Business – Lithuania – New podcasts

  • What makes you a heretic? Journalist Andrew Gold believes that, in an age of group-think and tribes, we need heretics - those who use unconventional wisdom to speak out against their own groups, from cancelled comedians and radical feminists to cult defectors and vigilantes hunting deviants.

    Learn from my guests how to rebel, think differently and resist social contagion. From Triggernometry's Francis Foster and the world's most cancelled man Graham Linehan to ex-Hasidic Jew Julia Haart and gender critical atheist Richard Dawkins. These are the people living with the weight of their own community's disappointment on their shoulders.

  • Every Tuesday on the CosmoFactory podcast: Discover the latest innovations along the cosmetics and personal care supply chain. Hear thought-provoking conversations with top beauty industry experts from around the world. Learn about next-level solutions and find inspiration to turn your own ideas into industry-changing innovations.

    A PRODUCTION OF Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna
    CosmoFactory is the first podcast from Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna—the most important beauty trade show in the world. Dedicated to all sectors of the industry, Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna welcomes over 250,000 visitors from 150 countries and regions and nearly 3,000 exhibitors to Bologna, Italy, each year. It’s where our diverse and international industry comes together to build business relationships and to discover the best brands and newest innovations across consumer beauty, professional beauty, and the entire supply chain. The trade show includes a robust program of exclusive educational content, featuring executives and key opinion leaders from every sector of the cosmetics, fragrance, and personal care industry. Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna is the most important event of the Cosmoprof international network, with exhibitions in Asia (Hong Kong), the US (Las Vegas and Miami), India (Mumbai) and Thailand (Bangkok). Thanks to its global exhibitions Cosmoprof connects a community of more than 500,000 beauty stakeholders and 10,000 companies from 190 countries and regions. Learn more today at

    CosmoFactory was co-developed in collaboration with supply-side expert Deanna Utroske, Host of the CosmoFactory podcast and Editor of the Beauty Insights newsletter.

  • This podcast is for investors with little or no experience. It's the podcast that cares about you and your financial future. It's all about how to invest, where to invest and how to invest safely.

  • I’m here to remind you that your family is your most important work here on Earth and to help you become the best human possible. You are ready to Level Up your business, health, and relationships we will bring you the people, experiences, and stories to help you make that happen.

  • Welcome to Intelligent Human Leadership: Leading Yourself and Your Team.

    Do you ever find yourself grappling with a lack of confidence in your team?

    Or battling the relentless waves of concern and fear?

    Are the pressures to meet client expectations and the burden of missed opportunities weighing you down?

    On this podcast, you'll discover the strategies and insights that will reignite your team's morale and help YOU find the harmony and knowledge you seek to propel your business forward.

    Here, we explore innovative ways to reignite YOUR creative spirit and achieve greatness, and empower you to lead with intelligence, compassion, and resilience,

    If you’re ready to dive deep into your core of leadership challenges and be guided toward success, this podcast is for you.

    Hosted by David Carr, successful entrepreneur and Founder of Steward Your Business.

    Releases Weekly.
    Become a supporter at

  • This is Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League's (BREDL) Podcast where we discuss environmental issues that are right in our backyards. Topics include coal plants, fracking, pipelines, and much more. This podcast takes a deep dive into these topics and talks with people who are on the ground fighting for the health and safety of their communities as well as protection the planet.

  • This is the podcast for entrepreneurs who want to make more impact and income and less time. I'm your host, Megan Wing, and throughout each episode, you will learn how to create the lifestyle and legacy you want as you grow!

  • Welcome to Concept to Care, the podcast where Angela Suthrave and Omar Mousa have conversations with a range of expert guests, including founders, product leaders, health tech operators, and investors to share candid stories of success and failure, dissect strategies, and delve into the nitty-gritty details that offer invaluable advice on navigating the ever-evolving landscape of health tech.

  • Welcome to the Spiritual Biz with Kimberly Maska podcast! This show is for spiritual entrepreneurs who want to learn how to step out with their spiritual gifts and create a thriving spiritual business so they can have an impact on the world… all while staying 100% true to their spiritual calling and serving at the highest level possible. This is an opportunity to learn from Kimberly Maska, international bestselling author, creator of the Spiritual Biz Coaching Certification Program and publisher of Spiritual Biz Magazine. Inside each episode, Kimberly shares her secrets and strategies that she implements for success with complete transparency. From “failures”, to how to maintain a 5D vibration while creating 3D success, to real life marketing game plans that you can implement today. Kimberly doesn’t hold back as she shares her journey in creating a 7-figure spiritual business that is shifting how people see money, spirituality and business.

  • Attorney Time is the new podcast from the business law firm Hawley Troxell that brings legal expertise to you. Curious about intellectual property? Are you an entrepreneur and starting your first business? Not sure what attorneys even do? Attorney Time covers a broad range of legal topics from Hawley Troxell’s team of experienced attorneys.

  • A podcast about goings on in the maritime sector - how we do things, why we do them this way and other News, Views and Reviews!!

    The author, Capt. Abhay Kumar, is an avid reader and conversationalist, who has spent the better part of his life in and around the merchant navy. He feels he has an obligation to tell the world about the impact the merchant navy has on world trade and daily lives of people on the planet.
    He has a Masters in Shipping Finance and has worked in most sectors of shipping.

    Disclaimer : All views expressed are those of the author and participants themselves

  • Салют, друзья!

    Меня зовут Таня, и я рассказываю о культурных особенностях и традициях различных стран, а еще о том, как люди из разных уголков земли общаются, думают и достигают целей.

    Если у вас есть курьёзные или просто интересные истории о взаимодействии с представителями других культур, и вы готовы ими поделиться, присылайте их сюда: [email protected]

    Мы в YouTube:

    Инстаграм ведущей подкаста:

  • Desire to understand how eCommerce stores sway growth and sales through Marketing?Or searching for proven marketing methodology to thrive your eCommerce?eCommercicon is the one-stop solution for you to demystify eCommerce Marketing. Join us in the journey to learn, grow & share.

  • If you don't know your customers, you can't give them what they want.

    That's what this naughty by nurture podcast is all about. That and the weird and wonderful people we've met across the ecosystem.

    So if you want to spice up your customer marketing, join us for cheeky puns, rich editorial content, data insights, and fresh creative ideas.

    Our podcast series is jam-packed with personality, sure to add some extra zing to your customers' experiences.

    Coming soon: Series 2 starts spring 2022

  • V.Conversations is a podcast for V. colleagues, which looks at the reasons why it’s an exciting place to work, and what colleagues are doing to put it at the forefront of innovation in ship management and marine services. In each episode, Sam Shaw speaks to V. colleagues who are making a difference and shaping the future of the company.

  • Le Monde et Finansol organisent, pour la onzième année consécutive, les Grands Prix de la finance solidaire. La mobilisation des acteurs de l’économie sociale et solidaire (ESS) pour faire face à la crise sanitaire et économique du Covid-19 est exceptionnelle en 2020 tandis que ces structures ont elles-mêmes subi les conséquences de la crise sanitaire et économique. Finansol et Le Monde ont décidé de mettre en lumière les initiatives nées pendant la crise du Covid-19 par la création d’un « prix spécial coup de cœur du public ». Un autre prix « France » récompense une structure de l’ESS exerçant une activité à forte utilité sociale ou environnementale : accès à la santé, lutte contre l’exclusion, insertion par l’activité économique, accès au logement, alimentation durable et filière bio, énergies renouvelables, ou encore la transition écologique. Une structure étrangère qui proposent une réponse à une problématique sociale et/ou environnementale locale est distinguée dans le cadre du prix « International ». Retrouvez l'histoire de ces lauréats.

  • Heather Allison is the Sacred Feminine, Soul + Shamanic Guide for women who are here for something MORE. A Destiny Accelerator, she helps her clients step into the lives, the Love, the Success, the Magic and the experiences they have always been meant for.
    Her work has been described as “unimaginable transformation,” “revolutionary,” “whole-life changing,” and “by far the most important work I’ve ever done” by the women who have experienced it.

    She is an Activator of those who are here to be Activators. The Divine Feminine guide for Divine Feminine guides. And a mentor for every woman who desires to walk a path full of Miracles, and live a life of Beauty and Purpose.

    Through her signature Mystery School, Golden Goddess, Heather teaches the principles and practices from her reality-changing methodology called Sacred Harmonic Energetics™ (S.H.E.). These are Energetic, Shamanic, Emotional, Subconscious, as well as highly-practical and real-life tools that support everything we crave as humans: Deep Love, Soul Aligned business and success, clear Intuition and guidance, personal Power, Harmony, and the fulfillment of our Sacred Destinies.

    Enter the Sacred Feminine Mysteries with her here on The Golden Path — and go deeper into the More you're meant for at (

  • В Болгар Капитал Подкаст разгръщаме красотата на света на инвестициите в недвижими имоти, финансите и предприемачеството. Забравете за обикновените подкасти. Това е пътеводител към финансовия успех и живота С ИСТИНСКИ СМИСЪЛ от хора, които РЕАЛНО практикуват това, за което говорят!

    Какво да очаквате:

    Изключителни Гости: Слушайте историите на успешни предприемачи, инвеститори и водещи фигури в света на бизнеса. Гости, които споделят своите пътища, провали и триумфи, което ще ви даде неповторими уроци и преживяване.

    Експертни Съвети: Пийте от извора на знанията - Съвети и стратегии от финансови експерти за ежедневие при нас.

    Вдъхновение и Мотивация: Открийте как успехът може да бъде достигнат по различни пътища. Вдъхновяваме ви да мечтаете без граници и да постигате повече.

    Защо Болгар Капитал Подкаст е Уникален:

    Широка Гама от Теми: Покриваме всичко - от инвестиционни стратегии и финансови новини до предприемачески успехи и житейски уроци, които няма да чуете никъде другаде.Реални Истории, Реални Хора: Не сме теоретици, а практици. Информацията, която ще получите тук идва от хора, които са изживели и успели в сферата, за която говорим.Интерактивност и Общност: Ние сме свързани с нашата общност. Вашите въпроси, коментари и идеи са винаги добре дошли, затова често правим именно такива подкасти
  • The E3 Podcast is designed to promote the growth, development, and strategies of businesses. For the people listening, we will provide you with encouragement, education, and empowerment.

  • Dental Marketing Leader, Grace Rizza hosts Dentistry's Growing with Grace, a dental podcast about marketing, entrepreneurship, and leadership. Get the industry's top innovation, tips, and advice while enjoying a moment of positivity.