Business – Norway – New podcasts

  • What makes you a heretic? Journalist Andrew Gold believes that, in an age of group-think and tribes, we need heretics - those who use unconventional wisdom to speak out against their own groups, from cancelled comedians and radical feminists to cult defectors and vigilantes hunting deviants.

    Learn from my guests how to rebel, think differently and resist social contagion. From Triggernometry's Francis Foster and the world's most cancelled man Graham Linehan to ex-Hasidic Jew Julia Haart and gender critical atheist Richard Dawkins. These are the people living with the weight of their own community's disappointment on their shoulders.

  • Christian Aarbogh Bjerke og Anne Kat Håskjold fronter denne podcasten som tar for seg næringslivet i Ringeriksregionen - i smått og stort.

  • En podkast for deg med ca. 25 minutter reisevei til jobb, og som ønsker deg noe nytt om ledelse. Eller bare bli minnet på hva du allerede vet.

    Vi utforsker, utfordrer og undres over alt innen ledelse, og ønsker oss innspill til ting vi kan prate om.

    Gjester vil bli invitert etter hvert. Om de kommer gjenstår å se.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Denne podcasten er for deg som er coach eller mentaltrener, og er opptatt av egen og andres utvikling. Også andre som på en eller annen måte er veivisere for andre, vil ha nytte av flere av episodene.

    Marga Dijkman i New Attitude AS snakker om håndverksfaget coaching, selvledelse, din egen personlige utvikling, og temaer innen bevissthet og skaperkraft.

    Marga minner om at mer informasjon ikke leder til transformasjon, det er det kun applikasjon som gjør. Derfor vil mange episoder handle om deg, din egen selvledelse og selvforståelse.

    Nysgjerrig på 1-1 coaching for coacher, terapeuter og andre veivisere?

    Du kan lese mer på hjemmesiden og bloggen på

    Der kan du lese om videreutdanning og påbygning for sertifiserte coacher, gruppeprogrammer og 1-1 coachingtjenester.

    Du finner Marga på Youtube, Instagram og Facebook.

    Du kan også bli med i facebookgruppen som er åpen for coacher, mentaltrenere og terapeuter: Coaching for coacher, hvor du kan laste ned arbeidshefte og treningsvideoer.

  • When we talk about the transition to a decarbonised economy, it sounds like just one change. In reality, however, this societal evolution holds within it a number of different and varied transitions across sectors, geographies and timelines.

    This is Talking Transitions, a new special podcast series brought to you by FORESIGHT Climate & Energy and EY.

    In this series, we’ll be looking at how the transition to a sustainable economy—both from an environmental but also social perspective—is affecting three key areas: the energy and resources industry, the financial services sector, and Government.

    In the first three podcasts, we will look at where we stand today, focusing on the risks and opportunities for these three areas.

    Then, we will be at the COP28 climate negotiations in Dubai for some live podcasts to discuss how challenges can be addressed, no-regret strategies, the role of both the public and private sectors and how they interlink.

    And we will then follow up on COP with a further set of three podcasts reflecting on what took place in Dubai and what the next steps will or should be.

    Guiding me along the way will be an EY thought leader from each of the three different areas as well as a number of expert guests bringing their own unique insights into the transitions.

    We hope you will join us too.

    Complimentary access for one month - join the debate!

    We are delighted to extend an exclusive invitation to you to access FORESIGHT Climate & Energy's community of energy transition enthusiasts and experts.

    Sign up here, download the award-winning app, and enjoy complimentary access to all exclusive features. 

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Welcome to Trust and transformations - leaders navigating change, a DNV podcast.

    In this series, DNV’s business area CEOs sit down with other global leaders to talk about how they tackle transformations, build trust in their business and people, and what they think is coming next for their industry.

  • The latest insights and thoughts on the news, viewed through an employer branding lens from the team at

  • Denne podcasten handler om sparing og investering, går markedet opp eller ned, skal du kjøpe eller selge, eller hva er det som er viktig egentlig?

  • Paradiem, President & CEO and "Kingdom ROI: The Return on Intention" podcast host, Eric L. Dunavant has recorded many episodes on his YouTube channel for almost 2 years and he's been a guest on 20 plus podcast guest appearances himself.

    His 30 to 45-min podcast shares amazing founder stories who reveal the smartest strategies for building abundance TODAY without sacrificing their family and faith along the way. Eric realized that most people in business can be so determined to build their wealth, that they end up sacrificing time, health and family along the way. He and his teams focus on bridging the gap between family and finances and have helped hundreds of families and businesses discover simple, holistic strategies for saving on taxes, giving back to causes they care about, and setting up systems for multi-generational success.

  • Välkommen till podden Ledande frågor med Hillevi Wahl. Det är jag som ska ställa de ledande frågorna och jag är journalist, författare, inspirationsföreläsare med ett speciellt intresse för ledarfrågor.

  • I podcasten Ka-ching tar vi deg med på en spennende reise gjennom verden av sparing, hverdagsøkonomi, og alt det innebærer.

    I hver episode får vi besøk av en spennende gjest med unike historier og perspektiver når det gjelder økonomi. Fra små triks som kan spare deg for tid og penger i hverdagen, til store livsvalg som påvirker lommeboken din på lang sikt - vi dekker alt.

    Men ikke vær redd, dette er ikke din gjennomsnittlige økonomi-podcast. I podcasten vår er takhøyden høy, språket lettfattelig og stemningen alltid "ka-ching»!

  • I’m Christian Hassold, host of the In/organic Podcast.  I’ve spent 24 years building and leading SaaS companies. When my last company was acquired in 2017, I was presented the opportunity to build the M&A function from scratch inside a $130 million public company. Though I had led or been a part of more than a dozen multi-million dollar inorganic and indirect growth drivers over my career, this opportunity brought conviction that I had found my new calling. Today, I lead corporate and business development for CommerceIQ, a Silicon Valley unicorn. In addition I advise investors and entrepreneurs on growth strategy.

    On the In/organic Podcast, I open source my learnings on mergers and acquisitions, indirect partnerships and international expansion to my audience in hopes I can help those who follow me passover common mistakes and double down on winning business development strategies that can accelerate growth and find the fastest path to the right outcome. Join me and my guests on this journey to be a tide that rises all the boats in hyper growth SaaS companies.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Each episode will profile a business and attempt to examine the quality of that business in terms of value proposition, commercialization efficiency, competitive advantage, and reinvestment opportunities.

    Each episode is broken up into two parts. Part One includes fundamental analysis of that business, and Part Two includes a discussion with an expert of that business. Part One lays out the framework. Part Two puts meat on the bone.

  • Fredrik Fornes, best kjent fra LinkedIn, inviterer med seg gjester han har oppdaget på plattformen og intervjuer dem om temaene de skriver om. Alle gjester får muligheten til å gi en «rant» og en «praise» rundt noe i arbeidslivet som irriterer og gleder dem. Rundt dette dannes det interessante samtaler om teamer vi rett og slett må snakke mer om rundt arbeidslivet.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • The Value Strategy Pod with professor Tale Skjølsvik is dedicated to strategic thinking and doing. It aims to add value to anyone working with strategy in organisations. By decomposing the drivers of value in Nordic organizations, aiming to move beyond profits and competition, it offers knowledge that is applicable across organizations tomorrow.

    Please find more information on:

    If you have questions or thougths - Please e-mail us: [email protected].

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Join me each week as I chat with a value-based business owner who is making money online and changing lives along the way (including their own!)
    Discover what made them go on their journey, how they found growth and how it shaped them.
    We’re on a mission to help people find how they can uniquely contribute and fulfil their desire to grow while empowering other people to do the same.
    Listen today to find out how you can be one of them 🙂

    — Evelyn

    P.S. If you are struggling to clarify your niche, check out our free workbook and training below:

  • The Money Manifestation Mastery podcast is your go-to resource for transforming your financial reality and consciously creating the wealth that you desire.

    Hosted by The Abundance Activator, Lara Waldman the show will help you discover the direct connection between your inner world and your physical reality when it comes to wealth creation.

    Lara’s Money Manifestation process is designed for big-hearted, soulful entrepreneurs who are here to make wealthy waves in the world. Make sure to subscribe to never miss an episode. Start building your wealthy world now.

    Connect with Lara:
    YouTube: @LaraWaldmanabundanceactivator
    Instagram: @larawaldmanofficial
    Facebook: @abundanceactivator
    LinkedIn: @larawaldman

  • Hvordan det er å jobbe på et Fontenehus? Er det noe spesielt som er lurt å vite? Hvordan bygger man gode relasjoner og oppnår inkludering?

    I denne podcasten deler vi vår kunnskap og våre erfaringer.

  • Regular updates on the top stories in the shipping industry from the editoral team of leading maritime news outlet TradeWinds. Hosted by Craig Eason

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.