Belgien – Nye podcasts

  • Welcome to Cole Cast, the podcast for all of us! No politics, no hot topics, no bs, no worries, and no problems! Cole Cast is the podcast where everybody just shoots the s**t. Do you like 80's and 90's pop culture? We got you! Are you obsessed with Nerd Culture? We got you! Do you love pro wrestling? We got you! Do you enjoy reminiscing about some good eats or jamming out to some good tunes? Then this is the podcast for you!

  • Elke podcast weer fantastische onderwerpen die leiden tot een hilarisch gesprek! Wel gelachen geen gezeik.
    Elke vrijdag, 12:00

  • Bonjour ! 

    Je suis Florence, énergéticienne et praticienne en Hypnose Transpersonnelle®, qu’on appelle aussi hypnose spirituelle ou régressive, deux pratiques que j’exerce avec passion. La spiritualité fait partie de ma vie depuis de nombreuses années, et j'ai eu la chance de pouvoir l'intégrer dans ma vie professionnelle et d'en faire mon métier.

    J’aide vos énergies à circuler, je vous invite à voyager en vous, pour une vie plus éclairée ; j’aide à vous relier à vous, à vous reconnecter à l’être que vous êtes profondément.

    Ce podcast s’appelle Flodelame, et c’est précisément ce que je fais ici, laisser le flot de mon âme vous livrer ses questionnements, ses réflexions en vous partageant ce que j’ai pu comprendre au travers de mes lectures, de ma vie personnelle et professionnelle, et notamment lors de séances d'Hypnose Transpersonnelle®. J’y parle de spiritualité et de développement personnel avec humour, légèreté et simplicité.

    Je vous souhaite une très bonne écoute ✨

    Instagram : @flodelame

    Site internet :

    [email protected]

    Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

  • We muse through enlightening, awakening, educational, and downright fun conversations about the wild ride of being a spiritual being living a human existence.

    Check out our Spiritual as Fuck and Spiritual Gangsta merch here:

  • Real and Unfiltered conversations with James Clarkson and L.J. Bowman.

  • Rafael Nadal, born on June 3, 1986, in the picturesque town of Manacor on the Spanish island of Mallorca, has become a global icon and one of the most celebrated tennis players of all time. From a young age, Nadal displayed an innate talent for the sport, which was carefully nurtured by his uncle and coach, Toni Nadal. Under Toni's guidance, Nadal rapidly developed his skills and embarked on a professional career that would redefine the landscape of tennis.
    Nadal's rise to prominence began with his maiden French Open victory in 2005 at the tender age of 19. This triumph marked the beginning of an unprecedented era of dominance on clay courts, earning him the well-deserved moniker "King of Clay." His mastery of the red dirt is unrivaled, as evidenced by his astonishing 14 French Open titles, a record that may never be surpassed. Nadal's ability to generate incredible topspin on his forehand, combined with his relentless athleticism and mental fortitude, has made him virtually unbeatable on clay.
    However, Nadal's greatness extends far beyond the confines of clay courts. Throughout his illustrious career, he has amassed an astounding 22 Grand Slam singles titles, solidifying his position among the pantheon of tennis legends. His versatility and adaptability have enabled him to excel on all surfaces, as demonstrated by his victories at the Australian Open, Wimbledon, and the US Open. Nadal is one of the select few players to have achieved the career Grand Slam, a testament to his all-court prowess and unwavering determination.
    Nadal's journey to the pinnacle of tennis has not been without its challenges. Injuries have been a constant companion throughout his career, testing his physical and mental resilience to the limit. From chronic knee issues to wrist and foot injuries, Nadal has encountered numerous setbacks that would have derailed lesser athletes. However, his indomitable spirit and unwavering passion for the sport have fueled his remarkable comebacks, time and time again. Nadal's ability to rise from the ashes of injury and reclaim his position at the top of the game has become a defining characteristic of his legacy.
    One of the hallmarks of Nadal's career has been his epic rivalries with fellow greats Roger Federer and Novak Djokovic. These three players have formed a triumvirate that has dominated men's tennis for over a decade, pushing each other to new heights and producing some of the most thrilling and memorable matches in the history of the sport. Nadal's battles with Federer, particularly their clashes at Wimbledon and the French Open, have become the stuff of legend, captivating fans around the world with their intensity, skill, and sportsmanship. Similarly, his rivalry with Djokovic has been characterized by grueling, physically demanding encounters that have tested the limits of human endurance.
    Off the court, Nadal is renowned for his humility, graciousness, and commitment to making a positive impact on society. Despite his immense success and global fame, he remains grounded and deeply connected to his roots in Mallorca. Nadal's close-knit family, including his parents, sister, and uncles, have been a constant source of support and inspiration throughout his life and career. He is also known for his sportsmanship and respect for his opponents, often engaging in heartfelt embraces at the net after hard-fought matches.
    Nadal's philanthropic endeavors, particularly through the Rafa Nadal Foundation, reflect his deep-seated desire to give back to the community and empower young people through education and sport. The foundation, established in 2008, has launched numerous initiatives and projects aimed at providing opportunities for disadvantaged youth, both in Spain and around the world. Nadal's commitment to social responsibility and his role as a global ambassador for tennis have earned him widespread admiration and respect beyond the confines of the sport.
    In his personal life, Nadal has found happiness and stability with his long-time partner, Maria Francisca Perelló, whom he married in a private ceremony in 2019. Their relationship, built on a foundation of trust, understanding, and shared values, has been a source of strength and support for Nadal throughout the ups and downs of his career. When he is not competing on the tennis circuit, Nadal enjoys spending time with his family and friends in Mallorca, engaging in his other sporting passions, such as golf and football, and simply relaxing in the tranquil beauty of his homeland.
    As Nadal continues to write new chapters in his extraordinary career, his legacy as one of the greatest tennis players of all time is firmly established. His unparalleled success on clay, his versatility across all surfaces, and his remarkable resilience in the face of adversity have set him apart as a true icon of the sport. However, Nadal's impact extends far beyond his on-court achievements. His sportsmanship, humility, and dedication to making a positive difference in the world have made him a role model and inspiration for millions of people around the globe.
    Nadal's story is one of unwavering determination, exceptional talent, and an unbreakable spirit. From his early days hitting balls on the clay courts of Manacor to his ascent to the pinnacle of the tennis world, Nadal has faced every challenge with courage, grace, and an unwavering commitment to excellence. His legacy will endure not only in the record books but also in the hearts and minds of those who have been touched by his extraordinary journey.
    As tennis fans around the world continue to marvel at Nadal's achievements and look forward to the next chapter in his illustrious career, one thing remains certain: Rafael Nadal's impact on the sport of tennis and on the lives of countless individuals will be felt for generations to come. He has not only redefined what is possible on the court but has also set a new standard for sportsmanship, resilience, and dedication to making a positive impact on the world. Nadal's story is a testament to the power of perseverance, the triumph of the human spirit, and the enduring legacy of a true champion. Thanks for listening. Remember to like and share wherever you get your podcasts.

  • Dé podcast waar we de toekomst van wonen verkennen, één slimme innovatie per keer. Elke aflevering duiken we samen met onze experten diep in de fascinerende wereld van slimme gebouwen. We ontrafelen de complexiteit, bespreken de voordelen en dromen samen over de mogelijkheden die deze technologieën ons bieden.

  • Met Transformer Talks willen we mensen informeren, inspireren en transformeren.
    We willen een waardevolle bron van inzicht en informatie zijn voor professionals in de industrie die streven naar verbetering en innovatie in hun processen.
    Door middel van diepgaande gesprekken, casestudy's en analyses zullen we de complexe wereld van digitale transformatie verkennen en praktische inzichten delen.

  • Newconomics is an event series and podcast platform exploring the intersection of developing technology and new economies.

    We look at the future of tech through an informed lens with true experts in their space and delve into the innovations behind the headlines.

    Our focus is on web3 futures, bringing global experts together to collaborate and explore how blockchain is changing work in the world around us.

  • Nieuws en updates over het leukste computerspel ter wereld! Hier ben je aan het juiste adres als je alles over De Sims wil te weten komen!

  • Nicolas Faith Notes (Business Insider)
    Production TCC Enterprises All

  • Als je niet genoeg kunt krijgen van het EK voetbal dan ben je hier aan het juiste adres. Tess Elst ontleedt samen met haar sidekick en analisten de winnende tactiek, snuift de sfeer op bij de Rode Duivels en bespreekt de grote én de kleine verhalen.

    Stevige stellingen en discussies worden afgewisseld met odes aan het spel en vermakelijke anekdotes. Onze studio wordt dé leukste plek voor kenners en liefhebbers, want zoals Jean-Marie Pfaff ooit zei: "Dat is fussball".

  • Élodie de Sélys nous plonge au cœur de la Seconde Guerre mondiale et de son point de bascule : le D-DAY. Revivez toutes les facettes du débarquement du 6 juin 1944 en Normandie, depuis les origines du conflit, jusqu’à l’assaut des plages, à travers les témoignages de celles et ceux qui l’ont vécu. Un portrait panoramique, signé Gaspard Giersé et Bertrand Leroy.

  • The Better Relationships: Better Work webcast explores how to make work better through the power of relationships.

    In each episode, Jason and his guest explore what they can learn from the guest’s most impactful relationships about what it takes to build strong, healthy relationships.

    The webcast will help you make work better by being a better leader. Plus, will help you improve all the important relationships in your life.

  • Inside Legal ESG is a series of podcast interviews and webinars highlighting opportunities, individuals, and the important and challenging work being done in the ESG space today.

    For more information on Inside Legal ESG please email: [email protected]

  • Welkom bij de podcast 'Magnetisch Leiderschap'!

    Hoe navigeer je als leider in deze snel evoluerende wereld met tal van uitdagingen en onzekerheden op zoveel verschillende fronten? Wat maakt in leiderschap vandaag het verschil? En vanwaar de term ‘magnetisch leiderschap’?

    Deze en vele andere thema’s verkent host en executive coach Anne Van Caeneghem tijdens haar diepgaande gesprekken met leiders uit diverse sectoren. Ze gaat op zoek naar de mens achter leider, voorbij glimmende titels en zakelijke prestaties. Wat maakt hun verhaal, wat daagt hen uit en waarom doen ze wat ze doen? Hoe staan ze in het leven en hoe kijken zij naar het leiderschap en de toekomst?

    Het doel van deze podcast? Leiders van vandaag en morgen inspireren, en dan vooral diegene die streven naar groei, ontwikkeling en impact. Door aan te tonen dat iedere leider ook een mens is. Want je zou dat bijna vergeten, als je ziet wat er vandaag allemaal van leidinggevenden verwacht wordt. Terwijl het juist die menselijke ervaringen zijn, die hen zo waardevol maken.

    Meer weten over Magnetisch Leiderschap? Dit najaar verschijnt Anne’s boek!
    Ben je nu alvast benieuwd, zet je dan alvast op de ‘interesse-lijst’.

    Link naar blog met de shownotes:

  • Wir setzen uns für eine Welt ein, in der sich eine werteorientierte Führungskultur selbstständig ausbreitet. Dies ist eine Welt, in der Führungskräfte nicht nur nachhaltig denken, sondern auch handeln. In dieser Welt sind Werte wie Respekt, Vertrauen und Wertschätzung selbstverständlich. Dies ist eine Welt, in der Führungskräfte ihre Mitarbeitenden als Menschen schätzen und voller Respekt behandeln. In dieser Welt gibt es keinen Platz für Machtmissbrauch oder Intoleranz - Together 4 Success

  • Conversations Serving Growth for self leadership and management of people.