Arts – Denmark – New podcasts

  • What makes you a heretic? Journalist Andrew Gold believes that, in an age of group-think and tribes, we need heretics - those who use unconventional wisdom to speak out against their own groups, from cancelled comedians and radical feminists to cult defectors and vigilantes hunting deviants.

    Learn from my guests how to rebel, think differently and resist social contagion. From Triggernometry's Francis Foster and the world's most cancelled man Graham Linehan to ex-Hasidic Jew Julia Haart and gender critical atheist Richard Dawkins. These are the people living with the weight of their own community's disappointment on their shoulders.

  • The 2024 podcast series will revolve around new and innovative approaches to the methods, materials, and technologies used in the construction and operation of the built environment. We have an exciting lineup of experts in the industry to discuss these key components of building operations, and will have EIGHT episodes in 2024!. Check them out!

  • These are the sagas of the Moors after our defeat in Spain.
    King Ferdinand & Queen Isabella sat the thrones of Spain & Aragon. Pope Alexander was finishing the campaign that, Pope Innocent III started in 1213. Subjugation of the world by the Church. After the expulsion, the Moors went back home to the Moroccan Empire. England, France, and Spain rejoiced in their treachery, and neither of them counted on the vengeance of the Moors...............

  • Lyt med når danserne fra One Week Dance Companyundersøger, hylder og udfordre forskellige tematikker indenfor dansensverden.One Week Dance Company er et kunstnerisk non profit kollektiv, som mødes hversommer i en uge. Kollektivet popper op forskellige steder i Danmark og altidmed forskelligt indhold, men altid med samme formål, nemlig at eksperimentere,erfaringsudveksle, vidensdele og inspirere hinanden.    

  • A production-focused podcast about digital publishing and the extraordinary people who make it happen.

  • Listen to our podcast about our book reviews as we dig into the stories from some of our favorite books.

  • LOUNGEEK – затишний подкаст Good library / Мандрівної бібліотеки, де говоримо про літературу, історію, книжки. Інколи лаємося, гигочимо і саркастично висловлюємося.

  • Afro Historyscapes is a ten-episode podcast series that gives a fresh perspective on African history. We tell the story of African Histories through objects at the Horniman Museum and Gardens in South London.


    The podcast has been developed alongside our Community Action Research project and shares the research of our curators, project team and Community Action Researchers.


    The overarching theme of the series is movement with three episodes each featuring Trade, Religion and Technology. We also feature a special episode hosted by Sherry Davis, a Community Researcher, musician and filmmaker.


    We tell the sorts of stories about the objects in our collections that answer questions you didn’t know who to ask. At 10-15 minutes each they are perfect to enjoy over a cup of your favourite hot drink.


    The series is

    Produced by: JC Niala & Tom Fearon

    Co-producer: Sian Brett

    Music: Edmund Jolliffe


    JC Niala gratefully acknowledges the support provided by the Joint BME Events and Activities scheme administered by the Social History Society in partnership with Economic History Society, History UK, History of Education Society (UK), History Workshop Journal, Royal Historical Society, Society for the Study of Labour History and Women's History Network. 

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • The wonderful space for exchanging ideas about dance, art and culture. The focus is on bridging the gap between the artists and the audience, learning from each other. Greetings from Vienna!
    This podcast is part of the Viral Visions European Project.

  • - 1000+ audiobooks, all ad free!

    The Libretto of Richard Wagner's music drama Tristan and Isolde, translated into English by John P Jackson, is here presented as a spoken drama. Tristan, a Knight in the service of King Mark of Cornwall, is sent to Ireland to fetch Mark's prospective bride, the Irish Princess Isolde. On the return voyage Tristan and Isolde realise their love for each other and arrange a secret tryst. This is exposed leading to violence, tragedy and separation but eventually uniting them in death.

  • Nach einem Streit zwischen Ray Burkett und seiner Frau Mary stirbt diese beim Einkauf an einem Herzinfarkt. Rays Reaktion darauf ist mehr als erschreckend: Völlig gleichgültig verfolgt er die Arbeit der Sanitäter, stellt Mutmaßungen darüber an, ob er Chancen auf Sex mit der Angestellten des Ladens hätte, und empfindet Ekel, weil der Ladenbesitzer – ein Farbiger – seiner Frau Mund-zu-Mund-Beatmung verpasst hatte. Als Ray feststellt, dass er seinen Hund im Wagen vergessen hat, ist es schon zu spät: Die Sommerhitze hat den Wagen auf über 50 Grad aufgeheizt; der Hund ist verendet. Rays Reaktion: Er findet es amüsant, dass der Hund jetzt schon bei seinem Frauchen ist ... und freut sich, dass er nun, da die ständig nörgelnde Mary tot ist, ungestört und wo immer er will rauchen darf – seine Lieblingsmarke Premium Harmony.

  • Step into the Vibrant World of Street Theatre Festivals, Busker Festivals and Outdoor Arts Festivals!
    Welcome to Festival Corner Podcast where we interview producers of popular street theatre festivals, busker festivals and outdoor arts festivals.
    Tune in to our vibrant Festival Corner podcast as we capture the electrifying beats, and colorful moments that paint the towns with joy! Join us as we bring the pulse of the city right to your ears, celebrating the spirit of community and culture in every step.
    You can listen to Festival Corner Podcast on Spotify and Google Podcasts.

  • Antoinette est chargée de la coordination du spectacle de rue à Villeneuve-Saint-Georges ( Val de Marne ). Elle a pour mission de faire participer les habitants du Quartier Nord à la réalisation d'un défilé de marionnettes géantes. Fraichement débarqué du Maine-et-Loire, elle raconte sa rencontre avec la ville et ses habitants... et les géants.

    Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

  • Join Matt and Stephen as they talk to artists, creative thinkers, discuss films, try craft projects, explore local lore, debate beloved holiday traditions and much more!

  • Sjælland, Lolland og Falster gemmer på tusinder af års fantastiske historier.

    Sammen med en ny gæst folder vært Maria Bernhard hver uge et stykke af historien fra TV2 ØST-området ud og fortæller om skelsættende begivenheder og fascinerende personer.

  • A cabinet of auditory wonders for the 21st century.

    If you would like to donate to help keep this project going you can donate to my Patreon:

  • ‘Taylor Swift Effekten’ er en podcast, der episode for episode udforsker de vilde og vanvittige fænomener, der omgiver verdens største pop-ikon, Taylor Swift. Vi dykker ned i easter eggs, friendship bracelets, re-recordings, kæresterne, koncertritualerne og mange flere fænomener. Altsammen for at forstå den effekt en 34-årig kvinde fra Pennsylvania har på, ja, hele verden. Podcasten er for Swifties, men også for dig, der gerne vil blive klogere på hvad the fuzz is all about.

    ‘Taylor Swift Effekten’ er en original podcast, der produceres og udgives af podcastbureauet hearHEAR.