Business – Slovenia – New podcasts

  • What makes you a heretic? Journalist Andrew Gold believes that, in an age of group-think and tribes, we need heretics - those who use unconventional wisdom to speak out against their own groups, from cancelled comedians and radical feminists to cult defectors and vigilantes hunting deviants.

    Learn from my guests how to rebel, think differently and resist social contagion. From Triggernometry's Francis Foster and the world's most cancelled man Graham Linehan to ex-Hasidic Jew Julia Haart and gender critical atheist Richard Dawkins. These are the people living with the weight of their own community's disappointment on their shoulders.

  • Authors explain why they wrote their books

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • En esta sección encontrarás tips importantes a la hora de desarrollar tu marca en redes sociales y otros medios digitales.

  • Welcome to the Forged Trader Podcast, where we equip traders with the discipline and mindset to elevate their trading prowess through a proven system.

    For those seeking to enhance their trading results and dive into the mindset behind successful trading strategies, this podcast is tailored just for you.

    Watch as I discover how to harness discipline, leverage powerful tools, and elevate my trading game in real time and learn how you can do the same.

    At Forged Trader, we believe there's always room for growth and learning in the world of trading.

  • A podcast about the little word, music...and the big word, BUSINESS. Industry professionals and special guests discuss music, contracts, marketing, technology & current events.

  • The official podcast for Management students at the University of Toronto Scarborough, hosted Philip Brown (Assistant Director, Management Co-op) and Stephanie Panou (Program Advisor)! Master a motivational mindset and supercharge your job-search strategy with tips, best practices, special guest interviews, and innovative ideas to enhance your university experience. Have an idea or a question about the podcast? DM us on Instagram @utscmgmt

  • Are you an entrepreneur or marketing/PR gal that is tired of crafting campaigns and pitching stories that don’t feel purposeful? Does your current place of business need a better marketing and PR strategy to break through the darkness? Do you desire to drive more light into this world by sharing your purpose-driven products, services and/or gifts, but don’t know where to start? If any of this resonates, you’re in the right place.

    Hi, I’m Austin and not long ago, I was right there with you, fighting the tension between showing up well in and outside of my corporate workplace, and consistently creating campaigns and telling stories that broke through the darkness. I was rundown, lost and in need of more joy and light in my life as a busy working wife, mama, daughter, sister, friend… you know, all the roles.

    Thankfully, I found inspiration from other boss babes fast (and you can too)! After being directed to reevaluate my long-term priorities and goals, including bringing my whole self, kiddos and all, plus my art for purpose-driven storytelling to the workplace, I established flexible work with amazing companies and team members who were (and are) on board with my mission.

    *Cue: Plum & Parcel, an integrated marketing and communications agency, that enables intentional, purpose-driven businesses to be seen and heard. Go check us out at!*

    As a fellow small business owner, marketer and WFH wife, mama, daughter, sister, friend, I know you are exactly where you need to be. I hope you will leave each episode feeling encouraged to express and be your true self in and outside your workplace, while communicating with purpose on behalf of the business(es) you serve.

    Inside this podcast you will find:
    • Basic, integrated marketing and PR tips that break through the darkness
    • Thoughtful plans to help you launch and sustain your purpose-filled thing
    • And, encouragement in helping you live by your values, in and outside your workplace

    So, friend, if you’re ready to drive more light into this world by simply marketing YOUR purpose, turn up the volume, grab your coffee and let’s dig in.

    Wanting more? Join my email list at and connect with my team and me on Instagram: @plumandparcel.

    Be the first to know when an episode drops, and hear what’s on the horizon for P&P, including fun freebies, marketing tips and e-course offerings. See you there!

  • The Heat Pump Podcast discusses all things related to heat pumps. We cover: HVAC entrepreneurship, business operations, technology innovations, building science, how policy impacts both contractors and homeowners, and more.

    Our goal is to ensure that the transition to heat pumps for heating and cooling is a win for everyone – homeowners, contractors, and the planet – by sharing insights, learnings, and best practices.

  • Welcome to the TAP, the Tech Alliances Podcast, where we your hosts, Maryna and Andrey, dive deep into the fascinating world of tech partnerships, serving you a fusion of insightful interviews with industry professionals, thought-provoking book reviews, and spirited discussions on the pivotal topics shaping our digital landscape.

    This podcast is supported by Partnership Leaders, the ⁠#1⁠ global community for partnerships, channels, alliances, ecosystem professionals and execs


    We’re back!

    Tune in every Wednesday to hear what stories, tips and insights our guests have to help you create amazing teams at work.


    Season Two will be launching next month - 12 brilliant guests sharing stories and insights to help you create terrific teams where you work.


    Season Two is now in production and we will be launching in the New Year. Yay!


    We're sad to say that Season Two of Highly Relational has had to be delayed due to Robert's health. He is keen to get back in the studio as soon as possible.

    Do you want to unlock the secrets of successful teamwork and bring your people together in a way that realises their full potential?

    Highly Relational is a brand new podcast for business leaders, HR professionals, coaches, consultants and trainers, looking to create, lead and develop great teams at work.

    Join executive coach and team development consultant Robert Digings each week, as he speaks to some of the most accomplished CEOs, executives, coaches, authors and all-round brilliant minds in the business world.

    Highly Relational is a podcast teeming with actionable advice and no-nonsense tips that will inspire you to connect and collaborate more deeply.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Learn what successful creators and industry pros are doing to navigate the industry and build their brands. Discover how you can grow your personal brand & professional network inside the creator economy.

  • A bi-weekly podcast featuring interviews about the musical creation process with people in the music scene in Columbus, OH.

  • There is a theory that there is no such thing as failure, only feedback. In this podcast we put this to the test by interviewing people about their biggest failure and what they learned.

  • Podkast Arelativno je usmerjen v raziskovanje podjetniških zgodb, poslovnih (ne)uspehov in osebne rasti. Skozi pristne pogovore z gosti odkrivamo edinstvene perspektive in izkušnje, ki oblikujejo naše poslovne poti in osebni razvoj.

  • This is the standard introduction to our upcoming podcasts series and episodes: The Valued Life!

    Let us explore together ‼️

  • Kaj je podkast Vodenje z občutkom?
    Prostor, kjer uspešni podjetniki in vodje odprto in iskreno delijo svoje poslovne ter osebne zgodbe. Razkrivajo svoje vzpone in padce ter izkušnje, nasvete in nauke iz prve roke.

    🔔Prijavi se na obvestila o novih epizodah zgodb zanimivih osebnosti iz poslovnega sveta, da ti nobena ne uide!

  • Welcome to Promote and Scale podcast, where we share growth tips and startup success stories so that you can implement the best practices and fast-track your business. Promote and Scale is an agency specialized in digital marketing and lead generation for tech start-ups and e-commerce businesses. Visit our website:

  • Welcome to ”Robin Bouwman Podcast”, where we’ll find all the secrets on how to make your business boom with killer ads!

    Join me for some laid-back chats, practical tips, and real-life stories that’ll inspire you to take your business to the next level. Whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned entrepreneur, this podcast is your ticket to success.

  • Bine ai venit!

    Podcastul O cana cu inspiratie este un proiect creat cu intenția să-ți aducă zâmbete, inspirație și AHA moments.

    Conține întrebări bine puse, dezbateri, povești de viață și know-how din diferite arii.


    Podcast realizat cu sprijinul partenerilor de la

  • Human Design Conversations For All. Welcome to the Lighthouse Projector Series, where hosts Annita Keane and Juliette Stapleton are on a mission to demystify, debunk, and destroy limiting perceptions surrounding the terminology of Human Design and manifestation. Through candid conversations, personal stories, and expert insights, Annita and Juliette guide listeners in how to apply Human Design principles to navigate marketing and business successfully. Join us as we illuminate the path to clarity, action, and intentional living and BEING.