Religion & Spirituality – Morocco – Recommended podcasts

  • What makes you a heretic? Journalist Andrew Gold believes that, in an age of group-think and tribes, we need heretics - those who use unconventional wisdom to speak out against their own groups, from cancelled comedians and radical feminists to cult defectors and vigilantes hunting deviants.

    Learn from my guests how to rebel, think differently and resist social contagion. From Triggernometry's Francis Foster and the world's most cancelled man Graham Linehan to ex-Hasidic Jew Julia Haart and gender critical atheist Richard Dawkins. These are the people living with the weight of their own community's disappointment on their shoulders.

  • هي محطة إذاعية لبنانية مسيحية هدفها نشر رسالة المسيح الخلاصية وإعلان حق كلمته وخلاصه المتاح للبشرية جمعاء من خلال عمل الصليب، بغض النظرعن الخلفية والدين والعرق.في ظل الظروف التي يمر بها بلدنا والمنطقة وكل الأخبار المظلمة والسوداوية، نعلن أن في وسط هذا الظلام "ليكن نور" من مصدر النور والسلام والفرح الحقيقي، وذلك من خلال برامج متنوعة ومميزة وخلاقة.هدفنا أن نشارك ما نمر به من تحديات واختبارات وانتصارات، ونكون إلى جانب كل من هم في ضيق!فهكذا علمنا سيدنا ومخلصنا الرب يسوع المسيح أن نساعد بعضنا البعض ونصلي من أجل بعضنا البعض.نأمل أن تكون هذه المحطة !سبب بركة لحياتكم وتشجيع لكمفي هذا البودكاست سنضع بعض من فقرات برامجنا التي نأمل ان تشجعكم وتكون سبب بركة لكم

  • Are you a single Christian woman who finds yourself perpetually stuck in a state of inaction or despair because you’re waiting for your soulmate?

    Are telling yourself you’re not in a relationship because:

    - You aren’t attractive
    - There is something wrong with you
    - You are struggling financially on your own?

    Are you telling yourself you’re not important because you are single?

    Then welcome to RISE from Stuck with Bonnie Jean Schaefer.

    I understand what it’s like to feel invisible, overlooked, unimportant, unattractive, and alone.

    I understand what it’s like to use those feelings as an excuse to stay small, ignore God’s call, and convince myself I can’t succeed in relationships or business because I don’t have:

    - The looks of a supermodel
    - A husband
    - Enough money
    - Enough talent
    - Enough connections
    - The right credentials or
    - A charismatic personality.

    ***But I’m learning to understand that my real problem is that when I don’t trust God with my whole heart, I fail to be who I know I should be and do what I know I should do because of my doubt-filled, excuse-riddled mindset.***

    I’m also learning to understand that **seeking God first is the answer**.

    Embracing my identity in Him is the path to confidence, significance, and success, the kind of success that has nothing to do with being skinny, being married, or being wealthy. The kind of success that matters is being like Christ and getting results that glorify God.

    And you can’t produce those kind of results without relentless, purposeful action in the direction of your God-given dreams.

    **I’ve known this core truth all along. I’ve been a Christian since age four, earned my Bible degree in 1999, and published four novels so far, one as me and three as fantasy author DK Drake.

    But the internal war I describe in episode 30 between my competing desires to be married and to be an author entrepreneur has kept me small. Hidden. Insignificant. Until now.

    Now I have a firm foundation and framework for my life that honors God. Now I know I am can be both single and significant because I am in Christ.

    And I want to help you build that same foundation and framework for your life. I want you to feel significant. Important. Valuable. I want you to find your significance in Christ, not in your appearance, a relationship, or your net worth.

    I want you to RISE from Stuck and live a confident, significant life as a single Christian woman. If you happen to attract the man God has for you in the process, BONUS!

    That’s why the mission of this podcast is to help you build a foundation and framework for your life so that you can glorify God while living your dreams.

    On this podcast, you can expect episodes that cover the following topics:

    - Know God and understand His design
    - Know yourself and respect your strengths
    - Take consistent action toward goals that glorify God.

    In the process of knowing God, yourself, and taking action, my prayer is that you become the diligent, disciplined, passionate woman God designed you to become so that you can attempt great things for Him. If you happen to attract a man in the process, BONUS.

    But that is not the focus of this podcast.

    Here we focus on serving God to the best of our ability while trusting Him to provide whatever we need, including a mate.

    Ready to rise? Start by listening to episode 30, then taking the action I suggest at the end of the episode.

    This rise from stuck journey may be a bumpy ride, but as we learn to trust God, respect our strengths, and do the work God is calling us to do, we are going to build confidence, courage and consistency in the pursuit of God and our dreams regardless of our marital status.

    So strap into God’s word. Grab on to my hand. And let’s rise from stuck. Together.

  • ‎فضلاً, قراءة سورة الفاتحة على روح المرحوم والدي محمد بشار القصاب.
    ‎شرح وتفسير شامل لسورة الحجر للدكتور الشيخ محمد راتب النابلسي بجودة عالية HQ.

  • Three reformed Christians chat and discuss church issues and topics. We will talk about life, history, politics and whatever else tickles our fancy. All this will be done from a Christian perspective, seeking to apply the 21st century to the Bible and not the other way round. Theologically we differ on several tertiary issues. Yet we are united through Christ and do not see these differences as a hindrance in our service of the Lord.

    Soli Deo Gloria!

    ∆ Motivation
    ∆ Inspiration
    ∆ Live Testimonies
    ∆ We take and share your testimony (anyway you want it)
    ∆ Salvation through JESUS!

  • The River Morning Show with Josh, Chad & Hannah is a daily radio show heard each weekday morning in Columbus, Ohio on 104.9 The River. These are some of the funniest, heart-warming, and sometimes bizarre moments from the week! Plus, exclusives that are ONLY for you when listening right here. And don’t forget to rate and subscribe!

    You can also listen to the live recording here

  • "On n'a rien à cacher" tel est le titre du podcast sans tabou réalisé par le collectif ResKP et produit par Trésorsmédia.

    Tour à tour, sous la forme d'une interview, avec simplicité mais aussi beaucoup de courage parfois, chacun se livre pour vous partager ses expériences, parler de ses tentations, de ses combats mais aussi de ses joies, de sa restauration ou de sa délivrance.

    Ainsi vous découvrirez que ces jeunes rescapés sont avant tout des gens comme vous... des jeunes ordinaires secourus d'une manière totalement extraordinaire.

    Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

  • These are my informal musings about Jesus' Kingdom truth applied to life, as I see it.

  • Pastoral Reflections on Family, Friends and the World in which we live

  • Everyone is talking about healing these days. But it's hard to know what works and doesn't amidst all the content, therapy, horoscopes, affirmations, psychedelics, and memes. Western medicine will have us believe that all we need to do is take care of ourselves - our needs, boundaries, and feelings. But what about the relationships that matter to us? How do we heal ourselves and be in healthy, satisfying relationships? V. Williams and Seema Thakker explore these questions and more as they travel down the unending path of healing together, always wondering, so we healing?!


  • Candid Conversations on Today’s Topics, that Connect our Community. Check us out at Support this podcast:

  • The Daily Meditation Podcast is designed for the encouragement of the believers by a short meditation on truths from the Word of God.

  • Sojourn Community Church is a new gospel-centered church in Chattanooga that seeks to love Jesus, cultivate community and be missionaries.

    Also Find our Sermons on iTunes and GooglePlay!

  • هنقدم ليكم بعض من فضائل شهر شعبان وشهر رمضان وبعض من قصص الصالحين

  • The Inner Calm Podcast, hosted by Maddison Vernon shares practical information and invitations to bring meditation, mindfulness and slow living into your life to help you connect to your own inner calm.

  • ¿Quieres conocer y descubrir lo increible y poderoso de Dios? Date una oportunidad siguiendo estos podcast basados en la Biblia reina valera 1960 /También Reinicio Bob Sorge, Una vida con propósito Rick Warren, El Ayuno de Daniel Kristine Feola Canciones Cristianas, Su Princesa, Cartas de Amor de tu Rey Sheri Rose, Los Procesos de tu FE Angélica y vendrán más sorpresas de parte de Dios que te encantarán.
    No dejes de oir ningún libro de la Biblia, porque Dios hará milagros y cumplirá sus planes y propósitos para tu vida que te impactarán.

  • Bienvenue sur ce Podcast sur lequel nous allons partager, parler, discuter de nos expériences en tant que jeunes chrétiens. Nous allons donner notre opinion sur les challenges que peuvent rencontrer les jeunes chrétiens.

    Nous ne sommes pas des prédicateurs, justes des frères qui échangent sur divers sujets et dans le but de faire la promotion de Jésus.

    No Stress and Stay Blessed

  • Salut ! Salam ! Shalom ! Namasté ! Bienvenu sur le Voyage Intérieur, le podcast d’un musulman apprenti soufi qui t’invite à voyager avec lui sur le chemin spirituel universel.

    On va parler de tout ce qui touche à la spiritualité et s’inspirer des grands voyageurs de l’intérieur, chercheurs, sages, artistes, prophètes, saints hommes et femmes quelque soit leur traditions qui ont pratiqué le chemin intérieur et nous ont laissé des indices !

    Attache ta ceinture, déploie tes ailes, ouvre ton coeur, c'est parti pour le voyage intérieur vers les trésors infinis qui se cachent en chacun de nous.

  • Weekly homilies of Fr. Joseph Gill, priest of the Diocese of Bridgeport, CT