Society & Culture – Singapore – New podcasts

  • What makes you a heretic? Journalist Andrew Gold believes that, in an age of group-think and tribes, we need heretics - those who use unconventional wisdom to speak out against their own groups, from cancelled comedians and radical feminists to cult defectors and vigilantes hunting deviants.

    Learn from my guests how to rebel, think differently and resist social contagion. From Triggernometry's Francis Foster and the world's most cancelled man Graham Linehan to ex-Hasidic Jew Julia Haart and gender critical atheist Richard Dawkins. These are the people living with the weight of their own community's disappointment on their shoulders.

  • The ELC is a podcast about embodiment as a primary vehicle for personal healing, liberation from oppression, and ancestral trauma. Hosted by T. Aisha Edwards, Kaila June, and Chris Morita Clancy, all somatic educators and healers with backgrounds ranging from mental health to movement science. These three explore trauma healing, guide vulnerable conversations with thought leaders and social justice activists, offer stories and poetry, lead embodiment practices and so much more. In these troubling times, Emergent Liberation Collective guides us toward a radical future centered in hope.

  • You’ve probably heard a story about Congresswoman Lauren Boebert. Like, how she got kicked out of a production of “Beetlejuice” for vaping and groping her date. Or, where she really was on January 6th. Whether you believe in her or despise her, it's hard not to watch her meteoric rise and wonder: What does it mean for the future of American Politics?

    Host Bree Davies and Executive Producer Paul Karolyi have been covering Boebert’s wildest moments on the daily news podcast City Cast Denver for years. And with only a month until her make-or-break primary on June 25, they’re talking to former friends and rivals, supporters and detractors, real people throughout the state who have been affected by her work in Congress, and hopefully Lauren herself for a new limited series from City Cast.

    Because no matter how you feel about her, you have to admit, it feels like Lauren Boebert Can’t Lose.

    Subscribe to Lauren Boebert Can’t Lose wherever you get your podcasts, and for more news on Denver, check out City Cast Denver and the Hey Denver newsletter.

  • The Tom Fraser Podcast features interviews with global leaders about how to build organizations. From New York to Singapore, Fraser talks with public and private sector leaders about economic development, conservation, parks, gardens, museums, culture and the performing arts.

  • Paris Luxury Tours is a responsible and dependable private tour operator offering the private Paris tour and escorted France tour packages. With the experience of living in France, their tour guides allow travelers of any kind experience the City of Light and beautiful sites in the French countryside in the best way as possible. They aim to let travelers understand the history and romance of its creation and evolution.

  • On The Irish Australia Podcast, we interview Irish people living in Australia and get their stories of how they ended up in Australia and what they are up to now. 

    Through their stories and experiences, our guests provide valuable advice to people just coming out to Australia or to those who have decided to stay in Australia for the long term.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Bienvenue dans le podcast de Cercle des Voyages, l'émission pour vous accompagner dans la préparation de vos futures aventures.

    Cercle des Voyages est une agence de voyages sur-mesure. Dans ce podcast, nous allons prolonger ce que nous faisons au quotidien : vous accompagner dans la préparation de votre prochain voyage. Dans chaque épisode, l’un de nos spécialistes vous parle d’une destination, d’une aventure ou d’un thème de voyages.

    Nos conseillers spécialistes ont vécu ou grandi dans les destinations qu'ils représentent, ou ont exploré ces contrées à maintes reprises, forgeant ainsi une connaissance approfondie et une compréhension intime des cultures locales.

    Des steppes péruviennes aux paysages enneigés de Laponie en passant par les plus belles croisières du monde. Conseils pratiques, recommandations, astuces et bon plans : restez à l’écoute !

    Et pour prolonger le voyage, rendez-vous sur pour poser toutes vos questions à nos conseillers spécialistes.

    Présentation : Rose-Marie Farrugia
    Enregistrement et production : Célia Cailliaux

  • Equality starts at home.
    Let the hosts of “The Everyday Feminist” show you how being mindful of the simple acts of daily life can change your relationships for the better!

    With: Lois Volta, owner and operator of the feminist domestics firm Volta Naturals, and author of “Confessions of a Cleaning Woman” -and- clinical psychologist, teacher, mentor, and executive advisor, Dr. Stephanie Heck.

    "The Everyday Feminist" airs live weekly on Sundays from 5-6pm on G-town Radio in Philadelphia. It can be heard on the air at 92.9FM, online at, and on most podcast platforms.

  • 身為兩個孩子的母親,深刻體會親子關係是人世間最難處理又割捨不掉的關係希望用生活占星的方式來聊聊占星對日常生活以及對人生、人際關係的啟發和影響⭐️本命星盤、流年運勢、靈魂占星、親子占星、換置占星(旅居)🗺️、醫學占星如果你也有遭逢類似的經歷,歡迎留言或來信與我分享。**請關注臉書和IG帳號**臉書: Celine 捨令占星工坊 IG帳號: Celine_Astrology 如預諮詢,請填寫表單: [email protected] provided by SoundOn

  • 『抱怨俱樂部 / 解決才算數』

    Powered by Firstory Hosting

  • Il y a 3 ans, quelques mois après mon installation à Singapour, je suis atteinte d’une lésion nerveuse. Je m'appelle Julie Moulin, je suis autrice, j’aime sillonner le monde et je me retrouve à passer des heures sans bouger. Forcée à l’immobilité, je lis. Et en lisant, je reprends mon exploration de l’île. En lisant, je suis de nouveau en mouvement. C’est cette découverte de Singapour, au travers d’auteurs locaux, que je voudrais vous raconter. À écouter en marchant, en roulant, en volant, ou allongé.e sur un lit ou un canapé.

    Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

  • 猛男勃士Expolde 頻道的目的在於生活的紀錄,一個關於猛男行業的酸甜苦辣鹹,帶聽眾體驗99.9%不為人知的親身經歷 想對猛男說什麼話,在這留言就對啦❤️ 官方IG: 卡卡洛斯IG: 阿良IG: 合作邀約及其他業務配合請洽:[email protected] -- Hosting provided by SoundOn Powered by Firstory Hosting

    Powered by Firstory Hosting

  • Sustainable Planet is a podcast hosted by political scientists Michael Baranowski and Kimberly Weir. Both Michael and Kimberly are PhDs with decades of experience as university professors. Delivered to you each week, they examine the issues that impact the future of our planet and discuss ways we can live more sustainable lives. With combined expertise in American and international policy and politics, they take a deep dive into the economic, political, sociocultural, and environmental aspects of sustainability and development, covering topics including consumerism, climate change, waste, and food, water, raw material, and energy security and conservation.

  • This American Ex-Wife. The podcast where we discuss the state of American heterosexual marriage. And by state I mean trash fire. Host Lyz Lenz sits down with a cast of women to talk about their divorces, their journeys and unpacks an institution many take part in but few talk about: divorce.Hear from writers like Maggie Smith and Minda Honey. A sociologist who studies marriages disparate impact on Black women. And of course some insight from Lyz’s divorce lawyer.Produced by Zachary Oren Smith. Illustration by Alessandro Gottardo . Show art by Suzanne Glémot.

  • “Ngại” không chỉ đơn giản là một từ, nó còn là vấn đề của rất nhiều người hiện nay. Đối với trải nghiệm của mình, “Ngại” đã khiến mình bỏ lỡ nhiều cơ hội tiềm năng trong quá khứ, hay thậm chí là đánh mất chính bản thân mình. Chính vì thế Gen Z “Ngại” Gì (?) đã ra đời, để cá nhân mình nói riêng (cũng như gen Z nói chung) truyền cảm hứng, thúc đẩy mọi người tiến gần với những điều mọi người muốn làm và cùng nhau “bước ra khỏi vùng an toàn”.

  • Amy Douglas is a traditional oral storyteller, celebrating 30 years of telling stories. As a teenager and young woman, she apprenticed with the legendary Duncan Williamson, master storyteller and ballad singer from the Scottish Traveller tradition.

  • It’s early December 2014, and at the Hyatt Regency hotel in Rosemont, Illinois, an unusual gathering is taking place. It’s the final night of Midwest Furfest, the world’s largest convention for a subculture known as Furries.
    The party is in full swing when, just after midnight, attendees suddenly find themselves struggling to breathe. Something terrible has happened: poisonous levels of chlorine gas are sweeping through the hotel corridors.
    Nineteen people are hospitalized and hundreds are evacuated into the freezing cold, many still wearing their colorful anthropomorphic animal costumes, or fursuits. Hazmat teams trace the gas to a stairwell, where they find the remains of a chemical bomb. This was an intentional attack.
    But almost a decade later, the identity of the perpetrator remains a mystery. In Fur and Loathing, investigative reporter Nicky Woolf takes on the unsolved case, working closely with Furries to find answers. It’s a journey that will bring him face-to-face with the challenges this vibrant, often misunderstood subculture faces – including the far-right extremists looking to wreck the community from within.
    Fur and Loathing, coming soon from Brazen.

  • Nick Solaczek knows the intricacies of love aren't always easy to navigate. As a Certified IMAGO Relationship Coach, Nick has helped couples all over the world improve the quality of their relationships. Now, he's bringing his wealth of experience directly to you through "Highly Successful Couples." This podcast isn't your average relationship advice show. It's a deep dive into the real problems couples face, offering no fluff, just real, actionable solutions. Whether you're struggling with communication, seeking to reignite that lost spark, or simply aiming to deepen your connection, Nick is here to guide you. Drawing on techniques like safe conversations, mindfulness, and authenticity, each episode is crafted to help you and your partner grow together.

  • A conversational podcast about art, science, religion, psychology, history, culture, nature, magic and more. Hosted by Josh Mortensen.

  • Our Queer Impact is the weekly podcast that interviews inspiring LGBTQIA+ people leading change across various industries in art, tech, crypto, finance, and more in Singapore.