Science – Morocco – Recommended podcasts

  • What makes you a heretic? Journalist Andrew Gold believes that, in an age of group-think and tribes, we need heretics - those who use unconventional wisdom to speak out against their own groups, from cancelled comedians and radical feminists to cult defectors and vigilantes hunting deviants.

    Learn from my guests how to rebel, think differently and resist social contagion. From Triggernometry's Francis Foster and the world's most cancelled man Graham Linehan to ex-Hasidic Jew Julia Haart and gender critical atheist Richard Dawkins. These are the people living with the weight of their own community's disappointment on their shoulders.

  • It's easy to relate to like-minded people, but what about those who are not like-minded?

    Those who live differently, in another part of the world, with different priorities, experiences, cultures, and contexts. They see the world differently from you, but can you understand them? Are you listening for the things that make us all more alike than we are different?

    In an increasingly "us and them" world, where connecting with 'like-minded' individuals is encouraged, this is a show for the non-likeminded. This is a platform that gives you the chance to understand and empathize with others. We want to inspire a reconnection of our common humanity by sharing the unheard stories and opinions around us. Why? Because listening is a skill we need to re-master if we are to fill in the gaps that exist between us.

    The MiMi YouYou Show's vision is to help overcome the global Empathy Deficit. To teach, encourage and imbue empathy, simply by listening in. We give every listener the chance to practice and create empathy with and towards others, every time they join us.

    The More The World Talks About Empathy,
    The More Empathy The World Will Have.

  • ماذا تعرفون عن الفضاء والاستدامة ؟

  • يسلط الضوء على أهم الابحاث المنشورة في مجلة الحقوق التابعة لمجلس النشر العلمي- جامعة الكويت- ويتناول المواضيع القانونية المعاصرة و أهم التطورات في الفكر القانوني المعاصر.

  • This podcast investigates topics in neuroscience, evolutionary biology, and human behavior through conversations with experts.

  • ⭐️ شالسالفة؟" هو بودكاست يغوص في أعماق العالم والكون والعلوم"

  • Become a Paid Subscriber:بودكاست السندبادمواضيع ومعلومات علم نفس وعلم اجتماع وجل العلوم الانسانية ستجدوها معنا.نقرب كل بعيد ونكسر حاجز الصمت بكل جميل.محدثكم: د. لورنس آل رشيد

  • The public purpose pod where we talk about topics that help us be better informed citizens and critical thinkers. This is for the critical thinkers and social innovators. Those who are not satisfied with the status quo. Join us to on this quest for understanding, for knowledge. Made with love for the citizens of the Global South by your fellow citizens of the Global South.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Personne ne sait vraiment ce que sont le temps, l'espace, la matière, le hasard ou les lois de la nature. Ils ne se laissent enfermer dans aucune définition. Nous en avons que des intuitions fragmentaires. Et, quand on les talonne de trop près, ils mènent droit au mystère…

    Un œil sur l'Univers pour voir par delà l'horizon des événements !

    Soutenez-nous sur PayPal et Tipeee !

  • Ever think about the stories that numbers might tell if they could chat over a cup of coffee? Well, 'Digits and Destinies' is your cosy corner where we unwrap these tales. We meet folks who've danced with numbers, letting math guide them to incredible adventures and discoveries. From tech wizards to financial gurus, they've all got a story where digits played a starring role. So, pull up a chair, lean in, and let’s dive into the amazing world where numbers meet life's big and small moments.

    The show is hosted by Dr. Nahid Linda Banihashemi who is an applied mathematician and mathematics educator. She is also the founder of Bungee Pi which helps children learn mathematics using storytelling, animations and real life applications. She is based in Sydney, Australia.

  • لكل من فقد نفسه وتاهت روحه واصبح في دوامة لا يستطيع الخروج منها فاستمع الي لتنجوا

    انتاج (إذاعة حرف)

  • منصة فكرية تنقل الشباب إلى عوالم المعرفة بالوسائل المتنوعة المتجددة

  • الكون الفسيح، آفاق لا حدود لها من الإبهار، والترحالُ بين النجوم نهمٌ من غزارة المعرفة. الفضاءُ بيتُنا الكبير.. وفي فلك كاست لنا سبيلٌ في سبر أركانه.

  • Inspiring Kids' Stories, Extraordinary Children's Science, and Incredible Secrets in one brilliant, fun kids podcast adventure. "An award-winning, life-enhancing, journey into storytelling, music, and the natural world." For ALL ages (mum and dad too!)

    Join Steve Punt, Elaine and Matthew Sweetapple for an award-winning mix of audio adventure, fun, facts, and wonder.

    “Magical” THE OBSERVER
    “Amazing” THE TIMES
    “Ingenious” THE GUARDIAN
    “Impressive” WIRED

    Stories, Science & Secrets tells the story of a boy called Moog and his dog, Rockford, and their journey to a land of extinct creatures. But the show also delves into the true facts behind the story – how nature is inspiring incredible inventions in the real world, about horrid history, awesome engineering, miraculous medicine, and loads more. A positive, life-enhancing, dive into life, music, and the natural world.

    We’re asking for your help to answer some of the world's biggest mysteries too, all while enjoying a brilliant musical adventure.

    If you've any questions about our story or any of the science and secrets we talk about, please email us at: [email protected] (please remember to get your parent's permission first).

    To find out more about us and our stories visit:

    KS 2 Lesson Plans covering all syllabus topics are available at:

    Thanks for listening!

  • Welcome to our Christmas story 'The Astronomers Tale' from The Observatory Science Centre at Herstmonceux in East Sussex.

    There's always more to a place than bricks, tea and space... The Observatory Science Centre is home of the former Royal Observatory in Herstmonceux, East Sussex. Anyone whose been involved has a unique story to tell - this time it's a very special story...

    Happy Christmas to you all.

  • يتناول البودكاست قصص لمبادرات عامة قام بها من يطلق عليهم أصدقاء البيئة لتغيير بعض عاداتهم اليومية التي تؤثر سلباً على كوكبنا. في كل حلقة نتلقى معلومة او نسمع عن تجربة قد تحثنا على تغيير عاداتنا لنصبح أصدقاء للبيئة

  • نتعرّف في هذا البودكاست على عالم الحيوانات والحشرات، أسراهم، غرائبهم، ومعلومات غريبة تسمعونها لأول مرّة

  • A Production of the Alliance for Science and Boyce Thomson Institute - Scientific innovation is needed to enhance food security, improve environmental sustainability and raise the quality of life globally. Listen in to AfS Live, as we learn from the stories of farmers, scientists and activists who are working to grow food security and environmental resilience in their communities. Our goal is to deliver fact-based credible information and human stories about Genetically Modified Foods (GMOs), agricultural science, plant breeding, climate change, vaccines and more!

  • Scientific Hadra is an Algerian Darija podcast that explains the science behind daily phenomena. Together, we will try to understand how it works! Especially the physics behind stuff!