Arts – Singapore – New podcasts

  • What makes you a heretic? Journalist Andrew Gold believes that, in an age of group-think and tribes, we need heretics - those who use unconventional wisdom to speak out against their own groups, from cancelled comedians and radical feminists to cult defectors and vigilantes hunting deviants.

    Learn from my guests how to rebel, think differently and resist social contagion. From Triggernometry's Francis Foster and the world's most cancelled man Graham Linehan to ex-Hasidic Jew Julia Haart and gender critical atheist Richard Dawkins. These are the people living with the weight of their own community's disappointment on their shoulders.

  • Hey people! I Kashish with my team will share my experiences, all about food influencing, reviews, places we visit and much more. You guys can find us on Instagram @hashtagfoodmonster

  • Whether you want to be in front of the camera, behind the camera, or just entertained- each episode of The Culinary Call Sheet lifts the apron to reveal the adventurous and often unexpected secrets to how the sausage (aka a food show) gets made. In conversation with a variety of epicurean icons, culinary production veterans, April Jones and Darin Bresnitz, give an insider's view into personal stories from the field and provide an in-depth, behind-the-scenes look into some of the most popular food programming and current trends happening in today's evolving culinary media landscape.

  • The Natural Aesthetic-藉由自然審美的概念促使身體呈現美的定義--Hosting provided by SoundOn

  • "Duffy's Tavern" was a popular American radio comedy series that aired from 1941 to 1951 for a total of 10 years. The program often billed itself with the catchphrase, "Duffy's Tavern, where the elite meet to eat." However, the humorous twist was that Duffy, the owner, was never actually seen or heard. Instead, the central character was the bartender, Archie, played by Ed Gardner, who was also the creator and principal writer of the show.Setting and PremiseThe show was set in a run-down bar called Duffy's Tavern, located in a less affluent neighborhood of New York City. The tavern was frequented by an assortment of quirky characters, each bringing their own brand of humor to the mix. The premise revolved around Archie's interactions with these characters, including regulars and the occasional celebrity guest stars who would visit the tavern.Characters
    Archie: As the bartender and manager, Archie was known for his malapropisms and mispronunciations, which added a layer of humor to his dialogue. His character was a schemer and dreamer, often concocting plans to get rich or improve the tavern.Duffy: The owner of the tavern, never seen or heard on the show, but often referred to by Archie. The running gag was Archie picking up the phone and saying, "Hello, Duffy's Tavern, where the elite meet to eat, Archie the manager speakin', Duffy ain't here—oh, hello, Duffy."Other Characters: The show featured a regular cast of characters, including Miss Duffy (Duffy's man-chasing daughter), Eddie the waiter, and Finnegan, among others. These characters contributed to the comedic situations and banter that defined the show's humor.Cultural Impact and Legacy"Duffy's Tavern" was known for its witty scripts, character-driven humor, and the way it captured a slice of life in New York City. The show's format, with a central location where various characters come and go, influenced the development of later sitcoms, both on radio and television.

    The program also had a significant cultural impact during its time, offering listeners a comedic escape while reflecting some aspects of American society and attitudes of the era. It featured many famous guest stars from the worlds of entertainment and sports, making it a significant part of the golden age of radio.

    In addition to its radio success, "Duffy's Tavern" was adapted into a feature film in 1945 and inspired a television series in the early 1950s, although the TV adaptation did not achieve the same level of popularity as the radio show."Duffy's Tavern" remains a memorable example of classic American radio comedy, celebrated for its humor, character dynamics, and the distinctive voice of Ed Gardner as Archie.

    for more info

  • Tea Time Radio Theatre Company is a podcast production company founded by Kjiersten Schmidt and Monika Hash in February 2021.

    We introduce obscure and overlooked plays to a wider audience using the style of a radio drama.

    Through a cultivation of creativity and collaboration, we strive to invite anyone who has even a passing interest in theatre to share in the joy we experience making theatre.

    Follow us on Instagram @teatimeradiotheatreco

  • Dalam podcast ini, kita sembang-sembang santai bersama Khairiah Amin iaitu penulis, pendidik dan pengasas Widz Studio mengenai pelbagai topik yang menyentuh dunia buku, penulisan dan penerbitan. Ada personaliti jemputan, reviu buku dan banyak lagi. Jom!

    Let's chat with Khairiah Amin, a published author, illustrator, educator and founder of Widz Studio on topics related to the world of books, writing and publishing. We have invited guests, book reviews and many more!

  • Bedtime Stories for Kids is a podcast that features classic children's stories, narrated in a soothing voice and accompanied by gentle music. The stories are designed to be calming and relaxing, helping kids to drift off to sleep peacefully.The podcast features a wide variety of stories, from classic fairy tales to folktales to modern classics. All of the stories are carefully selected to be appropriate for kids of all ages, and to promote positive values such as kindness, compassion, and perseverance.Listening to Bedtime Stories for Kids is a great way to help kids wind down before bed and enjoy some quality time with their parents or caregivers. It's also a great way to introduce them to the world of classic literature and help them to develop a love of reading.Here are some of the benefits of listening to the Bedtime Stories for Kids podcast:
    It helps kids to relax and wind down before bed, promoting better sleep.It exposes kids to classic children's literature from around the world.It teaches kids about positive values such as kindness, compassion, and perseverance.It provides a fun and bonding activity for parents and kids to enjoy together.If you're looking for a simple and classic way to help your kids drift off to sleep, the Bedtime Stories for Kids podcast is a great option.

  • A culture club for those in pursuit of a soft and curious life.

  • What makes creators create? Scoob Decker, a multifaceted artist himself, interviews artists from all genres to learn about their craft and how they create. Guests include a chef, ceramics artist, ballerinas, performing artists, photographer, and more.

  • Graphic Design? Can you make a living at that? Abso-freakin-lutely you can. Design is all around us. Just look at the apps on your phone, the magazines at the doctor’s office, the stickers on the door of your favorite skate shop, and the logo on the side of that coffee cup containing your $7 whatevaccino. Join us for real stories about life after design school. Learn more at

  • Welcome to ÁCCENTED: Dialogues in Diaspora, hosted by Viet Thanh Nguyen, author of the Pulitzer Prize-winning novel The Sympathizer, and Philip Nguyen, a Vietnamese-American Studies scholar. In 2020, DVAN developed and launched ÁCCENTED as a virtual program. Once a month, DVAN presents virtual events accessible to a global audience, showcasing writers, poets, visual artists, actors, filmmakers, and other cultural producers from the Vietnamese and Southeast Asian diaspora, to present their work and discuss topics important to them. Learn more at

  • Hi i am yala...i am here to entertain you with some amazing short stories...keep listening...

  • A slow read and discussion of The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever by Stephen R. Donaldson, hosted by Cams and Barge, two old friends of many years. Cams has read the series multiple times, and this is Barge’s first time.

  • Celebrating extreme excellence in theater, film and tv, this podcast takes listeners all over the world on a journey behind the scenes featuring never-before-heard stories from Academy Award winners, Tony Award winners, Golden Globe Award winners, and so much more. Co-Hosts Eila Mell, bestselling author (The Tony Awards: A Celebration of Excellence in Theatre) and renowned podcast host, and Bruce Gotleib, who has never met an Awards show he doesn’t like, take guests through their experience of being nominated and subsequently winning their award(s), highlighting interesting and intimate details about their awards experience that will leave everyone happy to be a part of the experience. 
    Visit to learn more.

  • Il y a 3 ans, quelques mois après mon installation à Singapour, je suis atteinte d’une lésion nerveuse. Je m'appelle Julie Moulin, je suis autrice, j’aime sillonner le monde et je me retrouve à passer des heures sans bouger. Forcée à l’immobilité, je lis. Et en lisant, je reprends mon exploration de l’île. En lisant, je suis de nouveau en mouvement. C’est cette découverte de Singapour, au travers d’auteurs locaux, que je voudrais vous raconter. À écouter en marchant, en roulant, en volant, ou allongé.e sur un lit ou un canapé.

    Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

  • The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka is a novella first published in 1915. It is one of Kafka's most famous works and explores themes of alienation, existential anxiety, guilt, and absurdity. The story follows Gregor Samsa, a traveling salesman who wakes up one morning to find himself transformed into a grotesque, insect-like creature. The metamorphosis is inexplicable and Kafka never attempts to provide a reason for this occurrence, focusing instead on the aftermath of Gregor's transformation.
    As Gregor struggles to adapt to his new condition, his family is initially sympathetic, but their compassion quickly turns to impatience and hostility. Gregor's inability to work and his grotesque appearance become a burden to his family, who become increasingly resentful, confining him to his room and treating him as an it. Despite his monstrous exterior, Gregor retains a human mind, experiencing deep isolation and longing for the affection and normalcy of his past life.
    The narrative delves into the impacts of Gregor’s transformation on his family dynamics, revealing their moral and emotional decay as they abandon their obligations and sympathy towards him. His sister, Grete, initially takes care of him but eventually turns against him. The family's transformation, paralleling Gregor's own physical metamorphosis, highlights Kafka's critique of the dehumanizing effects of modern society and the fragility of human bonds under economic pressure.
    The story builds to a climax as Gregor’s condition worsens, leading to a tragic conclusion that reflects Kafka's dark and absurdist view of human existence. The novella is celebrated for its ability to weave dense and profound themes into the ordinary fabric of family life, making "The Metamorphosis" a timeless exploration of the depths of human alienation. Thanks for listening to Quiet Please. Remember to like and share wherever you get your podcasts

  • Home to words and voices from Asia today

    The Asian Bookshelf is a podcast delving into the world of Southeast Asian literature.

    It focusses on narratives, characters, and themes.

    It is co-hosted by acclaimed Asian-based writers T.A.Morton and Jon Gresham, and educator and presenter Devika Misra.

    It explores Southeast Asian fiction and nonfiction books: what works for readers and why; movie and streaming potential, emerging trends, and spotlights key industry figures.

    This show is for the discerning reader keen to take a deeper dive into the region’s exciting stories and emerging voices.