• Štiri četrtine življenja skozi oči in besede Gorana.

  • Pogovori o zavesti, vesolju, drogah, naši kulturi, tehnologiji in prihodnosti človeštva ...

    Pogovori o idejah. Vodi Klemen Selakovič.

  • This is not your typical parenting podcast. It is a podcast about raising the parent as much as it is about raising our children. 
    Join Dr. Shefali, the pioneer of conscious parenting, New York Times bestselling author, clinical psychologist, and Oprah’s favorite parenting expert, as she engages in raw and heartfelt conversations with parents in real time. Dr. Shefali tackles everyday parenting challenges by offering conscious tools and strategies to raise empowered and resilient children. She helps parents overcome obstacles that get in the way of creating authentic connections with their kids. 
    No matter what struggles you have, you will receive profound wisdom that will resonate deeply with your own life experiences.
    If you would like to be a guest on this podcast and receive parenting advice from Dr. Shefali, please go to http://www.drshefali.com/podcast. You can also email us at [email protected].

  • Mihilizem je pogovorni podkast, ki mu nikakor ne smete verjeti, saj je žlahtni nejeveri pravzaprav namenjen. S pametnimi ljudmi govori o tistih neumnostih sveta, ki se jim preudarni, servilni in zato popularni vzdrževalci obstoječe religije neskončne gospodarske rasti, ki krasijo naslovnice in ekrane, z razlogom izogibajo.

  • Ciril, Jure, Saša in Seba. Verjamemo v svobodo odprte ceste in v večni navdih sveta zobnikov, ognja v valjih, električnega udara, moči jekla in karbona. To je misija v jedro vrtinca mobilnosti.

  • Ne boste verjeli, kje vse uspevajo Slovenci.

  • Radio Ga Ga – nova generacija vsak petek dopoldan razkriva aktualno družbeno-politično dogajanje pri nas in v svetu ter vam postreže s pestrim naborom unikatnih imitacij. S svojo duhovitostjo in ostrim pogledom prinaša zabavo, smeh in razmislek o dogodkih poslušalcem vseh generacij. Bodite del petkove zabave na Prvem.

  • A few years ago I was a broke, university dropout, at 18 I built an industry leading social media marketing company, and at 27 I resigned as CEO. At 28 I co-founded Flight Story – a marketing and communications company, and thirdweb - a software platform, making it easy to build web3 applications. I then launched private equity fund, Flight Fund, to accelerate the next generation of European unicorns. During this time I decided to launch 'The Diary Of A CEO' podcast with the simple mission of providing an unfiltered journey into the remarkable stories and untold dimensions of the world’s most influential people, experts and thinkers. Thank you for listening.
    My New Book: https://g2ul0.app.link/DOAC
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/steven
    LI: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stevenbartlett-123

  • Pravljice iz domače in svetovne literature za vsako noč. Ena najstarejših oddaj otroškega in mladinskega programa Radia Slovenija. Na videz obrobna oddaja opravlja veliko kulturno poslanstvo. Najmlajše poslušalce vodi v svet domišljije v izbrani govorici gledaliških igralcev in igralk.

  • Know-How osebnih financ. Podcast o upravljanju denarja. Finančne novosti. Borza. Nepremičnine. Trendi. Pogovore vodi Marja Milič, avtorica več kot tisoč člankov o osebnih financah, dolgoletna urednica finančni vsebin.

  • O tem in onem, predvsem pa o NBA ligi in košarki. Trije športni komentatorji se dvakrat na mesec podajajo v globine najlepše moštvene igre na svetu. Pa še Dončić in Dragić jo igrata.

  • Priduži se mi na poti odkrivanja skrivnosti do sreče.

  • Jure Godler in Anže Tomić opazujeta. Življenje.

  • Kolesarski podkast Vala 202 ustvarjamo športni novinarji, ki zlato dobo slovenskega kolesarstva spremljamo iz prve vrste, na terenu. Prisotni smo na vseh pomembnejših klasikah, spomenikih, tritedenskih dirkah, tudi na svetovnih prvenstvih in olimpijskih igrah. Zato vam lahko ponudimo preverjene informacije, relevantne analize, gostimo ključne kolesarske akterje. Zanimivo, zabavno, tudi poučno. V zlati dobi slovenskega kolesarstva je to športni podkast, ki ne razočara.

  • Lovim ravnotežje, najbolj poslušan slovenski podjetniški podcast, od leta 2019 vodi Nina Gaspari, podjetnica, kolumnistka in avtorica knjige Lovim svoje ravnotežje. Skozi sproščene in nefiltrirane pogovore z gostjami in gosti, ki presegajo ustaljene okvirje, boste doživeli smeh, solze in vse vmes. Vsak petek vas v podcast aplikaciji pričaka sveža epizoda, zato si s prijavo zagotovite, da jo boste hitro ujeli. Želite več? Spremljajte @ninagaspari in pokukajte v zakulisje ustvarjanja svojega najljubšega podcast kanala.

  • LD;GD je podkast, ki nikogar ne podcenjuje in ničesar ne jemlje preveč resno. Še posebej ne politike. Vaši gostitelji smo Aljaž Pengov Bitenc (Radio Kaos), Nataša Briški (Metina lista), privatnik Antiša Korljan in Andraž Zorko (Valicon).

  • Pogovori in razmišljanja o duševnem zdravju in destigmatizaciji, o izzivih, stresu in tesnobi. Obenem pa o lepotah življenja, o zdravju in bolezni in o vseh krasnih življenjskih naukih, ki nam pomagajo rasti, se razvijati in živeti. Podcast vodi zdravnik David Zupančič.

  • Poslovne krivulje valovijo med povpraševanjem in ponudbo. Od ideje do uspeha je morda ključna prav prava informacija. Zato Poslovne krivulje opozarjajo na priložnosti, nove trge, investicije in razpise.

  • Podkast o aktualnih političnih vprašanjih, kjer Delovi novinarki sprašujeta kompetentne analitike in politične voditelje. Gre za pogovorno oddajo, kjer novinarki z gostom soočata različna mnenja, ugotovitve ali informacije in na podlagi tega gostov ter gledalcem in poslušalcem ponudimo kredibilne informacije na podlagi katerih si izoblikujejo mnenje.

    Voditeljici: Suzana Kos in Barbara Eržen

  • Slikovita prispodoba v naslovu dolgoletne petkove oddaje na Valu 202 pove na kratko vse o njeni vsebini. Med kronističnim registriranjem dogodkov avtorji po pomembnosti in svoji presoji izločijo in ožamejo bistvo.

  • Huberman Lab discusses neuroscience — how our brain and its connections with the organs of our body control our perceptions, our behaviors, and our health. We also discuss existing and emerging tools for measuring and changing how our nervous system works.
    Andrew Huberman, Ph.D., is a neuroscientist and tenured professor in the department of neurobiology, and by courtesy, psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford School of Medicine. He has made numerous significant contributions to the fields of brain development, brain function and neural plasticity, which is the ability of our nervous system to rewire and learn new behaviors, skills and cognitive functioning. 
    Huberman is a McKnight Foundation and Pew Foundation Fellow and was awarded the Cogan Award, given to the scientist making the most significant discoveries in the study of vision, in 2017. His lab’s most recent work focuses on the influence of vision and respiration on human performance and brain states such as fear and courage. He also works on neural regeneration and directs a clinical trial to promote visual restoration in diseases that cause blindness. Huberman is also actively involved in developing tools now in use by the elite military in the U.S. and Canada, athletes, and technology industries to optimize performance in high stress environments, enhance neural plasticity, mitigate stress and optimize sleep.  
    Work from the Huberman Laboratory at Stanford School of Medicine has been published in top journals including Nature, Science and Cell and has been featured in TIME, BBC, Scientific American, Discover and other top media outlets. 
    In 2021, Dr. Huberman launched the Huberman Lab podcast. The podcast is frequently ranked in the top 5 of all podcasts globally and is often ranked #1 in the categories of Science, Education, and Health & Fitness.

  • Živimo v času, ko na internetu vsak ve vse … razen Sašo Stare in Aleš Novak … onadva ne vesta nič! V tem podkastu, se bosta z gostom pogovarjala o tem, česar ne vedo. No, eden ve, dva pa ne vesta. A veste? Če nas poslušate, boste v družbi ravno vi tisti, ki vedno reče: “A res, tega ne veš?”

  • Podkast o aktualnem dogajanju v svetu tehnologije in tehnična podpora za slehernika.

  • The official podcast of comedian Joe Rogan.

  • Metropolitan je mesto odličnih zgodb in njegov podkast ni nič drugačen! Za vas smo pripravili sproščene in zanimive pogovore #obskodelicikave, preko katerih boste spoznali raznolike življenjske sloge. Vse to v čisto novi seriji Metropolitan podkastov.

  • Podkast Vala 202 z dodano vrednostjo. Poglobljeno in angažirano pripovedujemo zgodbe. Originalnih junakov, izjemnih dogodkov, drobnih in velikih zapletov. Zgodbe nekega časa, življenja in družbe.

  • V prenesenem pomenu lahko govorimo o svetu znanosti, tehnike, vesolja, jezika, vzgoje, prava, matematike, preteklosti itd. Oziramo se za tistimi vsebinami, ki so nam potrebne ali koristne v “realnem času”.

  • CHLANI. Prebrano »člani«, ne pa klani. Ampak člani česa? Ne, ne … Tukaj ne gre za članstvo v klubu ali organizaciji, niti v klanu. »Član« je slengovska beseda, ki jo predvsem mladi zelo pogosto uporabljajo na najlepšem delu Slovenije – na Obali. Torej, ker ste tukaj, naj vam izrečeva dobrodošlico: »Kje ste, člani!« Ogrodje novega slovenskega podcasta sestavljamo 2 mlada ustvarjalca. Zaradi bližine, ki smo jo med seboj ustvarili s pogostim druženjem in delom, podcastu zagotovimo avtentičnost in poskrbimo za sproščeno dinamiko. Na pocastih se nam pogosto pridružijo še zanimivi gosti, – znani in manj znani – ki popestrijo epizode s svojim unikatnim pogledom na življenje in atraktivno osebnostjo. Teme, ki jih obravnavamo, so lahko absurdne in nenavadne, vsekakor pa se dotaknemo tudi življenjskih tem.

  • Follow along Alex Cooper and the Daddy Gang as they exploit the details of their lives, making you feel a hell of a lot better about yours. Relationships, sex, social scenes, embarrassing moments, and more are all addressed here on CALL HER DADDY. See you f****** Wednesday.

  • Kaj nam o spreminjajočem se svetu povedo tisti, ki se z njim soočajo skozi posel? Kakšen je njihov uvid v razvoj Slovenije? Kako razmišljajo o gospodarskih, družbenih in tehnoloških trendih? Pogovori, ki odstirajo zanimive plati vodenja, razvoja podjetja, izzivov, predvsem pa razmišljanja in osebnosti menedžerjev.

  • Podkasti ekipe 24ur z najbolj vročimi gosti s sveta zabave, športa, novic in aktualnih zgodb

  • Novice in aktualne zgodbe z vsega sveta, ki jih pripravljajo naši dopisniki in sodelavci. 18. vzporednik je pogovor s poročevalci iz vseh večjih evropskih in nekaterih svetovnih prestolnic.

  • Veš unu, ka greš u kevdr s kolegi, pa se menš kr neki, k nasledno jutro use pozabs?
    Podcast o 2,5 dolenjca (1 prženjen), ki v kevdru ene od dolenjski zidanic ob narezku in kozarčku rujnega rdečega debatirajo o raznovrstnih temah in dogodkih... sami ali v družbi imenitnih gostov...

  • Oddaja za legitimno preživljanje prostega časa, kjer Boštjan Gorenc Pižama in Anže Tomić uživata v klasičnih filmskih mojstrovinah, ki jih nikoli prej nista imela časa ali volje pogledati.

  • VSE JE V REDU je podkast o duševnem zdravju, iskanju navdiha in notranjega miru, o premagovanju strahov in grajenju zaupanja vase in v življenje. Vodi ga Vida Igličar, grafična oblikovalka, ilustratorka in avtorica knjig, ki skozi izzive, ki ji jih življenje prinese na pot, aktivno in kreativno išče pot naprej. Razkriva svojo ranljivost in deli na lastni koži preizkušene rešitve in spoznanja. Podkast podira tabuje, pripomore k zmanjševanju stigme na področju duševnega zdravja, ponuja uvid, da v stiski nisi sam/a in da ne le da bo vse v redu, ampak da je vse v redu že zdaj, točno tako, kot je.

  • Oddaja za tiste, ki to niste! Miha Šalehar se spopada s temami, ki nikogar ne pustijo mlačnega! Vse tisto, kar ste na drugih radijih iskali zaman! Ustvarjajte oddajo z nami – na 01/475 22 02 in na #toplovod

  • Conversations about science, technology, history, philosophy and the nature of intelligence, consciousness, love, and power. Lex is an AI researcher at MIT and beyond.

  • Torkovo dopoldne je rezervirano za soočenje različnih pogledov na aktualne dogodke, ki iz tedna v teden spreminjajo svet, pa tega velikokrat sploh ne opazimo. Gostje Intelekte so ugledni strokovnjaki iz gospodarstva, znanosti, kulture, politike in drugih področij. Oddaja skuša širokemu občinstvu ponuditi kritično mnenje o ključnih dejavnikih globalnega in lokalnega okolja.

  • Poljudna oddaja, v kateri vas popeljemo med vznemirljiva vprašanja in odkritja moderne znanosti, s katerimi se raziskovalci v tem trenutku spopadajo v svojih glavah in laboratorijih.

  • Every weekday, TED Talks Daily brings you the latest talks in audio. Join host and journalist Elise Hu for thought-provoking ideas on every subject imaginable — from Artificial Intelligence to Zoology, and everything in between — given by the world's leading thinkers and creators. With TED Talks Daily, find some space in your day to change your perspectives, ignite your curiosity, and learn something new.

  • History! The most exciting and important things that have ever happened on the planet. Powerful kings, warrior queens, nomads, empires and expeditions. Historian Dan Snow and his expert guests bring all these stories to life and more in a daily dose of history. Join Dan as he digs into the past to make sense of the headlines and get up close to the biggest discoveries being made around the world today, as they happen.

    If you want to get in touch with the podcast, you can email us at [email protected], we'd love to hear from you!

  • Ogrodje je sproščen, tehnično razvijalski podcast. Modrosti, zablode in izkušnje serijsko.

  • Glosa Marka Radmiloviča, začinjena s prefinjenim smislom za humor, ki je enostavno ne smete preslišati!

  • Želim, da bi čimveč žensk izkoristilo svoj potencial, se počutilo uspešne, zadovoljne in svobodne v svojem telesu.

    Če želiš srečo vzeti v svoje roke, si s klikom na ''play'' že korak bližje svojemu cilju.

  • Vsakodnevna pogovorna radijska oddaja o aktualnih temah je zasnovana po načelu okrogle mize in edina tovrstna v slovenskem radiofonskem prostoru.

  • Life lessons from the greatest thinkers on the planet with Chris Williamson. Including guests like David Goggins, Dr Jordan Peterson, Sam Harris, Jocko Willink, Dr Andrew Huberman, Dr Julie Smith, Steven Bartlett, Ryan Holiday, James Clear, Robert Greene, Balaji Srinivasan, Steven Pinker, Alex Hormozi, Douglas Murray, Chris Bumstead, James Smith, Dr David Sinclair, Mark Manson and more. Understanding the world is hard. This podcast will help.

  • Skozi izkušnje najvidnejših Slovencev, junakov slovenskega posla, ki ga cenimo doma in po svetu, iščemo odgovor na vprašanje »kaj je supermoč«. Od kod izvira, od kod jo črpamo, zakaj jo nekateri uporabljajo in zakaj drugi ne. Podcast s svojimi zgodbami najboljših in najbolj uspešnih »poživlja«, motivira, inspirira in dokazuje, da »se da!«. A pogoj za to je, da vsakdo najde svoj »svoj zakaj«.

    Podcast s pomočjo osebno-izpovednih zgodb, polnih prevratov, frustracij, srečnih naključij, hoje po robu, hazardiranja, odpovedovanja, in trdega učenja ter dela, poživlja. Poslušalci boste ob poslušanju »čistil« miselne kanale, dobil inspiracije, ideje, pogum. Vigor! Ta serija je poklon slovenskemu gospodarstvu in ljudem, ki so stebri naše prihodnosti.

    Podkast vodi Petra Kovič.

  • I’m Jay Shetty host of On Purpose the worlds #1 Mental Health podcast and I’m so grateful you found us. I started this podcast 5 years ago to invite you into conversations and workshops that are designed to help make you happier, healthier and more healed. I believe that when you (yes you) feel seen, heard and understood you’re able to deal with relationship struggles, work challenges and life’s ups and downs with more ease and grace.

    I interview experts, celebrities, thought leaders and athletes so that we can grow our mindset, build better habits and uncover a side of them we’ve never seen before. New episodes every Monday and Friday. Your support means the world to me and I don’t take it for granted — click the follow button and leave a review to help us spread the love with On Purpose. I can’t wait for you to listen to your first or 500th episode!

  • Podcast z gostitelji Miha Krajnc, Tomaž Ornik in Martin Tirš, kjer se pubeci sami ali z zanimivimi gosti pogovarjamo o kulturi, mladostniškem živlenju, karieri/faksu in aktualnih tematikah.

  • Na svoji strani z Ajdo Rotar Urankar so lifestyle pogovori z zanimivimi gosti z različnih področij. ✨

  • In this top-charting podcast series, entrepreneur Grace Beverley breaks away from the conventional business podcast rhetoric - immersing us in the extraordinary journeys of people from all walks of life who have achieved remarkable success in unique fields. From housing campaigners to investors and sex experts, no avenue is off limits. Each conversation brings new lessons and stories that will inspire you to consider what ‘success’ really means to you and how you can achieve it.

    Grace and her guests open up about the life lessons they wish they had known earlier, sharing insights from their entrepreneurial endeavours, offering advice on health and wellbeing, shedding light on pressing social issues, and being frank about the things that didn’t go quite right.

    Think of it as a school of life. You’ll come away from each episode with actionable advice to help you achieve balance, success, and fulfilment whether you’re working hard, or hardly working.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Doza navdiha, ko iščeš navigacijo v lajfu; kreativne debatke z in za ustvarjalna bitja; procesi nastajanja arta in kako se pozicionirati v tem ludem svetu; pa nasploh en kup modrovanja na poti osvobajanja. Moja teza je, da itak ne moreš biti nihče drug, kot ta, kdor ti je namenjeno biti - zato bo najbolje, da se čim prej začneš otresati vse krame, ki ni tvoja in stopati v svojo najbolj ustvarjalno, divjo, pristno naravo.

    Pošiljam samo ljubav v tvojo smer.🫀
    Hvala za tvoja ušeska.

  • Informativna oddaja o športu, ki je podkrepljena s statistiko.

  • V Avtomatu v zabavni polurni debati gostim znane Slovenke in Slovence. Sproščeno se pogovarjamo o njihovem lifestyle-u, zanimivih prigodah, kakšno rečemo tudi o avtomobilih in mobilnosti, vsak pa s svojim karakterjem v podkast prinese nekaj novega.
    Voditelj: David Urankar

  • History is full of the extraordinary.

    Each week, we'll transport you back in time to witness history's most incredible moments and remarkable people.

    New episodes Mondays, or a week early for Noiser+ subscribers.

    With Noiser+ you'll also get ad-free listening and exclusive content. For more information, head to noiser.com/subscriptions

    For advertising enquiries, email [email protected]

    Hosted by John Hopkins. Production: Katrina Hughes, Kate Simants, Nicole Edmunds, Jacob Booth, Dorry Macaulay, Rob Plummer, Cody Reynolds-Shaw. Compositions by Oliver Baines, Dorry Macaulay, Tom Pink.

    We are sponsored by Indeed. Go to Indeed.com/shorthistory for £100 sponsored credit.

  • Izštekana glasbena oddaja z Juretom Longyko.

  • Na Sensa Slovenija Podcastu poslušate izbrane zgodbe za dušo, zgodbe, ki vam vlivajo pogum za spremembo ali korak naprej, osebne zgodbe, meditacije ter Sensa pogovore z zanimivimi ljudmi, ki ustvarjajo Sensa vsebino.

  • Osrednja jutranja informativna oddaja Druga jutranja kronika prinaša analizo najbolj aktualnega nočnega dogajanja, predvsem pa napoveduje teme, ki bodo zaznamovale dan. Je strnjena, verodostojna, zmeraj aktualna – in najbolj poslušana radijska oddaja v Sloveniji. Vsak dan ob 7.00 na Radiu Slovenija.

    Kot podkast so na voljo tudi oddaje Danes do 13h, Dogodki in odmevi, Po Sloveniji Radijski dnevnik in Zrcalo dneva. Naročite se lahko tudi na kratka poročila v podkastu Novice Radia Slovenija.

  • We all have to deal with narcissists. Now, it’s time to heal from them. In this groundbreaking series, clinical psychologist and world’s leading expert on narcissism Dr. Ramani Durvasula talks to survivors and experts to help millions left reeling from narcissistic abuse. The powerful, transformative conversations on Navigating Narcissism break down classic narcissistic patterns like manipulation, control, gaslighting, and love bombing and help unpack feelings of betrayal, shame, confusion, pain.

  • Industry veterans, degenerate gamblers & besties Chamath Palihapitiya, Jason Calacanis, David Sacks & David Friedberg cover all things economic, tech, political, social & poker.

  • V družbi, kjer strah pred neuspehom meče dolgo senco, je pripoved o sprejemanju in učenju iz neuspehov globoko osvobajajoča.

    Projekt Fail Again. Fail Better. izhaja iz te pripovedi, z namenom spodbujanja kulture, ki ceni neomajno iskanje in uresničevanje tako sanj kot idej, ne glede na ovire, ki so na poti.

    Spletna stran: https://www.failagainfailbetter.com/

  • Podkast Vidno polje širi misijo TAM-TAM Inštituta in gleda čez ramo oblikovalkam in oblikovalcem plakatov. Z izbranimi gosti opazujemo in razpravljamo o njihovih delih, kreativnih postopkih in o vlogi plakata v družbi ter smo pozorni na vizualne podobe, ki na javnih površinah ulovijo naš pogled. Da se razširi naše vidno polje, podkast uziramo mesečno. Pogovore vodita Nejc Bahor - Biga in Peter Kuntarič - Kunta. Ustvarjeno v studiu Radia Študent. Po dobrem plakatu se dan pozna!

  • The Audio Long Read podcast is a selection of the Guardian’s long reads, giving you the opportunity to get on with your day while listening to some of the finest journalism the Guardian has to offer, including in-depth writing from around the world on immigration, crime, business, the arts and much more

  • Najnovejše in natančne neodvisne novice iz Slovenije in sveta. Ekskluzivni partner CNN.

  • www.lahkonocnice.si

    Lahkonočnice so pravljice sodobnih slovenskih pravljičarjev, ki jih berejo pripovedovalci iz doma starejših občanov. Spoznajte pripovedovalce na www.lahkonocnice.si.

  • Umetnost možnega – podkast o politiki je nekoliko drugačen pogled na notranje politično dogajanje v Sloveniji. Tanja Starič (TV Slovenija) in Aleš Kocjan (Radio Slovenija), oba dolgoletna notranje politična novinarja, v vsaki epizodi gostita novinarja, ki spremlja slovensko strankarsko dogajanje od blizu. Vabita tudi tiste, ki v ozadju snujejo politične strategije in tiste, ki politike poznajo, jih spremljajo in se z njimi pogovarjajo brez kamer in mikrofonov. Teme podkasta piše politika sama – s spletkami, prestopi, preštevanji, prelomnimi sestanki in kongresi, zavezništvi in spori. Vsakih 14 dni vse to analiziramo, komentiramo, pojasnjujemo in se, seveda, ob tem včasih tudi zgražamo in še večkrat smejimo.

  • Locked On Mavericks podcast is your daily ticket to stay ahead of the game and the first to know the latest news, analysis, and insider info for the Dallas Mavericks and the NBA. Nick Angstadt, who also hosts Locked On NBA, provides your daily Mavs fix with expert, local analysis, and coverage of all aspects of the Mavericks’ franchise. Locked On Mavericks takes you beyond the scoreboard for the inside scoops on the biggest stories from within the Mavs locker room and all over the NBA. The Locked On Mavericks podcast is part of the Locked On Podcast Network. Your Team. Every Day.

  • This is what the news should sound like. The biggest stories of our time, told by the best journalists in the world. Hosted by Michael Barbaro and Sabrina Tavernise. Twenty minutes a day, five days a week, ready by 6 a.m.

    Listen to this podcast in New York Times Audio, our new iOS app for news subscribers. Download now at nytimes.com/audioapp

  • Nov projekt domovinskih oddaj, razdeljenih v dva tematsko, vsebinsko in izvedbeno različna sklopa: v sklop „Mejniki identitete“ in „Domovina v srcu“.
    Sklop „Mejniki identitete“ zajema oddaje s poudarjeno zgodovinskim temeljem ter s kontinuiteto iz oddaje v oddajo. Zasnovan bo kot serija oddaj v premišljenem zaporedju, od davnih časov naselitve slovanskega življa na tem prostoru, prek sprejema krščanstva in postopne izgube samostojnega odločanja in izbiranja svojih knezov, do Trubarja in vse večjega samozavedanja kdo smo, kar je v obdobju vseevropske ”pomladi” privedlo do nastanka naroda, do vse bolj odkritih teženj in poskusov pridobitve samostojnosti ob razpadu habsburške monarhije, do bojev za združitev Slovencev med drugo svetovno vojno in sklepne oddaje o mejnikih, kakršni danes opredeljujejo identiteto slovenskega naroda, tudi kot državljanov Slovenije in Evrope.
    V drugem sklopu „Domovina v srcu“ bomo predstavljali posameznike, ki so veliko prispevali za osamosvojitev in samostojno pot naše domovine, ne samo na vsedržavni, marveč tudi na lokalni ravni. Prav slednje radi zelo hitro prezremo, čeprav so nesebično veliko storili na svojem območju. Oddaje bodo pogovorne. Z njimi se bomo sicer spomnili prelomnih časov osamosvajanja in vojne za Slovenijo, kot ji pravimo, hkrati bomo prikazali sogovornike v sedanjem času kot razmišljujoče osebnosti o sebi in vsem, kar jih obdaja.

  • Welcome to the Relatables Podcast with Jake and Ottie! Your metaphorical shoulder to cry on, the soundtrack to your hot girl walks and your pick-me-up... Come with us as we try to navigate this funny place we call ‘life’. Our aim is to light up your day, find a sense of belonging and support all the girls in their quest to understand the modern man. We're the most relatable guys on the internet.

  • The world’s most popular history podcast, with Tom Holland and Dominic Sandbrook.

    Join The Rest Is History Club (www.restishistorypod.com) for ad-free listening to the full archive, weekly bonus episodes, live streamed shows and access to an exclusive chatroom community.

    Here are some of our favourite episodes to get you started:

    WATERGATE/NIXON apple.co/3JrVl5h

    ALEXANDER THE GREAT apple.co/3Q4FaNk


    PUTIN & RUSSIA apple.co/3zMtLfX

  • Whatever your business conundrum, there’s a TED Talk for that—whether you want to learn how to land that promotion, set smart goals, undo injustice at work, or unlock the next big innovation. Every Monday, host Modupe Akinola of Columbia Business School presents the most powerful and surprising ideas that illuminate the business world. After the talk, you'll get a mini-lesson from Modupe on how to apply the ideas in your own life. Because business evolves every day, and our ideas about it should, too.

  • On the Easy German podcast, we discuss topics from Germany and around the world, explain words and expressions and answer your questions. Members get full transcripts, our exclusive vocabulary helper and bonus content for each episode. Learn more at easygerman.fm

  • Join How to Be a Better Human as we take a look within and beyond ourselves.

    How to Be a Better Human isn’t your average self improvement podcast. Each week join comedian Chris Duffy in conversation with guests and past speakers as they uncover sharp insights and give clear takeaways on how YOU can be a better human.

    From your work to your home and your head to your heart, How to Be a Better Human looks in unexpected places for new ways to improve and show up for one another. Inspired by the popular series of the same name on TED’s Ideas blog, How to Be a Better Human will help you become a better person from the comfort of your own headphones.

  • “Health has become overcomplicated. I aim to simplify it” In this podcast, we hear stories from leading health experts and exciting personalities who offer easy health life-hacks, expert advice and debunk common health myths giving you the tools to revolutionise how you eat, sleep, move and relax. Hosted by Dr Chatterjee - one of the most influential GPs in the country with nearly 20 years experience, star of BBC 1’s Doctor In the House, and author of 5 internationally best-selling books, including ‘The 4 Pillar Plan’ – Feel Better, Live More aims to inspire, empower and transform the way we feel. When we are healthier we are happier because when we feel better we live more.

    Support the podcast and enjoy Ad-Free episodes. Try FREE for 7 days on Apple Podcasts https://apple.co/feelbetterlivemore. For other podcast platforms go to https://fblm.supercast.com.





    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Ustvarjalci enega najbolj branih spletnih medijev pri nas pred mikrofonom gostimo zanimive sogovornike iz različnih področij in ustvarjamo pogovore, ki odmevajo.
    Nove epizode vsak torek.

  • Podkast o življenju, vesolju in sploh vsem … v katerem po nekem čudnem naključju vsako epizodo obdelamo eno poglavje kultne trilogije v petih delih Štoparski vodnik po Galaksiji, ki jo je, ko smo bili (mi) še majhni, napisal Douglas Adams. Še veš kje imaš brisačo?

  • What happened this past weekend. And sometimes what happened on other days.

  • The Big Three is Donut's new podcast that examines the latest car news, racing headlines, and anything noteworthy in the automotive landscape. A perfect weekly update for anyone even slightly interested in cars, The Big Three is an entertaining glimpse into an inclusive yet opinionated world.  Join hosts James Pumphrey, Nolan Sykes and Joe Weber as they provide their lighthearted perspective on the hottest and weirdest automotive trends. The only car podcast you’ll ever need, aside from our other podcast, Past Gas. New episodes every Wednesday.
    For advertising opportunities please email [email protected]  
    We wanna make the podcast even better, help us learn how we can: https://bit.ly/2EcYbu4 
    Privacy Policy: https://www.studio71.com/us/terms-and-conditions-use/#Privacy%20Policy

  • Podobe znanja so razpoznavna tedenska oddaja Programa ARS nacionalnega Radia. V formi polurnega portretnega intervjuja predstavljamo ugledne slovenske intelektualce in znanstvenike vseh generacij in z vseh področij humanistike, družboslovja in eksaktnih ved – od čiste filozofije pa tja do fizike osnovnih delcev, vključujemo pa občasno tudi goste z »mejnih« področij z umetnostjo, kot je recimo arhitektura, upodabljajoče umetnosti ipd.

  • „Za življenje, za danes in jutri“ je sklop svetovalnih in izobraževalnih oddaj, namenjenih staršem, družinam in posameznikom, saj posegajo na vsa področja življenja v družini in v ostalih skupnostih. Za družinsko svetovanje, svetovanje na področju starševstva in vzgoje skrbita p. Christian Gostečnik, vodja Frančiškanskega družinskega centra, in priznani specialni pedagog Marko Juhant, tudi avtor več uspešnih knjig na temo vzgoje. Oddaje, namenjene zakoncem in spodbujanju graditve dobrega zakonskega odnosa, pripravljamo v sodelovanju z družinskimi terapevti. Teolog in vzgojitelj dr. Karel Gržan pa na prodoren in iskriv način svetuje pri medosebnih odnosih vseh vrst. V oddajah imajo poslušalci priložnost zastavljati vprašanja in dobiti odgovore na konkretne življenjske razmere. Vsako peto soboto v mesecu pa se nam pridruži p. dr. Tadej Strehovec, mag. aplikativne etike, asistent pri katedri za moralno teologijo in bioetik, ki odpira vprašanja s področja evtanazije, medicinske in družinske etike ter druga.

  • Na čisto resna radiovedna vprašanja, ki nam jih zastavljajo poslušalci, iščemo čisto resne odgovore – s strokovnjaki. Če imate kakšno vprašanje, na katero niste dobili odgovora, nam pišite na [email protected]

  • Izbor ljudskih pravljic in drugih zgodbic za lahko noč ali dolgočasno vožnjo z avtom.

  • Ever wanted to know how music affects your brain, what quantum mechanics really is, or how black holes work? Do you wonder why you get emotional each time you see a certain movie, or how on earth video games are designed? Then you’ve come to the right place. Each week, Sean Carroll will host conversations with some of the most interesting thinkers in the world. From neuroscientists and engineers to authors and television producers, Sean and his guests talk about the biggest ideas in science, philosophy, culture and much more.

  • We’re at our most vulnerable when we go to our doctors. But what happens when we can’t trust them? Dr. Death is the award-winning series hosted by Laura Beil, now in its fourth season. Dr. Death | S4: Bad Magic

    When a charismatic young doctor announces revolutionary treatments for cancer and HIV, patients from around the world turn to him for their last chance. As medical experts praise Serhat Gumrukcu’s genius, the company he co-founded rockets in value to over half a billion dollars. But when a team of researchers makes a startling discovery, they begin to suspect the brilliant doctor is hiding a secret. From Wondery, the new season of Dr. Death: Bad Magic is a story of miraculous cures, magic and murder. New episodes each week starting 1/22. You can binge the entire series early and ad-free right now on Wondery+ Dr. Death | S3: Miracle Man

    Paolo is a smart and handsome surgeon, renowned for his ability to perform surgeries that transform his patients’ lives. When television producer Benita covers him for a story, he’ll transform her life too, but not in the ways she expects. As Benita crosses professional lines to be with him, she learns how far Paolo will go to protect his secrets. And halfway around the world, four doctors at a prestigious medical institute make shocking discoveries of their own that call everything into question. From Wondery comes Season Three of the hit podcast, Dr. Death. MIRACLE MAN tells the story of a globe-trotting surgeon who seduces the medical world, and sweeps one woman off her feet. You can binge the series ad-free on Wondery+.Dr. Death | S2: Dr. Fata

    If someone you love is diagnosed with cancer you want them to get the best treatment from the best doctors. In 2013, patients in Michigan thought Farid Fata was that doctor. Between his prestigious education, years of experience and pleasant bedside manner, Fata was everything you could want in a doctor. But he was not who he appeared to be. From Wondery, this is the story of hundreds of patients in Michigan, a doctor, and a poisonous secret. You can binge the series ad-free on Wondery+. Dr. Death | S1: Dr. Duntsch

    We’re at our most vulnerable when we go to our doctors. We trust the person at the other end of that scalpel. We trust the hospital. We trust the system. Christopher Duntsch was a neurosurgeon who radiated confidence. He claimed he was the best in Dallas. If you had back pain, and had tried everything else, Dr. Duntsch could give you the spine surgery that would take your pain away. But soon his patients started to experience complications, and the system failed to protect them. Which begs the question: who - or what - is that system meant to protect? From Wondery, the network behind the hit podcast Dirty John, Dr. Death is a story about a charming surgeon, 33 patients and a spineless system. You can binge the series ad-free on Wondery+.

  • Predstavljamo čisto navadne nenavadne ljudi. Denimo take, ki se učijo estonščine, ali one, ki redijo severne jelene, med dopustom razvažajo pice v Bruslju.

  • Tomaž Celestina, Jolanda Lebar, Metka Pirc, Matej Hrastar, Jure Čepin in Miranda Bratkič v oddaji Ob osmih gostijo sogovornike, ki pomagajo razložiti dnevne novice. Zanima jih predvsem, zakaj se nekaj dogaja in kakšen je širši kontekst dnevnega dogajanja. Vsak dan od torka do petka. Ob osmih.

  • Najpomembnejše teme tedna podrobneje analiziramo in preverjamo stališča strokovnjakov ter predstavnikov pristojnih organov. Kako njihove odločitve občutite na svoji koži?

  • Slo Mo is a series of conversations hosted by bestselling author and former Chief Business Officer of Google X, Mo Gawdat. With stunning honesty, Mo and some of his wisest friends explore the profound questions we all face in the pursuit of purpose in our lives. Achieving happiness and fulfillment is a lifelong journey, but step one is simple: slow down, and listen.

  • Kdo so ljudje, ki zaznamujejo družbo? Kakšen je človek za funkcijo, ki daje pečat sedanjosti? Kako premika meje prihodnosti? Oddaja Nedeljski gost na Valu 202. Funkciji nadene človeško podobo.

  • Jezikovne posebnosti, primeri izstopajoče rabe jezika, sproščeno o razširjenih napakah.

  • Pogovori in razmišljanja o zavesti, duhovnosti ter osebni rasti, o ljubezni in partnerskih odnosih, o življenju ter njegovem smislu.
    Vodi Urban Urbanc.

  • Nadaljevanje pogovorov, ki so se začeli leta 2022 kot pogovori na daljavo preko Instagrama. Sedaj gremo s serijo zanimivih debat Z Jovevo na ti še eno stopničko višje - z zanimivimi pogovori v živo, iz oči v oči. Pa ne v kakšnem zaprtem studiu, ampak vedno na drugi lokaciji. Enkrat v parku, drugič sredi mesta, vedno tam, kjer se gost počuti najbolje

  • Podcast Svet Užitka: Sex v pisarni: Pripravite se na novo sezono podcasta Seks v pisarni, s polno novimi idejami in iskrenih pogovorov o spolnosti!

    Z vami bom Monika in skupaj bomo raziskovali različne spolne prakse in se poglabljali v vse tematike, povezane s spolnostjo.

    Brez cenzure, brez predsodkov, samo iskreno in sproščeno!Pridružite se mi pri odpiranju vrat novim spoznanjem in razpravi o vsem, kar je povezano s temo spolnosti.

    Življenje je prekratko za slab seks, kajne?

  • Comedians Ed Gamble and James Acaster invite special guests into their magical restaurant to each choose their favourite starter, main course, side dish, dessert and drink. Ever wanted to eat your dream meal? It's time to order Off Menu.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • S pomočjo številk analiziramo vsakodnevne stvari - od športa do znanosti, od veselja do vesolja.

    Številke + kontekst = zgodbe

  • Z vami delimo informacije, ki v sebi nosijo potencial, da spremenijo vaše življenje, pogled na življenje. To so informacije, zaradi katerih se lahko sprejmete takšne kot ste ali postanete še boljša verzija sebe.

  • Kaj je podkast Vodenje z občutkom?
    Prostor, kjer uspešni podjetniki in vodje odprto in iskreno delijo svoje poslovne ter osebne zgodbe. Razkrivajo svoje vzpone in padce ter izkušnje, nasvete in nauke iz prve roke.

    🔔Prijavi se na obvestila o novih epizodah zgodb zanimivih osebnosti iz poslovnega sveta, da ti nobena ne uide!

  • The automotive adventures you see on YouTube only tell half the story. So join us, as we discuss failed road trips, unbelievable car deals and WTF moments!

  • Timi Max Elšnik vodi igro v zvezni vrsti, zdaj pa tudi svoj Podcast!

  • Odbita do bita se loteva sodobnih tehnologij in jih kritično umešča v prostor in čas. Pogovarjata se Maruša Kerec in Anže Tomić.

  • Former NBA sharpshooter and Duke legend JJ Redick and his co-host Tommy Alter discuss the NBA, current events and interview some of the biggest names in the NBA, entertainment and political worlds. Launching from inside the NBA bubble, the show offers unprecedented access to the league while telling the stories of an eclectic rotating group of guests.

  • Lepo pozdravljeni v podkastu Potovanja in delo v tujini. Moje ime je Maja Novak, zadnjih 18 let sem potovala in delala v tujini, med drugim kot interior manager na privatnih jahtah in živela v več kot 10 deželah sveta. Preko podkasta želim svoje izkušnje in nasvete deliti z vsemi vami, ki vas take tematike privlačijo. V družbi navdihujočih gostov se razvijajo pogovori o osebni rasti skozi potovanja, različnih možnostih dela v tujini za mlade, o digitalnem nomadstvu, retreatih in o skrbi zase. Welcome aboard! www.mayita.si

  • Bor in Anže sta študenta medicine, ki tako kot ostali, razmišljata o svoji nadaljnji karierni poti in izbiri specializacije. V podcastu bosta gostila zdravnike različnih specializacij in spoznavala kako izgleda njihovo delo in prednosti ter slabosti le-tega.
    Vabljeni k poslušanju vsi, ki vas zanima področje medicine in delo zdravnika!
    Ig: internistkirurgali
    Mail: [email protected]

  • HBO and The Ringer's Bill Simmons hosts the most downloaded sports podcast of all time, with a rotating crew of celebrities, athletes, and media staples, as well as mainstays like Cousin Sal, Joe House, and a slew of other friends and family members who always happen to be suspiciously available.

  • Quiet your thoughts, take a deep breath, and experience pure mindfulness & relaxation with A Zen Mind Guided Meditations & Visualizations 🤍  Journey within to connect with your highest potential  with these unique and thoughtful meditations, created for everyone, everywhere. 💫 Let go of the thoughts or emotions that no longer serve you, and welcome healing, inner peace, wisdom, and harmony within🕊️Immerse yourself in the transformative effects that mindfulness and meditation can have on your life! ✨ New meditations uploaded every Wednesday/Thursday 💗
    With peace and love,
    xo  Jo

    More from A Zen Mind
    🌼Follow me on Instagram
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    🦋Read more about meditation, mindfulness, yoga, and more, at my Blog 

  • 100 milijard razlogov za radovednost. Tako bi lahko rekli, če bi šteli nevrone v naših možganih. Jutranja rubrika brska po svetu nevroznanosti, na poljuden način, s pomočjo domačih in tujih strokovnjakov, pojasnjuje fenomene, s katerimi se srečujemo vsak dan, sledi novostim v raziskovanju možganov, pojasnjuje delovanje in funkcije tega neverjetnega organa in skrbi tudi za možgansko jutranjo rekreacijo.

  • Sveža glasba slovenskih izvajalcev, ki so zjutraj slišati še posebej čudovito.

  • A podcast for all ancient history fans! The Ancients is dedicated to discussing our distant past. Featuring interviews with historians and archaeologists, each episode covers a specific theme from antiquity. From Neolithic Britain to the Fall of Rome. Hosted by Tristan Hughes. 

  • The stories you tell yourself on a daily basis determines the person you will become.The good, the bad, the negative, the positive, the uplifting, the draining – they’re all part of the equation. But YOU are the author of your life story – so, what story are you writing?

    Top Podcaster & Best-selling Author Lewis Howes brings you the The Daily Motivation Show, where you’ll hear from industry-leading experts, you’ll learn proven principles, and you’ll discover life-changing ideas that will help you get motivated and STAY motivated.

  • Wanna see a trick? Give us any topic and we can tie it back to the economy. At Planet Money, we explore the forces that shape our lives and bring you along for the ride. Don't just understand the economy – understand the world.

    Wanna go deeper? Subscribe to Planet Money+ and get sponsor-free episodes of Planet Money, The Indicator, and Planet Money Summer School. Plus access to bonus content. It's a new way to support the show you love. Learn more at plus.npr.org/planetmoney

  • Podkast o odnosih, ki opredeljujejo človeka in vplivu družbe nanj. Kako se je spremenila družba od
    razsvetljenstva naprej in kdo je človek 21. stoletja. Od tlačanstva do ideje o svobodi, fanatičnih
    dogmah, življenja v skupnosti včeraj in danes do prevlade tehnologije in njenih vplivov na
    posameznika in družbo.

  • Every company has a story.

    Learn the playbooks that built the world’s greatest companies — and how you can apply them as a founder, operator, or investor.

  • Popotniški podkast Ta nori svet ustvarjata Andreja in Nina. V njem z gosti potujeta po različnih državah sveta - bližnjih, dalnjih, eksotičnih, nedostopnih ... Države doživljamo skozi oči gosta in podajamo nasvete za potovanje. Skušata ti svet predstaviti drugače, zanimivo - to si v teh nenavadnih časih zaslužiš.

  • Join intellectual phenomenon Dr. Jordan Peterson for enlightening discourse that will change the way you think. This podcast breaks down the dichotomy of life through interviews and lectures that explain how individuals and culture are shaped by values, music, religion, and beyond. It will give you a new perspective and a modern understanding of your creativity, competence, and personality.

  • You can change your life and Mel Robbins will show you how.

    Mel Robbins is one of the world’s most widely booked and followed podcast hosts and authors. She’s trusted by the world’s leading brands and medical professionals who use her research-backed tools and strategies in clinical and corporate settings. She’s amassed millions of followers online, with her videos going viral almost daily.

    143 Studios Inc., her female-led media company, produces provocative and award-winning content with unprecedented results: millions of books sold, billions of video views, seven #1 audiobooks, and original courses and programming for clients like Starbucks, JP Morgan Chase, LinkedIn, Spotify, Headspace, and Audible.

    Mel’s work has been translated into 41 languages, her podcast is syndicated in 194 countries, and her TEDx Talk is one of the most viewed of all time. A New York Times bestselling author and self-publishing phenom, Mel’s work includes The High 5 Habit and The 5 Second Rule. Most importantly, her science-backed tools and relatable advice have changed the lives of millions of people worldwide.

    Despite all this, Mel is one of the most down-to-earth and caring people you’ll ever meet. The person you see every day online is exactly the same in real life. Probably because she learned everything she teaches the hard way: by first screwing up her own life, and out of necessity, discovering the tools and research that transformed her life and got her to where she is today.

    In The Mel Robbins Podcast, Mel gets more personal than ever, welcoming you into her life and taking you behind the scenes in real time. Every episode is packed with deeply relatable topics, tactical advice, hilarious screwups, compelling conversations, and the tools and inspiration you need to create a better life.

    Tune in and buckle up – your life is about to change. New episodes of The Mel Robbins Podcast drop every Monday and Thursday.

    To learn more about Mel, go deeper into every episode, find the resources and research she mentions, or submit a topic or question, check out https://www.melrobbins.com.

  • Jake Johnson (New Girl, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse) and Gareth Reynolds (The Dollop) don't feel qualified to give strangers good advice. Most of their friendship over the last 15 years has been based around dumb bits, but they do (for better or worse) want to try to help people out. Like your friendly local bartender or your tipsy uncle at a family gathering, Jake and Gareth are on the caller's side and trying to help.  Each episode, the guys make several pitches to callers (whose questions range from trivial to serious) with their best attempts of advice. They can't promise their suggestions will be perfect, but it will be the best they've got.  Jake and Gareth also occasionally bring on a friend, peer or even an expert to help along the way.

    Want to call in? Email your question to [email protected].

  • Dobrodošli med gledalci in poslušalci prvega slovenskega tekaškega podcasta - Zagret za tek!

    Vaš gostitelj Marko Roblek skupaj z gosti poskušam biti informativen, zanimiv, zabaven in provokativen.

    Naročite se zdaj! Lahko po mili volji tudi všečkate in delite. Celo donirate!
    Hvaležen iz srca, drage tekačice in dragi tekači.

  • Join clinical psychologist and mom of three Dr. Becky Kennedy on her weekly podcast, as she takes on tough parenting questions and delivers actionable guidance—all in short episodes, because we know time is hard to find as a parent. Her breakthrough approach has enabled thousands of people to get more comfortable in discomfort, make repairs after mistakes, and always see the good inside. You'll gain the tools to embody your authority while developing a stronger parent-child connection, helping you become the parent you want to be and helping your child develop the skills necessary for life success.

  • Osrednja informativna oddaja Radia Slovenija. Kot podkast so na voljo tudi oddaje Jutranja kronika, Danes do 13h, Po Sloveniji, Radijski dnevnik, Zrcalo dneva. Kratka poročila pa objavljamo v podkastu Novice Radia Slovenija.

  • Preko pogovorov s čudovitimi zenskami in z njiihovimi porodnimi zgodbami spreminjamo pomen nasveta "še vsaka je rodila" v nekaj čudovitega. V nekaj, kar bo lahko zares pomagalo mariskateri nosečnici pred in med samim porodom. Z gostjami se pogovarja Katarina Urbanc Munda - porodna navdušenka, medicinska sestra, doula in mama dveh otrok.

  • With a smile and optimism that epitomizes South Florida in the 1980s, Billy Halpern is the last person anyone expects to find brutally murdered. Six months after his body is found, throat slit ear-to-ear in a professional execution-style hit, the investigation goes cold. When his best friend and girlfriend turn up dead, investigators realize Billy might have been caught up in a larger scheme involving the city's most dangerous criminals, local wise guy and mob associate Bert Christie and decorated ex-cop Gil Fernandez.

    Despite circumstantial evidence tying a growing list of crimes back to Christie and Fernandez, the murders go unsolved for years. Decades later, investigative journalist and former cop Scott Weinberger and Detective Danny Smith agree to work together to solve this murder mystery. Ultimately, this yearlong investigation will expose the true motive behind this killing spree and uncover new evidence including the DNA of the killer. Justice for Billy Halpern is just a listen away.

  • One Degree of Scandalous is the go-to destination for direct access to the world’s most salacious scandals. Hosts Kato Kaelin and Tom Zenner make the daily stories that reek of scandal and headline-makers from the past explode to life in each episode, revealing raw details of what really happened to the people at the epicenter.

    Americans are obsessed with hearing juicy details about scandals; thankfully, celebrities, politicians, athletes, and pop culture icons are obsessed with making sure there are always plenty of scandals to discuss. Kato lived through the biggest scandal ever, Tom covered it, and together they aim to make their entertaining style of reliving them a highlight of your day.

  • This week, something momentous happened. Whether or not it made the textbooks, it most certainly made history. Join HISTORY This Week as we turn back the clock to meet the people, visit the places and witness the moments that led us to where we are today.

    To get in touch with story ideas or feedback, email us at [email protected], or leave us a voicemail at 212-351-0410.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • The Master Coaching Podcast is your go-to resource for growth, learning, strategies, and coaching methodologies as a Life Coach, Business Coach, or Health Coach. I am your host, Ajit Nawalkha. I have over a decade of experience in coaching and have built multiple 7 & 8-figure companies, and I am so grateful to have received over 2,600 student case studies.

    In this revamped series, I interview coaches, teachers, experts, and best-selling authors on their best ideas so we can grow our mindset, become better humans, and help other humans by sharing those ideas with others.

    Every Tuesday, I release a new episode with an expert or coach on a specific topic. Every Thursday, I take everything I learned from that conversation and do my best to give you 2 to 3 coaching strategies you can use immediately for yourself, your coaching practice, and your clients.

    Your support means the world to me. Click the follow button and leave a review to help us spread the word about The Master Coaching Podcast.

    New episodes every Tuesday and Thursday.

  • Puck correspondent Lauren Sherman and a rotating cast of industry insiders take you deep inside what fashion people are really talking about behind the scenes of this multi-trillion-dollar biz, from creative director switcheroos to M&A drama, D.T.C. downfalls, and magazine mishaps.
    Fashion People is an extension of Line Sheet, Lauren’s private email for Puck, where she tracks what’s happening beyond the press releases in fashion, beauty, and media.
    New episodes publish twice-weekly, every Tuesday and Friday.

  • Cosmo podkast se posveča ženskam. Z gosti se pogovarjamo o karieri, razmerjih, modi, seksu in življenju na sploh.

  • It hurts to have unmet needs. And it sucks to scurry after crumbs when you’re starving. Join Kelly Brogan MD, as she teaches us how our pain points are portals. She’ll help you discover a world where every seeming challenge is a new chapter in your most audacious story. Plot twists, body symptoms, and heartbreak each represent an opportunity to own ourselves and learn to better wield the power of choice. Kelly will take you on a reclamation journey from the battlefield of victim consciousness to the sovereignty of self-devoted pleasure and expose every surprising place you’ve given your power away. Explore the tools you’ll need to find out what you want, how to ask for it and how to stand in fierce alignment with yourself.Kelly Brogan is a soul alchemist and threshold guardian devoted to the transformation of collective consciousness. As a young know-it-all atheist, candy-addict, straight-A MIT neuroscience major and Ivy-league trained psychiatrist, she specialized in feeding women, herself included, straight into the mouth of the medicated beast. After a Hashimoto’s healing journey inspired her to sound the alarm on the bait-and-switch of big pharma, she became a renegade activist—authoring the New York Times bestseller, A Mind of Your Own, and its follow-up, Own Your Self; co-editing the landmark textbook, Integrative Therapies for Depression; and eventually becoming an honorary member of the Disinformation Dozen. She is the creatrix of Vital Mind Reset, the online health reclamation program, and the membership community Vital Life Project. She’s a human, cat, and chicken mom.

  • Svetovalni servis je osrednja kontaktna oddaja jutranjega programa na Prvem. Namenjena je poslušalkam in poslušalcem, ki lahko iz prve roke dobijo odgovor na vprašanje glede različnih tematik. V oddaji vsak delovnik med 9.05 in 9.30 gostimo strokovnjake s področja zdravstva, prava, hortikulture, gradbeništva, energetike, financ, potrošniških pravic, sociologije, psihologije, športa, kulinarike … Sodelujte na 01 475 22 22, [email protected] ali prek spletne strani Prvega programa.

  • Dr. Emily Morse shares her expertise on sex, relationships and everything in between! Submit your questions to Emily at sexwithemily.com/ask-emily. For more sexy fun, visit sexwithemily.com and our online store shop.sexwithemily.com. Order her new book today: SMART SEX: How to Boost Your Sex IQ and Own Your Pleasure.

  • Vsak ponedeljek bomo odkrivali nove kulture, tradicije in poglede na svet. Poleg geografskih zanimivosti bodo v ospredju posamezniki, njihovi cilji in želje ter kako jih doseči skozi zdrave navade telesa in uma. Spoznali boste tudi pomembnost rutin in navad pri gradnji kvalitetnega osebnega življenja in kariere.
    Gostiteljica podcasta je intermedijska umetnica in režiserka Valerie Wolf Gang, na njeni poti pa se ji bo pridružil sovoditelj Mario, ki bo razširil področje človeškega dojemanja sveta skozi prizmo umetne inteligence.

  • V podkastih Kofirajda teče debata o kolesarstvu ob skodelici dobre kave. V podkastih Disko grupe pa vsak teden sveže kolesarske teme in zanimivosti.

  • Fearne Cotton talks to incredible people about life, love, loss, and everything in-between as she reveals what happiness means to them.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • «дочь разбойника» — это подкаст Насти Красильниковой о правах женщин и о том, как они добиваются справедливости.

    «После школы» — новый сезон «дочери разбойника», в котором Настя расследует злоупотребления в московской 57-й школе и сообществе вокруг нее. А еще она пытается понять, что такое справедливость и достижима ли она — не только в России, но и в западных странах.

    Этот сезон — часть большого международного расследования, созданного на двух языках. Версия на английском — она отличается от этого сезона по смыслу и содержанию, хотя в ней рассказаны те же истории, — называется The Adults in the Room.
    Сайт подкаста: https://adultsintheroom.libolibo.me/

    Для связи: [email protected]

  • Celebrating over 1 million downloads! Everyday Ayurveda and Yoga at Hale Pule is a remarkable podcast on holistic healing brought to you by Myra Lewin, founder and director of Hale Pule School of Ayurveda and Yoga. 
    Ayurveda and Yoga are designed to work together to create greater peace and well-being in our lives. Tune in each month as Myra shares her perspective on the timeless wisdom that defines these ancient sciences. 
    A thoughtful, intuitive teacher and a true healer, Myra will guide you to connect to your spirit, to your heart, and to the sacred space inside where you’ll find peace, truth and clarity.

  • Sam Parr and Shaan Puri brainstorm new business ideas based on trends & opportunities they see in the market. Sometimes they bring on famous guests to brainstorm with them.

  • If you can never get enough true crime... Congratulations, you’ve found your people.

  • Horrors, hauntings and mysteries! A collection of scary stories, real and imagined, that will have you on the edge of your seat. If you’re a fan of all things spooky, creepy, and thrilling, this is the podcast for you. Have a horrifying tale, paranormal encounter, or unsolved mystery that you’d like to share? Visit https://www.heartstartspounding.com/ and submit your heart-pounding story to be featured on the podcast. Join the Heart Starts Pounding community on TikTok and Instagram @heartstartspounding for a daily dose of spine-tingling snippets and creepypastas.

  • Oh hi, I’m Lu. I’m a 53-year-old recovering people-pleaser on a mission to empower women to find their confidence, step out of their comfort zone and fall in love with their god-damn selves. I’ve been on a wild ride over the last few years. Marriage, menopause, bereavement, divorce, emigration to America with my now ex-husband and son, and then back to the UK to start again alone. This podcast is your guide to loving your god-damn self. Welcome to the Self Love Revolution, baby!

  • From UFOs to psychic powers and government cover-ups, history is riddled with unexplained events. You can turn back now or learn the Stuff They Don't Want You To Know ... an audio podcast from iHeartRadio.

  • It's the Official Eurovision Song Contest podcast. Presenter and music journalist Steve Holden will be chatting to star guests, as well as the singers and artists who'll be competing in Malmö, Sweden in 2024.

  • Metin čaj je podkast o medijih, dobrih in slabih praksah, novih tehnologijah in trendih prihodnosti. Gostje v medijih delajo, z njimi živijo in o njih razmišljajo. Gostitelja sta Nataša Briški (Metina lista) in Aljaž Pengov Bitenc (Radio KAOS).

  • Professor Suzannah Lipscomb talks about everything from the Aztecs to witches, Velázquez to Shakespeare, Mughal India to the Mayflower. Not, in other words, just the Tudors, but most definitely also the Tudors.

    Each episode Suzannah is joined by historians and experts to reveal incredible stories about one of the most fascinating periods in history.

  • The PBD Podcast is a podcast that discusses, current events, trending topics and politics as they relate to life and business. Stay tuned for new episodes and guest appearances. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/pbdpodcast/support

  • We interview and study famous financial billionaires, including Warren Buffett, Ray Dalio, and Howard Marks, and teach you what we learn and how you can apply their investment strategies in the stock market.
    We Study Billionaires is the largest stock investing podcast show in the world with 150,000,000+ downloads and is hosted by Stig Brodersen, Preston Pysh, William Green, Clay Finck, and Kyle Grieve.
    This podcast also includes the Richer Wiser Happier series hosted by best-selling author William Green. William regularly interviews legendary investors such as Mohnish Pabrai and Guy Spier, exploring what they can teach us about how to succeed in markets and life.
    And finally, our Bitcoin Fundamentals series is hosted by Preston Pysh, where he interviews prominent figures in the Bitcoin and macroeconomic space. To learn more about TIP, you can visit theinvestorspodcast.com or subscribe to our free daily newsletter here.
    Support our show by becoming a premium member! https://theinvestorspodcastnetwork.supportingcast.fm

  • Z gosti se podajamo na različne plezalne in gorske pustolovščine. Podoživljamo in delimo pristne ter avtentične zgodbe alpinistov, športnih, balvanskih in lednih plezalcev, alpinističnih smučarjev, gornikov in vse ostalih, ki so tako ali drugače povezani z gorami, s plezanjem v vseh oblikah ter vsem, kar sodi zraven. Pogovore o gorniški modrosti vodi Miha Habjan.

  • Welcome to the FPL Pod. Join Kelly Somers, Julien Laurens and Sam Bonfield ahead of each Gameweek as they invite special guests to discuss and digress about the world of Fantasy Premier League.

    After each Gameweek, two Fantasy Premier League experts will discuss all the major talking points and analyse the key decisions in Off the Bench.

    Hit the subscribe button to ensure you never miss an episode.

    Follow us on Twitter (https://twitter.com/OfficialFPL)
    Like us on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/fantasypremierleague)
    Join the FPL Pod team's mini-league: ib3wlk

  • A podcast that explains how everything is psychology. Even your 20s. New episodes every Friday!

    For business enquires please email [email protected]

    New merchandise here: https://the-psychology-of-your-20s.myshopify.com/

  • Podkast, v katerem si psihoterapevtka dr. Andreja Pšeničny in ekonomist dr. Marko Pahor diskretno postavljata vprašanja o vsem, kar vpliva na kakovost življenja in drzno iščeta odgovore.

  • Why did kings and queens have spectators on their wedding night? Who had the very first boob job? And did our ancestors have their unmentionables pierced?

    Join historian, Kate Lister, Betwixt the Sheets as she unashamedly roots around the topics which seem to have been skipped in history class.

    Everything from landmark LGBTQ+ court cases, to political scandal, to downright bizarre medieval cures for impotence. The etymology of swear words, gender bias in medicine, and satanic panic and cults - there’s nothing off limits.

    She'll be bed-hopping around different time periods; from ancient civilisations, to the middle ages, to renaissance and early modern...right up to now.

    You’ll laugh, you’ll wince, and you’ll ask yourself how much has actually changed.

    So join Kate Betwixt the Sheets: The History of Sex, Scandal & Society - a podcast from History Hit.

    Enjoy unlimited access to award-winning original documentaries that are released weekly and AD-FREE podcasts. Get a subscription for £1 per month for 3 months with code BETWIXT sign up at historyhit.com/subscribe.

    You can take part in our listener survey here.

  • Ideja ni nič vredna, če …

    … je nekdo ne realizira. Tako je nastala tudi Gravitacija. Iz ideje o podcastu, ki bi bil namenjenem idejam. Pa ne samo idejam, ampak vsemu kar sledi, da ideja ne ostane ničvredna.

    V epizodah podcasta Gravitacija, Miha Goršin in Aleš Ugovšek gostita gostje in goste iz Slovenije (kdaj tudi iz tujine), ki s svojimi idejami in njihovo realizacijo spreminjajo naš in vaš svet.

  • Prof G Markets breaks down the news that’s moving the capital markets, helping you build financial literacy and security. Tune in every Monday and Thursday for no mercy, no malice insight from Scott Galloway and Ed Elson on high flying stocks, booming sectors, and master of the universe CEOs. Like it or not, we live in a capitalist society. The key to navigating it? Talk about money. Part of the Vox Media Podcast Network.

  • Šala za starše je vlažilni robček, ki obriše driske in druge stiske. Je podkast, ki ga ustvarjava Maja in Uršula, mami, ki druga pri drugi ves čas preverjava: a je to normalno?! Je normalno, da se v dojenčka ne zaljubiš v trenutku, ko ga prvič pestuješ? Je normalno, da bradavice krvavijo? Je normalno, da preboleva že šesto šesto bolezen? Je normalno, da ne joče le otrok …? Skupaj z vami brez moraliziranja govorimo o starševstvu.

  • goop CEO and founder Gwyneth Paltrow and author Cleo Wade take turns hosting the brightest thinkers and culture changers.

  • Welcome to the European Schoolnet podcast series, where we explore the intersection of innovation and technology in education. Join us as guest experts share insights and expertise on key issues on education policies in Europe and beyond. Each episode explores a specific topic, referencing events, publications, or policy changes driving the conversation forward. Designed for education stakeholders worldwide, our series aims to capture the nuanced debates within the education community and broader society. Stay tuned for empowerment and innovation in the evolving educational landscape.

  • Theo, Reev & Tom bring you the UK's Number 1 Football podcast. Full of outrageous takes, heated debate and more!

    If you'd like to work with us, email the studio on [email protected]

  • Bloomberg's Joe Weisenthal and Tracy Alloway explore the most interesting topics in finance, markets and economics. Join the conversation every Monday and Thursday.

  • It’s time to embark on a journey through history with "Oh What A Time…" a comedy history podcast hosted by renowned comedians Elis James and Tom Craine along with award winning podcaster Chris Scull. 
    Tackling a brand new subject each week, (from ‘childhood’ to ‘a life at sea’, ‘marriage’ to ‘holidays’) your hosts will dive into the very weirdest and worst that history has to offer, in an effort to answer the question… "Was the past as awful as it sounds?"
    You can get in touch with the show by emailing: [email protected]
    And you can support the show, get bonus episodes and extended ones by becoming an OWAT: FULL TIMER via a subscription: ohwhatatime.com

  • Discover real-life horror stories, from bizarre crimes to paranormal activity. These true stories are set inside the fictional world of Radio Rental, an 80’s video rental store run by an eccentric shopkeeper, Terry Carnation (Rainn Wilson). This imaginative, cult classic-inspired horror brand blurs the lines of reality, with cutting-edge documentary storytelling and a splash of comedy. From the mind of Payne Lindsey, this is Radio Rental.

  • "Speaking of Psychology" is an audio podcast series highlighting some of the latest, most important and relevant psychological research being conducted today. Produced by the American Psychological Association, these podcasts will help listeners apply the science of psychology to their everyday lives.

  • The Better Man Podcast is a podcast redefining what it means to be better as a man. In it, we’ll discuss how to balance success with our overall well-being, take on a more comprehensive understanding of fitness to include our physical, mental, and emotional well-being, and strive to align our actions with who we are at our cores. We can be successful and proud of who we are without sacrificing our core values or our well-being.

    Dean Pohlman is known as THE yoga expert for men. His unique fitness-centric, strength-based approach to yoga—exemplified in his yoga workouts, programs, books, videos, blogs, and more—has helped to transform the lives of hundreds of thousands of men [and women] worldwide.

    Join Dean as he explores the habits, mindsets, tools, and tactics that lead to health, happiness, and fulfillment for men. You'll hear interviews with world-class experts who pull back the curtain and share their proven strategies for taking your body and mind to the next level.

    More significantly, we’ll discuss the challenges they faced that truly tested them on an emotional level, and work to better understand what they did to work through those events, and how it helped them to grow for the better.

    Learn how to implement new habits sustainably and realistically. Discover systems and processes that will empower you to hit your biggest goals. And be prepared to go deep beyond the world of physical fitness, to explore the mental, spiritual, and emotional aspects of health that will truly allow you to thrive.

    Get inspired and get ready. The Better Man Podcast is a conversation to help you become the better version of yourself.

    Dean Pohlman
    Founder / CEO of Man Flow Yoga
    Best-selling Author of Yoga Fitness for Men & Yoga for Athletes
    Co-Producer of Body By Yoga Series

  • The Ringer NBA squad provides the insight, reporting, and analysis that you need in your life right here on The Ringer NBA Show. On Sundays and Wednesdays, check out 'Group Chat' with Justin Verrier, Wosny Lambre and Rob Mahoney. Tap in on Mondays and Thursdays for 'Real Ones' with Logan Murdock and Raja Bell.

  • In each episode, we’ll meet renowned medical experts, specialists and pioneers who’ve influenced the way certain conditions and diseases are understood and treated. We focus on giving you the information you need to understand the root cause, symptoms and treatments available for specific medical conditions.

  • Are you looking for a new and fun way to learn American English? Come hang out with Lindsay and Michelle from Boston and New York City and have fun while you improve your English listening skills! We are an English as a Second Language (ESL) podcast for intermediate to advanced English learners around the world. We will show you how to use everyday English vocabulary and natural idioms, expressions, and phrasal verbs and how to make small talk in American English. We will also give you special tips on American culture, customs, etiquette, and how to speak with Americans as well as conversation and commentary on study tips, business English, life in America and Boston and New York, how to apply to university in the US, dating, travel, food and more. You'll get TOEFL, IELTS, and TOEIC help also from The Examiner of Excellence, Jessica Beck. This podcast is for adult students who are professionals and university students as well as ESL teachers. Join the community to learn to speak American English like a native! Connection NOT Perfection!

  • Amol and Nick on what defines Starmerism.

  • It’s good, bad, ugly - and very very funny. Changing the way we see heroes and villains in history.

  • The Nature Podcast brings you the best stories from the world of science each week. We cover everything from astronomy to zoology, highlighting the most exciting research from each issue of the Nature journal. We meet the scientists behind the results and provide in-depth analysis from Nature's journalists and editors.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • The Crown: The Official Podcast is the exclusive companion podcast to accompany the Netflix Original Series The Crown. Hosted by Edith Bowman, the podcast follows the show episode by episode, diving deep into the stories and taking listeners behind the scenes with insights from many of the people involved in making the show. The Crown returns for season 6 on November 16th and The Crown: The Official Podcast is back to follow the show episode by episode, diving deep into the stories and speaking with many of the talented people involved, including show creator Peter Morgan and cast members Imelda Staunton, Elizabeth Debicki, Dominic West and Jonathan Pryce. The Crown: The Official Podcast is produced by Netflix and Somethin’ Else, in association with Left Bank Pictures.

  • This empowering series tells the stories of inspirational people who have overcome challenges and fears in their lives in order to thrive. With the help of stellar guests including Bozoma Saint John, Tim Spector and Busy Philipps, Trinny will be digging deep into the fears that can hold us back from our goals, and how to overcome them.

    “Can you actually choose to live a more fearless life? And what could you achieve if you did?

    Fear is something I’ve felt deeply at multiple points in my life. Like so many others will know, it's an emotion that can leave us feeling paralysed, or like we just can’t compete. Those telltale butterflies. Feeling frozen in the headlights. Panic. We’ve all been there.

    But there is nothing more inspiring than seeing a friend stare fear right in the eyes. And whenever I’ve been challenged by fear, that rush has led me to unexpected places...

    In this podcast, I’ll be talking to guests who’ve made inspiring steps to overcome the hurdles and the nerves – and we’ll answer your questions about how to build an entirely new, fearless mindset” – Trinny Woodall

    Follow Trinny on Instagram and Facebook @trinnywoodall

    A Pixiu Production.

  • Want to feel more confident with your business English?
    Lindsay and Michelle show you real, business English vocabulary for the global economy in this podcast from All Ears English. 
    Learn spoken English for business with native speakers.
    Get advanced skills for English meetings, presentations, small talk and socializing at work, job interviews, telephone English and more.
    Write more clear and concise business emails in English to sound professional.
    Be respected when you speak to colleagues, bosses, partners, suppliers, and stakeholders.

    Increase your self-esteem at work to participate, facilitate, persuade, and respond quickly in English.
    Learn formal, informal, and semi-formal English for different workplace situations
    Increase your salary and get a promotion.

    This podcast is perfect for you if you are at the mid-career or middle management stage, early career, senior-level or C-suite, entrepreneur, self-employed freelancer, or a small business owner.

    The English level for this podcast is intermediate to advanced English 
    CEFR B1 Intermediate English, CEFR B2 Upper-Intermediate English, CEFR C1 Advanced English, CEFR C2 Proficiency English

    This podcast is great for software engineers, senior executives, MBA students, marketing managers, doctors, lawyers, accountants, project managers, HR professionals, customer service professionals, IT, financial planners, import/export businesses, biotech professionals, sales reps, and any career that involves international business or using English.

    With every episode, we show you how to organize and deliver your message clearly.
    You’ll be able to understand phone calls and conference calls by improving your listening skills.
    Use the right English grammar and the right English tenses in every situation.

    We also cover: Assigning tasks to the team, global leadership and management, English pronunciation and accent, American culture and business, cross-cultural communication skills for business, negotiation idioms, vocabulary, slang, and business proverbs and sayings.

    Learn how to tell stories that convince people to take action in business.
    Speak with customers and resolve client issues.
    Be polite with the right English vocabulary when you speak with your colleagues.

    This podcast is a collection of episodes that were originally published on All Ears English Podcast and new Business English episodes. 

  • Najstarija priča na svetu je mit o potrazi. Čovek otkako postoji, on traga. Traganje može da bude prostorno, ali traganje može da bude i unutrašnje. Tragamo za srećom, za identitetom, tragamo pokušavajući da odgovorimo na mnoga pitanja. Kroz razgovore i putovanja, ovo je moja potraga, moj pokušaj da pobegnem od besmisla.Agelast podcast je projekat Galeba Nikačevića.

  • The Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast offers personal, practical coaching lessons that take the mystery out of leadership. In each episode of the Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast, Craig brings you empowering insights and easy-to-understand takeaways you can use to lead yourself and lead your team. You’ll learn effective ways to grow as a leader, optimize your time, develop your team, and structure your organization.

  • Wealth manager Warren Ingram's weekly contributions on The Money Show have built this impressive archive of audio on a broad range of themes.

  • A weekly interview series from Russell Brand that examines what's beneath the surface—of the people we admire, the ideas that define our time, and the history we’re told. Speaking with guests from the worlds of academia, popular culture, and the arts, Russell seeks to uncover the ulterior truth behind our constructed reality. And have a laugh.On his new podcast ‘Above the Noise’ Russell guides us all—curious beginners, spiritual skeptics, and experienced practitioners—in brief, 10-minute meditations. Listen to Above the Noise on Luminary

  • True horror stories written by those that made it out alive. First person accounts narrated and produced by Andy Tate in an anthology of terror and suspense. To hear your story on the show, send it to [email protected]

  • Listen to James O'Brien's phone-in show, which will make you think - and possibly change your outlook on the big stories.

  • I'm Danica Patrick and I'm Pretty Intense!

    I believe that each and every one of us has the power within ourselves to create the life that we really want. And I want to inspire you to go conquer your dreams, both professionally and personally.

    That's why I created this podcast.

    We can learn together with intense discussions with my guests about life, inspiring ideas and ultimately realize our true best self.

    Our guests will be from all aspects of life: They're going to be family, friends, celebrities, musicians, artists, experts and entrepreneurs.

    Sometimes people haven't necessarily been asked a certain question or maybe someone hasn't thought a certain way or even challenge themselves. And I feel like for me: I got that therapy through interviews. So, this podcast is going to be intense therapy!

    We're gonna go as deep as we can possibly go with people and learn what learn how they what they did, and how you can too.

    Join me for this deep dive...my only warning is, it could get Pretty Intense!

  • The Shift is a podcast that aims to tell the truth about being a woman post-40, created and hosted by writer and broadcaster, Sam Baker. 

    Did you ever wonder why you stop hearing so many women's voices once they pass 40? That's where The Shift comes in - a frank, funny, sometimes heartbreaking, always honest look at what it means to be a woman in midlife and beyond. Work, life, love, health, sex, money, identity, body image... What does it all mean when everything around you (and inside you...) is changing? Each week, award-winning author and journalist Sam Baker asks a different woman how she got here, where she's going - and how it feels to be where she is right now. Expect intimate conversation, big laughs, occasional tears and an awful lot of ripping up the rule book and stamping on it... Past guests have included Nicola Sturgeon, Marian Keyes, Guilty Feminist Deborah Frances-White, Minnie Driver, Philippa Perry, Anita Rani, Tracey Thorn, Isabel Allende, Bobbi Brown, Barbara Blake-Hannah and many more, talking everything from confidence to career reinvention, mental health, menopause and so much more.

    If you enjoy The Shift podcast, and you'd like to show the love, you can buy me a coffee at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/theshiftwithsambaker

    And if you really love The Shift and would like to hear more conversations with women over 40, why not become a member of our community and receive a weekly newsletter, get exclusive transcripts, join The Shift bookclub and so much more, please visit https://theshiftwithsambaker.substack.com/

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Welcome to our podcast! This is a podcast where you can listen to conversations mainly in Spanish that are easy to understand with native speakers from different Spanish Speaking countries to give you an opportunity to listen to casual and natural conversations about everyday topics and everyday situations so that you can learn Spanish in a communicative context. We share conversations for intermediate and advance learners and provide free supporting content on the show notes.

  • An archive of each full weekday episode of the award-winning program presented by Bruce Whitfield.

  • Is capitalism the engine of destruction or the engine of prosperity? On this podcast we talk about the ways capitalism is—or more often isn’t—working in our world today. Hosted by Vanity Fair contributing editor, Bethany McLean and world renowned economics professor Luigi Zingales, we explain how capitalism can go wrong, and what we can do to fix it.

    Cover photo attributions: https://www.chicagobooth.edu/research/stigler/about/capitalisnt.

    If you would like to send us feedback, suggestions for guests we should bring on, or connect with Bethany and Luigi, please email: contact at capitalisnt dot com. If you like our show, we'd greatly appreciate you giving us a rating or a review. It helps other listeners find us too.

  • What will the future look like? The Future of Everything offers a view of the nascent trends that will shape our world. In every episode, join our award-winning team on a new journey of discovery. We’ll take you beyond what’s already out there, and make you smarter about the scientific and technological breakthroughs on the horizon that could transform our lives for the better.

  • Aktualna oddaja, namenjena poročanju o glasbenih dogodkih doma in v tujini in kritični oceni le-teh. Pripravljajo uredniki in sodelavci glasbenega programa v Ljubljani, Mariboru in Kopru.

  • Hosted by David Beckworth of the Mercatus Center, Macro Musings pulls back the curtain on the important macroeconomic issues of the past, present, and future.

  • EconTalk: Conversations for the Curious is an award-winning weekly podcast hosted by Russ Roberts of Shalem College in Jerusalem and Stanford's Hoover Institution. The eclectic guest list includes authors, doctors, psychologists, historians, philosophers, economists, and more. Learn how the health care system really works, the serenity that comes from humility, the challenge of interpreting data, how potato chips are made, what it's like to run an upscale Manhattan restaurant, what caused the 2008 financial crisis, the nature of consciousness, and more. EconTalk has been taking the Monday out of Mondays since 2006. All 900+ episodes are available in the archive. Go to EconTalk.org for transcripts, related resources, and comments.

  • Da li znaš da je nemoguće da ne komuniciraš? Zato sve što nas okružuje možeš posmatrati kao komunikaciju, a naš podkast radi upravo to! Svake nedelje bavimo se drugim pitanjem iz oblasti komunikacija, kao na primer: Ko je bio prvi influenser? Da li je marketing manipulacija? Šta akcenti govore o ljudima? Kako je fleksing postao osnova YouTube sadržaja?

    To znači da raščišćavamo definicije dubioznih pojmova, otkrivamo zaboravljenu istoriju, pronalazimo likove koji su prvi radili ono što danas svi rade i predviđamo budućnosti utopijske i apokaliptične.

    Mi smo autorski podkast jedne kreativne agencije. Ne fokusiramo se na goste, već na teme i istraživanje. Svake nedelje, Goran i još neko iz naše agencije prekopaju članke, knjige, dokumentarce, intervjuišu kolege i konekcije na LinkedInu da iskopaju što više zanimljivosti iz tema koje nas sve okružuju.

    Možete nas pratiti na svim audio platformama ili YouTube. Možete se uključiti u pripreme podkasta tako što me zapratite na LinkedIn:
    ili nam pišete na [email protected]

  • There is so much great and life-changing information about sex and intimacy, but let’s face it, it can be dry as hell! Intimacy expert and sexologist Shan Boodram takes a deep dive into anything and everything about sex, relationships, and the science of attachment every week with expert guests and friends who will tell all. It’s everything The Talk should be.

  • We can start this introduction like they do on most websites. Vusi Thembekwayo is an acclaimed business mogul and global speaker. It is true. But that is not Vusi. Vusi is many things. From a maverick, a leadership genius, a petrol head, a family man, a self-made millionaire to a dragon.

  • Big Ideas explored through Little Pictures.

    It's certainly not a self-help podcast, but you might take something away that helps you notice or even enjoy the world around you a little more.

    Explaining the world, one sketch at a time.

    This is an explainer podcast for the curious-minded. Topics covered include science, behavioural economics, wellbeing, nature, psychology frameworks, business models, cognitive biases, and even domestic life-hacks. 

    A podcast to accompany the popular series of simple explanations of stuff through a weekly sketch at sketchplanations.com.

    Sketchplanations illustrator and author Jono Hey joins lifelong friends Tom Pellereau (2011 Apprentice Winner) and Rob Bell (Engineer & Broadcaster) to share ideas and stories catalysed by each week's sketch. The 3 of us have been friends for over 20 years and have always enjoyed delving into all sorts of conversation topics - usually with some silliness along the way.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Pregled aktualnih glasbenih dogodkov

  • On Betches Media's Not Another True Crime Podcast, hosts Danny Murphy and Sara Levine are your partners in wine, crime, and time as they recap the buzziest true crime documentaries and travel back in history to discuss little-known crimes from the past.

  • "GRANDES INFELICES. Luces y sombras de grandes novelistas" es un podcast literario de Blackie Books presentado y dirigido por el escritor Javier Peña (autor de los libros “Agnes” e “Infelices”).Javier Peña repasará capítulo a capítulo la vida y obra de destacados escritores y escritoras, que a veces tuvieron vida de novela, pero no siempre de las felices.

  • Two celebrity friends reading home-written erotica to each other? Surely not...

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.