Teknologi – USA – Nye podcasts

  • What makes you a heretic? Journalist Andrew Gold believes that, in an age of group-think and tribes, we need heretics - those who use unconventional wisdom to speak out against their own groups, from cancelled comedians and radical feminists to cult defectors and vigilantes hunting deviants.

    Learn from my guests how to rebel, think differently and resist social contagion. From Triggernometry's Francis Foster and the world's most cancelled man Graham Linehan to ex-Hasidic Jew Julia Haart and gender critical atheist Richard Dawkins. These are the people living with the weight of their own community's disappointment on their shoulders.

  • State of Security, by Access Point Consulting, brings together seasoned experts in the fields of security consulting, regulatory compliance, and security operations. Whether youโ€™re a business leader, IT professional, or security enthusiast, this podcast offers valuable insights and actionable advice.

    Learn more at accesspointconsulting.com.


  • Welcome to ”AI Explored: The Human’s Guide to the Future,” a podcast where curiosity meets technology, and humor bridges the gap between science fiction and science fact. Join your host, Jeremy, on a journey through the intriguing world of artificial intelligence, as we uncover the mysteries, challenges, and opportunities that AI presents to our species—those remarkable beings who have mastered the art of transforming bean water into the elixirs of life: coffee.

  • A multidisciplinary podcast publisher with shows that touch on culture, the macro economy & web3 as a medium of innovation in the frontier.Current shows include 'Letters to Naleli' and 'Unbarred'.

  • NPC is a podcast about one of the hottest corners of the gaming world: portable hardware. Every other week, Federico Viticci, John Voorhees, and Brendon Bigley cover portable gaming news and share their experiences with everything from the simplest retro gaming handhelds to cutting-edge handheld PCs.

  • Your Morning Fuel for RC Thrills! Exploring the World of RC Crawling with Morning Crawlers' Wisdom. Mod Tips, Rig Tuning, and Pro Tips!

  • Comfort Zone is a podcast that pushes its hosts outside of their, well, comfort zone. Every week, each host will bring new technology they've tried to the show to discuss whether it worked and how it pushed them out of their comfort zone.

    Then, at the conclusion of each episode, one of the hosts will issue the dreaded challenge to the others to try something new, and perhaps even something they might not like. It's a fun, fresh way to learn something new, along with the hosts every week.

  • Welcome to "AI for Kids," the podcast where we dive into the fascinating world of artificial intelligence (AI) in a way that's fun and accessible for young learners and their families. 

    Episodes will explore a mix of AI-related topics, engaging stories, and  interviews with both kids who are exploring AI and adult experts leading the field. "AI for Kids" is the perfect place for parents and children to learn together about how AI technology works, its incredible potential, and how it's changing the world around us. From the basics of machine learning to the ethics of AI, we make complex ideas understandable and exciting. 

    Whether you're a curious kid eager to learn more about robots and algorithms, or a parent looking to understand more about the technology shaping your child's future, "AI for Kids" is your go-to source for all things AI. Join us on this adventure into the future, today!

  • Trailblazers Spotlight: Where we meet the leading innovators in Web3 & Metaverse Marketing and explore their stories and insights.

  • In this series,  Mike McLean will be having a short chat with members of the Aviation Community.  He'll be asking them how and why they got into aviation, what or who inspired them to look to the skys and what they would say to any young people thinking of a career in this sector.  The people he'll be talking with come from a wide range of backgrounds and have a variety of stories to tell

    The Short Circuit podcast is sponsored by Swift Aircraft.  Swift Aircraft is a new British Aircraft company developing light aircraft for the 21st century.  With a focus on sustainability and innovation, it is involved in the development of young people through STEM activities, inspiring the next generation to become involved in the world of things that fly.

    So, without further ado, letโ€™s get ready for take-off.

  • Welcome to "Mighty Finsights," the podcast where finance meets formidable insights and spirited storytelling. Hosted by fintech and financial services agency CSTMR, this show delves into the stories that shape the world of finance and fintech, brought to you straight from the minds of those who know it best—the innovators, the disruptors, and the trailblazers.

    Each episode of "Mighty Finsights" is a journey into the heart of financial innovation and personal achievement. We sit down with finance professionals, fintech founders, and visionary leaders to uncover the narratives that are often overshadowed by numbers and charts. From humble beginnings to groundbreaking achievements, our guests share not just their successes, but the challenges and setbacks that have shaped their path in the finance industry.

    Whether you're a finance professional seeking to glean insights from leaders in the field, a fintech founder curious about the latest trends and technologies, or simply someone fascinated by the stories of grit and perseverance behind successful enterprises, "Mighty Finsights" is your gateway to understanding the complexities and capturing the spirit of the financial world.

    Join us as we unveil the powerful insights and the incredible people behind them, offering not just lessons in finance, but also in innovation, resilience, and the continuous pursuit of excellence. "Mighty Finsights" is more than a podcast - it's an experience where finance and insight come to life: www.cstmr.com/mighty-finsights-podcast. To be a guest on the podcast: www.cstmr.com/contact-us/strategic-consult.

  • Introducing FutureCraft Marketing, the essential podcast for B2B marketers seeking to harness the power of AI. Hosted by industry experts Erin Mills and Ken Roden, each episode explores the dynamic intersection of artificial intelligence, marketing strategy, and emerging trends in the B2B space.

  • Dive into Net Impact, the ultimate cybersecurity podcast hosted by political commentator, strategist, and radio host Fred Menachem. Join Fred as he chats with experts to unravel tech complexities, discuss national security, explore business innovations, and demystify cybersecurity. Whether you’re a tech enthusiast, business professional, or simply curious about cybersecurity, let Net Impact—brought to you by ThriveDX—be your guide to cyber's impact on the world.

    The opinions, thoughts, and views expressed by Net Impact guests are their own and may not reflect the views of ThriveDX.

  • What's going on in the security industry?
    Tune in and find out.
    These broadcasts give you current events, top stories, and in-depth interviews.

  • Mission Critical to Mission Accomplished. Tune in to Constant Technologies' podcast where we'll keep up with the latest in operations center technology and applications.

  • C-Suite leaders and customer experience experts explain how prioritizing frontline employees leads to higher productivity, better customer service, and more revenue.

  • This podcast takes an honest and unvarnished look at the reality of contributing to open source software projects.
    Too often, the open source community can paint an idealized picture of seamless collaboration and frictionless progress. But the truth is, working on OSS projects can be challenging, messy, and at times, downright frustrating. From conflicting opinions and coding philosophies to project politics and ownership disputes, there are many potential pitfalls.
    That's why this podcast gives voice to the personal experiences of actual open source contributors and influencers. They'll share the unfiltered ups and downs they've faced working on real projects. You'll hear war stories of coding battles, community dramas, and those weekly agonizing pull request reviews.
    But it's not all horror stories! You'll also learn valuable lessons about persevering through challenges, building consensus, and ultimately creating robust open source software that delivers value. Guests will provide insights into cultivating positive OSS communities and effective collaboration processes.
    So whether you're a veteran open source participant or just getting started, this podcast will prepare you for the gritty realities and help you navigate the unusual situations that so often arise. Join us as we embrace the awkward, frustrating, and yes, even "gross" side of open source software development. It's a journey that every contributor needs to understand.

  • What should be the trajectory of intelligence beyond humanity?

    The Trajectory pull covers realpolitik on artificial general intelligence and the posthuman transition - by asking tech, policy, and AI research leaders the hard questions about what's after man, and how we should define and create a worthy successor (danfaggella.com/worthy). Hosted by Daniel Faggella.

  • Ein Physiker, der zufällig herausfindet, wie das Universum entstanden sein könnte. Eine Bildhauerin, die vom Fliegen träumt. Und ein Pionier der elektronischen Musik, der eines Tages plötzlich verschwindet.
    Das sind nur drei von vielen Geschichten, die in den Ausstellungsstücken des Deutschen Museums stecken. Und in diesem Podcast taucht Host Lisa-Sophie Scheurell mit euch in diese Geschichte ein.
    Wer waren die Menschen hinter den Meilensteinen der Technikgeschichte? Was wollten die Forscher*innen und Entdecker*innen erreichen? Wofür haben sie gekämpft? Und wie sorgen die Expert*innen im Deutschen Museum dafür, dass diese Errungenschaften für die Nachwelt erhalten bleiben?
    Das hört ihr ab 21. Mai 2024 immer dienstags in „Unboxed – Storys ans Licht gebracht“.
    [Hier](https://www.deutsches-museum.de/unboxed-podcast) könnt ihr mehr zum Podcast erfahren.
    Die Entwicklung dieses Podcasts wurde ermöglicht durch die Commerzbank-Stiftung.

  • From the rope stretchers of ancient Egypt to ubiquitous satellite precision, geospatial technology has ever been the bedrock of the constructed world and of civilization itself. Your host, land surveyor and infrastructure writer Angus Stocking, engages in regular conversation with today’s location experts to determine exactly where, in space and time, we find ourselves today. Location, location, location; it’s not just real estate, it’s everything and, Everything is Somewhere.