Society & Culture – Finland – New podcasts

  • What makes you a heretic? Journalist Andrew Gold believes that, in an age of group-think and tribes, we need heretics - those who use unconventional wisdom to speak out against their own groups, from cancelled comedians and radical feminists to cult defectors and vigilantes hunting deviants.

    Learn from my guests how to rebel, think differently and resist social contagion. From Triggernometry's Francis Foster and the world's most cancelled man Graham Linehan to ex-Hasidic Jew Julia Haart and gender critical atheist Richard Dawkins. These are the people living with the weight of their own community's disappointment on their shoulders.

  • Ever wish you had an older sister to share their stories and guidance about sex and love so you feel less weird and alone?

    That's exactly what you’ll get in Its Kinda Personal. I’m Danie, a Queer Intimacy Coach here to hang out like we’re on facetime and openly share about my embarrassing, funny, and sometimes heart warming lessons in sex and love.

    Join me as I melt shame and shed light on intimate topics that we’re told shouldn’t be talked about in public.

    Let’s get Kinda Personal!

  • Welcome to the ADHD and Me podcast. Husband and wife, Joe and Jenn, discuss navigating relationships, jobs, mental health, and more all while being neurodivergent.

  • I'll Be Right Over Here: The Wingman Podcast is hosted by comedian, author of "Memoirs of Wingman" Steve Guy and fun-loving, say-anything personality Rebecca Maxwell (owner of multiple viral TikTok videos regarding relationships, sex, and dating). Together the two talk about topics relevant to improving your love, dating and social lives and provide advice and insight from their own lives and occasional guests. Whether you're single, taken, or even married, male or female, the Wingman Podcast is here for you! Support this podcast:

  • Välkommen till "Bra vibrationer - med Kikki & Sulo", podcasten som är fylld med skratt, skönt snack och äkta vänskap! Här bjuder svenska countryikonen Kikki Danielsson och hennes kompis och musikaliske följeslagare, Sulo Karlsson, in lyssnarna till samtal om livet, karriären, musiken och minnen – emellanåt får vi också möta roliga gäster. 

  • Tämä on Mediapodi – keskusteluja median tulevaisuudesta!

    Miten tekoäly vaikuttaa media-alaan? Millaista sisältöä tulemme tulevaisuudessa kuluttamaan? Mitä ovat media-alan osaamistarpeet vuonna 2035? Kuinka resilienttejä media-alan yritykset ovat? Minkälainen data on arvokasta? Entä mistä media-alan kilpailukyky syntyy tulevaisuudessa?

    Sarjassa pohditaan myös, miksi kenenkään ei tulisi tahallaan pysyä uutispimennossa. Mikä oikeastaan on journalismin tehtävä tänä päivänä ja mitä arvoa se luo yksilölle? Mikä on vastuullisen median merkitys demokratialle?

    Mediapodi perustuu media-alan tutkimussäätiön tilaamaan media 2035 -tulevaisuusselvitykseen, jossa pureuduttiin alan tulevaisuuteen neljän eri skenaarion kautta ja rakennettiin tiekartta skenaarioiden hyödyntämiseen.

    Sarjaa juontaa media-alan tutkimussäätiön johtaja ja Medialiiton uuden kasvun johtaja Noora Alanne.


  • Demokratian paikat on sarja, jossa puhutaan demokratiasta arkisissa ympäristöissä. Jokainen meistä elää erilaisissa demokratian tiloissa, joita löytyy niin sosiaalisesta mediasta, toreilta kuin kodin seinien sisältä.

    Miten demokratian normeja pitäisi laajentaa, että yhä useampi ihminen voisi kokea osallisuutta yhteiskunnassa?

    Podcastin taustalla on Helsingin yliopiston Centre for Sociology of Democracy eli CSD, joka on uteliaiden sosiologien tutkimusryhmä. Sarjan juontaa toimittaja Hanna Asikainen ja sen on tuottanut Jaksomedia.

    Podcastin mahdollistavat Koneen Säätiö ja Euroopan tutkimusneuvosto ERC.

    Spaces of Democracy is a podcast about democracy in our everyday surroundings. The series is presented by The Centre for Sociology of Democracy, CSD, which is a group of curious sociologists. The series is funded by the Kone Foundation and the European Research Council.

  • Arguably the most famous vibrator, Magic Wand has improved the sex lives of millions of people over the past 56 years. More importantly, it has shaped how we think about, talk about, and depict sex more broadly in society. Making Magic, a limited audio series, examines the legacy of Magic Wand and its significant impact on society's acceptance of pleasure. The series connects listeners to the stories of people whose lives have been changed by this vibrator. Magic Wand's illustrious history is told by sex writer and podcaster Kate Sloan and features over 30 sex and relationship experts such as Dr. Carol Queen, Stoya, Zoe Ligon, Hallie Lieberman, Dr. Laurie Mintz, Alice Lovegood, Tristan Taormino, Elle Chase, Tina Horn, Lorrae Bradbury, Danarama, Sexsmith Sinclair, and more.

  • Join us for a fresh look with fresh content and fresh guests! We’ll explore different topics and delve into Finnish culture through conversations with new and exciting Guest. Make sure to subscribe and stay tuned for more!

  • Шоу об искусстве, культуре и людях, которые их создают.

    Привет, я Катерина Китаева – музыкант, режиссер и продюсер. У себя в подкасте я изучаю культурные феномены и истории тех, кто создает искусство. Рассказываю как творцы и большие личности повлияли на общество, в котором мы живем.




    Сотрудничество: [email protected]

    *Instagram является продуктом Meta, эта организация признана экстремистской и запрещена на территории России.

  • Aither är en podcast för nordisk litteraturkritik som finansieras av Nordic Culture Point. I Aither samtalar kritiker från tre nordiska tidskrifter – ATLAS, Ord&Bild och Vagant. Alla tre är tidskrifter om och med kritik, litteratur och samtid. Medverkande i podden är Sigrid Kraglund Adamsson, översättare, litteraturkritiker och redaktör för tidskriften ATLAS, Helena Fagertun, översättare, redaktör och kritiker i bland annat Ord&Bild och Audun Lindholm, chefredaktör för Vagant, förläggare och litteraturkritiker.

    Ljud och mixning: Josefine Maria Hansen

  • Asking the foundational questions.Philosophy & Theory | AI & CogSci

  • The human podcast is a comedy podcast where we cover news reddit stuff and sometimes I release my standup here.

  • Podcastissa pureudutaan pääasiassa suomalaisen metsäduunarin ja yrittäjän näkökulmaan metsäalasta ja puunkorjuusta. Mukaan pääsevät myös metsänomistajat, korjuukaluston kanssa puuhailevat ja muut metsään liittyvät ihmiset.

  • Welcome to the Life Studio! I am your host Daniela Rolón, and I'm so excited to share this special project with you. On this show, you will hear different guests talk about their lives, their goals, and the lessons they've learned that have shaped who they are now. It's one-on-one conversations to build connections with the guests and listeners.

  • Janet Boynes’ story is one of struggling and overcoming drug addiction, eating disorders, homosexuality, depression, and thoughts of suicide.

    You may be struggling with many of the same things. By the grace of God, Janet Boynes survived. She realized that if God could help her, He could help and heal many others as well. Get encouragement and inspiration from her powerful story. This will help and equip you on your journey to freedom and healing.

    You might be able to relate to many of the people that Janet has interviewed on the podcast. Our hope is that you will draw strength from God through these powerful testimonies. God's word reminds us, “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free”. John 8:32 NIV

    We believe that when you know better, you will do better. What God has done for Janet and many others, He will also do for you and your loved ones.

  • in "Feminism Everyday" you read about sexism ,gender and women's rights. About the application of feminism in women's everyday life.

  • پادکست گفت و گو محور فارسی
    دغدغه های معمولی دو نوجوون ۱۶ ساله ایرونی

  • A guide to everything a sophisticated gentleman needs in his life. With new guests each week, your host, James, discusses style, dating, where to live, what to do, and what not to do.

  • The podcast to understand power relations in cities. The podcast welcomes a new guest every time to talk about the struggles at play in cities. A wide range of topics are discussed: race, sport, nationalism, migration, tourism, architecture, surveillance etc.