Fiction – Poland – New podcasts

  • What makes you a heretic? Journalist Andrew Gold believes that, in an age of group-think and tribes, we need heretics - those who use unconventional wisdom to speak out against their own groups, from cancelled comedians and radical feminists to cult defectors and vigilantes hunting deviants.

    Learn from my guests how to rebel, think differently and resist social contagion. From Triggernometry's Francis Foster and the world's most cancelled man Graham Linehan to ex-Hasidic Jew Julia Haart and gender critical atheist Richard Dawkins. These are the people living with the weight of their own community's disappointment on their shoulders.

  • When former college roommates Joanne and Britt join up for a hike in the Colorado Rockies on Joanne's 25th birthday, they're prepared for a light, fun, 4-hour walk culminating in delicious birthday barbecue. But when they decide to follow a mysterious arrow in the woods, things take a turn for the bizarre.

    With not much more than lipstick, dental floss and their own senses of humor to get them through, will they survive against Mother Nature, unexplained occurrences, and an abandoned town that may not be abandoned after all?

  • Welcome to the Foggy Jack Live Podcast, where vintage horror radio comes to life! Each week, we delve into classic horror programs, bringing you spine-chilling tales from the golden age of radio. From ghostly apparitions to monstrous creatures, our curated collection promises to transport you to a time when storytelling was an art. Join us weekly as we resurrect the forgotten terrors of yesteryear. Tune in, if you dare, and let Foggy Jack guide you through radio's darkest nights.

  • Witam na kanale Sex Talk, gdzie będę czytał opowiadania erotyczne mojego autorstwa.
    Jeżeli masz ochotę na pikantną historię lub czujesz się samotny dzisiejszego wieczoru...

  • Pismo sądowe, Matka Boska Fatimska, Mokotowskie Dziki czyli wszystkie pracowe historie Bezrobotnej Prowadzącej. Odpinamy wrotki i dzielimy się doklejonymi przygodami z pracy w bezpiecznym siostrzanym środowisku.

  • Znajdziecie tu nagrania dźwiękowe klasycznych opowiadań i powieści sf oraz fantasy. Podkast ten powstał jako odgałęzienie mojego głównego podkastu, czyli Grysława, w którym od 2015 omawiam wraz z zaproszonymi gośćmi branżę gier.

    "Rysław Czyta" powstał jako reakcja na sugestie widzów, którzy pisali wielokrotnie, iż chętnie posłuchaliby jakichś książek i opowiadań w moim wykonaniu.

    Nie jestem oczywiście zawodowym lektorem ani aktorem, więc podchodzę do sprawy z pozycji amatora, ale pełnego pasji. Zapraszam!

  • An LGBTQ+ D&D podcast, New episodes on Tuesdays on Spotify / Amazon Music / Apple Podcast / Google Podcast / Samsung Podcast / Podchaser / JioSaavn / Deezer

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    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Самый тёплый подкаст про современную литературу.

    Подкаст, который создается при поддержке выдуманных мужиков, отборного книжного стекла и самых спорных современных литературных гилти-плеже. Подкаст про книги, содержание которых проще обсудить с незнакомцами в интернете, чем с близкими людьми.

    А ведем его мы. Две журналистки, подруги и любительницы почитать — Лера и Аля.

    Те самые девчонки, для которых фраза «‎ещё одну страничку и спать» не мем, а жизнь. Которые на вопрос «что ты любишь читать?» нервно пытаются вспомнить какие жанры и предупреждения фикбука безопасно называть вслух.

    Ну а если серьезно: в каждом эпизоде подкаста «‎Книжный ворм» мы рассказываем про одну книгу, которая по каким-то причинам относится к нашим литературным гилти-плеже. Обсуждаем эти причины, разбираем почему тАкОе можно и нужно читать.

    Иногда пристрастно, но всегда честно, смешно и с любовью.

    Для лиц старше 18 лет.

  • „Jak być (nie) mogło” to podcast, w którym dr Jerzy Stachowicz i dr Agnieszka Haska opowiadają o literaturze fantastycznonaukowej przed 1939 rokiem; o tym jak przedwojenni autorzy i autorki wyobrażali sobie przyszłość Polski i świata, a także o tym, jakie poruszane przez nich problemy są aktualne do dziś.

    Podcast zrealizowano w ramach grantu w działaniu 3.3.2 „Promocja badań naukowych”, realizowanego w ramach programu „Inicjatywa Doskonałości - Uczelnia Badawcza” Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego.

  • The heroes have returned! Join Adam Bradford, Hope Lavelle, B. Dave Walters, Meagan Kenreck, Lauren Urban, and Jennifer Kretchmer as they are led on a multi-plane adventure springing from the mind of Dungeon Master Todd Kenreck. Streaming live on Twitch every Tuesday at 6pm Pacific, or via podcast the following week!

  • Welcome to my podcast. Di podcast ini saya akan membahas segala kejadian ataupun cerita-cerita horror yang akan menjadikan siaran hiburan seru bagi kalian. So tunggu apalagi tunggu saya setiap malam kamis pukul 19.00 WIB. A FUTURE PODCAST ARE HERE!

  • - 1000+ audiobooks, all ad free!

    From the author’s introduction: "Blake’s life of Blake … would have been full of symbolic wild beasts and naked women, of monstrous clouds and colossal temples; and it would all have been highly incomprehensible, but none of it would have been irrelevant. All the biggest events of Blake’s life would have happened before he was born. But, on consideration, I think it will be better to tell the tale of Blake’s life first and go back to his century afterwards. It is not, indeed, easy to resist temptation, for there was much to be said about Blake before he existed. But I will resist the temptation and begin with the facts."

  • Cooking and culture, intrigue and debt. Follow food journalist Oscar Yasui on a relativistic road trip.

    Gastronaut is a narrative science fiction podcast about a food journalist’s galactic misadventures.

    Gastronaut airs at the end of every month.

  • From the writer of the #1 Podcast OUTLIERS and the new psychological thriller Podcast, GREETINGS FROM SALTON SEA. In 1961, at the height of the Cold War, an enigmatic CIA operative investigates the source of a mysterious shortwave signal—generated either by Russian double agents/spies and their handlers or originating from extraterrestrial aliens/UFOs, or both—and systematically tracks the source in order to disrupt the possible activation of a thermonuclear “dead man’s switch.” At the same time, a plucky young woman fights to rescue her younger brother—who has the ability to see alien “insect people”—from the clutches of ill-intentioned “government doctors,” while a dogged radio host in Dayton, Ohio uses his UFO-focused show to expose ongoing government-sanctioned conspiracies to hide the fact that extraterrestrial aliens not only exist, but are already living amongst us. Created by Cassandra Wells & Charley Randazzo Written by Cassandra Wells Produced by Fred Greenhalgh and Marco Palmieri Executive Producers: Cassandra Wells, Daniel Kaemon, Molly Barton, and Julian Yap Directed by Charley Randazzo Post-Production Producer: Daniel Kaemon Production Manager: Devin Shepherd Production Coordinator: Angela Yih Sound Design & Editing: Charley Randazzo Music by Quiet on the Set Additional cover art by Heather Mason Executive in charge for Realm: Mary Assadullahi Starring Daniel Kaemon as Swan Perry King as Colonel Sobek Marta Cross as Becky Adam J. Smith as Phillips and Michaels Tracy Winters as Rosemary and Matron and Dr. Elsa Time Winters as Professor Vanyushin and Farmer Harry Gwillim as Timmy Tom Beyer as Dr. Neely and Attendant Jeff Blumberg as Evan Bell Mark Irvingsen as Norman Thorne and Uncle Cole Jaxon Gwillim as Dr. Foley Jennifer Taub as Nurse and Female Voice and Operator

  • When anyone asks Audrey why she moved to Alaska, she tells them for a fresh start. But a lot of the people in Alaska are hiding from something. And Audrey is no different. When she journeyed to Alaska, she found something even more dangerous. Maybe we feel the uncanny valley because long ago, we had to fear something that pretended to be human. 

  • Camlann is a post-apocalyptic fantasy by Ella Watts from Tin Can Audio. It’s a serialised fiction podcast inspired by folklore and Arthurian legends. Alternatively - it’s about three idiots and a dog in Wales, fighting for their lives. This series was funded by Creative Scotland and the Inevitable Foundation.

  • Hi, we're Sean and Vib and together host Expertise is Overrated, the podcast that takes the time to answer those questions you didn't know you didn't want the answers to.

  • Erotyczne ( i nie tylko ) opowiadania ze świata fantasy i science-fiction. Tylko po Polsku. Bez pruderii lecz w dobrym smaku. Fantasy. SF. Erotyka.BDSM.

  • Travelling Light is a science fantasy podcast from the creator of Monstrous Agonies. Follow the Traveller on their journey through the stars as they collect stories for their community archive, and help shape their world through audience submissions and choose-your-own-adventure decision making.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Piszę straszne historie i później je sobie czytam (kiepsko)

    mail: [email protected]

  • Witajcie w "Tajemnicze Loty – podcast, który powstał z pasji jednej osoby do tworzenia autorskich historii w klimacie kosmicznego horroru . Tutaj każdy odcinek to podróż w nieznane, gdzie znajome potwory kosmiczne mieszać się będą z zupełnie nowymi. Wszyto to w fascynujących pełnych akcji opowieściach
    Podkład dźwiękowy , dzięki uprzejmości