Business – Hungary – New podcasts

  • What makes you a heretic? Journalist Andrew Gold believes that, in an age of group-think and tribes, we need heretics - those who use unconventional wisdom to speak out against their own groups, from cancelled comedians and radical feminists to cult defectors and vigilantes hunting deviants.

    Learn from my guests how to rebel, think differently and resist social contagion. From Triggernometry's Francis Foster and the world's most cancelled man Graham Linehan to ex-Hasidic Jew Julia Haart and gender critical atheist Richard Dawkins. These are the people living with the weight of their own community's disappointment on their shoulders.

  • AI News is your guide to the latest in Al, shedding light on how these technologies are transforming the way we live and work. Each episode focuses on new trends, practical applications, and the future impact of Al across Human Resource, Sales and Marketing and Technology.

  • Overwhelmed by technological change, EX-IBM Futurist Nathaniel Schooler will keep you one step ahead of the pack or should we say the robot...

    Here we interview futuristic leaders who share their deep industry knowledge and business experience with you. Ensuring you have your finger on the pulse and your eyes wide open.

    Influential Visions Podcast, we also have a number of other amazing co-hosts too. Including Kim-Adele Randall, Nicolas Babin, Lisa Ventura MBE, Steven J Manning, Tyler Cohen Wood and Treasa Dovander.

  • Welcome to the StyleLearn Origins podcast, a weekly exploration of the past of corporate learning and instructional designs with key insights for the future. Learn about how to best train and upskill your workforce with business based research and academic insights. This podcast is offered at zero cost to the public.

    Learn About Learning Design on YouTube @corpraxis


  • We are a small branding agency from Transylvania with a human-centric design approach. Our work consists of brand strategy and visual identity.

  • The Healthy Wealthy & Smart podcast with Dr. Karen Litzy is the perfect blend of clinical skills and business skills to help healthcare and fitness professionals uplevel their careers.

  • Speaking with industry leaders about financial literacy and creating generational wealth. Hosted by Fred Brandon. More info available on Support this podcast:

  • Weekly broadcast for wannabe entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs.

  • „Der „IT Leaders in Retail & Manufacturing“-Podcast ist genau der richtige Ort für Decision-Maker in den Bereichen Manufacturing und Retail. Hier stehen Themen rund um IT-Management und IT-Development im Fokus. 

    Unser Host Mario Dietzler, Head of Digitalization & Software Development bei der Aleri Solutions GmbH, im Gespräch mit den Innovatoren und Innovatorinnen der Branche.

    In jeder Folge begrüßt Mario einen Leader in IT aus führenden Unternehmen, stellt die Frage “Wie navigiere ich die Komplexität von IT?” – und tauscht sich über Best Practices aus, vor allem zu Themen, wie:

    ● Software Development und Skalierbarkeit
    ● DevSecOps
    ● Cloud Transformation & Strategy
    ● Sustainable IT
    ● Automation richtig einsetzen
    ● B2B & B2C E-Commerce

    Für Best Practices rund um die Themen Software Development und Skalierbarkeit, Cloud Transformation und Sustainable IT, sind Sie hier genau richtig.

  • Coffee o’clock Podcast, your source of JOY and INSPIRATION. Join global guests, sharing amazing stories to help you Unlock Your Authentic Self. Dive into personal tales in solo episodes, resonating with your own journey. Let the Coffee o’clock Podcast be your guide, where authenticity meets inspiration!

  • Research, news and tools all around Open Innovation. Hands-on advice to the point from OMIND 4 you.

  • Minden lépés, amit teszel, meghatározza a jövődet – vezetőként pedig másokéra is nagy hatással lehetsz. Hiszünk abban, hogy képes vagy pozitívan formálni a munkahelyi légkört, miközben az eredményességet sem téveszted szem elől.
    Témáink a pszichológiai biztonság, HR, AI, adatalapú megközelítések, és minden olyan kérdés, eszköz, ami segít, hogy egyensúlyt teremts a hatékonyság és az emberközpontúság között a csapatodban.
    Csatlakozz hozzánk, és fedezd fel velünk a vezetés új dimenzióit, ahol mindenki számít, és ahol Te vagy a változások mozgatórugója. A podcast házigazdája Kis Tünde.

  • I created this for my Business Listening final project. Rock On.

  • In the Road to InfoSec podcast series, seasoned information security experts recount their career journeys and pivotal moments in the field. Each episode features a guest with extensive experience, offering insights and stories about the challenges and triumphs of a life in information security. Tune in to gain valuable knowledge and inspiration from leaders who have shaped the industry and provide guidance for the next generation of security professionals.

  • Sigue e o nome da musica feita com amador pra vcs

  • Ledöntjük az ingatlanos piac előítéleteit! Tisztába tesszük a legnagyobb félreértéseket! Tarts velünk akkor is, ha ingatlanokkal szeretnél foglalkozni, de akkor is, ha csak érdekel ez a piac! Ha ingatlanoznál, elmondjuk mire számíts és hogy készülj fel erre a pályára. Ha csak érdeklődőként figyeled ezt az izgalmas világot, akkor is tarts velünk, hiszen sok hasznosat megtudhatsz arról, hogy mire figyelj egy ingatlan ügyletnél, hogy válaszd ki az ingatlanodat vagy éppen hogy tudod a leggyorsabban a legjobb áron eladni életed talán legértékesebb vagyontárgyát!

  • "We Are Recording" is all about talking to incredible people and discussing how they got to where they are today. Their successes, their failures, their passions, and the future.

  • Decision Day is the resource I wish I had. As a class of 2022 high school graduate, I was lost and undecided during my senior year. I kept wondering "How does everyone else have it figured out?!" Rather than following the traditional path, I decided to jump right into the workforce. Through Decision Day, we can navigate adult life and gain clarity learning from successful individuals from various industries! Offering career exploration, advice for the professional world, and basic finances, Decision Day is the best resource for undecided and curious students!

  • Egy podcast a podcastokról, avagy podcast a négyzeten! Ha érdekel a podcastek világa, vagy szeretnél te is saját podcastet, esetleg vállalkozásodnak szeretnél új marketingcsatornát, akkor tarts velem! 10+ év média rutinját, kivitelezőként pedig tucatnyi podcast elindításának tapasztalatait hozom el Neked kéthetente. Stratégia, marketing, műsorok felépítése, ez mind belefér! Váljunk együtt egyre jobb podcasterré, tegyünk azért, hogy a magyar legyen a környék legjobb podcast piaca! Kérdésed van? Az alábbi elérhetőségeken megtalálsz: [email protected]

  • 8 & 9 Figure Mentors is the podcast that gets inside of the minds of the people who have started, run and exited 8, 9 and 10- figure businesses. Learn about their stories, work ethic, struggles and failures, as well as their big wins, so you can apply their lessons to your own journey.

    If you don't have a multi-billion dollar network, use this podcast instead! Simple 😇

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • How to become an Entrepreneur and how to achieve Time, Location and Financial Freedom. How to overcome your fear of failing and how to make your first dollar online. Come join me on my webinar.