Technology – Finland – New podcasts

  • What makes you a heretic? Journalist Andrew Gold believes that, in an age of group-think and tribes, we need heretics - those who use unconventional wisdom to speak out against their own groups, from cancelled comedians and radical feminists to cult defectors and vigilantes hunting deviants.

    Learn from my guests how to rebel, think differently and resist social contagion. From Triggernometry's Francis Foster and the world's most cancelled man Graham Linehan to ex-Hasidic Jew Julia Haart and gender critical atheist Richard Dawkins. These are the people living with the weight of their own community's disappointment on their shoulders.

  • Utelias ja positiivinen podcast tekoälystä kahdelta devaajalta. Jaksossa käsittelemme ja analysoimme tekoälyyn liittyviä uutisia ja ilmiöitä.

  • Welcome to "If U Seek," the podcast where curiosity meets the world of user experience. Our title isn't just catchy; it's a gateway to a diverse exploration of UX. Each episode begins with a promise to set the stage for a journey into an interesting UX topic or trend. Whether it's design, research, development, or beyond, we promise to bring bright guests to share new insights and fresh perspectives. Designed to pique your interest and expand your knowledge, "If U Seek" invites listeners to explore the growing field of UX with us. Tune in to find out what each unique episode seeks to reveal.

  • Morning show with technical news, interesting facts and a lot of fun!

  • Hyppää mukaan Maksukupla – podcastiin, joka avaa sinulle maksamisen maailmaa! Jokaisessa jaksossa puhkomme maksamisen kuplia ja avaamme tarkemmin mitä maksujen takana tapahtuu.

    Juontajat Matias Kiesilä ja Katja Remes keskustelevat alan johtavien asiantuntijoiden ja vaikuttajien kanssa maksamisen eri näkökulmista. Tämän podcastin avulla pääset juontajien mukana syventymään esimerkiksi maksamisen historiaan, turvallisuuteen ja viimeisempiin trendeihin. Olitpa itse alan rautainen ammattilainen tai vain utelias ymmärtämään paremmin digitaalisen maksamisen maailmaa.

  • Personal blog of street coder, podcaster, Linux fun and just kind guy!

  • You're listening to Vanguard, the podcast series of the Institute for Internet and the Just Society. From neuroethics to digital human rights, cybersecurity and fair ai, we identify and explore themes of the digital society at the forefront of technological disruption and societal change. How can we ensure a democratic platform governance while balancing freedom of expression against hate speech? How to fight bias in AI? We discuss with experts across disciplines from all over the world gathering important insights at the forefront of technological disruption and societal change.

  • Sulavasti Metaverseen -podcast käsittelee tulevaisuuden työn muutosta ja Metaverseä. Mitä se tarkoittaa organisaatioille, työelämälle ja liiketoiminnan tulevaisuudelle ja miten se tulee muuttamaan maailmaa ja tapaamme toimia? Me Sulavalla haluamme olla auttamassa asian sisäistämisessä ja ymmärtämisessä. Podcastin isäntänä toimii Sulavalta Vesa Nopanen ja jaksoissa on mukana vieraita mm. Microsoftilta. Tervetuloa mukaan matkalle Metaversumiin!

  • The Opioid Matrix is a podcast for anyone looking for the latest information in the illegal drug supply chain โ€” Beginning to end. Each episode will feature a discussion with industry experts about the current opioid crisis, including drug trafficking, drug manufacturing, drug identification, drug addiction, as well as the role of government, law enforcement, new health and social programs, and more.
    Welcome to The Opioid Matrix-A Journey into the Rabbit Hole.

  • The podcast by Deloitte Digital NL

    Monthly stories and discussions about everything surrounding Strategy and Design

  • Karhun ja Siilin podcastissa viimeinen ihminen puhutaan teknologiasta ja tekoälystä. Miltä ihmiskunnan tulevaisuus näyttää suuren tekoälymurroksen keskellä? Miten maailma muuttuu, ja mitä yhteiskunnille tapahtuu?

    Podcastin isäntä on Karhun ja Siilin yrittäjä ja filosofi Kari Angeria.

  • Join veteran tech podcaster Jason Howell as he sits down with intriguing tech minds for casual conversations that explore the human experience in a world engulfed by technology. From tech journalists and creators to entrepreneurs, Jason invites guests to share their journey through tech and reflect on the triumphs and struggles of being immersed in the always-evolving tech landscape.

    New episodes every Friday!

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Tekoälyä tavallisille ihmisille podcastissa kirjalija-käsikirjailija ja tekoälyä tutkiva tohtoriopiskelija Katri Manninen kertoo tekoälystä kansantajuisesti ja käytännönläheisin esimerkein.

  • Composer-Techie Charlie Morrow & colleagues explore the immersive world

  • Make sure your business is prepared to adapt in a changing market. The AEM Thinking Forward Podcast is where leaders in the equipment manufacturing industry hear about the latest developments and disruptions in construction and agriculture. Listen regularly for insightful interviews with technology pioneers, industry heavyweights and established experts. The AEM Thinking Forward Podcast is brought to you by the Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM), which represents more than 1,000 North American heavy equipment manufacturers.

  • Real Estate Marketing Podcast focused on technology and results driven marketing. We discuss technology, strategies and tactics to help Real Estate Agents get the most from their marketing.

  • A podcast by Cisco CX (TAC) experts in the form of a technology true crime storytelling. Learn about technologies, troubleshooting stories from various experts from Cisco.

  • Discover how you can make independent games from the comfort of your own home. Listen to stories from Thomas Brush and his guests, all indies making a full time living making their own indie games. Please subscribe, leave a review, and check out our free game kit, courses, and more (links in the episode descriptions)!

  • Somos un par de amigos apasionados por la creatividad. Juntos crecimos aprendiendo sobre fotografía y filmmaking por nosotros mismos y hoy es nuestra profesión. En este podcast queremos compartir nuestras experiencias y también ayudar a quien tenga interés de aprender. Advertencia: las conversaciones se pueden poner bien técnicas muy rápido ๐Ÿค“

  • Here we talk about world war 2 and other historical wars. If you like facts then this is for you. If you like airplanes, then this is for you.

  • "Alchemy (n) A seemingly magical process of transforming or combining elements into something new." โ€“ Oxford LanguagesCo-hosted by Jay DiPietro and Serge Derby (us!), Alchemy is not a highly curated or structured podcast. Rather, it's an audio journey based on our personal philosophies that sometimes, disparate and unplanned ideas can come together to form something magical.An experiment at its core, Alchemy is our pursuit to share what we learn from each other and others in a highly (not totally) accessible format.Here it goes..... we hope you enjoy it! Support this podcast: