Negócios – Portugal – Novos podcasts

  • Le podcast des professionnels RH qui relèvent les défis du monde du travail d’aujourd’hui et de demain.
    Plongez dans des discussions passionnantes avec des invités experts, explorez des pratiques RH indispensables et bénéficiez de précieux conseils juridiques. Chaque épisode est une opportunité d'apprendre et de s'inspirer des meilleurs.
    Ne manquez aucun épisode audio et vidéo, abonnez-vous dès maintenant !

    Ce podcast est co-animé par :

    Maud Grenier, experte en RH avec plus de dix ans d'expérience, co-fondatrice du Temple RH et top voice linkedin.
    Marine Dubois, avocate en droit du travail et co-fondatrice de Kanoon by LegalPlace

    Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

  • Welcome to Wealth, Yahoo Finance's personal finance-focused hour, that will help you grow your money and build your finances holistically and comprehensively. Hosted daily by Brad Smith, and featuring a growing community of experts, advisers and personal finance ‘experts’ - Wealth will guide your financial footprint. From explainers to jargon busters, we're with you every step of the way.

  • Um podcast sobre comunicação e publicidade, onde discutiremos de forma leve e descontraída assuntos controversos. Acompanhem nossos episódios semanais e nosso canal no youtube Dois Lados da Moeda.

  • My Heart wants to speak, so here it is. I live and breathe intuition, my life is a walking oracle and I piece together my life experiences to heal trauma, uncover insights and decipher intuitive information. I share this, so you can have acute clarity in deciphering your intuition to live your Unique Life Purpose. This is Reality Awareness.

  • Welcome to Venture Podcast presented by VNTR the World’s Leading Investors Community. The place to learn from VCs and Capital Allocators.

    Join the VNTR inner circle by joining the VNTR Club using and receive the VNTR weekly newsletter at Active investors can claim their free investor account at

  • The BOOKED for Lunch podcast features interviews with the world's best business book authors and thinkers. Ideal for those who want to expand their business education and be inspired by thought leaders who present on trends and big ideas. Host: Suzi Dafnis, Australian Businesswomen's Network. More details at

  • Neste podcast, eu, Rui Bairrada, abro as portas do Doutor Finanças e converso com algumas das pessoas que entraram e ficaram na minha vida.

    Pessoas que trouxeram ideias fora da caixa, histórias singulares, boa energia e uma perspectiva única.

    Bem vindos ao… Pessoas que acrescentam.

  • Most see the business and entrepreneurial beauty of today, yet Erik Hatch and the Redefine Podcast take a look at the bumpy road they had to endure on the journey. Join Erik as he showcases some of the world's most brilliant CEOs and rainmakers as they give us a peek behind the curtain at all the hard times that have led them to greatness. These entrepreneurs have redefined their futures by leaning into the hard stuff of life.

    The Redefine Podcast is an eliminator of excuses as we take a look at how top business people have overcome some crazy difficulties to now find themselves at new summits. When we talk about our successes, it breeds competition. When we talk about our failures, it creates compassion, community, and connection.

    Inspiration pours out as listeners lean in to hear what these ultra-successful guests have done to achieve greatness. Seeing the mindset and grit it takes will act as an accelerator for action and triumph for every listener!

  • 'Piping Up' is a podcast brought to you by The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo. An ‘Access All Areas’ Pass into the creativity and dedication that powers our show.

    Here, conversations aren’t just limited to the spectacle. They're about the real people, the real passion, and the pulsating heart behind the fanfare.

    From intimate chats with our performers to incredible insights from our crew and everything in between. Think of it as your front-row seat to the inner workings of one of the greatest shows on earth.

    Welcome to 'Piping Up’.

  • O ROIcast que ser um espaço de partilha mas também quer trazer uma nova visão sobre o mundo dos negócios e investimentos através de convidados que partilham as suas experiências não só profissionais mas também pessoais.

    Apresentado por Daniel Godinho e Diogo Rego.

    Todos os sábados ás 12H uma conversa com ROI.

  • O Mãos na Massa é o Podcast da HM Consultores que aborda temas sociais, setoriais e corporativos que afetam a economia.

  • Walking Your Talk is a podcast of marketing tips for growing your passion project. We don't run "Side Hustles" here, we build passion businesses alongside our "traditional jobs".

    If you're not feeling the "sell sell sell" of hustle culture, join me here to connect with your customers in an authentic way.

    Brought to you by Social Media Manager, Marketing Director, and Graphic Designer: Catharine Gibson.

    Topics we'll touch on:
    - time management
    - creating content
    - social media posting
    - creating genuine connections
    - bringing in new customers

    Thanks for listening♡

  • O que realmente vale cada percentagem e cada número que se atravessa nas nossas vidas? Pedro Santos Guerreiro explica os valores dos valores.

  • 🎙 Introducing BIZ&BALLS Podcast! Join Pedro, Stefan, and Matthias on our weekly journey through two exciting worlds. 💼 Dive into the latest business trends, sales strategies, and insights from Iman Gadzhi's Digital Launchpad program for entrepreneurs. Learn about time management, online income, and overcoming procrastination. ⏰💰

    🏀 On the flip side, get your dose of sports updates with our weekly report! From football ⚽️ to basketball 🏀, golf ⛳️ to Formula 1 🏎️, we've got you covered with the latest scores, highlights, and analysis.

    Tune in every week for a dynamic blend of business and sports discussions that'll keep you entertained and informed! 🎧

  • Boomers Today is a talk show where experts are interviewed on many of the issues facing boomers and an aging population.

  • We go behind the scenes and uncover the person and journey behind the successful modern creative brands, services and concepts we see today. Discovering just what it takes to go from an idea to scaling to a well-known creative venture.

    We find out how these innovators got their unique idea off the ground, the challenges faced along the way, and learn more about the niche creative industry they work in. From these personal accounts, we learn real-life advice from the valuable lessons learnt, and hope the journey inspires and helps you to carve your own lifestyle-driven, creative path.

  • Do you want to have more money? Do you want to not be afraid to have a lot of them?In this podcast, we will explore the world of business, money, and personal development with our guests (in Azerbaijani, in English and in Russian accordingly to guest speaking language).The host is Farida Asgarzade, an entrepreneur, business consultant and business influencer.

  • Na CUF reconhecemos a riqueza da partilha de histórias de sucesso, como fonte de inspiração e motivação para os colaboradores procurarem oportunidades de crescimento e desenvolvimento profissional.

    É neste contexto que surge o CUF Cast, um projeto com o intuito de destacar exemplos de pessoas que trilham caminhos de mobilidade dentro da CUF. São oito episódios com diferentes colaboradores e muitas histórias a não perder!

    Podcast conduzido por Tiago Forjaz, comunicador e empreendedor na área do talento.

  • Enquanto estudante, alguma vez tiveste a sensação de que a teoria que aprendias não te preparava para os desafios do mundo profissional?

    Sabemos que esta transição, de estudante para profissional, pode parecer um mergulho no desconhecido… levando-te a sentires-te (literalmente!) como um peixe “Fora D’Aulas”!

    Somos o António, a Cíntia, o Ivan e a Cláudia da Associação Fórum Turismo, e estamos aqui para te ajudar nesta fase trazendo profissionais com anos de experiência a lidar com estes desafios. Eles vão partilhar contigo aquilo que aprenderam até agora e dar-te dicas práticas que vão além dos livros e podes aplicar à tua carreira, ainda antes de começares!

    Na 1ª temporada do “Fora D’Aulas”, vamos aprofundar temas cruciais como: saúde mental, poupança nos primeiros anos de carreira, imigração profissional - entre outros mais, capazes de te equipar com a confiança necessária para navegares esta fase da tua vida.

    Juntos, vamos transformar esta fase desafiante numa aventura de sucesso. Preparados para começar? Vamos a isso!

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Food & Beverage Talk, brought to you by Morgan & Westfield (, a global leader in mergers & acquisitions for mid-market companies in the food and beverage industry. We bring you exclusive interviews with the top experts in the industry to provide you with insight and guidance on how to build your company's bottom line and maximize value for eventual sale.

    Access show notes on all Food & Beverage Talk podcasts at