Government – Thailand – New podcasts

  • What makes you a heretic? Journalist Andrew Gold believes that, in an age of group-think and tribes, we need heretics - those who use unconventional wisdom to speak out against their own groups, from cancelled comedians and radical feminists to cult defectors and vigilantes hunting deviants.

    Learn from my guests how to rebel, think differently and resist social contagion. From Triggernometry's Francis Foster and the world's most cancelled man Graham Linehan to ex-Hasidic Jew Julia Haart and gender critical atheist Richard Dawkins. These are the people living with the weight of their own community's disappointment on their shoulders.

  • Harry S. Truman was a direct and forceful speaker who was known for his plain-spoken style and his ability to connect with audiences on an emotional level. He often used humor and anecdotes to illustrate his points, and he was not afraid to speak his mind, even when his views were unpopular.Truman's speaking style was a reflection of his personality. He was a confident and self-assured man, and he was not afraid to take risks. This was evident in his speaking, which was often improvised and spontaneous.Here are some of the key characteristics of Harry Truman's public speaking style:
    Directness: Truman was known for his direct and forceful speaking style. He did not beat around the bush, and he always got to the point.Forcefulness: Truman was a persuasive speaker who was able to convince people to see his point of view. He was able to use logic and emotion to make his arguments, and he was often able to win over people who initially disagreed with him.Plain-spoken style: Truman used language that was easy to understand, even for people who were not familiar with politics. He avoided jargon and technical terms, and he always spoke in a way that was clear and concise.Humor: Truman was known for his sense of humor, which he often used to lighten the mood and connect with audiences. He was able to tell a good joke, and he was also able to use humor to make his points more memorable.Anecdotes: Truman often used personal anecdotes and historical references to illustrate his points and make his speeches more engaging.Emotional connection: Truman was able to connect with audiences on an emotional level. He often spoke about his own personal experiences, such as the death of his daughter Mary Margaret, to illustrate his points and make his message more relatable.Improvisation: Truman was a skilled improviser who was often able to think on his feet and respond to the moment. This was evident in his speeches, which were often spontaneous and unpredictable.Overall, Harry S. Truman was a highly effective and versatile speaker who was able to adapt his style to suit a variety of situations. He was a master of language, and he was able to use his words to connect with audiences on an emotional level, persuade them to see his point of view, and engage them in his message.In addition to the characteristics listed above, Truman was also known for his ability to:
    Use simple language: Truman was able to explain complex issues in a way that was easy to understand. He avoided jargon and technical terms, and he always spoke in a way that was clear and concise.Connect with audiences on a personal level: Truman was able to connect with audiences on a personal level by sharing his own experiences and stories. He often spoke about his own personal struggles, such as his family's financial difficulties, to illustrate his points and make his message more relatable.Use humor effectively: Truman was known for his sense of humor, which he often used to lighten the mood and connect with audiences. He was able to tell a good joke, and he was also able to use humor to make his points more memorable.Use storytelling: Truman was a skilled storyteller, often using personal anecdotes and historical references to illustrate his points and make his speeches more engaging.Use pathos and logos: Truman was able to use both pathos (emotional appeal) and logos (logical appeal) to persuade audiences. He often used emotional language to connect with audiences on a personal level, and he also used logical arguments to make his points more persuasive.Overall, Harry S. Truman was a highly effective and versatile speaker who was able to adapt his style to suit a variety of situations. He was a master of language, and he was able to use his words to connect with audiences on an emotional level, persuade them to see his point of view, and engage them in his message.

  • Welcome to the IJIS Sounds of Safety Podcast Series, where our community will be delving into a series of critical issues supporting the public sector mission space. Everything from the ethical use of artificial intelligence and cybersecurity and its impacts in these communities to collaborative projects that deserve recognition for their success, the Sounds of Safety Podcast is your comprehensive resource for these topics and stories moving forward.

    The IJIS Institute is a nonprofit collaboration network that focuses on bringing together public and private sector officials to solve challenges in the justice and public safety world. We are a trusted, member-driven organization with twenty plus years of experience that bridges the gap of knowledge between public sector mission practitioners and private sector experts joining shared goals with trusted resources. IJIS works to promote and enable technology in the public sector and expand the use of information sharing to maximize safety, efficiency, and productivity.

  • The APG Hidden History podcast provides a fun and engaging review of APG’s historic sites that no longer exist, are not available for public access, or are lesser-known aspects of APG’s history and historic properties, to provide information regarding some of the hidden stories behind APG's history.

  • 【客話新詞麼儕知】是2024年開始的Podcast節目,
    #客家 #hakka #客語

  • เตรียมหัวใจนักสู้ให้พร้อม เมื่อ The MATTER และ Amnesty ร่วมมือกันนำเสนอ UPrising ผู้คนไฟท์ติ้งเผด็จการ รายการใหม่ที่จะพาทุกคนไปถอดบทเรียนการต่อสู้เรียกร้องเพื่อเรียกร้องสิทธิมนุษยชน ความยุติธรรม และความเท่าเทียมของผู้คนทั่วทุกมุมโลก 
    ตั้งแต่ เกาหลีใต้, เมียนมา, ฮ่องกง, ฟิลิปปินส์, อิหร่าน, เหตุการณ์ที่เทียนอันเหมิน, การต่อสู้ของกลุ่ม Pride และขบวนการสีรุ้ง ไปจนถึงการต่อสู้ที่ใกล้เคียงตัวที่สุด คือ การชุมนุมเพื่อเรียกร้องสิทธิและเสรีภาพในการแสดงออกทางการเมืองในประเทศไทยช่วงปี 2563
    อัดแน่น 8 EP ที่เข้มข้น มีความหวัง เห็นพลังและได้บทเรียนในการเปลี่ยนแปลงประเทศไปในทิศทางที่ดีขึ้น เริ่ม UPrising พร้อมกันทุกวันศุกร์เวลา 19.00 น. เริ่ม EP แรกวันศุกร์ที่ 27 ตุลาคมนี้!

  • Congress nationalwide protest खिलाफ क्या बोले शिक्षा मंत्री

  • The ICC Pulse Podcast is a monthly podcast that offers listeners the inside scoop on the International Code Council and the building safety industry. Episodes of the ICC Pulse Podcast will feature interviews with leading industry experts where we will discuss a wide range of topics including current events and new technologies.

  • The City of Tyler hosts a podcast series called Roses & Weeds to keep residents up-to-date with current events and news related to the city. The series celebrates city achievements, or "roses," while also digging into the weeds of city government by discussing the complexities of public administration on the local level.

  • ※毎週水曜日7:00更新(が目標)
    三重県選出衆議院議員の川崎 ひでとです。


    #新型コロナウイルス で活動が制約されるなかで「何かしたい!」という思いから、この音声配信を見切り発車いたします😅



    #衆議院 #川崎ひでと #自民党 #三重県 #伊賀 #名張 #鈴鹿 #四日市 #亀山 #政治

  • Crawford Media Group President and Owner Donald Crawford addresses the greatest issues of today.

  • Hello, this is my Podcast it involves things that the news won't tell you, things that piss people off, BLM, and other things. I would enjoy you here at my Podcast if you would like stay thank you, if dont I completely understand.

  • Satire, comedy, and commentary about political FAILs!

  • The Other 80 podcast — brought to you by Claudia Williams at UC Berkeley School of Public Health — hosts real, honest dialogue about the things that help keep people healthy beyond traditional medical care, like housing, social connections and food, and the cutting edge policies, research and programs supporting whole person health. Join former White House advisor, entrepreneur and host Claudia Williams for deep conversations with the innovators, implementers, researchers and policymakers bringing these new models to life. We’ll talk about what’s working, what’s not and how to move towards whole person health rapidly and equitably across the US.

  • The Joint Readiness Training Center is the premier crucible training experience. We prepare units to fight and win in the most complex environments against world-class opposing forces. We are America’s leadership laboratory.

    This podcast isn’t an academic review of historical vignettes or political-science analysis of current events. This is a podcast about warfighting and the skillsets necessary for America’s Army to fight and win on the modern battlefield.

  • On 5th June 1988 at the Piccadilly Theatre in London’s West End a remarkable theatrical celebration took place – Before The Act. It showcased the work of lesbian and gay authors, poets, playwrights and composers and was intended to highlight the harmful impact of Section 28 – a notorious piece of legislation which prohibited the ‘promotion of homosexuality‘. For more info and images from the night visit

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.