Government – Japan – New podcasts

  • What makes you a heretic? Journalist Andrew Gold believes that, in an age of group-think and tribes, we need heretics - those who use unconventional wisdom to speak out against their own groups, from cancelled comedians and radical feminists to cult defectors and vigilantes hunting deviants.

    Learn from my guests how to rebel, think differently and resist social contagion. From Triggernometry's Francis Foster and the world's most cancelled man Graham Linehan to ex-Hasidic Jew Julia Haart and gender critical atheist Richard Dawkins. These are the people living with the weight of their own community's disappointment on their shoulders.

  • Legal Beagles is a unique podcast where pro-se individuals share their experiences and insights on navigating the court system. Join us as we discuss legal theories, dissect case law, explore ongoing litigation, and examine settled court cases. Whether you're representing yourself in court or simply interested in the law, Legal Beagles offers practical tips, expert advice, and engaging discussions on all things legal.

  • Mitzie Hunter is running for mayor of Toronto. With the city’s election on June 26, this 6-part series is focusing on Mitzie Hunter’s plan to Fix the Six. If elected mayor, Mitzie Hunter will continue this podcast series to provide the people of Toronto with all the information they need about our growing and changing city. This first series is hosted by tech and innovation expert Amber Mac, a proud Mitzie Hunter supporter. The episodes will be featured as follows:
    Ep. 1 - Toronto Affordable Housing
    Ep. 2 - Toronto Transit
    Ep. 3 - Toronto Safety
    Ep. 4 - Toronto Services
    Ep. 5 - Toronto Green and Vibrant City
    Ep. 6 - Toronto Budget Transparency
    Produced by AmberMac Media, Inc.

  • 市民の生活になくてはならない「バス」。






  • FDR's Fireside Chats: A Nation United Over Radio Waves In the throes of the Great Depression and World War II, America faced its darkest chapters. Yet, amidst the despair, a singular voice resonated from living rooms across the nation: Franklin Delano Roosevelt. More than just a president, FDR became a trusted friend, delivering his famous "Fireside Chats" directly through the magic of radio. These weren't mere pronouncements from on high; they were intimate conversations, Roosevelt speaking candidly as both leader and confidante. With his calm, reassuring tone and flashes of humor, he reminded Americans of their "hopes and values," the resilience woven into the very fabric of their democracy. The impact of these broadcasts was unprecedented. Aired around 10 pm Eastern on nationwide networks, they drew millions of listeners who gathered around crackling radios, united by Roosevelt's words. He invited them to write, to share their anxieties and aspirations, turning the White House into a giant town hall. Millions responded, their letters a testament to the profound connection forged over the airwaves. Roosevelt's Fireside Chats transcended the limitations of mass media. They became a beacon of hope, a shared experience that stitched a nation together during its most trying times. From the depths of economic despair to the horrors of global conflict, FDR used the radio to unite Americans, reminding them of their inherent strength and the future they could build together. More than just a historical footnote, the Fireside Chats stand as a testament to the power of communication and empathy. They demonstrate how a leader, speaking frankly and authentically, can inspire a nation to rise above adversity and find common ground. In the face of hardship, Roosevelt didn't just inform; he connected, offering solace and forging a collective spirit that continues to echo through the annals of American history. Thanks for listening to Quiet Please. Remember to like and share wherever you get your podcasts.

  • 2024年4月よりTOKAI RADIOで放送中!!


  • Nuclear weapons, the Kims, and North and South Korea. Making geopolitics accessible to everyone. Welcome K-pop fans wanting to learn more about the hotbed home of Hallyu, and budding young lovers of politics. Support this podcast:

  • 惜しまれつつ姿を消したあの名番組「SUNTORY SATURDAY WAITING BAR AVANTI」をパクりつつ、熊本や熊本を彩る魅力的な人々を紹介します。

  • 昨今、違法賭博や法令違反、ドーピング違反などのスポーツ界の高潔性を脅かす重大な問題が頻発し、日本のスポーツ文化の発展に暗い影を落としています。2020年に向かって国民のスポーツに対する関心が高まる中で、より一層の高潔性が求められていることからも、今回日本財団パラリンピックサポートセンター(パラサポ)が視覚に障がいのある選手や指導者向けに、コンプライアンスの内容を分かりやすく解説するラジオドラマ(全12話)を制作しました。

  • 【元政治学者の どこ吹く風 】
    A former political scientist boldly discusses the ins and outs of Japanese politics that academic political scientists cannot talk about, and predicts the future of Japanese politics.

    ▷投げ専 nagesenでこの番組を応援する

    ▶️ 月刊 はじめるCamp@Us

    はじめる Camp@Us |LISTEN
    はじめる Pod Camp@Us |YouTube

    — Camp@Us presents—

    Guest House; minpaku


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  • 我是立法委員吳宗憲,我的Podcast節目憲正熱映中!

    Powered by Firstory Hosting

  • تدوينات صوتية من مركز المعلومات.....(بودكاست IDSC )

  • 市民の生活になくてはならない「バス」。






  • 江東区議会議員 鈴木あやこの耳で聴く情報発信
    「ほぼ週刊 あやこcafeラジオ」


    □鈴木あやこHP  あやこcafeやってます




  • The Dynamist, a podcast by the Foundation for American Innovation, brings together the most important thinkers and doers to discuss the future of technology, governance, and innovation. The Dynamist is hosted by Evan Swarztrauber, former Policy Advisor at the Federal Communications Commission. Subscribe now!

  • 西宮つーしん(にしつー)は、西宮市の開店・閉店情報、グルメや地元の話題など、西宮市民が知っておきたい面白ネタ、役立つ情報を毎日更新でお届けするローカルメディアです。西宮の最新情報なら西宮つーしんに任せて!

  • 依《國防法》第30條規定,國防部定期提出國防報告書,本次是第17次出版,對內向國人說明當前安全環境、國軍戰備整備與國防施政現況與成效;對外宣示我堅定防衛決心,亦向國際展現軍事透明度,維護區域和平與穩定。

    Hosting provided by SoundOn

  • Info Cuaca Sumbawa

    Penyajian Informasi Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika di Wilayah Kabupaten Sumbawa. Nusa Tenggara Barat

  • The U.S. Army's technical elite warriors known as Warrant Officers bring to light their intriguing stories to inform future generation of Technicians and Aviators on what they can expect in their respective fields. The interviews shed light on the recruitment process as well best
    practices when applying to commission in to the Warrant Officer Cohort.