvernig leikir og viðburðir geta mögulega endað. Þátturinn mun verða á tandurhreinni íslensku þar sem hver skoðun og spá hefur rétt á sér. Öll umræða verður á léttu nótunum og það er svigrúm fyrir vitleysu. Flestir þeir sem hafa stundað veðmál vita að hægt er að græða og tapa pening á því að leggja undir veðmál! Tilgangur betkastsins er að vera fyrst og fremst forvörn fyrir því að fólk gangi of langt og stundi í stað ábyrga spilahegðun. Farið verður yfir reynslusögur um spilahegðun hjá fólki og afhverju er mikilvægt að vera hógvær áður en lagt er undir. Betkastið mun rýna í viðburði sem eru bæði almennir en að mestu leyti íþróttatengdir. Umferð í enska? Eurovision? Verður Eldgos á Íslandi fyrir 1.des eða ekki? Landsfrægir sérfræðingar munu mæta og tala um sitt fag. Betkastið er hugsað sem viðburðartengt hlaðvarp! Það sem er í gangi hverju sinni verður tekið fyrir.

  • Leðurblökur eru skuggaleg og skringileg dýr sem hafast við í dimmum hellum og skúmaskotum. Þær eru sjaldséðar hér á landi en slæðast þó hingað af og til. Í Leðurblökunni er fjallað um ýmsar ráðgátur og sakamál, og önnur dularfull og sérkennileg mál úr sögunni. Þættirnir voru áður á dagskrá Rásar 1 árið 2014. Umsjónarmaður: Vera Illugadóttir

  • Tvær vinkonur spjalla um foreldrahlutverkið. Allt frá getnaði, meðgöngu, að fæðingu og allt þar á milli, fá til sín gesti og deila eigin reynslu.

  • Helena Bonham Carter shines light on extraordinary stories from World War Two.

  • This is not your typical parenting podcast. It is a podcast about raising the parent as much as it is about raising our children. 
    Join Dr. Shefali, the pioneer of conscious parenting, New York Times bestselling author, clinical psychologist, and Oprah’s favorite parenting expert, as she engages in raw and heartfelt conversations with parents in real time. Dr. Shefali tackles everyday parenting challenges by offering conscious tools and strategies to raise empowered and resilient children. She helps parents overcome obstacles that get in the way of creating authentic connections with their kids. 
    No matter what struggles you have, you will receive profound wisdom that will resonate deeply with your own life experiences.
    If you would like to be a guest on this podcast and receive parenting advice from Dr. Shefali, please go to http://www.drshefali.com/podcast. You can also email us at [email protected].

  • EXTRA! EXTRA! CANCELLED is back and better than ever with your favorite co-host/besties Tana Mongeau and Brooke Schofield. After years of growing up under the constant scrutiny of public opinion, social media juggernaut, Tana Mongeau, is officially taking back the mic (again!). Acting as a natural evolution of her acclaimed “storytime” videos, this show offers an intimate look at Mongeau, her meteoric rise to superstardom, and the unavoidable moments of vulnerability that make this cyber-personality all the more human. Brooke Schofield being the brains and voice of reason between the dynamic-duo, is exactly what this relaunch needed. Born and raised in Arizona, Brooke started her academic journey with nursing but discovered her true passions resided in Los Angeles in the world of social media. She grew a large following quickly, thanks to her unique and satirical commentary on everyday life. CANCELLED will continue to shed new light, not only on its hosts, but on the enigmatic world of “the influencer.” Featuring lively celeb tell-alls, current event commentary, and Tana and Brooke’s unfiltered take on the drama that relentlessly follows them both, follow the show now so you don’t miss a single episode!
    For advertising opportunities please email [email protected]  
    We wanna make the podcast even better, help us learn how we can: https://bit.ly/2EcYbu4 
    Privacy Policy: https://www.studio71.com/us/terms-and-conditions-use/#Privacy%20Policy

  • Á podcast rás Körfunnar er að finna margar ólíkar upptökur sem allar eiga það sameiginlegt að vera tengdar íslenskum körfuknattleik. Rásin hefur verið til síðan árið 2017.

  • Each Tuesday and Friday, Ezra Klein invites you into a conversation on something that matters. How do we address climate change if the political system fails to act? Has the logic of markets infiltrated too many aspects of our lives? What is the future of the Republican Party? What do psychedelics teach us about consciousness? What does sci-fi understand about our present that we miss? Can our food system be just to humans and animals alike?

    Listen to this podcast in New York Times Audio, our iOS app for news subscribers. Download now at nytimes.com/audioapp

  • You can change your life and Mel Robbins will show you how.

    Mel Robbins is one of the world’s most widely booked and followed podcast hosts and authors. She’s trusted by the world’s leading brands and medical professionals who use her research-backed tools and strategies in clinical and corporate settings. She’s amassed millions of followers online, with her videos going viral almost daily.

    143 Studios Inc., her female-led media company, produces provocative and award-winning content with unprecedented results: millions of books sold, billions of video views, seven #1 audiobooks, and original courses and programming for clients like Starbucks, JP Morgan Chase, LinkedIn, Spotify, Headspace, and Audible.

    Mel’s work has been translated into 41 languages, her podcast is syndicated in 194 countries, and her TEDx Talk is one of the most viewed of all time. A New York Times bestselling author and self-publishing phenom, Mel’s work includes The High 5 Habit and The 5 Second Rule. Most importantly, her science-backed tools and relatable advice have changed the lives of millions of people worldwide.

    Despite all this, Mel is one of the most down-to-earth and caring people you’ll ever meet. The person you see every day online is exactly the same in real life. Probably because she learned everything she teaches the hard way: by first screwing up her own life, and out of necessity, discovering the tools and research that transformed her life and got her to where she is today.

    In The Mel Robbins Podcast, Mel gets more personal than ever, welcoming you into her life and taking you behind the scenes in real time. Every episode is packed with deeply relatable topics, tactical advice, hilarious screwups, compelling conversations, and the tools and inspiration you need to create a better life.

    Tune in and buckle up – your life is about to change. New episodes of The Mel Robbins Podcast drop every Monday and Thursday.

    To learn more about Mel, go deeper into every episode, find the resources and research she mentions, or submit a topic or question, check out https://www.melrobbins.com.

  • Fjallað er fordómalaust um menningu samtímans í öllum sínum fjölbreytileika, samfélagsmiðla, dægurmenningu, allt sem mótar líf okkar hér og nú og speglar frá degi til dags.

  • Í Undralandi Ólafssona er allt morandi í kanínuholum. Aron og Arnar reyna að tipla á tánum í kringum þær en eiga það til annað slagið að falla ofan í þær með tilheyrandi pælingum og vitleysu. Í Undralandi eru þó ekki einungis kanínuholur heldur líka fullt af glensi og meðþví!

  • Í hlaðvarpinu Með lífið í lúkunum fæ ég til mín einstaklinga úr ýmsum áttum sem hafa þekkingu á fjölbreyttum sviðum heilsu og einnig fólk sem hefur á einn eða annan hátt jákvæð áhrif á samferðafólk sitt.

    Markmiðið er að skapa rými fyrir einlægt og opið spjall til þess að kynnast sem fjölbreyttustum leiðum til þess að huga að heilsunni. t.d. varðandi geðheilsu, líkamlega heilsu, mataræði, svefn, raddheilsu, tannheilsu, fjárhagslega heilsu, sköpunargleði, kynheilbrigði og margt fleira.

  • The award-winning comedy podcast that celebrates bad movies. Comedians and actors Paul Scheer (The League), June Diane Raphael (Grace and Frankie), and Jason Mantzoukas (Big Mouth) break down the very best of the worst films ever made—we’re talkin’ blockbuster flops, cheesy 80s action movies, Lifetime thrillers, obscure cult classics, and if we’re honest… most Nic Cage and Jason Statham movies. Plus, sometimes they’re even joined by hilarious guests like Seth Rogen, Conan O’Brien, Amy Schumer, Nicole Byer, Nick Kroll, and Charlize Theron. And the best part? They watch these bad movies so you don’t have to!

    New episodes every Friday. Classic episodes re-released every Monday.

  • Sixteenth Minute (of Fame) is a weekly show from Jamie Loftus that takes a closer look at the internet’s main characters – one part reported, one part interviews, and one part Jamie collapsing her permanently internet-damaged brain. Whether it’s an enduring meme or a dreaded Character of the Day distinction, it’s the kind of notoriety that often results in little money, unwarranted attention, and a confusing blurred line of consent. What do you do when you get more attention and judgement than any one person is built to handle? The Sixteenth Minute of Fame is the place where we figure that out, putting people in the context of the moment they've been frozen inside of.

  • MURDER IN AMERICA is a true crime podcast that takes a state-by-state look at the most infamous homicides across the United States of America. Co-hosted by Courtney Shannon & Colin Browen (of "The Paranormal Files"), the two delve deep into the darkest tales of murder from each and every state, featuring a from a different state every week. Their passion for true crime, along with Colin's career in investigating paranormal activity gives the two a fresh outlook on these crimes, and allows them to gain the deepest perspectives possible when analyzing the grisly details of these horrific acts. Welcome, to Murder in America.
    - New episodes are posted every Friday. -
    If you LIKE what we do, you can gain access to BONUS PODCASTS by becoming a Patron!: https://www.patreon.com/murderinamerica
    FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/murderinamerica/
    FOLLOW US ON TWITTER: https://twitter.com/murderinamerica
    FOLLOW COLIN'S YOUTUBE CHANNEL (876,000 Subscribers): https://www.youtube.com/theparanormalfilesofficialchannel
    FOLLOW COURTNEY ON INSTAGRAM!: https://instagram.com/courtbrowen/
    FOLLOW COLIN ON INSTAGRAM!: https://www.instagram.com/colinbrowen/

  • Ljósmæðurnar Stefanía Ósk og Sunna María ræða um ljósmæðratengd málefni líðandi stundar í Legvarpinu.

  • Join Gary Lineker, Alan Shearer and Micah Richards for a new podcast bringing strong opinions on all the latest stories from the world of football.
    Hosted by three men who’ve been there and done it at the highest level of the game, The Rest is Football combines topical debate with outrageous tales from their careers.
    The essential new podcast for football fans.

  • We tell our children unsettling fairy tales to teach them valuable lessons, but these Cautionary Tales are for the education of the grown ups – and they are all true. Tim Harford (Financial Times, BBC, author of “The Data Detective”) brings you stories of awful human error, tragic catastrophes, and hilarious fiascos. They'll delight you, scare you, but also make you wiser. New episodes every other Friday.

  • The Mindset Mentor™ podcast is designed for anyone desiring motivation, direction, and focus in life. Host Rob Dial has amassed a passionate following of over 3 million social media followers, including business professionals, entrepreneurs, and small business owners with his expertise and passion for helping motivate people to become the best version of themselves.
    In this podcast, Rob blends neurology, neurobiology, psychology, early childhood development, cognitive behavioral therapy so that you can understand the way your brain and body work together, because when you understand yourself, it makes it much easier to make a plan to change and succeed. When you master your mindset, you master your life.
    Over the past 15 years, he has studied with some of the greatest thought leaders of our time like Tony Robbins, Ram Dass, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Jay Shetty, Andrew Huberman and many more.
    If you're ready to take your life to the next level, are searching for more purpose or you just need extra inspiration or motivation, tune in to The Mindset Mentor Podcast.
    Follow Rob on Instagram @RobDialJr https://www.instagram.com/robdialjr/

    Past guests include Tony Robbins, Matthew McConaughey, Jay Shetty, Andrew Huberman, Lewis Howes, Gregg Braden, and Dr Steven Gundry.

  • The airport bestsellers that captured our hearts and ruined our minds

  • Lewis Howes is a New York Times best-selling author, 2x All-American athlete, keynote speaker, and entrepreneur. The School of Greatness shares inspiring interviews from the most successful people on the planet—world-renowned leaders in business, entertainment, sports, science, health, and literature—to inspire YOU to unlock your inner greatness and live your best life.

  • Fjallað er um flugmál á Íslandi, viðburði, málefni og áhugavert fólk tekið tali. Jói Baddi hefur langa reynslu sem atvinnuflugmaður og kennari og sameinar hér áhuga sinn á flugi og fjölmiðlum.

  • The Vergecast is the flagship podcast from The Verge about small gadgets, Big Tech, and everything in between. Every Friday, hosts Nilay Patel, David Pierce, and Alex Cranz hang out and make sense of the week’s most important technology news. And every Tuesday, David leads a selection of The Verge’s expert staffers in an exploration of how gadgets and software affect our lives – and which ones you should bring into yours. 

  • Í þessum þáttum köfum við djúpt ofan í þjóðsögukistu heimsins. Sögurnar eru allskonar, sumar fyndnar, aðrar fróðlegar, sumar alveg út í hött og enn aðrar kannski svolítið hræðilegar eða draugalegar. Í hverjum þætti heyrum við tvær eða þrjár þjóðsögur frá ýmsum heimshornum.

    Umsjón: Ingibjörg Fríða Helgadóttir.

  • Netflix vs. HBO. Nike vs. Adidas. Business is war. Sometimes the prize is your wallet or your attention. Sometimes, it’s just the fun of beating the other guy. The outcome of these battles shapes what we buy and how we live. 

    Business Wars gives you the unauthorized, real story of what drives these companies and their leaders, inventors, investors and executives to new heights -- or to ruin. Hosted by David Brown, former anchor of Marketplace. From Wondery, the network behind Dirty John and American History Tellers.

    New episodes come out Wednesdays for free. Binge new full seasons early and ad-free, plus get exclusive past seasons, only with Wondery+.

  • Love is more than you think. From the creators of Criminal. New episodes every month.

  • Körfuboltaþátturinn Boltinn Lýgur Ekki, sem hefur verið leiðandi í körfuboltaumfjöllun á Íslandi, er kominn á Suðurlandsbrautina, heimili körfuboltans á Íslandi.Fjallað er um móður allra íþrótta á hispurslausan hátt. Íslenski boltinn í aðalhlutverki en NBA verður á sínum stað ásamt heitum tökum og góðum gestum.Það eru Véfréttin sjálf, Sigurður Orri og Tommi Steindórs sem stýra þættinum sem er í þráðbeinni á X977 alla fimmtudaga frá 16-18.

  • Dozens of women seeking to become mothers came to a fertility clinic at Yale. A (five-part) narrative series about the shocking events that unfolded there. From Serial Productions and The New York Times.

  • Debunking the junk science behind health fads, wellness scams and nonsensical nutrition advice.

  • Get obsessed with us. Five days a week, Pop Culture Happy Hour serves you recommendations and commentary on the buzziest movies, TV, music, books, videogames and more. Join arts journalists Linda Holmes, Glen Weldon, Stephen Thompson, and Aisha Harris - plus a rotating cast of guest pop culture aficionados. The Happy Hour team leaves room at the table for exploring a range of reactions and opinions on every bit of the pop universe. From lowbrow to highbrow to the stuff in between, they take it all with a shot of cheer.

    Make your happy hour even happier with Pop Culture Happy Hour Plus! Your subscription supports the podcast and unlocks a sponsor-free feed. Learn more at plus.npr.org/happyhour

  • Viðtalsþáttur á Vísi þar sem kafað er í mál í brennidepli.

  • High Brow is a chic podcast for cool girls and self-identified intellectuals. Hosted by Mina Le, the pod is an extension of her eponymous Youtube channel.

    Follow Mina every Wednesday as she leads you through the culture & fashion landscapes, dissecting topics that probably resonate most with the chronically online... but through the lens of someone who has touched grass of course (or so she claims!).

    Find Mina on Youtube, Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter @gremlita

  • Fjölburaforeldrar ræða við aðra fjölburaforeldra um fjölburalífið

  • A tech podcast for the gadget lovers and tech heads among us from the mind of Marques Brownlee, better known as MKBHD. MKBHD has made a name for himself on YouTube reviewing everything from the newest smartphones to cameras to electric cars. Pulling from over 10 years of experience covering the tech industry, MKBHD and co-hosts Andrew Manganelli and David Imel will keep you informed and entertained as they take a deep dive into the latest and greatest in tech and what deserves your hard earned cash. New episodes every week. Waveform is part of the Vox Media Podcast Network.
    We wanna make the podcast even better, help us learn how we can: https://bit.ly/2EcYbu4 

  • Ever miss those spooky campfire stories you heard growing up? Well, gather round... and listen close.

  • A podcast to kick start your day from the world's biggest sports radio station, as we nail the talking points from the world of sport, with plenty of punchy personality and opinion. Join us every single morning for big sporting stories and laughs wrapped into one podcast. Follow talkSPORT Daily on Acast, Spotify and Apple Podcasts. 

    Love talkSPORT Daily? Listeners that use Apple Podcasts can also subscribe to talkSPORT+ for ad-free listening, alongside EXCLUSIVE bonus episodes and clip compilations from Clips of the Week.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • The Dr. John Delony Show is a caller-driven show that gives you real talk on relationships and mental health challenges. We want to talk to you! To send us your questions, leave a voicemail at 844-693-3291 or email [email protected].

  • Dreifach mit dem Deutschen Podcastpreis ausgezeichnet: Bei DRINNIES berichten Giulia Becker und Chris Sommer aus der Komfortzone. Sie fühlen sich zuhause am wohlsten, hier will niemand mit ihnen „ein Bierchen trinken“ oder sich „wegen neuer Projekte connecten“. Ein humorvoller Blick auf das Zeitgeschehen und die Welt, wie Drinnies sie sehen. Jede Woche eine neue Folge, Dienstag ist Drinnie-Dienstag!

    Besuche Giulia und Chris auf Instagram: @giuliabeckerdasoriginal und @chris.sommer

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Nominated for the BEST TRUE CRIME PODCAST award at the British Podcast Awards, Murder Mile UK True Crime is a unique UK true-crime podcast, presented as a guided walk of 300+ of London and the West End’s untold, unsolved and long-forgotten murder cases. Praised as one of the best British and UK True Crime podcasts

    Support this show http://supporter.acast.com/murdermile.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • The Manchester United podcast from the Manchester Evening News featuring Samuel Luckhurst, Tyrone Marshall and Steven Railston.

  • Is there a science to being happy? Does our brain chemistry, or even our genetics, determine how we feel about our lives? Can we learn to become even happier? While happiness may look different for everyone, and can at times feel impossible to achieve, we know it’s an emotion that can be crucial to both your physical and mental health. So in this season of Chasing Life, Dr. Sanjay Gupta is setting out to better understand happiness and what the science tells us about the best ways to achieve it.  

  • For eight years, Megan Hess ran Sunset Mesa Funeral Home in the small town of Montrose, Colorado. She promised clients discounts on normally expensive cremations, a seeming kindness in a town where many are poor. But in the back of the funeral home, Megan’s elderly mother Shirley was actually dismembering the dead. And then Megan was selling the body parts – heads, torsos, legs – to companies that claim to do medical research.

    The families who trusted Megan –- they had no idea what she was really up to. When they came to pick up the ashes of their loved ones, they instead received a mixture of ashes of various people. They had no idea of their betrayal until some received a strange phonecall from the FBI.

    Megan and Shirley were body brokers, trading on a dark network where people buy and sell bodies. What exactly were the two women after? Who was really buying those stolen bodies, and why?

    Subscribe now to unlock all shows on The Binge and you’ll be the first to access Cover Up: Body Brokers as soon as it drops on January 2, 2024.

    A Campside Media & Sony Music Entertainment production.

    Find out more about The Binge and other podcasts from Sony Music Entertainment at sonymusic.com/podcasts and follow us @sonypodcasts.

  • Explore the depths of history’s most notorious murders, like you've never heard before. Go beyond the crime scene as we search for the real story, and focus on the people impacted the most. Whether or not the case is solved, you'll come away with an understanding of why these stories need to be told. Join us every Tuesday as we dissect the darkest corners of true crime. Murder: True Crime Stories is a Crime House Original Podcast, powered by PAVE Studios. Listen wherever you get your podcasts.

  • Named a best podcast of 2023 by Vulture, Time, The Economist, & Vogue.
    No question too big, no question too small. On Search Engine, host PJ Vogt answers the kinds of questions you might ask the internet when you can't sleep. If you find the world bewildering, but also sometimes enjoy being bewildered by it, we're here for you. Edited by Sruthi Pinnamaneni.

  • Join ex-journalist and neurodivergent woman, Emily Ruth Henderson, as she navigates life in her 30s with humor, humility, and a new ADHD and Autism diagnosis.Monthly Friends rewatch episodes are the second to last Thursday each month.*No medical advice. Just my personal experiences*CONNECT HEREInstagram: @MyBrainIsAWonderland_TikTok: @MyBrainIsAWonderlandYoutube: @MyBrainIsAWonderlandEmail: [email protected] Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mybrainisawonderland/support

  • Um aldamótin átti Viktoría Blöndal bestu ár ævi sinnar í framhaldsskólanum á Laugum. Hún eignaðist vini, kynntist ástinni og upplifði ný ævintýri á hverjum degi. En af hverju bannaði hún þá dóttur sinni að fara á heimavist?

  • The Transfers Podcast, powered by FootballTransfers.com.

    Join Duncan Castles and insiders from across football for exclusive news and in-depth analysis of the game's biggest stories. 


    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • The Paris Review Podcast returns with a new season, featuring the best interviews, fiction, essays, and poetry from America’s most legendary literary quarterly, brought to life in sound. Join us for intimate conversations with Sharon Olds and Olga Tokarczuk; fiction by Rivers Solomon, Jun'ichirō Tanizaki, and Zach Williams; poems by Terrance Hayes and Maggie Millner; nonfiction by Robert Glück, Jean Garnett, and Sean Thor Conroe; and performances by George Takei, Lena Waithe, and many others. Catch up on earlier seasons, and listen to the trailer for Season 4 now.

  • The Washington Post’s Lillian Cunningham journeys through the messy past and uncertain future of America’s national parks. In trips through five iconic landscapes, she ventures off the marked trail and beyond the parks’ borders to better understand the most urgent stories playing out in these places today. Along the way, she meets the people fighting to help these parks evolve – and survive.

  • Listen to exclusive podcasts from Liverpool Football Club, including We Are Liverpool where you'll hear unique insights from current and former LFC players.

  • Silicon Valley wants to shape our future, but why should we let it? Every Thursday, Paris Marx is joined by a new guest to critically examine the tech industry, its big promises, and the people behind them. Tech Won’t Save Us challenges the notion that tech alone can drive our world forward by showing that separating tech from politics has consequences for us all, especially the most vulnerable. It’s not your usual tech podcast.

  • How do we connect? What makes a mutually satisfying relationship? What are other people into?
    These are real human stories. Guests share details of their personal lives and/or work to add emotional context to the confusing experience of attempting to relate to other human beings. The goal? To learn from and more deeply understand one another through exchanges of personal wisdom and experience.
    The focus is always connection and intimacy in our modern world: relationships, dating, friendship, cultural “norms” and taboos. Conversations explore vulnerability, shame, desire, pleasure, celebration, creative bucket lists, fantasy play spaces, irresistible invitations and so much more. Listen and share to co-create the story-based, connection-first sex ed we never got­—but will all definitely benefit from. Let's co-create the new horizon of personal education, together. Let's learn from each other & spread ripples of love.
    Share a story, see the question lists and apply to be a guest: sexstoriespodcast.com
    Follow us on our new instagram: www.instagram.com/xstoriespod
    Created and hosted by Wyoh Lee | wyohlee.com
    Edited and produced by the amazing Kimberly Loftus | [email protected]

  • Rally Palli mun fá góða gesti í heimsókn til að spjalla um alls konar ferðir fólks á bílum, bæði ferðir í óbyggðum, erlendis, áætlanaferðum vöruflutningabílstjóra og hópferðamanna fyrr á tímum.

    Fyrst og fremst er hlaðvarp þetta sett upp til að heiðra minningu frumkvöðlana og ekki síst til að minna okkur á notagildi bílsins.

  • talkSPORT has your football fix covered as we bring you Premier League All Access Podcast.

    Join Sam Matterface & Alex Crook, along with big name guests, twice weekly as we bring you all the action from the world of football with previews, reviews, interviews and all with a sprinkle of silliness.

    Love Premier League All Access? Listeners that use Apple Podcasts can also subscribe to talkSPORT+ for ad-free listening, alongside EXCLUSIVE bonus episodes and clip compilations from Clips of the Week.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Comedians Frankie Boyle, Susie McCabe and Christopher MacArthur-Boyd share their subversive and darkly funny opinions on the chaos of the world, offering wholly unqualified dissent to popular opinion.

    No topic is left off the table as three of Scotland's award-winning and best-known comedians use their unique unbridled style of rebellious comedy to discuss any given topic - politicians, celebrities, the Royal family, figures from history and many more.

    Here Comes the Guillotine delivers cutting and hideously funny commentary on the state of the world, economics, geopolitics, the lack of coherence in the universe...and cheery subjects like death, loss, and rejection!

    It’s just three best mates having a laugh in their own 'very Glasgow' way.

  • Brúðkaupshlaðvarp sem mun gefa þér innsýn inn í heim brúðkaupsgeirans og hjálpa þér að sigla áhyggjulaust í gegnum hann. Ég heiti Alína og rek brúðkaupsskipulags- og skreytingar fyrirtækið Og smáatriðin. Markmið mitt með þessu hlaðvarpi er að veita þér innblástur, gefa þér innsýn inn í brúðkaupsskipulagsferlið og hjálpa þér að láta drauma brúðkaupið þitt verða að veruleika. Í bland við solo þætti þar sem við köfum djúpt inn í allskonar viðfangsefni ásamt skemmtilegum viðtölum við söluaðila og brúðhjón, vonast ég til að gera einmitt það ✨

  • Shootings are not unusual in Belize. Shootings of cops are. When a wealthy woman – married into one of the most powerful families in Belize – is found on a pier late at night, next to a body, it becomes the country’s biggest news story in a generation.
    Episode are released on a weekly schedule starting May 6th!

  • Varje söndag får ni följa med Anna Pankova och Nicole Falciani i deras skilda världar. Anna, gift sedan flera år tillbaka och spenderar mestadels av sin tid i Stockholm. Nicole spenderar mestadels av sin tid i Rom tillsammans med sin sambo och dotter. I podden pratas det öppet och ärligt om det mesta. Draman, relationer, bråk, barn och resor. Vad händer egentligen bakom kulisserna?

  • A true crime podcast covering listener-suggested British murder cases and featuring interviews with high-profile guests in the true crime industry.

    Do you have a case suggestion? Please send it to [email protected] or fill out a Contact Form at britishmurders.com.

  • Join Izzy Judd to escape the noise of daily life through the power of music and meditation in the ultimate therapeutic podcast. Experience guided meditations covering themes such as reducing stress levels to making peace with imperfections from a range of experts enhanced by an immersive classical soundtrack. And if you want the guided meditations without the chat, each one is available separately as a Ten Minute Meditation.

  • A battle is brewing in Edmonton's inner city. Neighbours are terrified. Fights, overdoses and crime spill out from problem houses, many owned by a small group of people connected by one notorious landlord. CBC’s Elizabeth Hames investigates.

  • Big tech is transforming every aspect of our world. But how? And at what cost? This season of Land of the Giants – The Twitter Fantasy – will tell the story of Twitter (X) at a crucial moment for the platform, exactly one year after Elon Musk took over. Hosted by Vox senior correspondent Peter Kafka, the four-episode season will survey the company's outsize influence on politics and culture. How did Twitter become the Internet’s town square, for better and for worse? And where is it heading, now that Elon’s in charge? 

    From Vox and the Vox Media Podcast Network. New episodes drop every Wednesday.

  • United States of Murder is a true-crime podcast that discusses a range of lesser-known crimes, unsolved cases, serial killers, and more throughout America. There is a little banter, but we try to keep it minimal. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/unitedstatesofmurder/support

  • Modern pet parenting for the 99%! We’re Bryce & Kenzie, and our crippling fear of losing our pets early in life has led us to finding the best ways to enrich & extend their lifespan. This podcast will be a deep dive of everything we currently share on our social media platforms; nutrition, enrichment and much more!

  • Gary Richied and Charlie Westerman preview their book -- A Twisted History of the United States -- and comment on other historical/current events through the lens of freedom.

  • Meet Kayla Cardona: From homeless single teen mom to Luxury realtor, speaker, Reality TV Star, mentor, & coach. Her story of unwavering perseverance, overcoming adversity, & the power of faith has touched the hearts of millions. Kayla's life overflows with stories & experiences that will positively impact yours, proving that from Pain comes Power.Weekly unfiltered talks & thoughts from Kayla & gain insights from interviews with other world class leaders, high achievers, & influencers who've conquered the unimaginable. Your source for inspiration & entertainment, ALL in one captivating show.

  • I’m Jay Shetty host of On Purpose the worlds #1 Mental Health podcast and I’m so grateful you found us. I started this podcast 5 years ago to invite you into conversations and workshops that are designed to help make you happier, healthier and more healed. I believe that when you (yes you) feel seen, heard and understood you’re able to deal with relationship struggles, work challenges and life’s ups and downs with more ease and grace.

    I interview experts, celebrities, thought leaders and athletes so that we can grow our mindset, build better habits and uncover a side of them we’ve never seen before. New episodes every Monday and Friday. Your support means the world to me and I don’t take it for granted — click the follow button and leave a review to help us spread the love with On Purpose. I can’t wait for you to listen to your first or 500th episode!

  • My Favorite Murder is a true crime comedy podcast hosted by Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark. Each week, Karen and Georgia share compelling true crimes and hometown stories from friends and listeners. 

    Since MFM launched in January of 2016, Karen and Georgia have shared their lifelong interest in true crime and have covered stories of infamous serial killers like the Night Stalker, mysterious cold cases, captivating cults, incredible survivor stories and important events from history like the Tulsa race massacre of 1921.  

    My Favorite Murder is part of the Exactly Right podcast network that provides a platform for bold, creative voices to bring to life provocative, entertaining and relatable stories for audiences everywhere. The Exactly Right roster of podcasts covers a variety of topics including historic true crime, comedic interviews and news, science, pop culture and more. Podcasts on the network include Buried Bones with Kate Winkler Dawson and Paul Holes, That's Messed Up: An SVU Podcast, This Podcast Will Kill You, Bananas and more. 

  • join annabelle lee and louis hanson as they unpack the wild, never-been-told, real-life secrets of their listeners

  • Whatever you lead can only grow when you do. Experience real-life, real-time business and leadership coaching from Dave Ramsey, a successful CEO, popular radio personality, bestselling author, and now the host of The EntreLeadership Podcast. Dave takes your calls and draws on over 30 years of experience as the CEO of Ramsey Solutions to help you overcome the challenges you're facing. More at https://www.ramseysolutions.com/shows/the-entreleadership-podcast.

  • Mennska fjallar um fegurð fjölbreytileikans og það sem sameinar okkur. Ég fæ magnað fólk til mín sem er að gera heiminn að betri stað og við ræðum breyskleika manneskjunnar, mismunandi leiðir til sjálfsþroska og rannsökum mennskuna með berskjöldun að leiðarljósi.

    Mennska (Humanity) adresses the beauty of diversity and what unites us. I meet amazing people who are actively making the world a better place and we discuss the human condition, our frailty and strengths and how we can self-improve. In short, we delve into our humanity with vulnerability as a guiding light.

    Some episodes are in Icelandic and some in English.

    Tónlist/music: Axel Ingi Árnason

    Grafísk hönnun/cover design: Emilía Ragnarsdóttir hjá Forlaginu.


    Instagram: bjarni.snaebjornsson

  • Blaðamennska á breyttum tímum. Fréttir, ritgerðir og málefnalegar persónuárásir.Fréttir vikunnar er vikulegur hlaðvarps- og sjónvarpsþáttur. Fáðu aðgang að greinum alla vikuna og meira efni á www.ritstjori.is.

  • Mindset hacks for a badass life, hosted by cognitive neuroscientist Alexis Fernandez.

    On Mondays my episodes are a combo of neuroscience and pop pscyhology: your pep talk and mindset hacks are all here. I deep dive into everything from habit formation and how to live a carefree life, to friendships and heartbreak.

    And on Thursdays we've got Head Noise - where I answer your questions! Email [email protected] to submit your questions.

    Plus I've got a new book coming out in September. Pre order your copy of How to Chase Change - exclusively an audiobook - at https://bit.ly/44xwszR .

  • The Dr. Gabrielle Lyon Show promotes a healthy world, and in order to have a healthy world, we must have transparent conversations. This show is dedicated to such conversations as the listener; your education, understanding, strength, and health are the primary focus. The goal of this show is to provide you with a framework for navigating the health and wellness space and, most importantly, being the champion of your own life. Guests include highly trustworthy professionals that bring both the art and science of wellness aspects that are both physical and mental. Dr. Gabrielle Lyon is a Washington University fellowship-trained physician who serves the innovators, mavericks, and leaders in their fields, as well as working closely with the Special Operations Military. She is the founder of the Institute of Muscle-Centric Medicine® and serves patients worldwide.

  • Glad We Had This Chat is your one-stop shop for all things beauty, skincare and beyond – hosted by the award-winning skincare expert, Caroline Hirons.

    Described as “arguably the most important figure in British beauty”, Caroline is a Number 1 bestselling author, founder of Skin Rocks and has amassed a huge loyal following with over 160million views to her eponymous blog.

    Each week Caroline delves into her contacts book and brings you brilliant chats with brilliant guests, from A-listers to the most sought-after industry experts.

    You’ll hear the interview each Monday, and every Wednesday, Caroline and her guests will be answering YOUR questions! You can send them to us at [email protected]

    Frank, honest and funny, you’ll be left thinking I'm Glad They Had That Chat.

    https://www.youtube.com/@CarolineHirons01 (http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyzKg_t3tPv8Aa_7JL2xXZA)

  • Awaken, discover and connect to the deeper meaning of the world around you with Oprah's Super Soul. Hear Oprah’s personal selection of her interviews with thought-leaders, best-selling authors, spiritual luminaries, as well as health and wellness experts. All designed to light you up, guide you through life’s big questions and help bring you one step closer to your best self.

  • Current and classic episodes, featuring compelling true-crime mysteries, powerful documentaries and in-depth investigations.

    Follow now to get the latest episodes of Dateline NBC completely free, or subscribe to Dateline Premium for ad-free listening and exclusive bonus content: DatelinePremium.com

  • Seeking to separate fact from fiction, the multi award-winning series returns to investigate the divisive story of Shamima Begum.

    When three London school girls went missing in 2015, they generated global headlines and the media storm that ensued continues to this day. Back then, investigative journalist Josh Baker was filming at a mosque in the girls' neighbourhood as their families came to seek help; their daughters were on the way to Syria to join the Islamic State group. But it was too late, and they disappeared inside the so-called caliphate.

    For four years, their fate remained a mystery - with only occasional glimpses and sometimes conflicting reports of what they were doing with the terror group being made public. Only one of the girls emerged from the ashes of the so called caliphate - Shamima Begum.

    The new series will take listeners inside Josh's attempts to figure out what really happened, unearthing new information about one of the most talked about stories of our time. He travels from Bethnal Green in East London to the depths of what was ISIS controlled Syria as he challenges Shamima Begum and investigates if the story she tells is true.

    Series One - 'I'm Not A Monster: from BBC Panorama & FRONTLINE PBS'

    The first series of I'm Not A Monster told the story of Sam Sally, an American mother who left behind a comfortable life and travelled to the heart of what the Islamic State group called its caliphate with her family. Her husband became an IS sniper and her 10 year-old son was forced to appear in an infamous propaganda video threatening President Trump. It's the BBC's most awarded podcast series to date, having received 16 nominations, winning 11 awards in 10 different international programme competitions including the Rose d 'Or for Best Audio series, three Golds and the Grand Jury Prize at the New York Festivals Radio Awards and Best Documentary Series at the Webbys and the inaugural Podcast Academy Awards (the Ambies) in 2021.

  • Hugleikur Dagsson og Sandra Barilli horfa á mikilvægustu myndir allra tíma.
    Á hverjum þriðjudegi kemur nýr þáttur sem er tileinkaður einni mynd af ótæmandi lista bíómynda sem Sandra hefur ekki séð áður. Þau skeggræða hverja mynd fyrir sig og allt það sem henni við kemur og það sem þeim dettur í hug líka.

  • Samstöðin er fréttamiðill og vettvangur fyrir róttæka samfélagsumræðu og raddir þeirra sem ekki fá rúm í umfjöllun meginstraumsmiðla. Þættir Samstöðvarinnar eru allt í senn fréttir, fundir, sjónvarps-, útvarps- og hlaðvarpsþættir og innlegg í gagnvirka umræðu á samfélagsmiðlum.

    Samstöðin er opin fyrir allt fólk sem vill styðja við baráttuna fyrir réttlæti, jöfnuði og samkennd.

  • Helgaspjallið er podcast útgáfa af lið á Trendnet.is

  • Hekla og Sara fara yfir hin ýmsu morð og önnur sakamál sem gerast víða í heiminum.

  • Best-selling author Mark Manson brings his irreverent, hard-hitting style right to your ear holes with life advice that doesn't suck.

    Featuring a mix of guest appearances, burning reader questions, and solo shows with just Mark and a microphone, The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck Podcast explores all the uncomfortable questions that, if you're brave enough to ask yourself, might just change your life.

    Whether it's your relationship, career, health, wealth, or happiness, Mark tackles it all with refreshing honesty and a dash of foul-mouthed humor.

  • Heilahristingur er léttur og skemmtilegur spurningaþáttur þar sem tvö lið svara spurningum um allt milli himins og jarðar. Þetta misserið mun nýr gestaspyrill vikunnar sitja með Jóhanni Alfreð um hverja helgi og ákveða þemu þáttarins.

  • Take two nationally respected rock critics, the latest music news, personal commentary, and exclusive interviews and performances, add a huge pile of records old and new, and the result is Sound Opinions, where people who love music can come together.

  • When Frank Farian first laid eyes on Rob Pilatus and Fab Morvan, he saw everything he wasn’t. They were handsome, young, and Black. But Frank had something they didn’t. He had power.

    So, Frank offered them a devil’s bargain. Almost overnight, Milli Vanilli’s debut album went five times platinum and scored a Grammy nomination. But when the lie at the center of their success started to unravel, Rob and Fab would discover the hard way the difference between star power and real power.

    From Wondery, Blame It on the Fame is a story about the lie that shot to #1 and what it cost to tell the truth. Hosted by Amanda Seales.

    Listen early and ad-free exclusively on Wondery+

  • 99 PROBLEMS er Íslenskt hlaðvarp. Umfjöllum um Mótorsport liðið Crash Hard#99.

  • Andri Jónsson og Ólafur Hersir Arnaldsson ræða sögu og sagnfræðileg málefni á léttu nótunum. 

  • Beinskeytt umræða um íslenskan körfubolta.

    Halldór Örn - Gunni Stef - Rúnar Ingi

  • Skaftáreldar stóðu yfir á árunum 1783-1784 og hrundu af stað hinum alræmdu móðuharðindum. Í þessari þáttaröð er reynt að ná utan um þennan risastóra atburð. Hvað gerðist eiginlega í þessum verstu hörmungum Íslandssögunnar? Umsjón og dagskrárgerð: Jón Kristinn Einarsson. Ritstjórn og samseting: Gígja Hólmgeirsdóttir. Tæknimaður: Lydía Grétarsdóttir.

  • Free advice from three of the world's most qualified, most related experts: Justin, Travis and Griffin McElroy. For one-half to three-quarters of an hour every Monday, we tell people how to live their lives, because we're obviously doing such a great job of it so far.

  • Jákastið er hlaðvarp þar sem hlustendur kynnast jákvæðum og drífandi einstaklingum enn betur. Jákastið á að veita innblástur, gleði og hugrekki. Þú ert frábær! Ást og friður. Þátturinn er í boði: Dressmann, KS Protect https://ksprotect.is/ , Payday https://payday.is, Sjóvá https://www.sjova.is/ og Egils Kristall

  • Weekly, comedian best friends Tom Segura and Bert Kreischer get together in the bear cave at YMH Studios to do what bears do: make each other laugh.

  • Helena Sævarsdóttir segir sannar sögur af raðmorðingjum og morðmálum, óupplýstum lögreglumálum, slysum og allskonar misteríum sem hafa gerst um allan heim. Þættirnir eru ekki við hæfi barna.

  • Athafnafólk er hlaðvarpsþáttur þar sem talað er við frumkvöðla og stjórnendur sem hafa náð eftirtektarverðum árangri í viðskiptalífinu. Umsjón með þáttunum hefur Sesselja Vilhjálmsdóttir.

  • Hlustaðu á podcastþættina vinsælu af Fótbolta.net. Fjölbreyttir þættir um allar hliðar fótboltans.

  • Róttæk samfélagsumræða.
    Við Rauða borðið er rætt um málefni dagsins, hagsmunamál almennings, samfélagið sem við eigum saman og hvernig við getum byggt það upp á grunni réttlætis, mannvirðingar, jöfnuðar og samkenndar.

  • You never really know someone…especially online. In today’s world, the power of influence can be the quickest path to money and fame, and it often ends in ruin. These are the stories of the world’s most insidious Scamfluencers. And we are their prey. On Wondery’s new weekly series, join co-hosts Scaachi Koul and Sarah Hagi as they unpack epic stories of deception from the worlds of social media, fashion, finance, health, and wellness. These influencers claim to be everything from charismatic healers to trusted financial insiders to experts in dating. They cast spells over millions. Why do we believe them, and how does our culture allow them to thrive? From Black Swan Murder to a fake social media influencer to an audacious Hollywood Ponzi schemer, each season will take the listener along the twists and turns, the impact on victims, and what’s left when the facade falls away.

    New episodes come out every Monday for free, with 1-week early access for Wondery+ subscribers. Listen ad-free on Wondery+ or on Amazon Music with a Prime membership or Amazon Music Unlimited subscription.

  • Spilahópurinn Svörtu tungurnar talar um spunaspil. Þátturinn er tekinn upp í hvert skipti áður en við setjumst við spil í Svörtuloftum.

  • Behind every infamous news story is a journalist trying to hold power to account. Join reporters Vanessa Grigoriadis, Gabriel Sherman, and Natalie Robehmed as they take an in-depth look at the most explosive scandals of this century. From high-profile divorces to sex cults to the lies that started a war, they’ll guide you through the juiciest, most outrageous, celeb-filled stories of the last two decades, and give you a behind-the-scenes look at what it takes to shine an unflattering light on the world’s most powerful people.

    A Campside Media & Sony Music Entertainment production.

    Find more great podcasts from Sony Music Entertainment at sonymusic.com/podcasts

    To bring your brand to life in this podcast, email: [email protected]

    Learn more about your ad choices. Visitmegaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Get a rare glimpse into the minds and methods of sadistic murderers. From notorious names like Jeffrey Dahmer and John Wayne Gacy to lesser-known killers like “Death House Landlady” Dorothea Puente, what turns a regular person into a predator? Serial Killers is a Spotify Original. New episodes Mondays.

  • Welcome to Gone South Season 3: The Sign Cutter. Join host Jed Lipinski as he unravels the story behind the 2018 killings of four sex workers in the border-town of Laredo, Texas, triggering a manhunt for a serial killer that would lead to a shocking standoff with a man once tasked with protecting the town.
    Gone South is a true crime Audacy original produced in association with Jed and Tom Lipinski. 
    Previous seasons of Gone South include:
    Season 1: Who Killed Margaret Coon?
    Season 2: The Dixie Mafia

  • Serialously is hosted by Annie Elise, best known for her true-crime YouTube channel “10 to Life” with over 1M subscribers. Annie Elise discusses true crime cases and gives it to you straight in an engaging, conversational way - just like having a conversation with your best friend, or hopefully your new true crime bestie!

    *This podcast is not affiliated with The New York Times.

  • If you've ever yelled at someone on social media about, say, cancel culture or mask-wearing, then you are a soldier in the culture wars - those everyday battles for dominance between conflicting values.

    In Jon Ronson’s award winning first series of Things Fell Apart, he explored the origin stories of these culture wars which have divided us so toxically for decades. But now new battle lines have been drawn. Many of them are linked by one extraordinary thing: they all snowballed within days of each other, just weeks into lockdown. And so in Season Two of Things Fell Apart, Jon Ronson uncovers intriguing and wholly unexpected origin stories, but this time of the culture wars that ignited during lockdown, and now dominate society.

  • Skemmti podcast þar sem gríntútturnar Sif og Embla fá til sín allskyns gesti úr öllum hornum samfélagsins. Tölum um Kynlífssögur og reynslur.
    Við viljum opna á umræðuna um kynlíf og allskonar tabú sem tengist því.
    Upphafstef - My friend and I - Trúbrot

  • Viðtöl við áhugavert fólk. Takk fyrir að hlusta! Endilega followið okkur á Instagram @tveirfellar

  • Join your favorite hot mess, Alix Earle, as she invites you to listen in on a weekly recap of her life revealing all the in-depth, exclusive details that has everyone watching, talking, and wanting more. For the first time ever, Alix will be letting you in on what is actually happening, beyond her trending TikToks. From friendships to family, relationship updates to rumors, traveling and navigating life after college, get ready for all the behind-the-scenes details that you've been waiting for. Let's be honest, life is messy, and Alix is here to remind you that we're all on this journey together. So welcome, you are now officially invited to the debrief.

  • Every weekday our global network of correspondents makes sense of the stories beneath the headlines. We bring you surprising trends and tales from around the world, current affairs, business and finance — as well as science and technology.


    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Djúpgreining á þáttaseríunni Næturvaktin sem tröllreið öllu árið 2007. 
    Fylgið okkur á Instagram og X - VAKTINN
    [email protected]

  • Birkir Fjalar og Smári Tarfur láta móðinn mása um þungarokk frá ýmsum sjónarhornum.

  • Serial returns with a history of Guantánamo told by people who lived through key moments in Guantánamo’s evolution, who know things the rest of us don’t about what it’s like to be caught inside an improvised justice system.

    Serial Productions makes narrative podcasts whose quality and innovation transformed the medium. “Serial” began in 2014 as a spinoff of the public radio show “This American Life.” In 2020, we joined the New York Times Company. Our shows have reached many millions of listeners and have won nearly every major journalism award for audio, including the first-ever Peabody Award given to a podcast.

    Subscribe to our newsletter for the latest Serial Productions news: https://bit.ly/3FIOJj9

    Have thoughts or feedback on our shows? Email us at [email protected]

  • Style-ish is the podcast for all things fashion, brand, business and beauty.

  • The most important stories about money, business and power. Hosted by Kate Linebaugh and Ryan Knutson, with Jessica Mendoza. The Journal is a co-production of Spotify and The Wall Street Journal.

    Get show merch here: https://wsjshop.com/collections/clothing

  • Hosts John and Hank Green (authors and YouTubers) offer both humorous and heartfelt advice about life’s big and small questions. They bring their personal passions to each episode by sharing the week’s news from Mars (the planet) and AFC Wimbledon (the fourth-tier English football club).

  • Winner - 'Best Well-Being' podcast at The Australian Podcast Awards 2023!Have you ever woken up from a big night out and said ‘I’m never drinking again!’ Then found yourself waving $50 at a barman by Happy Hour. Well, so have Vic and Hamish. Join them on this hilarious and relatable podcast about being sober in a world soaked in alcohol. Each week they discuss different boozy topics and open up a shame shed of humiliating stories. Vic and Hamish bring humour and honesty to sobriety. These two ex-binge drinking, party animals tell it like it is. Vomit, one-night stands and life on the other side of their own destructive drunken behaviour.So, if you’ve hit a wall, you're fed up with anxiety, headaches and blackouts or you just need some sober inspiration... then go put the kettle on and learn how to feel the awkward and do it anyway!

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • In 2017, Libby Caswell was found dead in a motel room in Independence, Missouri. Police quickly ruled her death a suicide. But her mother Cindy thinks she was murdered — and she believes she has proof the crime scene was staged. Award-winning investigative reporter Melissa Jeltsen dives deep into Libby’s final days, finding new evidence that unravels the official story and threatens to implicate more than just those in the motel room that day. In her search for answers, Jeltsen exposes the web of failures that left Libby vulnerable, and explores how her story fits into one of America’s most deadly epidemics.

  • The Rough Cut Golf Podcast is part of the Finch Golf Media network. Get bonus content on Patreon

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Hosted by Mark and Bethan, Seeing Red delivers intriguing, terrifying and dumbfounding True Crime stories each and every week. Check out our bonus content at http://www.patreon.com/seeingredpodcast

  • True crime... casually done. Fact boy gives you new episodes on Mondays and Fridays. Also available on YouTube!

  • Vinkonurnar Sólrún Diego, Gurrý Jóns og Lína Birgitta eða „þrjár með öllu“ eins og þær eru kallaðar spjalla hér um allt og ekkert. Stundum eru þær alvarlegar en það er oftast stutt í trúðinn enda reyna þær að taka lífinu ekki of alvarlega!