Slovakiet – Nye podcasts

  • Join Kerrie Saverin from Altitude Business Solutions as she talks all things entrepreneurship, business and life with special guests from all over the World.

  • Sauvagement sincères est un podcast multi-format où tu retrouves des entrevues, des conversations entre Maude & moi, des épisodes en mode « Ted talk », des behind the scenes et d’autres plus drôles.Au menu : marketing, entrepreneuriat, féminisme, management, copywriting, pricing et design de services. Mais toujours avec l’intention de t’inspirer à prendre ta place sans t’excuser et te donner la permission de faire c’que t’as réellement envie. Et, surtout, à prendre action et sortir de ta zone de confort.

  • networking - vzdelávanie - spolupráca
    pre aktívne ženy, ktoré si chcú tvoriť svoju budúcnosť samy, hravo, s ľahkosťou
    s (e)Lenkou Vargovou

  • The podcast empowers veterinary practice owners and professionals by providing insights and strategies for accelerating their practices. Drawing on the tools and expertise of big companies, the show aims to cultivate efficient, high-performing veterinary businesses and teams.

  • The Forward Thinkers Show is a podcast hosted by Coral Miniel that aims to redefine the global narrative in business and technology. Featuring conversations with forward-thinking leaders from diverse backgrounds, the podcast captures unique insights and groundbreaking ideas. The Forward Thinkers Show aims to inspire, educate, and connect with the ever-evolving global business and tech community. Each episode promises to unveil new perspectives, promote continuous learning, and contribute to the collective dialogue propelling the future of global business, technology, and entrepreneurship.

    Listen to the podcast on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.




  • Apropolievka je študentský podcast ŠpMNDaG. V tomto podcaste vyspovedáme našich učiteľov, študentov alebo zaujímavých absolventov našej školy. V tomto podcaste vám prinesieme pestrú zmes noviniek ľudí a zaujímavostí z mikrosveta našej školy aj jej okolia. Sprevádzať vás budú ľudkovia z redakcie Aprotime.

  • Read stories of real life and fictional athletes in football, baseball, and boxing plus real life and fictional movie, TV, theater, and radio characters.

  • DIY radio show connecting hardcore/punk scene with the rest of the world

  • “Квиток на Марс” – це діалог Маші з гостем-чоловіком у форматі подкасту. Це щира розмова чоловіка та жінки на важливі для обох теми – вічні та актуальні, дуже особисті та суспільно важливі та цікаві обом співрозмовникам.

    Маша запрошує чоловіків до діалогу, аби відверто поділитися своїм досвідом і поглядами та почути думку гостей. Як жінка, яка має багато соціальних ролей, Маша готова до відвертої дискусії на теми, які важливі і чоловікам, і жінкам. Аудиторія проєкту “Квиток на Марс” не лише спостерігатиме за діалогом двох цікавих людей, але й матиме свій особистий відгук на тему розмови.

  • Športový podcast najmä pre cyklistov. Neriešime výkony Pogačara alebo Vingegaarda, ale výkony bežných ľudí, ktorí chodia 5-krát do týždňa do práce a po nej nasadnú na bicykel, obujú si bežecké tenisky alebo sa vydajú na turistiku do hôr. V podcaste sa venujeme najmä amatérskej cyklistike, ale veľa informácií je poučných aj pre ľudí, ktorí majú blízko k iným športom. Sme nadšení cyklisti, ktorí nielen veľa jazdia, ale aj spoluorganizujú cestné vytrvalostné cyklistické preteky Race through Slovakia.

  • Otdoorový podcast, ktorý bude tvojím skúsenejším parťákom a sprievodcom v horách. Či už robíš skialpinizmus, turistiku, rád zbieraš vrcholy alebo vyhľadávaš feraty. Každý diel podcastu má dĺžku ⏰ max. 30 minút ⏰ To ti umožní si vypočujuť každú epizódu naraz, zachytíť celú myšlienku. Nevracať sa k nedopočúvanému dielu zo strachu, že ti možno niečo dôležité uniklo a bude raz chýbať. Získaj viac kontroly nad svojimi výletmi do hôr. Zlepši si svoje zručnosti a bezpečnosť seba i ľudí, ktorých máš so sebou Uč sa od tých najskúsenejších.

  • ME time is brought to you by Maya and Emma, two girls navigating their twenties in the ever-changing environment of the 21st century. Join them as they discuss their university experience and future prospects, delve into wellness, share successes and failures and, ultimately, learn who they want to be in the world. So, take a break from what you're doing, plug in your headphones, and enjoy a bit of ME time.

  • Stavajú najdlhšie mosty, financujú najrýchlejšie železnice, vybudovali úspešné firmy, zažili obrovské revolúcie a krvavé prevraty. Vypočujte si inšpirujúce príbehy Slovákov a Čechov v Ázii v novom podcaste Asia Dispatch - príbehy z Ďalekého východu!

    Podcast pripravuje Central European Institute of Asian Studies.

  • Welcome to the Sip With Us podcast with best friends, Jess and Izzy.  Join us for weekly conversations, laughs and a wine as we dive deep into life as a woman; chatting about business, travel, relationships, fun adventures and everything in between. We're also here to be a support through your own life challenges, chat through your dilemmas and toast to your wins. Consider us a friend to confide in, a soundboard you can trust and your go-to source for a de-brief over wine. So without further ado , grab your wine and sip with us. 

  • Join us as we examine the stories and strategies of rare visionary leaders who have turned their ideas into big business. From entrepreneurs to executives, activists to artists, each episode of Rare Breed delves into their lives and works to learn what it takes to wrestle vision forward in a world that puts up a million stop signs. While society asks us to conform to our “undesirable” habits, Rare Breed celebrates how our vices are a unique magic, priming us to live and lead in ways never thought possible. Support this podcast:

  • Cogeneration, Anthropocene, Xeriscaping, Embedded Carbon, eco-materials... The evolution of our vocabulary - with the invention of new words - reveals our desire to think differently, to reinvent habitat and the city, to build a more sustainable futur. But what are the realities behind these neologisms?

    Constructing new Wor(l)ds, Saint-Gobain's new podcast series, deciphers some twenty words that describe a rapidly changing world. Behind the words, solutions and innovations for a sustainable future.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • "Orlando" is a novel by Virginia Woolf, first published in 1928. The book is a fictional biography of the protagonist, Orlando, who starts as a young nobleman in Elizabethan England and mysteriously changes sex midway through the story, becoming a woman. The narrative spans over three centuries, following Orlando's life and adventures. The novel explores themes of gender, identity, and the nature of biography. It is considered a semi-biographical novel, inspired by Woolf's friend and lover, Vita Sackville-West. Orlando's character is portrayed as a writer, and the novel often delves into the nature of literature and the creative process. Woolf uses the narrative to critique and parody traditional biographical writing and historical conventions. The novel incorporates elements of fantasy and satire, with Orlando living through various historical periods and interacting with famous literary figures. "Orlando" is an important work of modernist literature, known for its innovative style, exploration of gender and identity, and its commentary on English literature and history. It showcases Woolf's experimental writing techniques and her keen insights into the human experience.