Education – Denmark – New podcasts

  • What makes you a heretic? Journalist Andrew Gold believes that, in an age of group-think and tribes, we need heretics - those who use unconventional wisdom to speak out against their own groups, from cancelled comedians and radical feminists to cult defectors and vigilantes hunting deviants.

    Learn from my guests how to rebel, think differently and resist social contagion. From Triggernometry's Francis Foster and the world's most cancelled man Graham Linehan to ex-Hasidic Jew Julia Haart and gender critical atheist Richard Dawkins. These are the people living with the weight of their own community's disappointment on their shoulders.

  • Within the field of social sciences the terms social construction and social constructionism are frequently used, particularly in relation to social policy. This unit will enable you to achieve a greater definition and understanding of these terms. This study unit is just one of many that can be found on LearningSpace, part of OpenLearn, a collection of open educational resources from The Open University. Published in ePub 2.0.1 format, some feature such as audio, video and linked PDF are not supported by all ePub readers.

  • Oppression is a state of unjust treatment; both are seen in the play of Coriolanus and the film Hunger Games. Postcolonial criticism recognizes the Oppression in Hunger Games and Coriolanus. In both, there is a clear subordination of some people over another set of people. The government exercised authoritarian rule over the citizens and district.

  • Audio and pdf files from LSE's spring 2007 programme of public lectures and events.

  • The 2024 podcast series will revolve around new and innovative approaches to the methods, materials, and technologies used in the construction and operation of the built environment. We have an exciting lineup of experts in the industry to discuss these key components of building operations, and will have EIGHT episodes in 2024!. Check them out!

  • 5 min podcast som indeholder de pointer som jeg synes var interessant i Svend Brinkmanns podcast

  • Where we explore the intersection of higher education and podcasting, one inspiring story at a time. Brought to you in part by the University Podcasters Network, this series delves into the uniqueness of university podcast production and podcast growth through the lens of seasoned podcasters across various higher education institutions.
    Your hosts, Jennifer-Lee Gunson and Neil McPhedran, provide you a masterclass on the intricacies of higher education podcasting. Each episode features engaging, in-depth interviews with a seasoned higher education podcaster. Tune in as our guests share their insights, tips, best practices, and stories from their podcasting journey, illuminating the way for others to follow in their footsteps.
    From the technical aspects of podcasting to the art of storytelling and conducting enlightening interviews, our podcast serves as a comprehensive resource for all higher education podcasters. Whether you're a seasoned podcaster or a novice just starting out, our insightful discussions will provide you with a wealth of knowledge and tips to enhance your podcasting journey.
    The Continuing Studies Podcast is not just a show; it's a community. We are proud to be a part of the University Podcasters Network, a vibrant LinkedIn Group of higher education podcast enthusiasts. We invite you to join us on LinkedIn and be part of our growing community, where you can connect with like-minded individuals, share your experiences, and continue your podcasting education.
    So, are you ready to deepen your understanding of higher education podcasting? Hit follow on the 'Continuing Studies Podcast' and join the University Podcasters Network on LinkedIn.

    Stay curious, stay informed, and most importantly, stay inspired.

    Learn more at:
    Join the LInkedIn Group: :

  • A podcast that delivers you small doses of Taoism’s insights and practices to expand your awareness, increase your well-being, and accelerate your development. Together, we’ll explore principles and patterns of change and growth based on Taoism’s deep and diligent observations of nature, of which human nature is just one expression.

  • Tässä podcastissa käymme läpi erilaisia ideoita ja variaatioita siitä, miten saat pienennettyä stressiä tai jopa poistettua sen kokonaan pois elämästäsi.

    Kaikki podcastissa käydyt keinot ovat 100% testattuja ja todettu toimiviksi.

  • Welcome to 'Get Sh*t Done in IT' with Michael Seidl. With 20 years in the field and running his own company, Michael shares straightforward advice for enhancing your IT skills and productivity. Whether you're looking to advance your career or just get more done, this podcast, straight from Austria and the life of a father of two, is your guide to succeeding in the tech world.


  • HEJ! 💭 Noget På Hjerte er et fælleskab, der ønsker at invitere lytteren ind i et trygt rum, hvor der åbnes op for hjernen og hjertet i en udveksling af tanker, følelser og oplevelser. Podcastens faste værtinde Cynthia S. Neerbek inviterer en ny medvært ind i hvert afsnit for at tale om, hvad netop denne medvært har på hjerte. NPH’s livsfilosofi er at alle mennesker har noget på ❤️ og en historie at dele med verden🗣 Og det er ved at dele disse historier med hinanden, at vi kan skabe en afspejlning af menneskets virkelige verden.Tilbage er der vist kun at sige... TAK fordi du følger med og god fornøjelse!

  • A Podcast where we help you wake up to your best life. Join the conversation every Thursday to uncover the secrets to a better night's sleep.

  • For artists & creatives looking to unlock their creative superpowers. Build unshakeable confidence, break procrastination & create the art your heart is longing for. We'll be diving into the connection between the body and creativity. You get 360 degree perspective on creativity from yoour host who has a MSc in Engineering design, a Tantric Bodywork Certification & is Multipassionate Artist. From spiritual mindbenders to practical ways to unlock your creative geinius & rewire yourself for the creative expression that can't be anything but: Original.

  • Velkommen til "Mindset og Manifestation i øjenhøjde" – en podcast dedikeret til at udforske, hvordan vi kan arbejde med vores mindset og styrke vores evne til at manifestere vores drømme og mål. Gennem inspirerende samtaler og dybdegående episoder dykker vi ned i emner som energiarbejde, intuition og positiv psykologi. Vores mission er at bringe viden og værktøjer ned på et jordnært niveau, så du kan anvende dem i dit eget liv og opnå en positiv forandring. Uanset om du er nybegynder eller erfaren inden for disse emner, vil du finde værdifuld indsigt og praktiske råd, der kan hjælpe dig med at

  • Join Alex Searle and the Humble Mind Community for deep conversations with bold, curious minds about the future of work, life and humanity.

    Not a member? Join our community to participate live in our podcast experience:

  • Your weekly dose of caffeine and thoughts. From dating to quarter-life crisis, Shania covers it all each week with her one true love... coffee! Another Coffee Talk is hosted and produced by Shania De Blois

  • TANKE TOM er en podcast om psykologi, psykoterapi og om livets knubs og kærtegn. Jeg er Tom og tankerne er mine. Fyld tankerne op - lyt til Tanke Tom.

  • Velkommen til den første episode af “Lys i Mørket - En podcast om englebørn og deres forældre”. Mit navn er Thomas, jeg er 32 år, gift og har 2 børn. Det ene barn er min søn på 2 år og det andet er min datter, Vega, som vi mistede i uge 21+3, den 22. september 2023, grundet en misdannelse.

    Tabet har været og er stadig hårdt, men det har også inspireret mig - Vega skal leve videre og sammen skal vi tage en snak om det sværeste man som forældre kan opleve: At miste sit barn.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • در این کانال سخنان ناب بزرگان، قصه های مثنوی معنوی، حکایات کهن، زندگی نامه های شعرا، مطالب مفید و جالب را با الفاظ ساده با شما شریک خواهیم ساخت. با ما باشید!

  • Ude af Kurs handler om de livsbegivenheder, der slår os ud af kurs.

    Mit navn er Cecilie Buhl, og jeg har prøvet at stå med følelsen af, mit liv blev sprængt til atomer flere gange. Men det er min erfaring at selvom livslussingerne kan virke uretfærdige og uoverskuelige i momentet, så er der faktisk tit guld gemt i de læringer, der følger med dem, som ender med at forme os og gøre os til dem vi er.

    Derfor taler jeg i den her podcast med mine gæster om, da deres liv blev slået ud af kurs og hvordan de kom videre, så du forhåbentlig kan få nogle gode råd med på vejen til at komme på rette kurs igen. For måske er du faktisk ikke slået ud af kurs — bare på vej i en ny retning.

    Glæd dig til et nyt afsnit hver onsdag og følg med i podcastens liv på Instagram på

    TUSIND tak for at lytte med!

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.